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Date 9 June 1989
File 1999-12-holqed-08-4-b.txt
Publisher Paramount Pictures
Summary Marc Okrand was again hired to write the Klingon dialogue, and coach the actors. Usually abbreviated ST5, though sometimes abbreviated ST:TFF.
Title Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Type movie
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

The below transcript have been constructed from several sources.

  * De'vID's excellent ST5 transcript.
  * The "Revised Final" ST5 screenplay (dated November 21, 1988).
  * {HolQeD} 8:4 article (p11--13), with notes on "The Final Frontier".
  * The movie itself.
  * The deleted scenes extras from the ST5 Special Edition DVD.

This transcript uses the same format as the ST5 screenplay as far as possible. The Klingon dialogue (which is missing from the official screenplays) have been added (in curly brackets), and occasional comments have been added in double brackets.

The Klingon material added is both from the "Notes from ~Star Trek V: The Final Frontier~" article in {HolQeD} 8:4, and De'vID's transcript of ST5. But all has been carefully checked against the primary sources (i.e. the movies and DVD extras).

Closed captions are missing from this transcript.

/zrajm, 2013-12-11

The translations in parentheses are the (subtitles) as they appear in the movie followed by the [closed captions] in brackets, which was helpful in places where there were no subtitles. Angle brackets indicate <uncertainties> in the transcription due to muttered dialogue, background music or sound effects. I have added excerpts from J.M. Dillard's novelization in {curly brackets} which may reflect an earlier version of David Loughery's screenplay (story by William Shatner, Harve Bennett and David Loughery) used by the novelist in her adaptation.

Klingon lines from scenes in an earlier draft of the script missing from the final cut (but included in the novelization) are in [square brackets]. Some of them were published in HolQeD 8.4:12-13.
"Inside the commercially available script for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier you won't find much Klingon. The lines designated to be spoken in Klingon appear, parenthetically, in English. During the making of the film Marc Okrand created notes and tapes for the Klingon actors to work from in preparing their lines." (Lawrence Schoen in HolQeD 8.4)
"Okrand mentioned [at qep'a'] that though he was present for the filming of the Klingon scenes, he was not there when the subtitles were inserted. Probably what happened is that someone (unfamiliar with Klingon) ... was involved in putting the subtitles..." (SuSvaj, 7/28/06)
"Yesterday I had the occasion to view the extras on the Star Trek V and VI special edition DVDs (on the second disks). I don't know if they've already been discussed here, but there are some things that are of interest to Klingonists. There's a short segment on the Star Trek VI disc on the Klingon language in which Dr. Lawrence Schoen makes an appearance. There are interviews with the actors who played Klingons on both discs. The one on Star Trek V is called "That Klingon Couple" with the subtitle {tlhIngan chang'engvetlh}. While their lines in Star Trek V had a few problems that may annoy some Klingonists, the actors themselves had an excellent attitude towards learning the Klingon and took it very quite seriously. I was very impressed with that aspect of things. ... The most interesting thing for Klingonists is probably the deleted scene in which some Klingon was spoken by General Koord to Romulan Ambassador Caithlin Dar at Paradise City when they first meet.

"At one point, Spice Williams exclaims "Brilliant!" and the word {chong!} is shown in the subtitle (all Klingon subtitles in this segment are given in Roman font). At another point she is describing her reaction to being hired for the movie, and says 'Wow, wow! For Star Trek! Omigosh!', and the subtitle said {yay, yay! Hov lengvaD! baQa'!} (Okay, I'm sure {yay} is a joke and isn't actually the Klingon way of saying wow. But it's cute.) She describes a scene from the movie (near the end) by saying the line "Oh, what wonderful muscles", and the subtitle was {toH, Somraw'Du' Dunqu'.} (That's not a typo on my part, the <'> is there on *{Somraw'} in the subtitle.)

"Todd Bryant at one point asks Spice Williams if she remembers "that {Hoch Dun puS} line", and the subtitle said {Hoch Dun puS}. Then she looked up as if trying to remember it, and said something which was subtitled as {'entepray' Hub patmey luchu'be'}. Was this line in the movie? I didn't find it or a line like it in the movie, and I don't know if it's a deleted line that she remembered, or if she misremembered a line and whoever did the subtitles re-constructed it from what she said. (It does sound like that's what she said. If she remembered a deleted line after all these years then she has an amazing memory! A line like that--"They didn't activate Enterprise's defense systems"--would be perfect near the end of the movie when the Bird-of-Prey catches the Enterprise unawares.)

