Some Klingon GIF Fonts

A Somewhat Technical Issue

This page is included for the benefit of those people who are themselves creating or maintaining webpages with Klingon contents. – If you’re not in the process of doing so, this information is not useful to you, and may be skipped altogether. The information contained in this page is in no way neccessary to understand the rest of Klingonska Akademien’s web page.

To benefit from this page you should know at least some HTML. I use GIF fonts, to represent characters that are not normally available. Over the time there has become quite a few of them, each with its own purpose. Use this table to access them directly:

Note: You may use these fonts freely, as long as you give me (zrajm) credit and include a link to Klingonska Akademien’s webpage at

File SizeDescription
bg139pxYes105–240b The normal version of pI­qaD, endorsed by KLI.
bg239pxNo85–188b The normal version of pI­qaD but without antialias.
sml19pxNo53–88b A small version of pI­qaD, suitable for longer texts.
(Made to mix well with normal text, just use ALIGN=TOP.)
smpl39pxNo94–212b A simple longhand version of pI­qaD (my own handwriting).
fncy39pxYes86–270b A fancy longhand version of pI­qaD (Nick Nicholas’ handwriting).
rom39pxNo65–157b Marc Okrand’s romanized transliteration of the Klingon alphabet.
(Included because it’s a pain to align text and pictures properly.)
ipa39pxNo134–291b An I.P.A. (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcription of pI­qaD.

Unlike our own punctuation marks the Klingon ones are usually both followed and preceeded by a space, and may also occur at the beginning of a line [as appearing on the SkyBox Trading Cards S7, S8, S9, S13, S14 and S15]. The Klingon Empire symbol is sometimes used among klingonists to mark the end of a text or chapter [Hol­QeD].


aa <img src="piq/bg1/a.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="a">
bb <img src="piq/bg1/b.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="b">
chch <img src="piq/bg1/ch.gif" width=42 height=39 alt="ch">
DD <img src="piq/bg1/d.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="D">
ee <img src="piq/bg1/e.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="e">
ghgh <img src="piq/bg1/gh.gif" width=43 height=39 alt="gh">
HH <img src="piq/bg1/h.gif" width=21 height=39 alt="H">
II <img src="piq/bg1/i.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="I">
jj <img src="piq/bg1/j.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="j">
ll <img src="piq/bg1/l.gif" width=28 height=39 alt="l">
mm <img src="piq/bg1/m.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="m">
nn <img src="piq/bg1/n.gif" width=33 height=39 alt="n">
ngng <img src="piq/bg1/ng.gif" width=41 height=39 alt="ng">
oo <img src="piq/bg1/o.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="o">
pp <img src="piq/bg1/p.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="p">
qq <img src="piq/bg1/q.gif" width=18 height=39 alt="q">
QQ <img src="piq/bg1/qh.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="Q">
rr <img src="piq/bg1/r.gif" width=33 height=39 alt="r">
SS <img src="piq/bg1/s.gif" width=39 height=39 alt="S">
tt <img src="piq/bg1/t.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="t">
tlhtlh <img src="piq/bg1/tlh.gif" width=35 height=39 alt="tlh">
uu <img src="piq/bg1/u.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="u">
vv <img src="piq/bg1/v.gif" width=44 height=39 alt="v">
ww <img src="piq/bg1/w.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="w">
yy <img src="piq/bg1/y.gif" width=35 height=39 alt="y">
’ <img src="piq/bg1/z.gif" width=10 height=39 alt="’">
00 <img src="piq/bg1/0.gif" width=30 height=39 alt="0">
11 <img src="piq/bg1/1.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="1">
22 <img src="piq/bg1/2.gif" width=17 height=39 alt="2">
33 <img src="piq/bg1/3.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="3">
44 <img src="piq/bg1/4.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="4">
55 <img src="piq/bg1/5.gif" width=20 height=39 alt="5">
66 <img src="piq/bg1/6.gif" width=35 height=39 alt="6">
77 <img src="piq/bg1/7.gif" width=28 height=39 alt="7">
88 <img src="piq/bg1/8.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="8">
99 <img src="piq/bg1/9.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="9">
__ <img src="piq/bg1/_space.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="_">
,;:,;: <img src="piq/bg1/_half.gif" width=25 height=39 alt=",;:">
.?!.?! <img src="piq/bg1/_full.gif" width=25 height=39 alt=".?!">
¶ <img src="piq/bg1/_empire.gif" width=39 height=39 alt="¶">
¶ <img src="piq/bg1/_empire2.gif" width=32 height=39 alt="¶">
¶ <img src="piq/bg1/_ka.gif" width=44 height=39 alt="¶">


