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From: "Marc Okrand" <>
Date: [9/04/97?]

Marc Okrand <> wrote in article <01bcb711$37430f40$LocalHost@marcokra>...
> SuStel charghwI' je -- muquvmoH QInmey DalI'pu'bogh tlhIH.

To all those too polite to say anything...

The Klingon sentence I wrote to SuStel and charghwI' [be sure to pronounce his name correctly!] contains a grammatical error.  It's not a weird dialectal variation; it has nothing to do with social status; it's not a form of secret or disguised speech.  It's just plain wrong. The verb should be <bolI'pu'bogh>, using the prefix <bo-> "you (plural) [do something to] it/them," not <Da-> "you (singular) [do something to] it/them." Though plural suffixes are not obligatory on nouns (<SuvwI'> can mean either "warrior" or "warriors"), Klingons are fussy about the verb prefixes. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.  Clearly, Maltz never saw my posting.

- Marc