"There's another deleted scene that was supposed to show that there was a romantic relationship between Klaa and Vixis. Presumably they're speaking Klingon in that scene, but unfortunately the commentary talks over it and you can't hear what's being said. (Anyone know how to read lips in Klingon? :) )

"I wonder who supplied the subtitles. Was Okrand, or someone from KLI, involved in this? The subtitles are much better than the usual Paramount attempts at Klingon done without Okrand's help, and the little joke using {yay} to translate wow is quite characteristic of Okrand." (De'vID jonwI' [5/2003])

              33   INT. BACK ROOM                                                33

                   The stranger lowers the breathing device from her face
                   and is revealed to be a young woman. A Romulan. Her
                   name is CAITHLIN DAR and she stands on the threshold
                   of the room. She's a little nervous and a long way
                   from home.

                   The back room is an area for unwanted odds and ends.
                   TWO MEN are sprawled in chairs at opposite ends of a
                   table. The man seated closest to Caithlin slowly
                   swivels his head in her direction. He's a Terran
                   (specifically, an Englishman) named ST. JOHN TALBOT.
                   Thin and dissipated, alcoholic, Talbot is a veteran of
                   the diplomatic corps.

                             Gentlemen, I'm Caithlin Dar.

                   Talbot puffs out a cloud of smoke and slowly stands
                   up. He speaks with his cigarette still in his mouth.

                             Oh, yeah. Our new Romulan represent                             ative. Welcome to Paradise City, my
                             dear, capital of the so-called "Planet
                             of Galactic Peace." I'm St. John
                             Talbot, the Federation representative
                             here on Nimbus III and my charming
                             companion is the Klingon consul

                   Caithlin regards the hulking figure on the other end
                   of the table. KORRD is an old, overweight Klingon, a
                   once great warrior now past his prime. He doesn't
                   rise to greet Caithlin. Instead, he takes a swig from
                   a flagon and emits an earth-shaking belch.

                             I expect that's Klingon for hello.

                             Won't you come in, my dear?

                   INTERCUT WITH:

              XX   EXT. NIMBUS III - DESERT - DAY                                XX

                   J'onn is looking out across the desert from a dune,
                   clutching his crude pipe gun. Coming up from behind
                   him Sybok approaches, mounted on his horse, and then
                   ride majestically past. After Sybok comes a small army
                   of ragged settlers, drawing up dust as they pass.

              XX   ANGLE - PARADISE CITY                                         XX

                   Beyond a stretch of desert lies, Paradise City, a
                   small ramshackle village smack in the middle of no                   where, surrounded by high walls. The small army moves
                   onward towards the city.

                                                                            CUT TO:

              XX   INT. BACK ROOM                                                XX

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --             There's hunger, poverty, no law                     --              --             enforcement. And here the two of you                --              --             sit... drinking.                                    --              --                                                                 --              --                           KORRD                                 --              --             {QotnIStaH romuluSngan be'pu'.} Hmph.               --              --             (Subtitle: Romulan women belong on                  --              --             their backs!)                                       --              --                                                                 --              --                                             --              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --             What did he say?                                    --              --                                                                 --              --                           TALBOT                                --              --             He says he hopes you enjoy yourself                 --              --             while you're here. Uh. May I ask                    --              --             you, Ms. Dar, what terrible mistake                 --              --             you made to get yourself banished to                --              --             this place, the armpit of the                       --              --             universe?                                           --              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --             I volunteered.                                      --              --                                                                 --              --                           TALBOT                                --              --             Volunteered?                                        --              --                                                                 --              --   Talbot turns to Korrd and translates her answer into          --              --   Klingon.                                                      --              --                                                                 --              --                           TALBOT                                --              --             {Sap (t)uu ee kwee(j)}                              --              --                                                                 --              --                --              --                                                                 --              --   Korrd chortles derisively.                                    --              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --                     (nervous/embarrassed                        --              --                      laugh, then serious)                       --              --             Nimbus III is a great experiment.                   --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                             Twenty years ago when our three
                             governments agreed to develop this
                             planet together, a new age was born.

