[[ [2019-06-14] Separated document from ST3 description Style: {}=bold, <>=italics Type: DVD Date: 22 October 2002 Title: Publisher: Paramount Pictures Summary: The back cover of this re-release of the DVD have a few Klingon sentences, which might be written by Marc Okrand and thus might be canon. ]] Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Special Collector's Edition DVD =================================================================== This DVD has (among others) a special feature is called "Speaking Klingon", described on the back cover as "Linguist Marc Okrand provides a detailed account of the creation of Klingon language and how he created a separate language for Vulcans." Since Okrand was involved in the project, it has been speculated that these sentences may have been written by Okrand, but this has not been verified. (They might therefore be canon.) The are no English translations on the DVD cover. {Qugh la'vaD QIn pav.} [] {qa'vam jan SeH DIvI'.} [] {qa'vam yuQ Quv DaghojmeH Duyma'vaD yIjatlh.} [] {qa'vam jan yISuq.} [] {potlhbe' to'.} [] [eof]