FORMAT: zrajm-database VERSION: 1.4 SHA1: 95f01d17de990455ee8ac49cdda639e32713ed52 URL: LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 AUTHOR: zrajm 1. About ======== This is *Klingonska Akademien’s* word database. You’re free to use it in any way you see fit, as long as you give us credit and provide a link to the [Klingon Pocket Dictionary]( * [2012-01-27] 2732 Klingon words (not counting affixes, and words marked with ‘*’ in their `tlh:` field). * [2011-11-01] 2698 words. 1.1. Syncing Against This Database ---------------------------------- This file, though human-readable, is written so as to simplify fetching and syncing by external programs. If you’re writing a program which will periodically update its own internal dictionary by fetching this database you should read through the “Metadata Header” section. If you poll this database for changes, please do not use a shorter polling interval than 24 hours. 2. Description of This File’s Format ==================================== Character set is UTF-8. No line exceed 79 characters in length (not counting newline at the end of each line). This goes for both database and comments. The different parts of this file are: 1. Metadata header 2. Preamble (= comments) 3. Database chunk 1. Section 1 2. Section 2 3. ... 4. Postamble (= comments) 2.1. Metadata Header -------------------- The *metadata header* is everything up to the first blank line. It is similar to an email header. It consists of attribute/value pairs, lines with leading whitespace are a continuation of the previous line. This is the meaning of the values: > `FORMAT`: *File format.* Value is always `zrajm-database`. A program fetching > the database should use this to verify that the correct file is received (and > that you’re not receiving an error page or similar). > `VERSION`: *Database version.* This value will change when new fields are > introduced into the dictionary, if a required field is removed or if the > format of a field changes. (This rarely happens.) A program fetching the > database *must not* blindly import the database if `VERSION` has changed > since last fetch (the program itself will need to be updated to handle these > changes -- you might want to tell your users to look for a program update > when this happens). > `SHA1`: *Database chunk checksum.* This value will change whenever a change > is made to the actual database (not counting changes in the commentory > preamble and postamble). A program fetching the database should use this > value to determine whether or not the database has been updated since last > fetch. (Only if `SHA1` has changed since last fetching will there be any need > to update the internal dictionary.) > `URL`: *Web address of the database.* Use this URL to fetch the latest > version the database. (A program to doing this should be prepared to handle > web redirects.) > `LICENSE`: *Database license.* (I’m *not* claiming to license the Klingon > language -- the language isn’t mine to claim.) > `AUTHOR`: *Author of this database.* (As opposed to Marc Okrand, who invented > the language.) 2.2. Database Chunk ------------------- The *database chunk* is everything between the lines “`== start-of-data ==`” and “`== end-of-data ==`” (using two equal signs). The database chunk is in turn split into any number of sections. 2.3. Sections ------------- Each *section* is everything between the lines “`=== start-of- ===`” and “`=== end-of- ===`” (using three equal signs). `` is always lower case, and with hyphens instead of spaces. Any text occurring between sections are ignored. Each section is sorted in Klingon alphabetical order. There are four sections in this database (this is unlikely to ever change): * `word-list` * `verb-prefix-list` * `verb-suffix-list` * `noun-suffix-list` ### 2.3.1. Section Contents ### A section consists of one or more *entries* separated from each other by one blank line. Each entry is built up of *fields* (attribute/value pairs) consisting of a *field name* and a *field value*, each field name is separated from its value with a colon + a single tab character. Like this: NAME:VALUE [CONTINUED] Some field values contain multiple lines (which is good, since lines are not allowed to be longer than 79 characters [see above]). A line which is a continuation of the previous line start with a single tab character. (Programs should consider this indentation equivalent to a single space.) Field names are from the ‘List of Field Names’ below (no other field names are allowed), and the name of the field defines the format of the field value. The same list is used for all sections of the database. (Programs should disregard/throw away fields whose field name is not on the list below, and never present any such field to the user.) ### 2.3.2. List of Field Names ### These are the occurring field names, including descriptions of the format of the value for each of them. This list us used for all the sections of the database. Within each entry, the fields come in the order listed here. (Programs reading this file should not rely on this order, as it is not considered part of the file format. Changes in field ordering only will not result in change of the `VERSION` number.) Fields are either: ‘required’ (= present in all entries); ‘optional’ (= occur in some entries) or ‘multiple’ (= occur some entries but sometimes more than once in the same entry). * `tlh:` Klingon word [REQUIRED] Contains a Klingon text given in curly brackets (e.g. `{jotHa’}`), and optionally a word counter (split into pre-word, post-word, and post-word sub-counter, described below). The Klingon word is also preceded by an asterisk in certain cases (described below). NOTE: If there is more than one word inside the curly brackets `data: phrase` is also set. A leading asterisk is used to indicate `deprecated` and `non-canon` words (e.g. `*{jIn}`). NOTE: Such entries also (1) have the `warn:` field set and (2) have `data: non-canon` or `data: deprecated`. (See: `warn:` and `data:` below.) Words that are homonyms also have one or more counter(s) for describing the layout of the word in the pocket dictionary. There are three such counters: 1. **pre-word counter** comes before the word (in square brackets) and separates homonyms that are not semantically related. E.g. `[1] {nIH}` (verb) versus `[2] {nIH}` (noun). 2. **post-word counter** comes after the word (in square brackets) and separates homonyms that are related in meaning, but which have different parts-of-speech. E.g. `{bach} [1]` (verb) versus `{bach} [2]` (noun). 3. **post-word sub-counter** comes after the word (after a period, inside the same square brackets as the post-word counter) and separates homonyms that are related in meaning *and* have the same parts-of-speech. (This can, for example, be a word with slightly different meanings in {ta’ Hol} and some dialect.) E.g. `{cheSvel} [.1]` (noun) versus `{cheSvel} [.2]` (noun) (regional). All three counters may be used the same time for a specific word. E.g. `[2] {pa’} [.2]` (noun) (slang) or `{qaD} [2.1]` (noun). Taking these counters into account, each `tlh:` field in the dictionary is unique. Ordering of homonyms is (currently) loosely based on dialect and part-of-speech. Standard dialect words are sorted before slang/regional words, and part-of-speech order is as follows. > adv >> v >> excl >> pro >> ques >> conj >> num >> n >> name (Basically ‘verby’ words come first -- since adverbials can form sentences in their own right, as well as take part of a sentence they’re deemed ‘verbier’ that normal verbs, pronouns and (some) question words also move between acting as verbs and nouns and are there fore considered quite verby too. numerals can likewise assume the role of adjectives, which makes them verbier than a plain noun.) This ordering stuff will be formalised (and maybe changed) in the future. Lookup word markup («...») also occurs inside the curly brackets of this field. Everything said about that under the `en:` field also applies here. * `warn:` warning for deprecated or non-canon entries [OPTIONAL] NOTE: All words with a leading asterisk in `tlh:` field, have this field (and no others). Words with a leading asterisk are also labeled `non-canon` or `deprecated` in their `data:` field. * `pos:` part-of-speech [REQUIRED] Gives the part-of-speech, or word class of the entry. The value is a full description (not an abbreviation). Allowed values are: * adverbial * conjunction * exclamation * name * noun * noun suffix type 1 * noun suffix type 2 * noun suffix type 3 * noun suffix type 4 * noun suffix type 5 * numeral * pronoun * question word * verb * verb prefix * verb suffix type 1 * verb suffix type 2 * verb suffix type 3 * verb suffix type 4 * verb suffix type 5 * verb suffix type 6 * verb suffix type 7 * verb suffix type 8 * verb suffix type 9 * verb suffix type rover * `en:` English definition (from canon sources) [REQUIRED] English definition of the Klingon word, with all English lookup words (those words you you would look for in the English--Klingon side of the dictionary) marked with <...> or «...». (These angle brackets are used for extracting and sorting entries for the English--Klingon side of a dictionary, they should not be presented for the end user.) Single angle brackets <...> indicates that the word has been used as a lookup word in a *canon* word list (TKD, KGT or similar). Double angle brackets «...» marks words that have not appeared as lookup words in any canon word list, but which are nevertheless considered to be an acceptable lookup word (commonly these are words used in canon, but not in a canon *word list*). Some additional markup is also used: ~...~ = italic {...} = Klingon (bold) * `sv:` Swedish translation of `en:` [REQUIRED] Same format as `en:` (except that `<...>` is never used, since there has never been any Klingon canon written in Swedish). If a Swedish translation is missing it is marked with «», and the same entry also have a `meta: FIXME` comment. * `desc:` very short description [OPTIONAL] A very brief text describing the Klingon word, meant for inclusion in the pocket dictionary. -- Since brevity is of the essence for this field, the following common dictionary abbreviations are used (their unabbreviated forms are not allowed): * pl. = plural * sg. = singular * obj. = object * subj. = subject * s.o. = somebody/someone * s.t. = something Some additional markup is also used: ~...~ = italic {...