                             Our new age died a quick death, and
                             the settlers we conned into coming
                             here -- they were the dregs of the
                             galaxy -- immediately took to
                             fighting amongst themselves. We
                             forbade them weapons -- they soon
                             began to fashion their own.

                             Well, then it appears I've arrived
                             just in time.

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --             The policies that the three of us                   --              --             agree on here will have far-reaching                --              --             results.                                            --              --                                                                 --              --                           TALBOT                                --              --             My dear child, we're not here to                    --              --             agree, we're here to disagree.                      --              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --             But I'm here to open discussions -- to              --              --             find solutions to these problems.                   --              --                                                                 --              --                           KORRD                                 --              --             {yIvbeHlIj neH DapoSmoH.}                           --              --                     (laughs)                                    --              --                                                                 --              --                                         --              --                                                                 --              --                           KORRD                                 --              --             {pImlaw' romuluSngan be' porgh.}                    --              --                     (laughs again)                              --              --                                                                 --              --                             --              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --                     (losing patience)                           --              --             _What did he say?_ I want his exact                 --              --             words.                                              --              --                                                                 --              --                           TALBOT                                --              --                     (sighing)                                   --              --             He said the only thing he wants you to              --              --             open is your blouse. He's heard that                --              --             Romulan women are different.                        --              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --                     (furious)                                   --              --             Well, you tell Consul Koord that I                  --              --             n... -- never mind. I'll tell him                   --              --             myself!                                             --              --                     (walks over to Koord)                       --              --    the only Klingon I know!                      --              --                     (in Koord's face)                           --              --             {Qu'vatlh!}                                         --              --                                                                 --              --                           KORRD                                 --              --                     (slowly gets up;                            --              --                      growls, in Klingon)                        --              --             {Quu(gh)uuuuuuuuvat(lh) (tlh)lap!}                  --              --                                                                 --              --                           KORRD                                 --              --                     (in perfect English)                        --              --             _Screw you too!_                                    --              --                                                                 --              --                           CAITHLIN                              --              --             He _does_ speak English!                            --              --                                                                 --              --                           TALBOT                                --              --                     (laughs)                                    --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Further argument is interrupted by shouts from outside
                   and the whine of a warning klaxon.

                   A handful of sentries brace themselves against the gate.
                   It suddenly gives way. Camera climbs up over the top
                   of the arch to reveal Sybok's army on the threshold
                   of the city. In their midst, towering majestically
                   above them, is Sybok on horseback. He urges his mount
                   forward. With quiet determination, he and his army pour
                   under the arch and proceed up the main drag.

                   Townspeople scurrying for protection, anticipating an
                   attack. Those who consider challenging Sybok are
                   allayed by the crude weapons and intimidating looks
                   of his followers. Sybok intends to take this town by
                   show of force without having to fire a shot. And it
                   looks like he'll succeed.


              44   EXT. SPACE                                                    44

                   A NASA Pioneer probe tumbles through space. Ancient,
                   forgotten, the device is flotsam. On it's side is a
                   plaque showing image of two humans and simple mathe                   matical and scientific symbols. It comes past camera
                   and out of this distortion, _a Klingon Bird of Prey_

              45   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                    45

                   Doors seperate to admit KLAA, the Bird of Prey's
                   swashbuckling young captain. He is met by VIXIS, his
                   first officer, a statuesque Klingon female. It's
                   clear she adores Klaa.

                             {tlha'a HoD, DoS wIpuSta'. nejwI'
                              tIQ 'oH.}
                             (Captain Klaa, we have a target in
                              sight. A probe of ancient origin.)

                             {qIpmeH Qatlh'a'}
                             (Difficult to hit?)

                             (Most difficult.)


                   Klaa's crew watches with excitement as their captain
                   straps himself into his command chair which has been
                   equipped with an elaborate gunner's rig allowing
                   Klaa to do the shooting himself.

                             {vISeHmeH Hoch nuHmey Qay!}
                             (All weapons to my control.)

                   A periscope-like device swings into position in front
                   of Klaa's flashing eyes.

