Klingon Pocket Dictionary

Use tag:klcp1 to find all first level words from the
Klingon Language Certification Program.
3 matches.
tlh: -Du’
pos: noun suffix type 2
en: plural (body part)
sv: plural (kroppsdel)
def: TKD 3.3.2/p.23
tag: 1985
id: Smn
tlh: -mey
pos: noun suffix type 2
en: plural (general)
sv: plural (generellt)
def: TKD 3.3.2/p.23
tag: 1985
id: qEQ
tlh: -pu’
pos: noun suffix type 2
en: plural (beings capable of using language)
sv: plural (varelser förmögna till språk)
def: TKD 3.3.2/p.22
tag: 1985
id: mVV