} = Klingon (bold) * `def:` source where definition can be found [REQUIRED] Defining source references for this entry. A source count as ‘defining’ if it substantially adds to the understanding of the word. This is usually the first canon mention of the word (where the translation of the word is given), but occasionally there are multiple sources that are important for understanding the word (with additional grammar specific to the word, additional English words to describe it, etc.). Source syntax. * The name of a source is always just one word. (Only alphanumeric characters and hyphen are allowed.) * After the source name (space separated) may follow a page or chapter reference (e.g. "TKD p.45"). This word may never be given in parentheses. * If there are more than one source, they are separated by semicolon. * Secondary source(s) may be specified for each source. Secondary sources are given in parentheses after a (primary) source. -- A secondary source is a source that contains a (whole, or partial) transcript of the primary source. (Secondary sources are especially important where the primary source is difficult to find or obtain.) Source names. * Most sources use the common abbreviations (TKD, CK, PK, TKW, KGT, etc.). For {HolQeD} articles volume and number is included in the name (e.g. "HolQeD-04-3"). In the case of email, news, web and {qep'a'} sources the name is preceded by a date (e.g. "1997-07-20-email" or "1996-qep'a'"). * If there are more than one article in the same issue, or more than one news/email/web posting the same day, the source is further labeled with a letter (e.g. "1997-09-01d-news" or "2002-09-holqed-11-3-b"). * Each sources references point out a file in canon/. To transform a source name into a file name, first a string is generated by downcasing the source reference, removing apostrophes and appending '.txt'. Thereafter the canon/ directory is searched for a file matching this description (optionally preceded by a date). Examples: def: TNK (2011-10-29-Email) def: TKD; SBX-S14 (HolQeD-04-3-a); SBX-S26 (HolQeD-05-3-b) In the top example have TNK as a primary source, and points out that TNK material relevant for this entry can also be found in "2011-10-29-Email". The second example have three primary sources, TKD, and Skybox cards S14 and S26, with each Skybox card having a secondary source in the form of {HolQeD} articles which published transcripts of the cards in question. * `ref:` canon sources where it also occurs [OPTIONAL] Reference source. Basically this means any source where the word is mentioned. Typically one or two illuminating examples are given, but not much more. Same syntax as 'def:' field. * `cite:` quote from specific source [MULTIPLE] One `cite:` field per quote. Each value ends with source reference (with same syntax as 'def:' field) in square brackets. * `com:` special comment concerning the entry [OPTIONAL] Comments concerning the word of this entry. Basically any comment that (1) is of interest to the user and (2) does not belong in the `cite:` or `meta:` or `pun:` fields. FUTURE (March 2012): The `cite:` field is still quite new, and much of the `com:` field contents will be migrating there. * `pun:` comments about puns and/or word play [OPTIONAL] Comments related to puns. Anything from certain and verified puns, to mnemonics, to wild speculation on the punnyness of the word. * `see:` pointer to related word(s) (separated by semicolon) [OPTIONAL] Pointers to synonyms, antonyms and words with similar meanings. Right now not very consistently implemented. * `tag:` topic tags [REQUIRED] Semicolon-separated list of tags, used to lump entries together by topic. (This field is considered free text, adding/changing of categories will not change dictionary VERSION.) This is intended to help users find words related to any the specific topics. The first tag is the coinage year (the year of the first occurrence of the word) -- in some cases this will be before TKD. E.g. if the word occurred in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" the coinage year will be 1979 -- even though that was before the language was actually invented). The following topics currently exist: + `Anglicism` = The Klingon word is borrowed from English (e.g., {qa'vIn}). + `animal` + `architecture` + `body part` + `clothing` + `color` + `country` + `curse` + `economics` + `family` + `fighting` + `food` + `KLCP1` = The 502 basic words which one needs to know in order to pass the first level of KLI’s “Klingon Language Certification Program”. + `Klingonism` = An English translation is borrowed from Klingon (e.g., ~bat'leth~). + `landscape` + `math` + `measure` + `music` + `placement` + `quantity` + `religion` + `shape` + `time` + `weather` Possible/likely changes: Renaming of some categories to include more words. * `data:` data tags [OPTIONAL] Semicolon-separated list of tags. Differs from `tag:` in that the `data:` tags also affect the presence or format of other fields. + `derived form` = The entry is a word built from other Klingon morphemes (these words are included in the dictionary to provide a non-obvious lookup entry in the English--Klingon side of a dictionary; such a `derived form` may thus be excluded from the Klingon--English side when generating a dictionary); e.g. {chenmoHwI’} constructed from {chen} ‘take form’ + {-moH} ‘cause’ + {-wI’} ‘one who does’. + `phrase` = The Klingon word in the entry contains space (i.e. the Klingon lookup entry is more than one word). NOTE: This tag is always present when there is a space in the `tlh:` word. + `deprecated` = The Klingon word of the entry occurs misspelled in canon. The entry is included only for completeness, and also carries a warning which should be displayed to the user. Words marked with this tag may be excluded from the Klingon--English side of a dictionary, and *should* be excluded from the English--Klingon side. Examples: *{tIb}, *{pu’bej} etc. NOTE: An entry with this tag always carry a `warn:` field + leading asterisk in `tlh:` as well. + `non-canon` = The Klingon word of the entry is not canon (used for words that, for various reasons, otherwise might be mistaken for canon). The word is sometimes a word previously thought of as canon, but later disproven, sometimes it is a word occurring in canon either misspelled, or as an example of incorrect usage. Non-canon words are not included in the pocket dictionary. NOTE: An entry with this tag always carry a `warn:` field + leading asterisk in `tlh:` as well. + `non-phonotactic` = The Klingon word of the entry does not adhere to the standard rules for how Klingon syllables are made. Examples are {qIrq} and {pIqarD}. + `exclude from K-E` = This entry will not be included in the Klingon--English side of the pocket dictionary. Words are only excluded when they are present elsewhere in the dictionary, or when they are understandable anyway. E.g. “number suffixes” are excluded because they have their own reference table. Derived forms such as words ending in {-moH} (when they do not differ from the expected meaning ({bolwI’} is included, but {bolwI’} would not be, since it is obvious frob {bol} + {-wI’} ). * `id:` unique, permanent entry ID [REQUIRED] The entry ID uniquely identifies an entry in the dictionary (even across dictionary updates). IDs are guaranteed to be unique, and will not be reused (i.e. the ID of a deleted entry will never re-appear in the dictionary, unless the same dictionary entry is taken back). The ID of an entry remain the same, even when the entry is otherwise modified. The ID value is intentionally kept as short as possible, to facilitate their use for both humans an machines. (We suggest writing `id:Qmp` when using an ID in text, as this value can be pasted straight into the online Klingon Pocket Dictionary to view the entry.) ID values, written in base58, are always three characters long. Values that look similar to Klingon words are disallowed (so as to avoid confusion). This gives us: 58^3-(16*5*16) = 193,832 possible ID values -- far more than is likely to ever be needed. (Base58 was chosen for clarity, it is also used for Bitcoin addresses.) * `meta:` meta comment about entry [OPTIONAL] Editor’s comments on the entry. This is, for example, comments on how the various sources have been combined to form the entry, concerns regarding how to interpret the canon for the entry, or a FIXME if the entry is known to need some additional work. 3. History ========== Brief list of changes made for each VERSION of this file format. Most recent changes first. * 2012-11-21 v1.3 -- Added 'id:' field. * 2012-11-02 v1.2 -- Added new supersection delimiting the database chunk from the comments in the file (encompassing all other sections). Also added `SHA1` metadata field. * 2012-03-25 v1.1 -- Corrected misspelling ‘conjuction’ -> ‘conjunction’ in `pos:` field. (This warranted a VERSION update since the content of this field is exactly specified in the description -- had it been a free text field, VERSION would not have been updated). * 2012-03-24 v1.0 -- Added metadata header. Rewrote dictionary preamble to clarify the file format. 4. Dictionary Consistency ========================= To verify the internal consistency of the database use the `check-dict` program available at . It is written in Perl, and is typically run with: usr/bin/check-dict /dev/null Next comes the first database section. == start-of-data == === start-of-word-list === tlh: {bach} [1] pos: verb en: sv: «skjuta» def: TKD ref: TKW p.148 cite: The verb used for ~shoot~ when referring to disruptors is {bach}. Technically speaking, one shoots the energy beam from the disruptor. The general word for any energy beam (~ray~) is {tIH}, so a disruptor's beam is {nISwI' tIH}. Thus, the correct formation is {nISwI' tIH bach} (~shoot the disruptor beam~). As a practical matter, however, the {tIH} is often left out, and {nISwI' bach} is the common way to say ~shoot a disruptor.~ Similarly, {pu' bach} is ~shoot a phaser.~ [KGT p.56] tag: 1985; fighting; KLCP1 id: Qmp tlh: {bach} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «skott» def: TKD tag: 1985; fighting; KLCP1 id: Z8d tlh: {bachHa'} pos: verb en: , make a [slang] sv: «fela», göra ett «misstag» [slang] def: KGT ref: KLINW pun: This is the first word in the K-E side of the dictionary, and is incorrectly given as a noun. MO has confirmed this to be an intentional error (since there is always an error somewhere, in every dictionary). tag: 1997 id: yLa meta: FIXME -- Should this word even be used? {Qagh} seem to mean the same thing. tlh: {bagh} pos: verb en: sv: «knyta», «binda» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: 3Do tlh: {baghneQ} pos: noun en: «spoon» sv: «sked» def: 1998-05-05a-News ref: KLINW pun: Spoonerism on {nagh beQ} ~flat stone~. tag: 1998; food id: 8aq tlh: {baH} pos: verb en: (torpedo, rocket, missile) sv: «eld», «avfyra» (torped, raket, missil) def: ST1; TKD tag: 1979; fighting; KLCP1 id: Nh3 tlh: {baHjan} pos: noun en: «launcher» sv: «eldrör», «avfyrningstub», «avfyrare» def: BoP ref: KLINW tag: 1998 id: xi1 tlh: {baHwI'} pos: noun en: sv: «skytt», «artillerist» def: TKD tag: 1985; fighting; KLCP1 data: derived form id: WPq tlh: {baj} pos: verb en: , for (actively) sv: «tjäna», göra sig «förtjänt» av, «arbeta» för (aktivt) def: TKW p.125; KGT cite: {yInlu'taH 'e' bajnISlu'.} ~Survival must be earned.~ [TKW p.125] cite: {yay chavlu' 'e' bajnISlu'.} ~Victory must be earned.~ [TKW p.125] cite: {vuv be' 'e' baj} ~win the favor of a woman~ [KGT p.69] tag: 1996 id: msr tlh: {bal} pos: noun en: , , sv: «krus», «kanna», «kruka», «burk», «flaska» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: 848 tlh: {banan naH} pos: noun en: «banana» sv: «banan» def: TNK (2011-10-31-Email) tag: 2011; food data: phrase id: 8pp tlh: {bang} pos: noun en: , one who is loved, «beloved» sv: «älskad», någon som är älskad, älskade def: TKD ref: TKW p.159 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: R32 tlh: {bang «bom»} pos: noun en: sv: «kärlekssång» def: KGT tag: 1997; music data: phrase; derived form id: adL tlh: {bang «pong»} pos: noun en: «pet name», sv: «smeknamn», «ömhetsbetygelse» def: KGT tag: 1997 data: phrase; derived form id: ehk tlh: {baq} pos: verb en: , sv: «avsluta», «avbryta» def: KGT ref: HolQeD-12-2 p.9 cite: A duel ends, normally, with death. It is often the case, however, that one of the combatants will have been outmaneuvered and will find himself in a position from which he clearly cannot recover. Should this occur, he will probably shout out {baq}, a clipped form of {yIbaq} (~Terminate it!~). It is not normal in this context for him to shout out something like {HIHoH} (~Kill me!