              46   PERISCOPE - KLAA'S POV                                        46

                   The probe is a tiny traveling speck in the distance.
                   Its course is erratic.

              47   EXT. SPACE                                                    47

                   The probe tumbles through space as the Bird of Prey
                   swoops down for the attack. Machine gun-like phasers
                   are mounted on the Bird's wings. They come to life
                   and swivel, blasting a flange off the front of the
                   probe. A second blast destroys a fin on the rear of
                   the craft. A third shot blows away the antennae.
                   Klaa is toying with the target.

              48   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                    48

                   The crew cheers each hit. They admire their captain
                   and his deadly skill. But Klaa seems dissatisfied.
                   He hesitates finishing the probe off.

                             {vaj toDuj Daj ngeHbej DI vI'.}
                             (Shooting space garbage is no test of
                              a warrior's mettle.)

                   [[NOTE: Lit. "Sharpshooting of the cosmos'
                   litter inconclusively tests a warrior's
                   courage." This is a notorious back-fit of a
                   dittography in the shooting script!]]

                             {muSuvbogh DoS vIpoQ.} (?)
                             (I need a target that fights back.)

                             {HoD, yo'SeH yaHnIvvo' potlh De'
                              wIHevtaH.} (?)
                             (Captain, new data, hostages on
                              Nimbus III.) [sic]

                   [[NOTE: Original script had this line as
                   "Captain, we are receiving a priority message
                   from Operations Command." which is also what
                   the Klingon says above, the subtitle in the
                   movie is just plain wrong, though.]]

                   The message from Operations Command play on a
                   screen. KRELL is the Klingon speaking.

                             {...tlhIngan gharwI''e', tera'ngan'e',


                   NOTE: The message is not subtitled, and remain
                   untranslated in the movie. Translation would be: "...a
                   Klingon diplomat, a Terran, a Romulan..."

                   A more complete message, though not used in the film,
                   was translated by Marc Okrand:

                       {tlh'a' HoD, nImbuS wej yIghoS. vubpu' jonta'
                       HeSwI'. wa' vub ghaH tlhIngan gharwI''e'. wa' ghaH
                       tera'ngan'e'. mImQo'. DaH Heraj yIchoH. batlh
                       tlhIngan Segh yIHub. Qapla'!}

                       (Captain Klaa, proceed to Nimbus III. A criminal
                       has succeeded in taking hostages. One hostage is a
                       Klingon diplomat. One is a Terran. One is a
                       Romulan. Do not delay. Alter your course now.
                       Defend the Klingon race with honor. Success.)


                   Klaa unstraps himself from the command chair and joins
                   Vixis at a monitor screen. The fearsome face of A
                   KLINGON COMMANDER fills the screen and starts barking
                   Klingon over shots of Nimbus III and the Paradise
                   outpost. It's clear the Bird of Prey is being ordered
                   to Nimbus III. Klaa and Vixis are charged with

                             {tlhIngan ghaH wa' vub'e'.}
                             (One of the hostages is a Klingon.)

                             (And the others?)

                             {wa' tera'ngan je wa' romuluSngan.}
                             (A Terran and a Romulan.)

                             [[NOTE: Incorrect placement of {je}.
                             Dialect, maybe?]]

                             {vaj toDDujDaj ngeHbej DIvI'.}
                             (That means the Federation will be
                              sending a rescue ship of its own.)

                             {nImbuS wej maghoS, He yInab.}
                             (Plot course for Nimbus III.)

                   Unable to contain his excitement, Klaa returns to his
                   command chair.

                             {reH DIvI' Duj vISuv vIneH.}
                             (I've always wanted to engage a Fed                             eration ship.)

              49   EXT. SPACE - ANGLE - BIRD OF PREY                             49

                   The crippled NASA probe wobbles into the foreground,
                   almost out of range. In the far distance, the Bird of
                   Prey. Klaa's guns come to sudden life and blow the
                   probe to atoms in a blinding flash of light.


              63   ANOTHER PART OF THE GALAXY                                    63

                   The Bird of Prey slices through the fabric of space
                   headed for Nimbus III.

              64   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                    64

                   Klaa paces his deck like a restless buccaneer, eager
                   for confrontation. Vixis approaches.