aa <img src="bg2/a.gif" width=42 height=39 alt="a">
bb <img src="bg2/b.gif" width=39 height=39 alt="b">
chch <img src="bg2/ch.gif" width=46 height=39 alt="ch">
DD <img src="bg2/d.gif" width=33 height=39 alt="D">
ee <img src="bg2/e.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="e">
ghgh <img src="bg2/gh.gif" width=49 height=39 alt="gh">
HH <img src="bg2/h.gif" width=20 height=39 alt="H">
II <img src="bg2/i.gif" width=32 height=39 alt="I">
jj <img src="bg2/j.gif" width=41 height=39 alt="j">
ll <img src="bg2/l.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="l">
mm <img src="bg2/m.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="m">
nn <img src="bg2/n.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="n">
ngng <img src="bg2/ng.gif" width=41 height=39 alt="ng">
oo <img src="bg2/o.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="o">
pp <img src="bg2/p.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="p">
qq <img src="bg2/q.gif" width=18 height=39 alt="q">
QQ <img src="bg2/qh.gif" width=33 height=39 alt="Q">
rr <img src="bg2/r.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="r">
SS <img src="bg2/s.gif" width=40 height=39 alt="S">
tt <img src="bg2/t.gif" width=42 height=39 alt="t">
tlhtlh <img src="bg2/tlh.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="tlh">
uu <img src="bg2/u.gif" width=40 height=39 alt="u">
vv <img src="bg2/v.gif" width=50 height=39 alt="v">
ww <img src="bg2/w.gif" width=35 height=39 alt="w">
yy <img src="bg2/y.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="y">
’ <img src="bg2/z.gif" width=11 height=39 alt="’">
0 No number zero available at present.
1 No number one available at present.
2 No number two available at present.
3 No number three available at present.
4 No number four available at present.
5 No number five available at present.
6 No number six available at present.
7 No number seven available at present.
8 No number eight available at present.
9 No number niner available at present.
No space available at present.
,;: No half stop (comma/semicolon/colon) available at present.
.?! No full stop (period/question mark/exclamation mark) available at present.
No empire symbol available at present.


aa <img src="sml/a.gif" width=14 height=19 alt="a">
bb <img src="sml/b.gif" width=14 height=19 alt="b">
chch <img src="sml/ch.gif" width=16 height=19 alt="ch">
DD <img src="sml/d.gif" width=12 height=19 alt="D">
ee <img src="sml/e.gif" width=11 height=19 alt="e">
ghgh <img src="sml/gh.gif" width=16 height=19 alt="gh">
HH <img src="sml/h.gif" width=9 height=19 alt="H">
II <img src="sml/i.gif" width=14 height=19 alt="I">
jj <img src="sml/j.gif" width=14 height=19 alt="j">
ll <img src="sml/l.gif" width=11 height=19 alt="l">
mm <img src="sml/m.gif" width=13 height=19 alt="m">
nn <img src="sml/n.gif" width=12 height=19 alt="n">
ngng <img src="sml/ng.gif" width=17 height=19 alt="ng">
oo <img src="sml/o.gif" width=15 height=19 alt="o">
pp <img src="sml/p.gif" width=11 height=19 alt="p">
qq <img src="sml/q.gif" width=8 height=19 alt="q">
QQ <img src="sml/qh.gif" width=12 height=19 alt="Q">
rr <img src="sml/r.gif" width=13 height=19 alt="r">
SS <img src="sml/s.gif" width=14 height=19 alt="S">
tt <img src="sml/t.gif" width=15 height=19 alt="t">
tlhtlh <img src="sml/tlh.gif" width=16 height=19 alt="tlh">
uu <img src="sml/u.gif" width=14 height=19 alt="u">
vv <img src="sml/v.gif" width=19 height=19 alt="v">
ww <img src="sml/w.gif" width=14 height=19 alt="w">
yy <img src="sml/y.gif" width=15 height=19 alt="y">
’ <img src="sml/z.gif" width=6 height=19 alt="’">
00 <img src="sml/0.gif" width=15 height=19 alt="0">
11 <img src="sml/1.gif" width=15 height=19 alt="1">
22 <img src="sml/2.gif" width=9 height=19 alt="2">
33 <img src="sml/3.gif" width=12 height=19 alt="3">
44 <img src="sml/4.gif" width=15 height=19 alt="4">
55 <img src="sml/5.gif" width=10 height=19 alt="5">
66 <img src="sml/6.gif" width=16 height=19 alt="6">
77 <img src="sml/7.gif" width=12 height=19 alt="7">
88 <img src="sml/8.gif" width=18 height=19 alt="8">
99 <img src="sml/9.gif" width=12 height=19 alt="9">
 <img src="sml/_space.gif" width=11 height=19 alt=" ">
,;:,;: <img src="sml/_half.gif" width=12 height=19 alt=",;:">
.?!.?! <img src="sml/_full.gif" width=12 height=19 alt=".?!">
¶ <img src="sml/_empire.gif" width=17 height=19 alt="¶">
Special Symbols
-- <img src="sml/_hypen.gif" width=9 height=19 alt="-">
~~ <img src="sml/_tilde.gif" width=13 height=19 alt="~">
// <img src="sml/_slash.gif" width=8 height=19 alt="/">