~), even though this is what he means. [KGT p.69] tag: 1997 id: jMo tlh: {baqghol} pos: noun en: type of , <~bahgol~> sv: en slags «sprit», «~bahgol~» def: KGT tag: 1997; Klingonism id: QHZ tlh: [1] {baQ} pos: verb en: be , be just picked (fruit, vegetable) sv: vara «färsk», vara «nyplockad» (om frukt, grönsak) def: KGT tag: 1997; food id: HxN tlh: [2] {baQ} pos: verb en: «~bat'leth~» from one hand to the other sv: «kasta» en «~bat'leth~» från den ena handen till den andra def: KGT tag: 1997; fighting id: KSB tlh: {baQa'} pos: exclamation en: (general «invective») sv: (generellt «invektiv») def: TKDa 5.5/p.178 ref: KLINW tag: 1992; curse id: gJz tlh: {barat} pos: noun en: «India» sv: «Indien» def: TNK (2011-10-29-Email) tag: 2011; country id: JFP tlh: {bargh} pos: noun en: flat-bottomed for food preparation sv: flatbottnad «skål» för matberedning def: KGT tag: 1997; food id: 2Fk tlh: {barot} pos: name en: «Barot» sv: «Barot» def: KGT p.182 cite: {tI'vIS barot puqloD} ~T'vis, son of Barot~ [KGT p.182] tag: 1997; Klingonism id: HoG tlh: {baS} pos: noun en: sv: «metall» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: znu tlh: {baS «'In»} pos: noun en: «bell» (percussion instrument made of metal) sv: «klocka» (slaginstrument gjort av metall) def: KGT p.75 tag: 1997; music data: phrase; derived form id: Jym tlh: {batlh} [1] pos: adverbial en: , with «honor», «honorably», «honorable» sv: «ärofullt», med «ära», med «heder», «hedervärt» def: TKD ref: TKW pp.47, 71, 129 tag: 1985 id: Pc8 tlh: {batlh} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «ära» def: TKD ref: TKW pp.53, 67; HolQeD-12-3 p.9; KLINW cite: [...] {batlh}, on the other hand, is a grander, more general, more philosophical concept, associated with integrity, rectitude, scruples, and principles. [HolQeD-12-3 p.9] see: {quv} tag: 1985 id: D7p tlh: {batlhHa'} pos: adverbial en: sv: «skamligt», med «vanära» def: TKW pp.55, 139; KGT cite: {batlhHa' vanglu'taHvIS quv chavbe'lu'.} ~One does not achieve honor while acting dishonorably.~ [TKW p.55] cite: {Qu' buSHa'chugh SuvwI', batlhHa' vangchugh, qoj matlhHa'chugh, pagh ghaH SuvwI''e'.} ~If a warrior ignores duty, acts dishonorably, or is disloyal, he is nothing.~ [TKW p.139] tag: 1996 id: KCa tlh: {bav} pos: verb en: sv: röra sig i en «omloppsbana» kring, «kretsa» kring def: TKD tag: 1985 id: LWF tlh: {bay} pos: noun en: Klingon ~«{b}»~ sound sv: klingonskans «{b}»-ljud def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email) tag: 2009 id: mi3 tlh: {ba'} pos: verb en: sv: «sitta» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: wJM tlh: {beb} pos: noun en: «roof» sv: «tak», yttertak def: 1998-12-07-News ref: KLINW cite: On occasion, though, the ceiling of the top floor is called {pa' beb}, literally ~room's roof~ (from {pa'} ~room~ plus {beb} ~roof~). The term {beb} refers to the covering on top of a structure. [1998-12-07-News] tag: 1998; architecture id: 5kS tlh: {beb mutlhwI'} pos: noun en: «roofer» sv: «takläggare» def: 2012-01-12-Email tag: 2012; architecture data: phrase id: 68e tlh: {bech} pos: verb en: sv: «lida» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: yts tlh: {begh} pos: noun en: sv: «deflektorer» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: h38 tlh: {beH} pos: noun en: sv: «gevär» def: TKD tag: 1985; fighting id: Jpf tlh: {bej} [.1] pos: verb en: sv: «vaka» över, hålla ett öga på, «titta» på def: TKD ref: TKW p.19 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: B1R tlh: {bej} [.2] pos: verb en: be , be , be , be [slang] sv: vara helt «säker», vara «viss» [slang] def: KGT tag: 1997 id: qUL tlh: {bel} [1] pos: verb en: be sv: vara «nöjd», vara «belåten» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: i5L tlh: {bel} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «välbehag», «nöje» def: TKD ref: TKW p.45 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: KzM tlh: {belHa'} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «missnöjd», vara «missbelåten» def: TKD tag: 1985 data: derived form id: f7j tlh: {bem} pos: noun en: sv: «fot«sula»» def: KGT tag: 1997; body part id: M1L tlh: {ben} pos: noun en: s ago, sv: för ... «år» sedan, «år gammal» desc: {loSmaH ben jIboghpu'} ~I'm 40 years old~ (lit. ~I was born 40 years ago~); {cha'vatlh ben HIq} ~two century old ale~ def: TKD; PK; 1996-12-12a-News; KGT cite: ~I will drink two century old ale.~ {cha'vatlh ben HIq vItlhutlh.} [PK] cite: {vagh SanID ben buDbe' wamwI'pu'. ngugh Ho'Du'chaj lo' chaH, 'ach DaH tajmey lo'.} ~5,000 years ago, hunters were not lazy. Then (at that time) they used their teeth, but now they use knives.~ [1999-11-05-News] com: Combinations with {ben} and quantity words other than numbers are often seen on tlhingan-hol, even though canon support for them is (so far) missing. E.g. {ben law'} ~many years ago~, {ben puS} ~[a] few years ago~, {'op ben} ~some (unknown number of) years ago~. pun: Igor/Aryeh pointed out [on tlhingan-hol] that the Hebrew word *ben* ~son~ is used when giving ages (for males); e.g. *Ani ben X* ~I am X [years] old~, *Hu ben X* ~He is X [years] old~. tag: 1985; time id: iR9 tlh: [1] {bep} pos: verb en: , , sv: «klaga», «invända», «gnälla» def: TKD ref: TKW p.46 tag: 1985 id: gEu tlh: [2] {bep} pos: noun en: sv: «vånda», «kval», «plågor» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 7EW tlh: {beq} [.1] pos: noun en: , crewman sv: «manskap», «besättningsman» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: AxK meta: FIXME -- Should this be merged with {beq} [.2] ~bekk~? tlh: {beq} [.2] pos: noun en: «bekk» (rank) sv: «bekk» (rang) def: DI p.242 (2001-02-17-Email) cite: ~bekk~ ({beq}) A rank given to enlisted personnel in the Defense Force. [First referenced in "Sons and Daughters" (DS9).] [DI p.242] tag: 2001 id: AY9 meta: FIXME -- Should this be merged with {beq} [.2] ~crew, crewman~? tlh: {beqpuj} pos: noun en: type of , <~bekpuj~> (bright orange in color) sv: en slags «mineral», «~bekpuj~» (starkt orange till färgen) def: KGT cite: {Doq 'ej beqpuj rur} means ~(it) is {Doq} and resembles bekpuj~, a common mineral that is bright orange. [KGT p.82] tag: 1997; Klingonism id: ufG tlh: {beQ} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «platt» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: UTa tlh: {bergh} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «irritabel», vara «lättretlig», vara «retlig» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: BUe tlh: {bertlham} pos: noun en: «ending», «final portion» (of a song, play, story etc.) sv: «avslutning», «slut» (på sång, pjäs, historia, etc.) def: HolQeD-12-2 pp.8--9 ref: KLINW; TDNW cite: For an opera, play, story speech, and so on, the final portion is its {bertlham}. This word usually refers to the last aria or other musical portion in an opera, last speech in a play, last sentence or so of a story or an address. The {bertlham} of a well-known work is often well-known itself, as is its beginning ({bI'reS}). [HolQeD-12-2 pp.8--9] see: {bI'reS} ~beginning~ tag: 2003; music id: gup tlh: {betleH} pos: noun en: type of hand , «~bat'leth~» sv: ett slags hand«vapen», «~bat'leth~» def: TKDa ref: TKW p.79 cite: ~bat'leth~ ({betleH}) Curved, four-bladed, two-handed weapon. This is the most popular handheld, edged weapon used by Klingon warriors, due to it being favored by Kahless. The legendary Sword of Kahless was a ~bat'leth,~ and most Defense Force warriors are proficient with it. [First seen in "Reunion" (TNG).] [DI p.241] tag: 1992; fighting; Klingonism id: j8C tlh: {betleH «bey'»} pos: noun en: «~bat'leth~ display» sv: «~bat'leth~-ställ» def: KCD ref: KLINW tag: 1996; fighting; Klingonism data: phrase id: Wy7 meta: FIXME -- Should the Swedish translation be "ställ" or "uppvisning"? tlh: {betleH «'obe'»} pos: noun en: «Order of the «~Bat'leth~»» sv: «~Bat'leth~-ordern» (ett ordensällskap) def: KGT p.182 tag: 1997; Klingonism data: phrase id: YAy tlh: {bey} pos: noun en: , sv: «tjuta», «yla» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: ZgR tlh: {beylI'} pos: noun en: «bank» sv: «bank» def: TNK (2011-11-04-Email) cite: ~Where is the bank?~ {nuqDaq 'oH beylI''e'?} [TNK] tag: 2011; economics id: ctx tlh: {bey'} pos: noun en: sv: «ceremoniell utställning», «ceremoniell uppvisning» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: FkK meta: FIXME -- Should the Swedish translation be "ställ", like the other "display" related words? tlh: {be'} pos: noun en: , sv: «kvinna», «hona» def: TKD tag: 1985; family; KLCP1 id: bvH tlh: {be'etor} pos: name en: «B'Etor» sv: «B'Etor» def: SBX-S26 (HolQeD-05-3-b); KGT p.197 ref: KLINW com: B'Etor is one of the Duras sisters. tag: 1996; Klingonism id: Y1F tlh: {be'Hom} pos: noun en: sv: «flicka» def: TKD tag: 1985; family; KLCP1 id: sgj tlh: {be'joy'} pos: noun en: «torture-by-women» (ritualized torture of prisoners, performed by women) sv: «kvinnotortyr» (rituell tortyr av fångar, utförd av kvinnor) def: Sarek pp.163, 164, 180, 181 ref: KLINW tag: 1994 id: j6J tlh: {be'nal} pos: noun en: sv: «maka», «hustru», «fru» def: TKD tag: 1985; family; KLCP1 id: rnu tlh: {be'nI'} pos: noun en: sv: «syster» def: TKD tag: 1985; family; KLCP1 id: DXE tlh: *{be'nI'nal} warn: non-canon suggestion, use {loDnI' be'nal} or {be'nI' be'nal} instead pos: noun en: «sister-in-law» sv: «svägerska» def: 2010-12-22-Email (2010-12-25-Email) cite: There was another question about whether {loDnI'nal} and {be'nI'nal} could be ~brother-in-law~ and ~sister-in-law.~ Maltz said he didn't think there were specific words for these concepts. He said to just describe the relationship: {loDnI' loDnal} and {be'nI' loDnal} for ~brother-in-law~ and {loDnI' be'nal} and {be'nI' be'nal} for ~sister-in-law.~ He said you could even say things like {be'nal loDnI' be'nal} ~wife's brother's wife.~ But he preferred to call all these people {'e'nalpu'} ~people who married into the family.~ [2010-12-22-Email] see: {loDnI' be'nal}; {be'nI' be'nal} tag: 2010 data: non-canon; derived form id: f8p tlh: {be'taSeD} pos: noun en: «Betazed» (planet) sv: «Betazed» (planet) def: MKE (2011-09-01-Email) tag: 2011 id: CRc meta: FIXME -- Federation; tlh: {bID} pos: noun en: sv: «halva», «hälft» desc: {bID choQ} ~half a deck~ [BoP] def: TKD tag: 1985; math; quantity id: dPd tlh: {bIghHa'} pos: noun en: , sv: «fängelse» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: oub tlh: {bIH} pos: pronoun en: , (incapable of language) sv: «de», «dem» (oförmögna till språk) def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: h9b tlh: {bIj} [1] pos: verb en: sv: «straffa» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: yGv tlh: {bIj} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «straff» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: azb tlh: {bIm} pos: noun en: second of nonatonic musical scale sv: andra «tonen» på den nonatoniska skalan def: KGT tag: 1997; music id: ns9 tlh: {bIng} pos: noun en: area , area sv: område «nedanför», område «under» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement id: vMs tlh: {bIp} pos: numeral en: (number-forming element) sv: «hundratusen» (nummerbildande element) def: TKD com: Number-forming element, see also TKD 5.2. tag: 1985; math data: exclude from K-E id: AWe tlh: {bIQ} pos: noun en: sv: «vatten» def: TKD ref: TKW pp.34--35; KLINW cite: Just as "blood" is used figuratively to refer to power, "water" carries the opposite and negative connotation of lack of control. [TKW p.34] tag: 1985; KLCP1; weather id: LmD tlh: {bIQ «bal»} pos: noun en: sv: «vattenkrus», «vattenkanna» def: KGT tag: 1997 data: phrase; derived form id: zjf tlh: {bIQDep} pos: noun en: sv: «fisk» def: KGT see: {ghotI'} tag: 1997; animal; food id: Lnn tlh: {bIQ Duj} pos: noun en: «ship», «boat» sv: «skepp», «båt» def: TNK (2011-11-04-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: vqX tlh: {bIQ ghaywI'} pos: noun en: «shower» sv: «dush» def: TNK (2011-11-04-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: iBf tlh: {bIQ ghaywI' pa'} pos: noun en: «shower» room sv: «dush»rum def: TNK (2011-11-04-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: Ae2 tlh: {bIQSIp} pos: noun en: «hydrogen» sv: «väte» def: BoP ref: KLINW tag: 1998 id: oS1 tlh: {bIQSIp «'ugh»} pos: noun en: «deuterium isotope» sv: «deuteriumisotop» def: BoP ref: KLINW tag: 1998 data: phrase; derived form id: fNX tlh: {bIQtIq} pos: noun en: sv: «flod», «älv» def: TKD ref: TKW p.203 tag: 1985; landscape id: VdP tlh: {bIQ'a'} pos: noun en: sv: «ocean», «hav» def: TKD tag: 1985; landscape; weather id: hX3 tlh: {bIQ'a' HeH} pos: noun en: «beach» sv: «strand» def: TNK (2011-10-30-Email) cite: {nuqDaq 'oH bIQ'a' HeH'e'?