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --                           VIXIS                                 --              --             {DIvI' Se' wI'IjtaHvIS DaH ngoqDe'                  --              --              wIHevta'.}                                         --              --             (We've just received an encoded                     --              --              message on the Federation frequency.)              --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                             {nImbuS wejDaq 'ejDo' 'entepray'
                             (The Starship Enterprise has been
                              dispatched to Nimbus III.)


                             {qIrq Duj 'oH.}
                             (That's Kirk's ship!)

                   Klaa's eyes flash with excitement. This news is too
                   good to be true.

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --                           VIXIS                                 --              --                                                                 --              --             {"yIntaHvIS qIrq DuHbe' roj."                       --              --             jonlu'meH wo'maj pop tIn law' Hoch tIn              --              --             puS.}                                               --              --             ("There will be no peace as long as                 --              --             Kirk lives." Our Empire's highest                   --              --             bounty has been placed on his head.)                --              --                                                                 --              --                           KLAA                                  --              --             {jemS tIy qIrq. loDHom jIHDI' qIrq qun              --              --             vIqImchoH. ghotvam Ho'lu'. 'ej muSlu'.}             --              --             (James T. Kirk -- I've followed his                 --              --             career since I was a boy. A man to                  --              --             admire... and hate.)                                --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                             {qIrq vIjeylaHchugh...}
                             (If I could defeat Kirk...)

                             {qIbDaq SuvwI''e' SoH Dun law' Hoch
                             Dun puS.}
                             (... you would be the greatest warrior
                             in the galaxy.)

                   This fact isn't lost on Klaa.

                             {nom yIghoSqu'.}
                             (Maximum speed!)

                   The crew hops to it. Klaa turns to Vixis and gives her
                   the chest thumping Klingon salute.


              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --   Vixis passionately returns the gesture.                       --              --                                                                 --              --                           VIXIS                                 --              --             {Qapla', HoDwI'.}                                   --              --             (Success... my captain.)                            --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------


             121   EXT. SPACE - ANGLE - BIRD OF PREY                            121

                   The Klingon ship approaches Nimbus III.

             122   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                   122

                   Klaa and Vixis react to Enterprise on their viewscreen.

                             {chorghSaD qelI'qam HIvchuq 'e'
                             (Estimating attack range in 8,000

                             {ghoSmeH yIpegh. cha'maHvagh vatlhvI'
                             Hong; QIt yIghoS.}
                             (Stealth approach, slow to one-quarter
                             impulse power.)

                             (Prepare to cloak.)

                             {So'wI' yIchu'!}
                             (Engage cloaking device.)

                   A klaxon sounds. The bridge is bathed in red light.

             123   EXT. SPACE - ANGLE - BIRD OF PREY                            123

                   The ship distorts and becomes invisible.


             127   INT. BIRD OF PREY                                            127

                   The Klingons have been monitoring the exchange
                   between Enterprise and Galileo.


                             {DujHomDaq ghaHtaH!}
                             (He's on the shuttlecraft!)

                             {HIvHe yIchoHmoH!}
                             (Alter the attack course!)


             133   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                   133

                   Klaa flexes his itchy trigger finger and peers into
                   his view scope.

             134   KLAA'S POV - VIEW SCOPE                                      134

                   The shuttlecraft swims into the target crosshairs.

                             {yISo'Ha'rup, yIghuS.}
                             (Stand by to de-cloak for firing.)


             142   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                   142

                   Klaa gapes in surprise. The target has zoomed out of
                   his sights.

                             {'entepray' yIghoS.}
                             (Bear on Enterprise.)

             143   INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE                                     143

                             They're in!

                             Transfer power to the warp drive.
                             Warp speed now!

             144   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                   144

                             {'entepray' 'oH DoS'e'!}
                             (Enterprise targeted!)


                   Klaa squeezes the trigger.

             145   EXT. SPACE - ANGLE - ENTERPRISE                              145

                   One moment she's there, the next she's gone in a flash
                   of blinding light. Klaa's shot goes into the void.

             146   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                   146

                   Klaa reacts with amazement to Enterprise's sudden

                             {HeDaj yIqIm!}
                             (Track her course!)

                   As Vixis and the crew hop to it, camera pushes in on
                   Klaa who throws off his gunner's rig, unable to hide
                   his admiration for Kirk's cleverness.

