A Quick Reference to Numbers in Klingon

Basic Numbers
Number-Forming Elements
-maHten-netlhten thousand
-vatlhhundred-bIphundred thousand

The basic numbers 1–9 may take a number-forming element to form a higher number such as wa’­vatlh (one hundred) or cha’­vatlh wej­maH loS (two hundred thirty four). When a number is used to modify a noun, that noun does not have to take a plural suffix (it is never mandatory, and plurality in clearly indicated anyway).

Numbers preceding a noun it is used for counting (e.g. cha’ Duj two vessels), numbers following is used for numbering (e.g. Duj cha’ vessel number two). Numbers may also stand alone and serve as nouns in their own right (e.g wa’ yI­HoH Kill one (of them)!). [TKD 5.2]

Number Suffixes
-DIchordinal (follows the noun)i.e. first, second, third etc.
-loghrepetitions (becomes adverb)i.e. once, twice, three times etc.

When -DIch is used it always follows the noun in modifies (e.g. Duj cha’­DIch second vessel).

Adding -logh turns the number into an adverbial that is placed in front of the entire object–verb–subject construction (e.g wa’­logh qa­legh I saw you once). If the object noun is topicalized with -’e’, the number of repetitions may instead come between the object and the verb (e.g. yaS­’e’ cha’­logh Da­bach­pu’ You shot the OFFICER twice). [TKD 5.2, 5.4, TKDa 6.7]