} ~Where is the beach?~ [TNK] tag: 2011 data: phrase id: qk5 tlh: {bIr} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «kall» def: TKD ref: TKW pp.133, 174 tag: 1985; KLCP1; weather id: EQE tlh: {bIraqlul} pos: noun en: <~brak'lul~> (redundancy in body parts) sv: «~brak'lul~» (dubbel uppsättning av kroppsorgan) def: KGT tag: 1997; Klingonism id: 1dt tlh: {bIreqtal} pos: noun en: <~Brek'tal~ ritual> sv: «~Brek'tal~ ritual» def: KGT tag: 1997; Klingonism id: MwK tlh: {bIreQtagh} pos: noun en: <~bregit~ lung> sv: «~bregitlunga~» def: TKDa ref: KLINW; KCD cite: ~bregit~ lung ({bIreQtagh}) Food made from the lung of an animal, presumably a ~bregit.~ [First seen in "A Matter of Honor" (TNG).] [DI p.242] com: Food item shown and described on KCD. tag: 1992; food; Klingonism id: Z16 tlh: {bIS'ub} pos: noun en: «bottom» (interior bottom) sv: «botten» (invändig botten) def: HolQeD-08-3 p.2 ref: KLINW see: {yor}; {pIrmuS} tag: 1999; placement id: r5K tlh: {bIt} pos: verb en: be , be sv: vara «nervös», vara «rastlös» def: TKD see: {jotHa'}; *{tIb} tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: pAj tlh: {bIv} pos: verb en: (rules) sv: «bryta» mot (regler) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: LFX tlh: {bI'} pos: verb en: (away) sv: «svepa» undan, «avskaffa», «röja» undan def: KGT tag: 1997 id: Grz tlh: {bI'rel} pos: noun en: «~B'rel~ class» (vessel) sv: «~B'rel~-klass» (av farkost) def: BoP cite: {Segh: bI'rel tlharghDuj} ~Model: B'rel Class Scout~ [BoP] tag: 1998; Klingonism id: Nu7 tlh: {bI'reS} pos: noun en: «beginning» (of a song, play, story etc.) sv: «inledning», «början» (på sång, pjäs, historia, etc.) def: HolQeD-12-2 pp.8--9 ref: KLINW; TDNW see: {bertlham} tag: 2003; music id: k2Y tlh: {bo} pos: noun en: «feather» sv: «fjäder» (på fågel) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.5 ref: KLINW tag: 2001 id: n4k tlh: {bobcho'} pos: noun en: sv: «modul» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: VXF tlh: {boch} pos: verb en: , be shiny sv: «skina», vara «blank», vara «glänsande» def: TKD ref: TKW p.103 tag: 1985 id: mDG tlh: {bochmoHwI'} pos: noun en: , [slang] sv: «smickrare», «lismare» [slang] def: KGT tag: 1997 id: bnK tlh: {boD} pos: noun en: [regional] sv: «panna» [regionalt] def: KGT tag: 1997; body part id: 4SK tlh: {bogh} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «född» def: TKD ref: TKW p.5 tag: 1985 id: 1Qv tlh: {boH} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «otålig» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: LvV tlh: {boj} pos: verb en: sv: «tjata» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: UZB tlh: {bol} pos: verb en: sv: «dregla» def: TKD E-K; KGT tag: 1985 id: zS8 tlh: {bolwI'} pos: noun en: [slang] sv: «förrädare» [slang] def: KGT tag: 1997 id: qN7 tlh: {bom} [1] pos: verb en: , sv: «sjunga», «mässa» def: TKW p.17; KGT cite: {ta'mey Dun, bommey Dun.} ~Great deeds, great songs.~ [TKW p.15] cite: {bomDI' 'IwwIj qaqaw.} ~The memory of you sings in my blood.~ [TKW p.17] cite: A song is a {bom}, and to sing a song is likewise {bom}. The set of lyrics to a song is termed {bom mu'} (literally, ~song word~ or ~song words~). [KGT p.71] tag: 1996; music id: EYR tlh: {bom} [2] pos: noun en: , sv: «sång» def: TKW p.15; KGT tag: 1996; music id: b9M tlh: {bom «mu'»} pos: noun en: , lyrics sv: «sångtext», «låttext» def: KGT tag: 1997; music data: phrase; derived form id: uFB tlh: {bomwI'} pos: noun en: «singer» sv: «sångare», «sångerska» def: KGT p.71 tag: 1997; music data: derived form id: p5U tlh: {bong} pos: adverbial en: , by accident sv: av «misstag», «oavsiktligt» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Wgj tlh: {bop} pos: verb en: be «about» (something), be «concerned» with sv: vara «om» (något), «handla» om (något) def: 2005-qep'a' (2005-07-27a-Email; 2005-08-01-Web) ref: TDNW; KLINW cite: {'e' bop} ~That's what it's all about.~ [2005-07-27a-Email] cite: {HolQeD bopbe' paqvam} ~this book is not about linguistics~. [2005-08-01-Web] tag: 2005 id: 75D tlh: {boq} [1] pos: verb en: «ally» with, «form» an alliance with sv: «alliera» med, «förena» med, skapa en allians med def: HolQeD-09-3 p.9 ref: KLINW cite: used in math: {boq} for addition, {boqHa'} for subtraction, {X-logh boq'egh Y} for multiplication, {X-logh boqHa''egh Y} for division. [KLINW] see: {boqHa'}; {chen} tag: 2000; math id: 8PK tlh: {boq} [2] pos: noun en: , , , «fusion» sv: «allians», «block», «sammanslutning», «koalition», «fusion» def: TKD; HolQeD-04-4 p.11; KGT; BoP ref: KLINW cite: {Hong boq chuyDaH: loS} ~Impulse Fusion Thrusters -- 4~ [BoP] tag: 1985 id: aGW meta: Entries from TKD, KGT and BoP have been combined here. tlh: {boqHa'} pos: verb en: «dissociate» from sv: «skilja» ifrån def: HolQeD-09-3 p.9 ref: KLINW cite: used in math: {boqHa'} for subtraction [KLINW] see: {boq}; {chen} tag: 2000 data: derived form id: pme tlh: {boqrat} pos: noun en: type of , <~bokrat~> sv: ett slags «djur», «~bokrat~» def: KGT see: {boqrat chej} ~stewed bokrat liver~ tag: 1997; food; Klingonism id: HdE meta: Spelled "bok-rat" in DI, "bokrat" in KGT. KGT spelling used here. tlh: {boqrat chej} pos: noun en: «stew»ed «~bokrat~» «liver» sv: «stuvad «~bokrat«lever»~»» def: KGT cite: ~bok-rat~ liver, stewed ({boqrat chej}) Food made from the liver of a ~bok-rat,~ apparently cooked to some degree, making it unusual among Klingon foods. [First seen in "Soldiers of the Empire" (DS9).] [DI p.242] see: {boqrat} ~bokrat~ tag: 1997; food; Klingonism data: phrase id: Ke6 meta: Spelled "bok-rat" in DI, "bokrat" in KGT. KGT spelling used here. tlh: {boq «ru'»} pos: noun en: sv: «koalition» def: KGT tag: 1997 data: phrase; derived form id: F56 tlh: {boQ} [1] pos: verb en: sv: «hjälpa» till, «assistera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: SwA tlh: {boQ} [2.1] pos: noun en: , «assistance» sv: «hjälp», «assistans» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: TQX tlh: {boQ} [2.2] pos: noun en: sv: «medhjälpare» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 56y tlh: {boQDu'} pos: noun en: sv: «adjutant», «ordonnans» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: DPj tlh: {bor} pos: verb en: «gurgle» (sound from stomach) sv: «kurra», «knorra» (ljud från mage) def: HolQeD-12-4 p.8 ref: TDNW; KLINW tag: 2003 id: Hdd tlh: {borg} pos: noun en: sv: def: LangFest19: Klingon Workshop ( tlh: {borghel} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (very small, its eggs are considered quite tasty) sv: ett slags «fågel» (väldigt liten, dess ägg anses mycket goda) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 ref: KLINW tag: 2001; animal id: V85 tlh: {bortaS} pos: noun en: sv: «hämnd» def: TKD ref: TKW pp.121, 133 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: Wn2 tlh: {bortaS «DIb»} pos: noun en: sv: «Vedergällningsrätt», «Rätt till hämnd» desc: a legal right def: TKW p.121; KGT cite: In Klingon society revenge is not merely a desirable response to an affront; it is, at least under some circumstances, a legal right called the ~Right of Vengeance~ ({bortaS DIb}). [TKW p.121] tag: 1996 data: phrase id: ssa tlh: {boS} pos: verb en: sv: «samla in», «hämta in» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 7pF tlh: {bot} pos: verb en: , , , «intercept» sv: «förhindra», «blockera», «hindra», «hejda», «stoppa» def: TKD ref: TKW p.9; MKE (2012-03-02-Email) cite: {Dubotchugh yIpummoH.} ~If it's in your way, knock it down.~ [TKW p.9] cite: {qarDaSQa'Daq ruDelya' rop'a' Hergh qengbogh yo' Dabot.} ~Intercept Rudellian plague relief convoy to Cardassian Union.~ [MKE] see: {waQ} ~obstruct~ tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: ui1 meta: FIXME -- Abstract/active meaning? (Such as a parent prohibiting a child from buying candy, or moving an arm to block a blow etc.) See also {waQ} which perhaps is the same thing in a more concrete/passive way? tlh: {botjan} pos: noun en: (force field on ship) sv: «sköldar» (kraftfält på skepp) def: KGT tag: 1997 id: nXB tlh: {botlh} pos: noun en:
, sv: «center», «mitt» def: TKD tag: 1985; placement id: e2D tlh: {bov} pos: noun en: sv: «era», «epok» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Xgt tlh: {bo'Dagh} pos: noun en: , scooping implement (to serve food) sv: «skopa», «skyffel» (för att servera mat) def: KGT tag: 1997; food id: MdP tlh: {bo'Degh} pos: noun en: «bird» sv: «fågel» def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 ref: KLINW cite: The most general Klingon word for a creature of this type is {bo'Degh}, and this is the Klingon word Maltz would use to translate ~bird.~ [HolQeD-10-4 p.4] com: general word for bird-like creature tag: 2001; animal id: ZwB tlh: {bo'DIj} pos: noun en: sv: «domstol», «rätt», «rättssal» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: nsG tlh: {bo'retlh} pos: noun en: «Boreth» (planet) sv: «Boreth» (planet) def: MKE (2011-09-01-Email) tag: 2011 id: opR meta: Klingon Empire; tlh: {buD} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «lat» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: TSe tlh: {bup} pos: verb en: sv: «sluta», «avsluta» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ehY tlh: {buq} pos: noun en: «bag», «sack», «pouch», «pocket» sv: «påse», «säck», «pung», «ficka» def: 2010-12-07-Email (2010-12-25-Email) pun: [Steven Boozer:] He's [Marc Okrand] made two previous puns on Pocket Books, his New York publisher: i.e. {paq} and {buq}. [2011-10-24c-Email] tag: 2010 id: NjK tlh: {buQ} pos: verb en: sv: «hota» def: TKD ref: TKW p.7 tag: 1985 id: sCS tlh: {bur} pos: verb en: «hiccup» sv: «hicka» def: HolQeD-12-4 p.8 ref: TDNW; KLINW tag: 2003 id: gba tlh: {burgh} pos: noun en: sv: «mage», «magsäck» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: gww tlh: {burgh «quD»} pos: noun en: sv: «naturligt framställd «~qud~»» def: KGT tag: 1997; Klingonism data: phrase id: gVV tlh: {buS} pos: verb en: on, on, only about sv: «koncentrera» sig på, «fokusera» på, «tänka» enbart på def: TKD ref: TKW pp.81, 171, 197 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: Xed tlh: {buSHa'} pos: verb en: , not focus (on) sv: «ignorera», inte «fokusera» (på) def: TKW p.139; KGT cite: {Qu' buSHa'chugh SuvwI', batlhHa' vangchugh, qoj matlhHa'chugh, pagh ghaH SuvwI''e'.} ~If a warrior ignores duty, acts dishonorably, or is disloyal, he is nothing.~ [TKW p.139] tag: 1996 data: derived form id: utf meta: Definition ~not focus [on]~ comes from KGT p.149. tlh: {butlh} pos: noun en: under fingernails sv: «smuts» under naglarna def: TKD ref: TKW p.142; KLINW cite: In Federation Standard, an approximate equivalent is gall. Indeed, Worf said to Kevin Uxbridge, "Your attempt to hold the away team at bay with a nonfunctioning weapon was an act of unmitigated gall... I admire gall." Had Worf said that Uxbridge's action was "an act of unmitigated dirt under the fingernails," he would have been misunderstood, at the very least. The Klingon way to say, "you lack gall" is "{HuH DaHutlh.