                                     (to himself)
                             (He's good.)


             174   INT. BIRD OF PREY                                            174

                   Vixis turns to Klaa. Klaa barks an order to his helms                   man.

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --                           KLAA                                  --              --             {He pagh-pagh-vagh-jav-pagh-jav                     --              --             yInab.}                                             --              --             (Plot course                          --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                             {He pagh-pagh-pagh-DoD-cha' yInab.}
                             (Plot course zero-zero-zero, mark

                             {'ach HoD, Hevetlh wIghoSchugh veH tIn
                             wI'el maH'e'.}
                             (But, Captain, that course will take
                             us into the Barrier as well.)

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --                           VIXIS                                 --              --             {maHeghbejqu'.}                                     --              --             (It's certain death.)                               --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Klaa isn't about to let a little thing like death stop

                             {qIrq wItlha'taHqu'.}
                             (Where Kirk goes, we follow.)


             251   ANGLE - DEFENSE STATION                                      251

                   The unattended screen still depicts the Bird of Prey.
                   "ESTIMATED TIME OF INTERCEPT: 4 MINUTES." Then, the
                   graphic of the ship vanishes and is replaced with the
                   warning: "CLOAKING DEVICE ENGAGED, POSITION UNKNOWN,"

             252   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                   252

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --   Enterprise appears on the viewscreen. Klaa is out of          --              --   his command chair, pacing the deck like a restless            --              --   buccaneer.                                                    --              --                                                                 --              --                           VIXIS                                 --              --             {'entepray' Hub patmey                              --              --             luchu'be'lu'pu'. HoD, naDev maH 'e'                 --              --             luSovbe'.}                                          --              --             (Enterprise defense systems are down.               --              --             Captain they don't know we're here.)                --              --                                                                 --              --                           KLAA                                  --              --              {tugh luSovbej.}                                   --              --              (They will in a moment.)                           --              --                                                                 --              --   Klaa settles into his gunner's rig.                           --              --                                                                 --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------

             266   INT. BIRD OF PREY - TRANSPORTER ROOM                         266

                   Kirk materializes. He's immediately seized by two brutal                   looking Klingons.

                                           GUARD 1

                                           GUARD 2

                   They march him out of the transporter room.

             267   INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE                                   267

                   The bridge doors slide open and Kirk is brought in The
                   Klingon crew regard him from their stations. Klaa is
                   off to one side looking petulant. Korrd stands beside
                   him, chest puffed up with pride, obviously in charge.

                                     (to the guards)
                             Release him.

                   [[Marc Okrand prepared the phrase {yIjonHa'!}
                   for use here, but it was never used in the

                   The guards step away from Kirk. Klaa glares at Korrd
                   but it's clear the older Klingon is now calling the

                   Kirk regards Korrd with surprise.

                             Kirk, my junior officer has something he
                             wants to say to you.

                                     (to Klaa)

                             I apologize.

                   Korrd speaks to Klaa in Klingon once again.

                                     (to Klaa again)
                             {maj. 'ej...}

                             The attack upon your vessel was not
                             authorized by my government.

                             Kirk, and now, may I present our new gunner.

                   The command chair swivels around to reveal its
                   occupant to be Spock. He unstraps himself from the
                   gunner's rig, stands up and straightens his uniform in
                   a dignified manner.


                             Welcome aboard, Captain.

                   Kirk regards the stoic Spock with affection and

                                     (can't believe it)
                             Spock, I thought I was going to die.

                             Not possible. You were never alone.

                   Kirk eyes Spock then approaches him as if to embrace

                             Please, Captain, not in front of
                             the Klingons.

                   Kirk looks around and notices the Klingon crew, then
                   he and Spock nod in acknowledgement to each other.


             269   INT. ENTERPRISE - FORWARD OBSERVATION ROOM                   269

              ---- DELETED --------------------------------------------------------              --                                                                 --              --   At the reception aboard the Enterprise. Koord speaks          --              --   to a sullen Klaa and Vixis.                                   --              --                                                                 --              --                           KOORD                                 --              --             {petIv'egh. qara'qu'}                               --              --             (Enjoy yourselves. That's an order.)                --              ---------------------------------------------------------------------