These are my own inventions, not a part of the Klingon language. I use - to indicate that a syllable is an affix and not a word in it self, ~ replaces the look-up word in the dictionary, The slash is used to separate different words in for example a table.


aa <img src="piq/smpl/a.gif" width=44 height=39 alt="a">
bb <img src="piq/smpl/b.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="b">
chch <img src="piq/smpl/ch.gif" width=61 height=39 alt="ch">
DD <img src="piq/smpl/d.gif" width=42 height=39 alt="D">
ee <img src="piq/smpl/e.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="e">
ghgh <img src="piq/smpl/gh.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="gh">
HH <img src="piq/smpl/h.gif" width=40 height=39 alt="H">
II <img src="piq/smpl/i.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="I">
jj <img src="piq/smpl/j.gif" width=40 height=39 alt="j">
ll <img src="piq/smpl/l.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="l">
mm <img src="piq/smpl/m.gif" width=40 height=39 alt="m">
nn <img src="piq/smpl/n.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="n">
ngng <img src="piq/smpl/ng.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="ng">
oo <img src="piq/smpl/o.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="o">
pp <img src="piq/smpl/p.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="p">
qq <img src="piq/smpl/q.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="q">
QQ <img src="piq/smpl/qh.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="Q">
rr <img src="piq/smpl/r.gif" width=30 height=39 alt="r">
SS <img src="piq/smpl/s.gif" width=39 height=39 alt="S">
tt <img src="piq/smpl/t.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="t">
tlhtlh <img src="piq/smpl/tlh.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="tlh">
uu <img src="piq/smpl/u.gif" width=41 height=39 alt="u">
vv <img src="piq/smpl/v.gif" width=53 height=39 alt="v">
ww <img src="piq/smpl/w.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="w">
yy <img src="piq/smpl/y.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="y">
’ <img src="piq/smpl/z.gif" width=11 height=39 alt="’">
0 No number zero available at present.
1 No number one available at present.
2 No number two available at present.
3 No number three available at present.
4 No number four available at present.
5 No number five available at present.
6 No number six available at present.
7 No number seven available at present.
8 No number eight available at present.
9 No number niner available at present.
No space available at present.
,;: No half stop (comma/semicolon/colon) available at present.
.?! No full stop (period/question mark/exclamation mark) available at present.
No empire symbol available at present.