}" This is literally "You lack bile," and a Klingon would probably only understand it biologically. [TKW p.142] tag: 1985 id: TEj tlh: {buv} [1] pos: verb en: sv: «klassificera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: QJz tlh: {buv} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «klassifikation» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 3AY tlh: {buy'} pos: verb en: be , be up sv: vara «full», vara «fylld» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: Aoe tlh: {buy' «ngop»} pos: exclamation en: , it's «good to hear» that [slang] sv: «goda nyheter», det var «gott att höra» [slang] def: KGT p.147 et al. tag: 1997 data: phrase id: W73 tlh: {bu'} pos: noun en: sv: «sergeant» (rang) def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 1Gq tlh: {cha} pos: noun en: sv: «torpeder» def: ST1; TKD see: {peng} is the singular form tag: 1979 id: qxw tlh: [1] {chab} pos: noun en: , , «dumpling» sv: «paj», «bakverk», «kroppkaka» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: sHs tlh: [2] {chab} pos: noun en: , [slang] sv: «uppfinning», «innovation» [slang] def: KGT tag: 1997 id: riA tlh: {chach} [1] pos: verb en: be «auxiliary», be for «backup» use sv: vara i «reserv», vara till för «nödläge»n def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9) cite: {chach} ~auxiliary, backup~ (= ~emergency~) [veS-QonoS] cite: {chach!} [~Emergency!~] (untranslated) [ST6] cite: {tlham chach chu'qa'} ~Restoring auxiliary gravity.~ (clipped?) [ST6] cite: If I heard this correctly, {chach} appears to be acting as a quality here: "backup/auxiliary gravity". If it's a noun, I would expect the noun+noun phrase ?{chach tlham} "emergency gravity". [2006-10-04-Email] tag: 1990 id: 1aF meta: Part-of-speech is not specified (and unclear) in {veS QonoS}. tlh: {chach} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «nödläge», «nödsituation» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: E8t tlh: {chach Duj} pos: noun en: «ambulance» sv: «ambulans» def: TNK (2011-10-30-Email) cite: {chach Duj yIrI'!} ~Get an ambulance!~ [TNK] tag: 2011 data: phrase id: 8Rg tlh: {chaDvay'} pos: noun en: «radio », Hertz («unit» of frequency) sv: «radio«frekvens»», hertz (frekvensenhet) def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT ref: TDNW cite: ~Hertz (frequency)~ {chaDvay'} [HolQeD-01-3 p.9] tag: 1990; measure id: 1Ft tlh: {chagh} pos: verb en: sv: «släppa», «tappa» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: r9S tlh: {chaH} pos: pronoun en: , (capable of using language) sv: «de», «dem» (förmögna till språk) def: TKD ref: TKW p.33 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: DUd tlh: {chaj} pos: noun en: > of a female sv: «väninna», «nära kvinnlig «vän»» till en kvinna def: KGT tag: 1997 id: efk tlh: {chal} pos: noun en: sv: «himmel» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1; landscape; weather id: iqr tlh: {chalqach} pos: noun en: «tower» sv: «torn» def: 2010-qep'a' (2010-07-26a-Email) tag: 2010 id: QbJ meta: FIXME: Reference to mention in {paq'batlh}. tlh: {chaltoq loS} pos: noun en: «Chaltok IV» (planet) sv: «Chaltok IV» (planet) def: MKE (2011-09-01-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: Ufb meta: FIXME -- Romulan Star Empire; tlh: {cham} pos: noun en: sv: «teknologi» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: gxP tlh: {chamwI'} pos: noun en: sv: «tekniker» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: DGX tlh: {chan} pos: noun en: area eastward, area towards the «east» sv: område österut, område i «öster» def: 1999-11-21-News (HolQeD-08-4-a pp.6--8) cite: The areas associated with {'ev} and {tIng} are something like 100 degrees apart from each other, and each is 130 degrees away from the area associated with {chan}. [1999-11-21-News] cite: 90 degrees on Terran 360 degree compass with north as 0 and degrees counted clockwise [KLINW] tag: 1999; placement id: aRc tlh: {chanDoq} pos: noun en: sv: «marinad» def: KGT see: {HaH} ~marinade~ tag: 1997; food id: LAJ tlh: {chang'eng} pos: noun en: «pair» sv: «par» def: BoP cite: {tlhIngan chang'engvetlh} ~that klingon couple~ [ST5 Special Edition DVD Extras] pun: Chang and Eng is a famous pair of conjoined twins. tag: 1998; math id: 4dp tlh: {chap} pos: noun en: (of hand) sv: «handrygg» def: TKD tag: 1985; body part id: zKR tlh: {chaq} pos: adverbial en: , «maybe» sv: «kanske», «kanhända» def: TKD; TKW p.153 tag: 1985 id: 9x3 tlh: {chaQ} pos: verb en: upward with end of «~bat'leth~» sv: «stöta» uppåt med spetsen på en «~bat'leth~» def: KGT tag: 1997; fighting id: zhT tlh: {char} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «slemmig», vara «hal» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: S5K tlh: {chargh} pos: verb en: sv: «erövra» def: TKD ref: TKW pp.5, 149 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: hjo tlh: {charghwI'} pos: noun en: , sv: «segrare», «erövrare» def: TKW p.179; KGT cite: {reH lugh charghwI'.} ~The victor is always right.~ [TKW p.179] cite: {qun qon charghwI'pu''e'.} ~History is written by the victors.~ [TKW p.179] tag: 1996 data: derived form id: Vyu tlh: {chaS} pos: noun en: «top» (of cane or walking stick) sv: «topp», «överdel» (på käpp eller stav) def: HolQeD-12-2 p.7 ref: TDNW tag: 2003 id: z8K tlh: [1] {chatlh} pos: noun en: (thick) sv: «gryta», «soppa» (tjock) def: KGT tag: 1997; food id: rHq tlh: [2] {chatlh} pos: noun en: , [slang] sv: «nonsens», «gallimatias» [slang] def: KGT tag: 1997 id: FEo tlh: {chav} [1] pos: verb en: sv: «uppnå» def: TKD ref: TKW pp.55, 115, 125, 165, 211 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: cns tlh: {chav} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «prestation», «bedrift» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: hZj tlh: {chaw'} [1] pos: verb en: , sv: «tillåta» def: TKD ref: TKW p.37 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 26J tlh: {chaw'} [2] pos: noun en: , «ticket» sv: «tillåtelse», «tillstånd», «licens», «biljett» def: TKD E-K ref: TNK (2011-10-30-Email) cite: {cha'puj vIngevmeH chaw' HInobneS!} ~Give me a permit to sell dilithium, your honor.~ [PK] cite: {nuqDaq chaw' vIje'?} ~Where can I buy a ticket?~ [TNK] tag: 1985 id: PZA tlh: {chay} pos: noun en: Klingon ~«{ch}»~ sound sv: klingonskans «{ch}»-ljud def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email) tag: 2009 id: N5E tlh: {chay'} pos: question word en: ? sv: «hur»? desc: {chay'} ~how did this happen?~ [TKD p.70]; {chay' Dochvam vIlo'} ~what do I do with this?~ [TKD p.172]; first in sentence def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 77v tlh: [1] {cha'} pos: verb en: , (picture), «project» sv: «visa» (en bild), «projicera» def: ST1; TKD 7.1/p.73 et al. tag: 1979 id: 7TA tlh: [2] {cha'} pos: numeral en: sv: «två» def: TKD tag: 1985; math id: Xsd tlh: {cha'bIp} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (noted for its speed) sv: en slags «fågel» (berömd för sin snabbhet) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 pun: A long-legged bird that can run fast. The pun "beep-beep" suggests this more like a roadrunner, than an ostrich. tag: 2001; animal id: 9Y4 tlh: {cha'DIch} [1] pos: numeral en: sv: «andra» def: TKD tag: 1985; math id: ZU7 tlh: {cha'DIch} [2] pos: noun en: «aide», «second» sv: «medhjälpare», «sekond» def: TKW p.21 cite: {cha'DIch} Literally, ~second.~ During a legal proceeding, the accused is denied combat, and so must have a second, called a {cha'DIch,} to defend him or her. [First referenced in "Sins of the Father" (TNG).] [DI p.242] tag: 1996 id: h6p tlh: {cha'Do'} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (about which little is known) sv: en slags «fågel» (om vilken litet är känt) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 tag: 2001; animal id: 6k9 tlh: {cha'Hu'} pos: noun en: before «yesterday» sv: «förrgår» def: TKD tag: 1985; time id: CGg tlh: {cha'leS} pos: noun en: after «tomorrow» sv: «övermorgon» def: TKD tag: 1985; time id: hoL tlh: {cha'logh} pos: adverbial en: sv: «två gånger» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: cq7 tlh: {cha'naS} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (small, digs up bugs to eat) sv: en slags «fågel» (liten, gräver upp småkryp att äta) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 tag: 2001; animal id: s42 tlh: {cha'neH} pos: noun en: «forearm» sv: «underarm» def: 2011-qepHom'a' (2011-11-14a-Email; 2011-11-15a-Email) tag: 2011; body part id: z5D tlh: {cha'nob} pos: noun en: > sv: «rituella «gåvor»» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: V2k tlh: {cha'par} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (noted for its song) sv: en slags «fågel» (berömd för sin sång) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 tag: 2001; animal id: Pve tlh: {cha'puj} pos: noun en: sv: «dilitium» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: jzL tlh: {cha'pujqut} pos: noun en: sv: «dilitiumkristall» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Wk5 tlh: {cha'qu'} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (with a noisy, repetitive cry) sv: en slags «fågel» (med ett högljutt, enformigt skrik) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 tag: 2001; animal id: 68Z tlh: {cha''etlh pe'wI'} pos: noun en: «scissors» sv: «sax» def: TNK (2011-11-02-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: EqW tlh: {cheb} pos: noun en: «~cheb~» («unit» of «weight») sv: «~cheb~» («vikt«enhet»») desc: about 5 lb or 2.25 kg def: 1997-10-22-News tag: 1997; Klingonism; measure id: MhD tlh: {cheb'a'} pos: noun en: big «~cheb~» («unit» of «weight») sv: stor «~cheb~» («vikt«enhet»») desc: 9 ~cheb~ = about 45 lb or 20.25 kg def: 1997-10-22-News; BoP cite: (n) unit weight approx. 45--46.4 pounds (20.4--21.05 kg) (9--9.28 cheb) [The numbers don't quite mesh, but this is the best I can figure from different equivalences we've been given.] [BoP poster] (Added: 12 March 2002) [KLINW] tag: 1997; Klingonism; measure id: LL3 tlh: {chech} pos: verb en: be , be sv: vara «full», vara «berusad» def: TKD tag: 1985; food; KLCP1 id: qbs tlh: {chechtlhutlh} pos: noun en: type of , <~chech'tluth~> sv: en slags «sprit», «~chech'tluth~» def: KGT cite: ~chech'tluth~ ({chechtlhutlh}) An alcoholic beverage best served heated and steaming. The word seems to derive from the verbs meaning ~to drink~ and ~to get drunk.~ [First seen in "Up the Long Ladder" (TNG).] [DI p.242] tag: 1997; food; Klingonism id: rZV meta: Entries differ in source. The spelling "~baceh'tluth~" found in KGT K-E is presumed an error and not included here. tlh: {chegh} pos: verb en: (to) sv: «återvända» (till) desc: {DujDaq tera' vIchegh} ~I return to Earth in a ship~; place returned to is obj. def: TKD; 1999-07-19b-Email ref: TDNW; KLINW cite: {ghorgh pa'wIjDaq jIchegh?} ~When can I return to my room?~ [CK] cite: {loSleS jIchegh.} ~I return in four days.~ [1998-05-22-News] cite: {lupDujHomDaq jIchegh} ~I return on the shuttle.~ / {lupDujHom vIchegh} ~I return to the shuttle.~ / {lupDujHomDaq may'Duj vIchegh} ~I return to the battle cruiser on the shuttle~ / {tera'vo' Qo'noS vIchegh} ~I return to Kronos from Earth~ [1999-07-19b-Email] tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: x8A tlh: {cheH} pos: verb en: sv: «hoppa av» (politiskt) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ifd tlh: {chej} pos: noun en: sv: «lever» def: KGT tag: 1997; body part; food id: v6C tlh: {chel} pos: verb en: sv: «addera», «lägga ihop», «lägga till» def: TKD tag: 1985; economics; KLCP1; math id: g2x tlh: {chelwI'} pos: noun en: , [slang] sv: «kamrer», «revisor», «finansman» [slang] def: KGT cite: Mildly derogatory in its slang usage, this word literally means ~adder, one who adds.~ There is no known nonslang counterpart, though {HuchQeD} (literally, ~money science~) is often used for ~economics.~ [KGT p.148] tag: 1997; economics; math id: dqX tlh: {chemvaH} pos: noun en: type of , «~chemvah~» sv: ett slags «djur», «~chemvah~» def: KGT cite: [I]t is relatively easy to tell if a Klingon is interested in you as a potential mate. [...] [F]emale Klingons slink around like a Hellenian Mynx and make sounds like the {chemvaH}. [PK] tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism id: ezA tlh: {chen} pos: verb en: up, «form» sv: «bygga» upp, «bildas», «formas», «ta» «form», anta «skepnad» def: TKD ref: HolQeD-09-3 p.9 cite: used in math where the subject is the result of the formula statement (typically using some form of the verb {boq}). The {chen} statement follows the {boq} statement with a semicolon dividing them in Okrand's notation. [KLINW] see: {boq}; {boqHa'} tag: 1985; math id: cwU tlh: {chenmoH} pos: verb en:
, , sv: «forma», «göra», «skapa», «bilda» def: KGT tag: 1997 data: derived form id: mQH tlh: {chenmoHwI'} pos: noun en: , sv: «skapare», «tillverkare» def: KGT tag: 1997 data: derived form id: BAP tlh: {cheng} pos: name en: «Chang» sv: «Chang» def: ST6; KGT p.52 tag: 1991; Klingonism id: 2SE tlh: {chep} pos: verb en: , be prosperous sv: ha «framgång», vara «framgångsrik» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: Cfo tlh: {cher} pos: verb en: , up sv: «etablera», «sätta» upp, «ordna» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: H1C tlh: {chergh} pos: verb en: sv: «tolerera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: gRE tlh: {cheSvel} [.1] pos: noun en: type of sv: en slags «rock» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: Mop tlh: {cheSvel} [.2] pos: noun en: , «jacket» (general term) [regional] sv: «rock», «jacka» (generell term) [regionalt] def: KGT tag: 1997 id: bQj meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. tlh: {chetvI'} [.1] pos: noun en: > sv: «torped«tub»» def: TKD see: {DuS} tag: 1985 id: 9fj tlh: {chetvI'} [.2] pos: noun en: «~chetvi~», sv: «~chetvi~», «spjutslunga» def: KGT tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism id: 8bU meta: The word "~chetvi~" found in definition of {wob} in KGT K-E. tlh: {chev} pos: verb en: sv: «separera», «dela», «avskilja» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: xYh tlh: {chevwI' «tlhoy'»} pos: noun en: territorial «wall» (e.g. Berlin Wall) sv: territorial«mur» (t.ex. Berlinmuren) def: 1998-12-07-News tag: 1998; architecture data: phrase id: fSN tlh: {che'} pos: verb en: , , , sv: «regera», «styra», «härska», «leda», «presidera», sitta «ordförande» def: TKD; KGT tag: 1985 id: Hdf tlh: {che'ron} pos: noun en: sv: «slagfält» def: KGT pun: The planet Cheron was the home of the half-white/half-black aliens in TOS "Let This Be Your Last Battlefield." (The Battle of Cheron was a pivotal battle that took place in 2160, the outcome of which effectively ended the Earth--Romulan War, with the "humiliating defeat" of the Romulans. [ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Pt. II"].) tag: 1997 id: jdb tlh: {chIch} pos: adverbial en: , on purpose, sv: «avsiktligt», med «flit» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: PK6 tlh: {chID} pos: verb en: sv: «erkänna» def: TKD ref: TKW p.212 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: ma2 tlh: {chIj} pos: verb en: sv: «navigera», «styra» def: TKD ref: TKW p.63 tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: FT2 tlh: {chIjwI'} pos: noun en: sv: «navigatör» def: TKD tag: 1985 data: derived form id: vQQ tlh: {chIl} pos: verb en: , «misplace» sv: «förlora», «tappa» bort, «glömma» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: xGo tlh: {chIm} pos: verb en: be , be , be , be «drained» sv: vara «tom», vara «övergiven», vara «obebodd», vara «förbrukad», vara «tömd» def: TKD; MKE (2012-01-01-Email; 2012-03-02-Email) cite: {cha'pujqutmey chIm lutamlu'.} ~Drained dilithium crystals are replaced.~ [MKE] tag: 1985 id: aAc meta: Entries differ and have been combined here; ~be drained~ meaning appeared first in MKE. tlh: {chIp} pos: verb en: , (hair) sv: «klippa», «trimma» (hår) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: HbF tlh: {chIrgh} pos: noun en: (structure) sv: «tempel» def: TKD tag: 1985; religion id: vFv tlh: {chIS} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «vit» def: TKD tag: 1985; color; KLCP1 id: NYa tlh: {chob} pos: noun en: «corridor» sv: «korridor» def: BoP tag: 1998 id: qky tlh: {chob'a'} pos: noun en: main «corridor» sv: huvud«korridor» def: BoP tag: 1998; architecture data: derived form id: xqM tlh: {choghvat} pos: noun en: leading to door of a ship, «gangplank» sv: «trappuppgång» vid skeppsdörr, «landgång» def: KGT tag: 1997; architecture id: Fso tlh: {choH} [1] pos: verb en: , sv: «ändras», «förändras» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 4W4 tlh: {choH} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «förändring» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Afq tlh: {chol} pos: verb en: in, «get» closer, «come» nearer sv: «närma» sig, «komma» närmare, «nalkas» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 4aq tlh: {choljaH} pos: noun en: sv: «hästsvanshållare» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 6zz tlh: {chom} pos: noun en: sv: «bartender» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ENQ tlh: {chon} pos: noun en: sv: «jakt» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: ji4 tlh: {chon «bom»} pos: noun en: sv: «jaktsång» def: KGT tag: 1997; music data: phrase; derived form id: r6Y tlh: {chonnaQ} pos: noun en: > sv: «jakt«spjut»» def: KGT tag: 1997; fighting id: 6dX tlh: {chontay} pos: noun en: > sv: «rituell «jakt»» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: Y65 tlh: {chong} [1.1] pos: verb en: be sv: vara «vertikal» def: TKD tag: 1985; placement id: ejd tlh: {chong} [1.2] pos: verb en: be , be , be «careful» [slang] sv: vara «grundlig», vara «ordentlig», vara «omsorgsfull», vara «noggrann» [slang] desc: {chong yaS} ~the officer is careful/profound~; person is subj. def: KGT cite: Literally ~be vertical,~ this word is used to refer to one's intellect, as in {chong tlhIngan SuvwI'} (~The Klingon warrior is profound~---literally, ~The Klingon warrior is vertical~; {tlhIngan,} ~Klingon~; {SuvwI',} ~warrior~). In its literal sense, this word is the opposite of {SaS} (~be horizontal~), and as a slang term, it is an opposite as well, as {SaS} is used to mean ~be shallow, superficial.~ It is most likely that {chong} took on its slang meaning because of the prior existence of {SaS}, which has been used as slang for a much longer time. An equivalent meaning may be expressed without slang by using a word such as {Qubchu'} (~think perfectly, think clearly~; {Qub,} ~think~; {-chu',} ~perfectly, clearly~), as in {Qubchu' tlhIngan SuvwI'} (~The Klingon warrior thinks clearly~). [KGT p.148] see: {Qub} ~think~ tag: 1997 id: eWK tlh: {chong} [2] pos: exclamation en: «good», «excellent», «admirable» [slang] sv: «bra», «utmärkt», «beundransvärt» [slang] def: KGT pp.148--149 cite: Literally ~be vertical~ [...] The word {chong} may also be used as an exclamation expressing approval or satisfaction, somewhat like standard {maj} (~good~). Thus, one may describe one's feelings about a skillfully made knife or about an upcoming social event by saying simply {chong} (literally, ~vertical~ but meaning ~good, excellent, admirable~). See also {qu'} (literally, ~be fierce~), another slang term used to express approval. [KGT pp.148--149] see: {maj} ~good~ (excl); {qu'} ~be great~ (v) (slang) tag: 1997 id: oJP tlh: {chop} pos: verb en: sv: «bita» def: TKD cite: {HIchop, bang.} ~Give us a kiss, love.~ (~Bite me, love.~) [RT] tag: 1985; food; KLCP1 id: 5BY tlh: {choptaH} pos: verb en: sv: «gnaga», «tugga» def: KGT tag: 1997; food data: derived form id: cqJ tlh: {choq} pos: verb en: , «save» sv: «bevara», «skydda» def: TKD ref: TKW p.211 tag: 1985 id: MWE tlh: {choQ} pos: noun en: «deck» (on a ship) sv: «däck» (på skepp) def: BoP tag: 1998 id: fmr tlh: [1] {chor} pos: noun en: sv: «mage», «buk» def: TKD tag: 1985; body part id: XKS tlh: [2] {chor} pos: noun en: ceramic flat-bottomed [regional] sv: flatbottnad «skål» av keramik [regionalt] def: KGT tag: 1997; food id: YJ1 tlh: {chor «bargh»} pos: noun en: ceramic flat-bottomed [regional] sv: flatbottnad «skål» av keramik [regionalt] def: KGT tag: 1997; food data: phrase id: wpH tlh: {chorgh} [1] pos: numeral en: sv: «åtta» def: TKD tag: 1985; math id: 9GB tlh: {chorgh} [2] pos: noun en: eight of nonatonic musical scale sv: åttonde «tonen» på den nonatoniska skalan def: KGT tag: 1997; music id: 45C tlh: {chorghDIch} pos: numeral en: sv: «åttonde» def: TKD tag: 1985; math id: sYo tlh: [1] {choS} pos: verb en: sv: «överge» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ey7 tlh: [2] {choS} pos: noun en: sv: «skymning» def: TKD tag: 1985; time id: jbp tlh: {chot} pos: verb en: sv: «mörda» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: FUi tlh: {chotwI'} pos: noun en: «murderer» sv: «mördare» def: KGT p.25 tag: 1997 data: derived form id: Bfn tlh: {chov} pos: verb en: , sv: «bedöma», «utvärdera» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: AuU tlh: {chovnatlh} pos: noun en: sv: «exemplar» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Rmf tlh: {cho'} [1] pos: verb en: (to authority) sv: «efterträda» (en maktposition) def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: 1kM tlh: {cho'} [2] pos: noun en: sv: «tronföljd», «arvföljd» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: LWw tlh: {chuch} pos: noun en: sv: «is» def: TKD ref: TKW p.190 tag: 1985; weather id: XHH tlh: {chuH} [.1] pos: verb en: (a spear) at, (a spear) at sv: «kasta» (ett spjut) mot, «slunga» (ett spjut) mot desc: {qachuH} ~I throw (a spear) at you~; target is obj. def: KGT cite: the direct object is the target [TDNW] tag: 1997; fighting id: Xv1 tlh: {chuH} [.2] pos: verb en: clearly to, for, for [slang] sv: «förklara» noga för, «förtydliga» för, närmare «ange» för [slang] desc: {qachuH} ~I clarify (it) for you~; one getting explanation is obj. def: KGT cite: In the slang sense, the object of the verb is the person who wants clarification, as in {HIchuH!} (~Clarify for me!~ ~Spell it out for me!~; literally, ~Throw [a spear] at me!