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Author De’vID
Date 2 March 2012
Summary Sentences from the Klingon Monopoly game.
Title [Tlhingan-hol] sentences from Klingon Monopoly (was: Klingon Word of the Day: rop)
Type email

Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 11:14:54 +0100
From: "De'vID jonpIn" <>
To: tlhIngan-Hol <>
Subject: [Tlhingan-hol] sentences from Klingon Monopoly (was: Klingon Word of the Day: rop)

SPOILER WARNING: Contains sentences from Klingon Monopoly.

>> qarDaSQa'Daq ruDelya' rop'a' Hergh qengbogh yo' Dabot.
>> "Intercept Rudellian plague relief convoy to Cardassian Union."

> I've never seen this sentence before.  Is it from the Monopoly cards? Would you share more of these (off-list if you prefer)?

I didn't type everything from Klingon Monopoly.  For example, some of the sentences which have numbers appear with other values.  And I skipped "obvious" sentences (no new vocabulary and no unusual grammar), so the below is not complete.

{DIvI' le'mISvo' bInargh.} "Escape Federation blockade."

{pIraqSIS HoS waw' ghajlu'chugh, loSlogh boq'egh mI' naghmey mI'; chen qav'ap.} "If Praxis Energy Facility is owned, rent is 4 times amount shown on dice."

{DurIt tlhIngan yejquv.} "Summoned to the Klingon High Council."

{chaw'vam yIpol 'ej SIbI'Ha' yIlo' pagh 'oH yImech.} "This card may be kept until needed or traded."

{Qo'noS romuluS je boSuqlaH. vabDot tera' Qejbogh DIvI' ram boSuqlaH.} "Kronos, Romulus and even the puny Federation's precious Earth, are all up for grabs."

{wo' ngay' bochoqmeH bowIvlu'pu'!} "You have been hosen to preserve the glory of the Empire!"

{wa' tlhIngan QaS vey} "one pack of Klingon forces"

{Dumer DIvI' QaS 'ej DuHIv, vaj bIwunchoH 'ej bIrIQchoH.} "Surprise attack by Federation leaves you unprotected and damaged."

{DuHIv jagh Dangu'laHbe'bogh, vaj bIwunchoH 'ej bIpujchoH.} "Attack by unknown enemy leaves you vulnerable and weak."

{DIvI' rojmab qep ghanglu' 'e' nIDlu', 'ach taH qep.} "Despite efforts to halt them, peace talks with Federation continue."

{Qang QanmeH yan 'ISletlh Damuv 'e' wIvlu'.} "You are chosen to serve on the Yan-Isleth and protect the Chancellor."

{jorwI'mey ghaymo' qarDaSnganpu', Hegh SuvwI'pu'lI' law' 'ej rIQ SuvwI'pu'lI' law'} "Suffer major losses after Cardassian bombing campaign."

{tlhIngan 'IH qaD DaQap.} "Win Klingon beauty contest."

{mI' naghmey tIronmoH} "throw dice"

{jagh Duj DaQaw' 'ach pagh qama' Datlhapqa.} "Destroy enemy vessel without retrieving prisoners."

{qeylIS 'etlh Datlhapqa' 'e' DaQapbe'.} "Fail to retrieve the Sword of Kahless."

{cha'pujqutmey chIm lutamlu'.} "Drained dilithium crystals are replaced."

{ngIq raQ - 150 QaS} "outposts cost 150 each" {ngIq raQvaD cha'maH vagh QaS yInob.} "For each outpost pay 25 forces." {ngIq gholvo' wa'maH QaS yItlhap.} "Collect 10 forces from every player."

{Quj wa'DIch MONOPOLY Huch nav qa' tlhIngan QaS} "Klingon forces replace original MONOPOLY bills"

{bIghHa' yIjaH} "Go to jail"

{"GO" DajuSDI' cha'vatlh QaS yItlhap}

{'echletHom Dopvam yIcha'} "card must be turned this side up"

{veymey puS neH chenmoHlu'pu'} "Limited Edition"

{boSwI'vaD veyvam le' chenmoHlu'} "Collector's Edition"


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