Photos from qep’a’ SochDIch (page 1)
These pictures were taken by Markus ”qa’naQ” Persson and zrajm ”maHvatlh” during our visit to qep’a’ SochDIch in Philadelphia, USA, in 2000.
Persson watches while Captain Krankor and Roger Cheesbro play a game of Klin
Zha. In the background, Mark Shoulson.
Captain Krankor is about to make a move...
Mark Shoulsson is being his own happy self.
d’Armond Speers tries exchange looks with Lawrence Schoen
(who unfortunately has closed his eyes).
Roger Cheesbro and Tad Stauffer concentrates over a board
of Klingon Scrabble.
d’Armond Speers and Alan Anderson are not showing off,
they’re just using their Palm Pilots (of which there were plenty at the
Persson (half of), Tad Stauffer, David Trimboli, Captain Krankor (adjusting his
forehead, as usual), Roger Cheesbro and Mark Shoulson (backside of) plays a
game of zoom – zorch.
game continues; here d’Armond Speers gets boinged by William Martin –
or perhaps it’s Markus Persson who gets zoomed?
At the
hotel’s ”miserable excuse of a continental breakfast” (to quote Lawrence
Schoen) Markus Persson recieves a supervising glare from Pam, while he is
smiling into the camera.
Captain Krankor leads all the brave language warriors into terrifying(ly good)
unknown journalist tries to make Markus Persson the object of an interview. –
How it turned out we’ll probably never know, ’cause she never sent us the
interview, though she told us she would.
unknown camera man watches over Tad Stauffer, Nancy Nielsen-Brown, and all the
rest of us. (I believe they intended to use us as political
Captain Krankor experience ’oy’na’ while Lawrence Schoen laughs and William
Martin descreetly covers his smile. The anonymous camera man takes the
opportunity to shoot the audience.
hot and humid afternoon David Crowell, Nancy Nielsen-Brown and myself (zrajm)
chat beside the pool, while Heather Myers and several of the others take a very
un-Klingon bath.
d’Armond Speers, Lawrence Schoen and William Martin (back of) play a nice
relaxing game of poQ ’ar in the evening.
Klingon gambling markers (appropriately marked SuD – even the Doq ones
=|:−) take a break brief from being shuffled over the table in front of
Lawrence Schoen, and a tired Mark Shoulson.
Captain Krankor (also at the poQ ’ar table) makes a quick go for and tries to
adjust his forehead unnoticed. (It fails.)
Stauffer, Eric Andeen, David Trimboli and Alan Andersson discusses some vitally
importart Klingon matter in front of Ron Bushyaeger (back of).
Andeen watches as Captain Krankor shows off in the game of pegh mu’, Mark
Shoulson practices a low profile (or sitting position). Alan Andersson (back
of) takes a look at the spectacle.
blabla blahabla blablabla blebb blabla blepp
blabla blahabla blablabla blebb blabla blepp
blabla blahabla blablabla blebb blabla blepp
blabla blahabla blablabla blebb blabla blepp
blabla blahabla blablabla blebb blabla blepp