~) or {yaS chuH} (~He/she clarifies [it] for the officer~; literally, ~He/she throws [a spear] at the officer~). [KGT p.149] see: {QIj} ~explain~ tag: 1997 id: 4Ev tlh: {chuHchu'} pos: verb en: «hit» with a thrown spear sv: «träffa» med ett kastat spjut def: KGT p.64 tag: 1997; fighting data: derived form id: eB6 tlh: {chun} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «oskyldig» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Cc7 tlh: {chunDab} pos: noun en: sv: «meteor» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: xyE tlh: {chung} pos: verb en: sv: «accelerera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: WTN tlh: {chup} pos: verb en: , sv: «rekommendera», «föreslå» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: Uxb tlh: {chuq} pos: noun en: , sv: «räckvidd», «avstånd» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 7Wc tlh: {chuq'a'} pos: noun en: «long range» sv: «stor räckvidd», «stort avstånd» def: BoP tag: 1998 data: derived form id: fDm tlh: {chuQun} pos: noun en: sv: «adelsstånd», «ädelhet», «upphöjdhet» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: re7 tlh: {chuS} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «högljudd», vara «stojande», vara «bråkig» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: V6B tlh: {chuS'ugh} pos: noun en: type of sv: ett slags «musik«instrument»» def: TKDa tag: 1992; music id: tMN tlh: {chut} pos: noun en: sv: «lag» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: pn1 tlh: {chuv} pos: verb en: be over sv: vara «kvar», vara «över», vara «överbliven» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: i2P tlh: {chuvmey} pos: noun en: (grammatical term) sv: «rester» (grammatisk term) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: dFG tlh: {chuy} pos: verb en: «sneeze» sv: «nysa» def: HolQeD-12-4 p.8 ref: TDNW cite: If one were to {chuy} ~sneeze,~ one would likely eject {'IqnaH} ~mucus~ (or sometimes {'IqnaH QaD} ~dry mucus~). [HolQeD-12-4 p.8] pun: "achoo!" (interjection for the sound of sneezing) see: {'IqnaH} tag: 2003 id: SDu tlh: {chuyDaH} pos: noun en: sv: raketmotorer, «raketer» def: TKD see: {vIj} is the singular form tag: 1985 id: Afo tlh: [1] {chu'} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «ny» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 22k tlh: [2] {chu'} [.1] pos: verb en: , (a device) sv: «slå på», «aktivera», «starta» (en apparat) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: USh tlh: [2] {chu'} [.2] pos: verb en: (a musical instrument) sv: «spela» (ett musikinstrument) def: KGT tag: 1997; music id: RZe tlh: {chu'wI'} [.1] pos: noun en: sv: «avtryckare» def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); TKDa tag: 1990 data: derived form id: 2c1 tlh: {chu'wI'} [.2] pos: noun en: (of an instrument) sv: «musiker» (som spelar ett instrument) def: KGT tag: 1997; music data: derived form id: vj7 tlh: {Da} pos: verb en: as, in the manner of sv: «bete» sig som, «agera» på samma sätt som def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: ZnV tlh: {Dab} pos: verb en: in/at, in/at sv: «vistas» hos/i, «bo» hos/i, «vara» hos def: KGT tag: 1997 id: Ugu tlh: {Dach} [.1] pos: verb en: be sv: vara «frånvarande» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: RQZ tlh: {Dach} [.2] pos: verb en: be , be , , not «pay «attention»» [slang] sv: vara «ouppmärksam», vara «distraherad», sakna «koncentration» [slang] def: KGT cite: {Dach} ("not pay attention, be distracted, lack focus") The verb {Dach} literally means "be absent," but when applied to a person who is obviously present or otherwise accounted for, it is usually interpreted to mean that the person's mind has wandered. It does not mean "absentminded," which involves forgetfulness. Rather, it means that the person is, for whatever reason, not focusing on the task at hand. Nonslang equivalents are {qImHa'} ("not pay attention") and {buSHa',} ("not focus [on], ignore.") [KGT p.149] cite: {Dach} be not attentive, be distracted, lack focus (v) (slang) [KGT K-E/p.214] cite: [be] distracted, lack focus (v) (slang) {Dach} [KGT E-K/p.240] cite: lack focus, to not pay attention, be distracted (v) {Dach} (slang) [KGT E-K/p.248] cite: [be] not attentive, be distracted (v) (slang) {Dach} [KGT E-K/p.251] tag: 1997 id: HE8 meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. tlh: {Daghtuj} pos: noun en: of animal parts, mixed together sv: «blandning» av djurdelar, ihopblandade «djurdelar» def: KGT tag: 1997; food id: CkZ meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. tlh: [1] {DaH} pos: adverbial en: sv: «nu» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: a9y tlh: [2] {DaH} pos: noun en: «bank», «array» (of weapons) sv: «batteri», «uppsättning» (av vapen) def: KGT p.56; BoP tag: 1997; fighting id: jV2 tlh: {DaHjaj} pos: noun en: sv: «idag» def: TKDa ref: TKW p.203 tag: 1992; KLCP1; time id: mi9 tlh: {DaHjaj «gheD»} pos: noun en: in a restaurant, "«catch of the day»" sv: «rätt» på restaurang, "«dagens fångst»" def: KGT tag: 1997; food data: phrase id: ghf tlh: [1] {Daj} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «intressant» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: mkn tlh: [2] {Daj} pos: verb en: inconclusively sv: «pröva», «testa» (på ett icke-avgörande sätt) def: TKDa ref: TKW p.104 tag: 1992 id: 1vh tlh: {Dal} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «tråkig» def: TKD ref: TKW p.201 pun: Prononced similar to English ~dull~. tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 9Hf tlh: {Dan} pos: verb en: (military term) sv: «ockupera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ucC tlh: {Dap} pos: noun en: sv: «nonsens» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: QPG tlh: {Dap «bom»} pos: noun en: sv: «nonsens«sång»» def: KGT tag: 1997; music data: phrase; derived form id: EgN tlh: [1] {Daq} pos: verb en: sv: «tjuv«lyssna»» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 89g tlh: [2] {Daq} pos: noun en: , , «place» sv: «plats», «ställe» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: JxM meta: The word "place" does not occur in any canon sources, but was added to ease lookup. tlh: {Daqtagh} pos: noun en: >, <~d'k tahg~> sv: «krigares «kniv»», «~d'k tahg~» def: KGT cite: ~d'k tahg~ ({Daqtagh}) Personal dagger. All Defense Force warriors carry their own ~d'k tahg,~ which is personalized with their name and House. [First seen in ~Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.~] [DI p.242] see: {DuQwI'Hommey} ~small spikes on the d'k tahg pommel~; {moQ} [.2] ~spiked pommel of a d'k tahg knife~; {tajHommey} ~retractable small blades on a d'k tahg knife~ tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism id: dbQ tlh: {DaQ} pos: noun en: sv: «hästsvans» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: MFp tlh: {Dargh} pos: noun en: sv: «té» def: TKDa tag: 1992; food id: KGY tlh: {Dargh «HIvje'»} pos: noun en: sv: «témugg», «tékopp» def: KGT see: {tu'lum} ~teacup~ tag: 1997; food data: phrase; derived form id: Ni6 tlh: {DarSeq} pos: noun en: <~darsek~> ( of ) sv: «~darsek~» («valuta«enhet»») def: KGT tag: 1997; economics; Klingonism; measure id: MWJ meta: In KGT as "~darsek,~ unit of currency (n)", here changed slightly to reseble the other units. tlh: {DaS} pos: noun en: sv: «känga», «stövel» def: TKD ref: 1996-qep'a' pun: "Das Boot"! "Last year, I asked Marc Okrand if it was intentional; he said yes." (Alan Anderson, {qep'a'} 1996) tag: 1985; clothing; KLCP1 id: E5c tlh: {DaSpu'} pos: noun en: sv: «stövelspik», «kängspik», «tåspik» def: TKD see: {wIl} ~spike~; {DuQwI'} ~spike~ tag: 1985; clothing id: 9Q3 tlh: {Dat} pos: noun en: , all places sv: «överallt», alla platser desc: never takes {-Daq} [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28] def: TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28 et al. com: Locative word, never followed by {-Daq} [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28]. tag: 1985; placement id: JEZ tlh: {Dav} pos: verb en: be «sway»ing, be moving «left» or «right» (aircraft moving without turning) sv: vara i rörelse i «sidled» (flygmaskin rör sig till «höger» eller «vänster» utan att svänga) def: HolQeD-11-2 p.9 cite: When it [an aircraft] moves to the side (not when the nose points to the left or right, but when the plane slides to the left or right without otherwise changing its orientation), it is said to {Dav} ~sway~. [HolQeD-11-2 p.9] see: {Der} ~be yawing~, {ron} ~be rolling~, {tor} ~be pitching~, {jIm} ~be heaving~, {jer} ~be surging~ tag: 2002 id: LTT meta: Translation given in HolQeD-11-2 is {Dav} ~sway~, however that article seems to suggest that the word works similarly to {ron} ~be banking, be rolling~, and is therefore translated as ~be heaving~ here. One would probably say {Dav Duj} ~the vessel is moving left or right~, and {Duj DavmoH 'orwI'} ~the pilot is moving the vessel left or right~. tlh: {DavHam} pos: noun en: «false» «honor» sv: «falsk» «ära» def: HolQeD-12-3 p.9 ref: TDNW cite: [...] covers the same semantic ground as both {HoQ} [~be honored falsely~] and {Qaq} [~behave falsely honorably~] (but not really {mIl} [~be formerly honored~]). {DavHam} is different from {quvHa'ghach} ~dishonor~ (noun) in that the latter does not imply seeming to be honorable or the appearance of honorability, but rather the lack of or loss of honor. [HolQeD-12-3 p.9] cite: undeserved honor [TDNW] see: {HoQ}; {Qaq}; {quvHa'ghach} tag: 2003 id: xZM tlh: {Daw'} [1] pos: verb en: sv: «revoltera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 5iv tlh: {Daw'} [2] pos: noun en: , revolution sv: «revolt», «revolution» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 7Ra tlh: {Day} pos: noun en: Klingon ~«{D}»~ sound sv: klingonskans «{D}»-ljud def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email) tag: 2009 id: xen tlh: {Day joH} pos: name en: «Lady Di» sv: «Lady Di» def: RT cite: {DaH nuq ta'pu' Day joH?} ~What has Lady Di done now?~ (~What has Lord/Lady Di accomplished now?~) [RT] tag: 1996; Anglicism data: phrase id: SdJ tlh: {DayquS} pos: noun en: type of , sv: en slags «planta», «dikusplanta» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: ZbZ tlh: {Da'} pos: noun en: (rank) sv: «korpral» (rang) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Ymi tlh: {Da'nal} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior) sv: en slags «fågel» (kännetecknad av irrande, oförutsägbart beteende) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 com: similar to {Da'vI'} tag: 2001; animal id: uKS tlh: {Da'vI'} pos: noun en: type of «bird» (characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior) sv: en slags «fågel» (kännetecknad av irrande, oförutsägbart beteende) def: HolQeD-10-4 p.4 com: similar to {Da'nal} tag: 2001; animal id: RZd tlh: {Deb} pos: noun en: sv: «öken», «ödemark» def: TKD tag: 1985; weather id: 2dG tlh: {Dech} pos: verb en: sv: «omge», «omgärda» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 4SJ tlh: [1] {Degh} [1] pos: noun en: sv: «roder» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 7e8 tlh: [1] {Degh} [2] pos: verb en: without a plan, [slang] sv: «handla» utan uppgjord plan, «improvisera» [slang] def: KGT tag: 1997 id: poB tlh: [2] {Degh} pos: noun en: , , «symbol», «insignia» sv: «medalj», «emblem», «symbol», «märke» def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: mVQ tlh: {DeghwI'} pos: noun en: sv: «rorsman» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: uAA tlh: {DeH} pos: verb en: be , be overripe (fruit, vegetable) sv: vara «mogen», vara «övermogen» (frukt, grönsak) def: KGT tag: 1997; food id: Mh5 tlh: {Dej} pos: verb en: sv: «kollapsa» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 72o tlh: {Del} pos: verb en: sv: «beskriva» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: o4L tlh: {DenIb} pos: noun en: «Denebia» sv: «Denebia» def: TKD K-E tag: 1985 id: JMD tlh: {DenIbngan} pos: noun en: «Denebian» sv: «denibier» (person) def: TKD K-E tag: 1985 id: yYV tlh: {DenIb Qatlh} pos: noun en: «Denebian slime devil» sv: «denebiansk slemdjävul» def: TKD K-E tag: 1985; animal data: phrase id: NJm tlh: {DenIbya'} pos: noun en: sv: «Denebia» def: TKD E-K tag: 1985 id: z41 tlh: {DenIbya'ngan} pos: noun en: sv: «denibier» (person) def: TKD E-K tag: 1985 id: hhA tlh: {DenIbya' Qatlh} pos: noun en: sv: «denebiansk slemdjävul» def: TKD E-K tag: 1985; animal data: phrase id: eLQ tlh: {Denmargh} pos: noun en: «Denmark» sv: «Danmark» def: TNK (2011-10-29-Email) tag: 2011; country id: FkL tlh: {Dep} pos: noun en: (nonhumanoid) sv: «varelse» (icke-humanoid) def: TKD see: {ghot}; {nuv}; {yoq} tag: 1985 id: HC7 tlh: {DeQ} pos: noun en: («unit» of «currency») sv: «kredit» («valuta«enhet»») def: TKD tag: 1985; economics; measure id: 49z meta: In TKD as "credit (monetary unit)", but "monetary unit" was here changed to "unit of currency", for consistency with other unit words. tlh: {Der} pos: verb en: be «yaw»ing, be «turn»ing (aircraft move nose left or right) sv: vara «gira»nde, vara «svänga»nde (flygmaskin rör nosen till höger eller vänster) def: HolQeD-11-2 p.9 cite: When the nose of an airplane or similar craft moves to the left or the right, the plane is said to {Der} ~yaw~. [HolQeD-11-2 p.9] see: {ron} ~be rolling~, {tor} ~be pitching~, {jIm} ~be heaving~, {Dav} ~be swaying~, {jer} ~be surging~ tag: 2002 id: wZe meta: Translation given in HolQeD-11-2 is {Der} ~yaw~, however that article seems to suggest that the word works similarly to {ron} ~be banking, be rolling~, and is therefore translated as ~be yawing~ here. One would probably say {Der Duj} ~the vessel is yawing~, and {Duj DermoH 'orwI'} ~the pilot is yawing the vessel~. tlh: {DeS} [.1] pos: noun en: (body part) sv: «arm» def: TKD tag: 1985; body part; KLCP1 id: GvK tlh: {DeS} [.2] pos: noun en: , sv: «skaft», «yxskaft» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: MQW meta: Entries differ in source. One of the KGT E-K entries is used here. tlh: {DeSqIv} pos: noun en: sv: «armbåge» def: KGT tag: 1997; body part id: CRp tlh: {Dev} pos: verb en: , sv: «leda», «guida» def: TKD ref: TKW p.iii tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: oSk tlh: {DevwI'} pos: noun en: sv: «ledare» def: PK; KGT ref: TKW pp.63, 66 cite: the word for ~leader~ is {DevwI'} [PK] cite: {nIteb SuvnIS DevwI'.