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Author Chris Lipscombe
Date 26 July 2010
Summary New word: ghIv limb (of a person). Clarified meanings for Qutlh support (which only means physically supporting something) and ghaq contribute (which can be used to mean support financially).
Title Re: mu’ chu’
Type email

From: qurgh lungqIj <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 22:22:13 -0400
Subject: Re: mu' chu'

Marc was listening in while Eric was telling me the words. When we got to ghIv, gham was brought up. Marc described ghIv as the "person" version of gham. Marc also clarified that Qutlh (support) can only refer to physically supporting something. It can't refer to monetary (he said ghaq is for this), psychological or any other non-physical type of support. This seemed to interest Krankor, but it may be common knowledge. :D


On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 9:32 PM, ghunchu'wI' 'utlh <>wrote:

> ja' qurgh:
> > When I was talking to Eric about the new words, he also mentioned
> > ghIv - limb (of a person)
> >
> > Was that not on the list?
> Indeed it was. I'm not certain whether it means "limb (i.e. arm or
> leg)" or "limbs (i.e. arms and legs)" and I wanted to get confirmation
> before reporting it.
> -- ghunchu'wI'