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Author Marc Okrand
Date 1 September 1997
Summary Okrand is impressed that people already have begun to use vocabulary from KGT and promise to talk to Maltz about Sum and Hop.
Title Re: qIb lengwI’ tlhIngan Hol
Type newsgroup posting

From: "Marc Okrand" <>
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 13:15:51 -0700
Subject: Re: qIb lengwI' tlhIngan Hol

Thanks for the nice words about the new book.  I'm impressed that some of the new vocabulary there is already incorporated into these postings.

SuStel charghwI' je -- muquvmoH QInmey DalI'pu'bogh tlhIH.

As for how to use <Sum> "be near, nearby" -- that will require some more time with Maltz.

Do' Sum matlh.

I would think, however, that it would work the same way as <Hop> "be far."

I'll see what Maltz has to say.