aa <img src="piq/fncy/a.gif" width=30 height=39 alt="a">
bb <img src="piq/fncy/b.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="b">
chch <img src="piq/fncy/ch.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="ch">
DD <img src="piq/fncy/d.gif" width=22 height=39 alt="D">
ee <img src="piq/fncy/e.gif" width=24 height=39 alt="e">
ghgh <img src="piq/fncy/gh.gif" width=21 height=39 alt="gh">
HH <img src="piq/fncy/h.gif" width=19 height=39 alt="H">
II <img src="piq/fncy/i.gif" width=17 height=39 alt="I">
jj <img src="piq/fncy/j.gif" width=24 height=39 alt="j">
ll <img src="piq/fncy/l.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="l">
mm <img src="piq/fncy/m.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="m">
nn <img src="piq/fncy/n.gif" width=28 height=39 alt="n">
ngng <img src="piq/fncy/ng.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="ng">
oo <img src="piq/fncy/o.gif" width=23 height=39 alt="o">
pp <img src="piq/fncy/p.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="p">
qq <img src="piq/fncy/q.gif" width=17 height=39 alt="q">
QQ <img src="piq/fncy/qh.gif" width=23 height=39 alt="Q">
rr <img src="piq/fncy/r.gif" width=21 height=39 alt="r">
SS <img src="piq/fncy/s.gif" width=32 height=39 alt="S">
tt <img src="piq/fncy/t.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="t">
tlhtlh <img src="piq/fncy/tlh.gif" width=35 height=39 alt="tlh">
uu <img src="piq/fncy/u.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="u">
vv <img src="piq/fncy/v.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="v">
ww <img src="piq/fncy/w.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="w">
yy <img src="piq/fncy/y.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="y">
’ <img src="piq/fncy/z.gif" width=7 height=39 alt="’">
00 <img src="piq/fncy/0.gif" width=25 height=39 alt="0">
11 <img src="piq/fncy/1.gif" width=34 height=39 alt="1">
22 <img src="piq/fncy/2.gif" width=19 height=39 alt="2">
33 <img src="piq/fncy/3.gif" width=27 height=39 alt="3">
44 <img src="piq/fncy/4.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="4">
55 <img src="piq/fncy/5.gif" width=17 height=39 alt="5">
66 <img src="piq/fncy/6.gif" width=28 height=39 alt="6">
77 <img src="piq/fncy/7.gif" width=25 height=39 alt="7">
88 <img src="piq/fncy/8.gif" width=39 height=39 alt="8">
99 <img src="piq/fncy/9.gif" width=23 height=39 alt="9">
No space available at present.
,;:,;: <img src="piq/fncy/_half.gif" width=20 height=39 alt=",;:">
.?!.?! <img src="piq/fncy/_full.gif" width=17 height=39 alt=".?!">
¶ <img src="piq/fncy/_empire.gif" width=39 height=39 alt="¶">


aa <img src="piq/rom/a.gif" width=14 height=39 alt="a">
bb <img src="piq/rom/b.gif" width=15 height=39 alt="b">
chch <img src="piq/rom/ch.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="ch">
DD <img src="piq/rom/d.gif" width=21 height=39 alt="D">
ee <img src="piq/rom/e.gif" width=14 height=39 alt="e">
ghgh <img src="piq/rom/gh.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="gh">
HH <img src="piq/rom/h.gif" width=23 height=39 alt="H">
II <img src="piq/rom/i.gif" width=9 height=39 alt="I">
jj <img src="piq/rom/j.gif" width=8 height=39 alt="j">
ll <img src="piq/rom/l.gif" width=7 height=39 alt="l">
mm <img src="piq/rom/m.gif" width=23 height=39 alt="m">
nn <img src="piq/rom/n.gif" width=15 height=39 alt="n">
ngng <img src="piq/rom/ng.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="ng">
oo <img src="piq/rom/o.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="o">
pp <img src="piq/rom/p.gif" width=15 height=39 alt="p">
qq <img src="piq/rom/q.gif" width=15 height=39 alt="q">
QQ <img src="piq/rom/qh.gif" width=23 height=39 alt="Q">
rr <img src="piq/rom/r.gif" width=10 height=39 alt="r">
SS <img src="piq/rom/s.gif" width=17 height=39 alt="S">
tt <img src="piq/rom/t.gif" width=12 height=39 alt="t">
tlhtlh <img src="piq/rom/tlh.gif" width=32 height=39 alt="tlh">
uu <img src="piq/rom/u.gif" width=15 height=39 alt="u">
vv <img src="piq/rom/v.gif" width=15 height=39 alt="v">
ww <img src="piq/rom/w.gif" width=22 height=39 alt="w">
yy <img src="piq/rom/y.gif" width=17 height=39 alt="y">
’ <img src="piq/rom/z.gif" width=7 height=39 alt="’">
00 <img src="piq/rom/0.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="0">
11 <img src="piq/rom/1.gif" width=13 height=39 alt="1">
22 <img src="piq/rom/2.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="2">
33 <img src="piq/rom/3.gif" width=14 height=39 alt="3">
44 <img src="piq/rom/4.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="4">
55 <img src="piq/rom/5.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="5">
66 <img src="piq/rom/6.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="6">
77 <img src="piq/rom/7.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="7">
88 <img src="piq/rom/8.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="8">
99 <img src="piq/rom/9.gif" width=16 height=39 alt="9">
No space available at present.
,;: No half stop (comma/semicolon/colon) available at present.
.?! No full stop (period/question mark/exclamation mark) available at present.
No empire symbol available at present.


