The pIqaD Playground: Help

These are the characters available in The pIqaD Playground. Write normal good, honest case-sensetive Klingon and everything will be fine. In addition to this you may use < for the symbol of the Klingon Empire, > for the logo of Klingonska Akademien and # for an older symbol for the Klingon Empire from one of KLI’s typefaces. Non-Klingon letters are not translated.

In case you have your doubt regarding the punctuation marks, I just want to add that they originate from the SkyBox Cards. If you still don’t like them, why not use DloraH’s preferred method of punctuation – multiple spaces for longer pauses. (Multiple spaces does not collapse into a single one on this page.)

a b ch D e gh H I j
a b ch D e gh H I j
l m n ng o p q Q r
l m n ng o p q Q r
S t tlh u v w y ’ _
S t tlh u v w y space
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
5 6 7 8 9
,;: .?! ¶ ¶ ¶
,;: .?! (#) (<) (>)

If you want to know more about the Klingon writing system, you may want to take a look at the article pIqaD, and How To Read It. For a glimpse of Klingon handwriting, take a look at Some Pictures of pIqaD. If you’re interested in the (GIF) typeface used above, take a look at Some Klingon GIF Fonts.

Sometime in the (not-so-far) future I hope to add more typefaces to this page. I already have my own handwriting, and Mark Shoulsson’s handwriting as GIF typefaces, as well a as the IPA characters needed to transcribe Klingon.