} ~A leader must stand alone.~ [TKW p.63] cite: {wa' Qu'vaD wa' DevwI' tu'lu'.} ~For one mission, there is one leader.~ [TKW p.66] tag: 1993 data: derived form id: 7MA tlh: {De'} pos: noun en: , sv: «data», «fakta», «information» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: cVz tlh: {De' chu' ghItlh} pos: noun en: «newspaper» sv: «dagstidning», «nyhetstidning» def: TNK (2011-11-02-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: D8h tlh: {De' jengva'} pos: noun en: «compact disk», «CD» sv: «CD»-skiva def: TNK (2011-11-02-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: oaY tlh: {De'wI'} pos: noun en: sv: «dator» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: hHU tlh: {DI} pos: noun en: , «rubble», , «garbage» sv: «skräp», «avfall», «spillror», «grus», «sopor» def: TKDa; TKW p.104 tag: 1992 id: vKS tlh: {DIb} pos: noun en: , sv: «rätt», «privilegium», «rättighet» def: TKD; KGT tag: 1985 id: Kz5 tlh: {DIch} pos: noun en: sv: «säkerhet», «visshet» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Gyo tlh: {DIghna'} pos: noun en: type of sv: en slags «planta» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: 8uE tlh: {DIj} [.1] pos: verb en: sword blade along opponent's blade sv: «slå» med svärd längsmed motståndares klinga def: KGT tag: 1997 id: y52 tlh: {DIj} [.2] pos: verb en: use a pigment stick, with pigment stick sv: använda en pigmentpinne, «måla» med pigmentpinne def: KGT tag: 1997; color id: mzZ tlh: {DIl} pos: verb en: for sv: «betala» för def: TKD tag: 1985; economics; KLCP1 id: YVb tlh: {DIlyum} pos: noun en: sv: «trillium» def: TKD com: Trillium. Gemstone traded on planet Organia [STE]. Mentioned in TOS "Errand of Mercy" and DS9 "Trials and Tribble-ations". tag: 1985; Anglicism id: xDD meta: One might argue that the word is actually a Klingonism (i.e. borrowed from Klingon into English) but with a prefix like "tri-" it seems far more likely that {DIlyum} is derived from the English word. tlh: {DIn} pos: noun en: «entryway» (to a tunnel, conduit, etc.; not a door) sv: «ingång», «öppning» (till en tunnel, rör etc., utan dörr) def: HolQeD-12-2 p.7 ref: TDNW cite: If there's a door there, it's referred to by the usual word for door, {lojmIt}. [HolQeD-12-2 p.7] see: {qa'rI'}, {lojmIt} tag: 2003; architecture id: wTZ tlh: {DIng} pos: verb en: sv: «rotera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: LTe tlh: {DIp} pos: noun en: sv: «substantiv» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 9Tu tlh: {DIr} pos: noun en: sv: «skinn» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: 5jY tlh: {DIron} pos: noun en: sv: «säckpipa» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: q83 tlh: {DIr QanwI' taS} pos: noun en: «suntan lotion» sv: «sololja» def: TNK (2011-11-02-Email) tag: 2011 data: phrase id: C8a tlh: {DIr «'In»} pos: noun en: «drum» (percussion instrument with a stretched animal skin) sv: «trumma» (slaginstrument med ett sträckt djurskinn) def: KGT p.75 tag: 1997; music data: phrase; derived form id: Vzq tlh: [1] {DIS} pos: verb en: sv: «bekänna» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: C1m tlh: [2] {DIS} pos: noun en: sv: «grotta» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: L5N tlh: [3] {DIS} pos: noun en: (Klingon) sv: «år» (klingonskt) def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1; measure; time id: JWz tlh: {DIv} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «skyldig» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 7iT tlh: {DIvI'} pos: noun en: , , «association», «league», «union» sv: «federation», «organisation», «förening», «sammanslutning», «förbund», «union» def: TKD; HolQeD-04-4 p.11 tag: 1985 id: aaR meta: Entries from TKD and HolQeD-04-4 p.11 have been combined here. tlh: {DIvI'may'Duj} pos: noun en: sv: «federations«stridskryssare»» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: zcZ tlh: {Do} pos: noun en: , «speed» sv: «hastighet», «fart» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ikx tlh: [1] {Doch} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «oförskämd» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: GmX tlh: [2] {Doch} pos: noun en: sv: «sak» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: VdU tlh: {DoD} pos: noun en: (in coordinates) sv: «mark», «märke», «punkt», «komma», «avskiljare» (i koordinater) def: TKDa tag: 1992 id: wSb tlh: {Dogh} pos: verb en: be , be sv: vara «fånig», vara «löjlig» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: SsR meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. tlh: {Doghjey} pos: noun en: sv: «ovillkorlig «kapitulation»» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ia9 tlh: {DoH} pos: verb en: away from, back off, away from sv: «backa» iväg från, «rygga» bort ifrån, «ta» sig bort ifrån def: TKD ref: TKW p.211 tag: 1985 id: r3L tlh: {DoHmoH} pos: verb en: back sv: «driva» tillbaka def: KGT p.48 tag: 1997 data: derived form id: QdN tlh: {Doj} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «imponerande» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: hR3 tlh: {Dol} pos: noun en: , «whole» sv: «väsen», självständig «helhet» def: TKD; TKW p.209 tag: 1985 id: nBf tlh: {Dom} pos: noun en: (crude dilithium crystal) sv: «radan» (oraffinerad dilitiumkristall) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: 9WN tlh: {Don} pos: verb en: be , go parallel to sv: vara «parallell», röra sig parallellt med def: TKD tag: 1985 id: tZr tlh: {Dop} pos: noun en: sv: «sida» def: TKD tag: 1985; placement id: QAK tlh: {Doq} pos: verb en: be , be sv: vara «orange», vara «röd» def: TKD ref: KGT p.82; 1998-02-21-News (HolQeD-08-1 p.8); TNK (2011-11-01-Email) cite: The word {Doqqu'} (literally, ~very {Doq}~) refers to a color more red than orange. [KGT p.82] cite: {Doq 'ej beqpuj rur} means ~(it) is {Doq} and resembles bekpuj~, a common mineral that is bright orange. [KGT p.82] cite: {Doq 'ej wovbe'} ~be orange, red and not be bright~ [i.e. ~brown~] [1998-02-21-News] cite: {Doq 'ej Qaj wuS rur} ~be orange, red and resemble kradge lips~ -- The lips of the kradge are presumably a particular shade of brown. [1998-02-21-News] cite: {Doq 'ej wovbe'} ~brown~ [TNK] cite: {Doq 'ej SuD} ~purple~ [TNK] cite: {Doqqu' 'ej wov} ~pink~ [TNK] tag: 1985; color; KLCP1 id: sva meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. tlh: {Doqqu' 'ej wov} pos: verb en: be «pink» sv: vara «rosa» def: TNK (2011-11-01-Email) com: Since this is a phrase (and not a single verb) it can't be used adjectivally (without modifying it). tag: 2011; color data: phrase id: C7J tlh: {Doq 'ej SuD} pos: verb en: be «purple» sv: vara «lila» def: TNK (2011-11-01-Email) com: Since this is a phrase (and not a single verb) it can't be used adjectivally (without modifying it). tag: 2011; color data: phrase id: iDs tlh: {Doq 'ej wovbe'} pos: verb en: be «brown» sv: vara «brun» def: 1998-02-21-News (HolQeD-08-1 p.7) cite: {Doq 'ej wovbe'} ~be orange, red and not be bright~ [i.e. ~brown~] [1998-02-21-News] cite: {Doq 'ej Qaj wuS rur} ~be orange, red and resemble kradge lips~ -- The lips of the kradge are presumably a particular shade of brown. [1998-02-21-News] cite: {Doq 'ej wovbe'} ~brown~ [TNK] com: Since this is a phrase (and not a single verb) it can't be used adjectivally (without modifying it). tag: 1998; color data: phrase id: CuL tlh: {DoQ} pos: verb en: (territory) sv: göra «anspråk» på (territorium) def: TKD tag: 1985 id: sku tlh: {Do «Qe'»} pos: noun en: «velocity «restaurant»», «fast-food restaurant», «~Dok'e~» sv: «hastighets«restaurang»», «snabbmatsservering», «~Dok'e~» def: KGT pp.102, 103 et al. tag: 1997; food; Klingonism data: phrase id: n5h meta: This entry combines information from KGT p.102 and entry on {tebwI'} in KGT word list. tlh: [1] {Dor} pos: verb en: sv: «eskortera» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: AbW tlh: [2] {Dor} pos: verb en: «come to an «end»» (about period of time, e.g. month, year) sv: «ta «slut»» (om tidsperiod, t.ex. månad, år) desc: {Dor jar} ~the month ends~; time period is subj. def: HolQeD-12-2 p.8 ref: TDNW cite: Generally, one expresses the end of a stretch of time by using a verb rather than a noun. That is, one says "when the month ends" rather than "at the end of the month." The verb for this kind of "end" is {Dor}. example: {DorDI' jar mejpu'} "At the end of the month, he/she left." Literally, this sentence means "When the month ended, he/she left" ({-DI'} ~when~, {jar} ~month~, {mejpu'} ~he/she left~). [HolQeD-12-2 p.8] cite: He said there was no connection at all between {Dor} ~end~ and {Dor} ~escort~. [HolQeD-12-2 p.8] see: {van} (2), {ghang} tag: 2003; time id: Pxv tlh: {DoS} pos: noun en: sv: «mål»(-tavla) def: TKD ref: TKW pp.81, 191 see: {ray'} is the plural form tag: 1985 id: 2nX tlh: {Dotlh} pos: noun en: sv: «status» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: N1m tlh: {Dov'agh} pos: noun en: , sv: «pipa», «vissla», «flöjt» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: T4H tlh: {DoyIchlan} pos: noun en: «Germany» sv: «Tyskland» def: TNK (2011-10-29-Email) tag: 2011; country id: h7n tlh: {Doy'} pos: verb en: be sv: vara «trött» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: xKT tlh: {Doy'yuS} pos: noun en: sv: «Troyius» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: kfg tlh: {Do'} [1] pos: adverbial en: , with luck sv: «lyckligtvis», med «tur» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: RgG tlh: {Do'} [2] pos: verb en: be , be sv: vara «tursam», vara «lyckosam», ha «tur», ha «lycka» def: TKD tag: 1985; KLCP1 id: MGL meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. tlh: {Do'Ha'} [1] pos: adverbial en: sv: «olyckligtvis» def: KGT tag: 1997 id: txR tlh: {Do'Ha'} [2] pos: verb en: be «unfortunate», be «unlucky» sv: vara «otursam», vara «olycksdrabbad», ha «otur» def: TKD 4.3/p.48, pp.1, 171 tag: 1985 id: VdJ tlh: [1] {Dub} pos: verb en: sv: «förbättra» desc: {patlhwIj vIDub} ~I improve my status~; thing improved is obj. def: TKD; SBX-S14 (HolQeD-04-3-a); SBX-S26 (HolQeD-05-3-b) ref: TDNW tag: 1985 id: V5K tlh: [2] {Dub} pos: noun en: (of body) sv: «rygg» def: TKD tag: 1985; body part id: 7tA tlh: {DuD} pos: verb en: sv: «blanda» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: Hz4 tlh: {DuDwI'} pos: noun en: >, sv: «blandningskäpp», «omrörningspinne», «käpp»/«pinne» för omrörning def: KGT tag: 1997 data: derived form id: KNi meta: Entries differ in source. KGT E-K entry is used here. tlh: {Dugh} pos: verb en: be «vigilant» sv: vara «vaksam», vara «försiktig» def: TKD K-E tag: 1985 id: tw5 tlh: {DuH} [1] pos: verb en: be sv: vara «möjlig» def: TKD tag: 1985 id: ZYW tlh: {DuH} [2] pos: noun en: ,