aa <img src="piq/ipa/a.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="a">
bb <img src="piq/ipa/b.gif" width=30 height=39 alt="b">
chch <img src="piq/ipa/ch.gif" width=37 height=39 alt="ch">
DD <img src="piq/ipa/d.gif" width=35 height=39 alt="D">
ee <img src="piq/ipa/e.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="e">
ghgh <img src="piq/ipa/gh.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="gh">
HH <img src="piq/ipa/h.gif" width=33 height=39 alt="H">
II <img src="piq/ipa/i.gif" width=24 height=39 alt="I">
jj <img src="piq/ipa/j.gif" width=44 height=39 alt="j">
ll <img src="piq/ipa/l.gif" width=23 height=39 alt="l">
mm <img src="piq/ipa/m.gif" width=39 height=39 alt="m">
nn <img src="piq/ipa/n.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="n">
ngng <img src="piq/ipa/ng.gif" width=32 height=39 alt="ng">
oo <img src="piq/ipa/o.gif" width=30 height=39 alt="o">
pp <img src="piq/ipa/p.gif" width=41 height=39 alt="p">
qq <img src="piq/ipa/q.gif" width=41 height=39 alt="q">
QQ <img src="piq/ipa/qh.gif" width=53 height=39 alt="Q">
rr <img src="piq/ipa/r.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="r">
SS <img src="piq/ipa/s.gif" width=28 height=39 alt="S">
tt <img src="piq/ipa/t.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="t">
tlhtlh <img src="piq/ipa/tlh.gif" width=38 height=39 alt="tlh">
uu <img src="piq/ipa/u.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="u">
vv <img src="piq/ipa/v.gif" width=29 height=39 alt="v">
ww <img src="piq/ipa/w.gif" width=36 height=39 alt="w">
yy <img src="piq/ipa/y.gif" width=26 height=39 alt="y">
’ <img src="piq/ipa/z.gif" width=31 height=39 alt="’">
00 <img src="piq/ipa/0.gif" width=67 height=39 alt="0">
11 <img src="piq/ipa/1.gif" width=63 height=39 alt="1">
22 <img src="piq/ipa/2.gif" width=62 height=39 alt="2">
33 <img src="piq/ipa/3.gif" width=76 height=39 alt="3">
44 <img src="piq/ipa/4.gif" width=49 height=39 alt="4">
55 <img src="piq/ipa/5.gif" width=54 height=39 alt="5">
66 <img src="piq/ipa/6.gif" width=70 height=39 alt="6">
77 <img src="piq/ipa/7.gif" width=63 height=39 alt="7">
88 <img src="piq/ipa/8.gif" width=69 height=39 alt="8">
99 <img src="piq/ipa/9.gif" width=66 height=39 alt="9">


ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj .
May you enemies run with fear.
[TKW p.65]

O   B   J   E   C   T

jIH maH SoH tlhIH ghaH
HI- gho- × × yI- tI- yI- SoH (ra’)


HI- gho- × × yI- tI- pe- tlhIH (ra’)
× × qa- Sa- vI- vI- jI- jIH
× × pI- re- wI- DI- ma- maH
cho- ju- × × Da- Da- bI- SoH
tu- che- × × bo- bo- Su- tlhIH
mu- nu- Du- lI- - - - ghaH/’oH
mu- nu- nI- lI- lu- - - chaH/bIH
vI-lu’ wI-lu’ Da-lu’ bo-lu’ -lu’ lu-lu’ -lu’ (vay’)

Shaded areas indicate that pronouns and/or suffixes must be used, a single - that no prefix is used. [TKD pp.33–34]