[[ [2013-10-27] added document Type: email Date: 3 August 2012 Title: [Tlhingan-hol] {Ha'DIbaH pong chu': la'SIv} Author: Felix Malmenbeck (reposting a new word from Marc Okrand) Summary: New word {la'SIv} ~turtle~. ]] From: Felix Malmenbeck To: "tlhIngan-Hol@KLI.org" Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 12:07:47 +0000 Subject: [Tlhingan-hol] Ha'DIbaH pong chu': la'SIv --===============2518378516688993670== Content-Language: en-US Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_F52986192E9FE346B0B7EF3D6F98E87711C35924EXDB3ugkthse_" --_000_F52986192E9FE346B0B7EF3D6F98E87711C35924EXDB3ugkthse_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I was conversing with Marc Okrand, recently, and he was kind enough to reve= al the name of one of my favorite animals: {la'SIv} (or {tera' la'SIv}, when speaking of the Earth variety) You'll find the translation of this word below, but first an old story: QIt Suypu' Daq jaHlI' la'SIv, ghomDI' targh Hem. QIt yIttaHmo' la'SIv, ghaH= vaqchoHpu' targh. 'ach Hem je la'SIvvam 'ej targhvaD jatlhta', mach qamDu'wIj 'ach ma'ovchugh= Do qaD vIQaplaH. targh luHaghmoHpu' mu'meyDaj 'ej jatlhta' targh, ngeDbej qaDvam! vIlaj! wa'leS juH vengHomchaj veHDaq ghomchuqta'. qaD loHwI' ghaH Sargh joH'e'. Ho= pbogh nagh tIn ngu'meH SIqta' ghaH 'ej jatlhta', ghochraj 'oH nagh tIn'e'. = QapwI' tu'meH pa' loSlI' puqbe'wI'. Sara'DI' peqetchoH. DaH! SIbI' ghoSchoHta' 'ovwI'pu'. nom qettaH targh 'ej QIt yIttaH la'SIv. wa' tu= p pIq He bID ghoSta' targh. 'emDajDaq bejta' 'ej HoptaH la'SIv 'e' tu'pu'. = vaj HaghtaH targh. tujmoHtaH pemjep jul 'ej targhDaq Sum Sor. Qubpu' targh, qaD vIQapbejmeH Ho= SwIj naQ vIlo'nISbe'. Sorvam QIbDaq loQ jIleSlI'. ghIq jIqetqa'lI'. vaj Sor jaHta' targh 'ej leSchoHta'. leSlI'. QongchoHpu'. QongtaH. 'op lupmey pIq vempu' targh 'ej qetchoHta'. Qapchu' ghaH 'e' pIHtaHmo' Quch= taH. tugh mIytaH ghaH 'ej Ho'lu'taH. wa' tup pIq nagh tIn pawta' targh 'ej Sargh joH puqbe' vanta'. Hemqu'taH 'e= j mI'taH neHtaH. vaj naghHey Sum yorDaq pawmeH Supta'. 'ach mI'choHpu'DI' t= ugh Qompu' 'ej pumpu'. jatlhta' targh mIS, qaSpu' nuq? chovemmoHpu', jatlhta' la'SIv. Hem cha' 'ach nguq wa' mob. teHbe' lutvam 'ach teH qonwI' paQDI'norgh: yIHem 'ach yInguqQo'! ...soooo, anyway: ghItlhta' Hol qonwI''a', > Maltz told me about a Klingon animal that's kind of turtle-like called a = la'SIv. So maybe "turtle" is tera' la'SIv. --_000_F52986192E9FE346B0B7EF3D6F98E87711C35924EXDB3ugkthse_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I was conversing with Marc Okrand, recently, and he was kind enough to= reveal the name of one of my favorite animals:

(or {tera' la'SIv}, when speaking of the Earth variety)

You'll find the translation of this word below, but first an old story:

QIt Suypu' Daq jaHlI' la'SIv, ghomDI' targh Hem. QIt yIttaHmo' la'SIv, ghaH= vaqchoHpu' targh.
'ach Hem je la'SIvvam 'ej targhvaD jatlhta', mach qamDu'wIj 'ach ma'ovchugh= Do qaD vIQaplaH.
targh luHaghmoHpu' mu'meyDaj 'ej jatlhta' targh, ngeDbej qaDvam! vIlaj!

wa'leS juH vengHomchaj veHDaq ghomchuqta'. qaD loHwI' ghaH Sargh joH'e'. Ho= pbogh nagh tIn ngu'meH SIqta' ghaH 'ej jatlhta', ghochraj 'oH nagh tIn'e'. = QapwI' tu'meH pa' loSlI' puqbe'wI'. Sara'DI' peqetchoH.


SIbI' ghoSchoHta' 'ovwI'pu'. nom qettaH targh 'ej QIt yIttaH la'SIv. wa' tu= p pIq He bID ghoSta' targh. 'emDajDaq bejta' 'ej HoptaH la'SIv 'e' tu'pu'. = vaj HaghtaH targh.
tujmoHtaH pemjep jul 'ej targhDaq Sum Sor. Qubpu' targh, qaD vIQapbejmeH Ho= SwIj naQ vIlo'nISbe'. Sorvam QIbDaq loQ jIleSlI'. ghIq jIqetqa'lI'.
vaj Sor jaHta' targh 'ej leSchoHta'. leSlI'. QongchoHpu'. QongtaH.

'op lupmey pIq vempu' targh 'ej qetchoHta'. Qapchu' ghaH 'e' pIHtaHmo' Quch= taH. tugh mIytaH ghaH 'ej Ho'lu'taH.
wa' tup pIq nagh tIn pawta' targh 'ej Sargh joH puqbe' vanta'. Hemqu'taH 'e= j mI'taH neHtaH. vaj naghHey Sum yorDaq pawmeH Supta'. 'ach mI'choHpu'DI' t= ugh Qompu' 'ej pumpu'.
jatlhta' targh mIS, qaSpu' nuq?
chovemmoHpu', jatlhta' la'SIv.

Hem cha' 'ach nguq wa' mob.
teHbe' lutvam 'ach teH qonwI' paQDI'norgh: yIHem 'ach yInguqQo'!

...soooo, anyway:

ghItlhta' Hol qonwI''a',
> Maltz told me about a Klingon animal that's kind of turtle-like called= a la'SIv.  So maybe "turtle" is tera' la'SIv.
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