Klingon Pocket Dictionary

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706 matches. (Want the whole dictionary? Download it here.)
tlh: bachHa’
pos: verb
en: err, make a mistake [slang]
sv: fela, göra ett misstag [slang]
def: KGT
ref: KLINW
pun: This is the first word in the K-E side of the dictionary, and is incorrectly given as a noun. MO has confirmed this to be an intentional error (since there is always an error somewhere, in every dictionary).
tag: 1997
id: yLa
meta: FIXME -- Should this word even be used? Qagh seem to mean the same thing.
tlh: baj
pos: verb
en: earn, work for (actively)
sv: tjäna, göra sig förtjänt av, arbeta för (aktivt)
def: TKW p.125; KGT
cite: yInlu’taH ’e’ bajnISlu’. Survival must be earned. [TKW p.125]
cite: yay chavlu’ ’e’ bajnISlu’. Victory must be earned. [TKW p.125]
cite: vuv be’ ’e’ baj win the favor of a woman [KGT p.69]
tag: 1996
id: msr
tlh: bal
pos: noun
en: jug, jar, bottle
sv: krus, kanna, kruka, burk, flaska
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 848
tlh: bang bom
pos: noun
en: love song
sv: kärlekssång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: adL
tlh: bang pong
pos: noun
en: pet name, endearment
sv: smeknamn, ömhetsbetygelse
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: ehk
tlh: baq
pos: verb
en: terminate, discontinue
sv: avsluta, avbryta
def: KGT
ref: HolQeD-12-2 p.9
cite: A duel ends, normally, with death. It is often the case, however, that one of the combatants will have been outmaneuvered and will find himself in a position from which he clearly cannot recover. Should this occur, he will probably shout out baq, a clipped form of yIbaq (Terminate it!). It is not normal in this context for him to shout out something like HIHoH (Kill me!), even though this is what he means. [KGT p.69]
tag: 1997
id: jMo
tlh: baqghol
pos: noun
en: type of liquor, bahgol
sv: en slags sprit, bahgol
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: QHZ
tlh: [1] baQ
pos: verb
en: be fresh, be just picked (fruit, vegetable)
sv: vara färsk, vara nyplockad (om frukt, grönsak)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: HxN
tlh: [2] baQ
pos: verb
en: toss bat'leth from one hand to the other
sv: kasta en bat'leth från den ena handen till den andra
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: KSB
tlh: bargh
pos: noun
en: flat-bottomed pot for food preparation
sv: flatbottnad skål för matberedning
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 2Fk
tlh: barot
pos: name
en: Barot
sv: Barot
def: KGT p.182
cite: tI’vIS barot puqloD T'vis, son of Barot [KGT p.182]
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: HoG
tlh: baS ’In
pos: noun
en: bell (percussion instrument made of metal)
sv: klocka (slaginstrument gjort av metall)
def: KGT p.75
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: Jym
tlh: batlhHa’
pos: adverbial
en: dishonorably
sv: skamligt, med vanära
def: TKW pp.55, 139; KGT
cite: batlhHa’ vanglu’taHvIS quv chavbe’lu’. One does not achieve honor while acting dishonorably. [TKW p.55]
cite: Qu’ buSHa’chugh SuvwI’, batlhHa’ vangchugh, qoj matlhHa’chugh, pagh ghaH SuvwI’’e’. If a warrior ignores duty, acts dishonorably, or is disloyal, he is nothing. [TKW p.139]
tag: 1996
id: KCa
tlh: bej [.2]
pos: verb
en: be sure, be definite, be positive, be certain [slang]
sv: vara helt säker, vara viss [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: qUL
tlh: bem
pos: noun
en: sole of foot
sv: fotsula
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: M1L
tlh: ben
pos: noun
en: years ago, years old
sv: för ... år sedan, år gammal
desc: loSmaH ben jIboghpu’ I'm 40 years old (lit. I was born 40 years ago); cha’vatlh ben HIq two century old ale
def: TKD; PK; 1996-12-12a-News; KGT
cite: I will drink two century old ale. cha’vatlh ben HIq vItlhutlh. [PK]
cite: vagh SanID ben buDbe’ wamwI’pu’. ngugh Ho’Du’chaj lo’ chaH, ’ach DaH tajmey lo’. 5,000 years ago, hunters were not lazy. Then (at that time) they used their teeth, but now they use knives. [1999-11-05-News]
com: Combinations with ben and quantity words other than numbers are often seen on tlhingan-hol, even though canon support for them is (so far) missing. E.g. ben law’ many years ago, ben puS [a] few years ago, ’op ben some (unknown number of) years ago.
pun: Igor/Aryeh pointed out [on tlhingan-hol] that the Hebrew word *ben* son is used when giving ages (for males); e.g. *Ani ben X* I am X [years] old, *Hu ben X* He is X [years] old.
tag: 1985; time
id: iR9
tlh: beqpuj
pos: noun
en: type of mineral, bekpuj (bright orange in color)
sv: en slags mineral, bekpuj (starkt orange till färgen)
def: KGT
cite: Doq ’ej beqpuj rur means (it) is Doq and resembles bekpuj, a common mineral that is bright orange. [KGT p.82]
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: ufG
tlh: betleH ’obe’
pos: noun
en: Order of the Bat'leth
sv: Bat'leth-ordern (ett ordensällskap)
def: KGT p.182
tag: 1997; Klingonism
data: phrase
id: YAy
tlh: bey
pos: noun
en: howl, wail
sv: tjuta, yla
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ZgR
tlh: bey’
pos: noun
en: ceremonial display
sv: ceremoniell utställning, ceremoniell uppvisning
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: FkK
meta: FIXME -- Should the Swedish translation be "ställ", like the other "display" related words?
tlh: be’etor
pos: name
en: B'Etor
sv: B'Etor
def: SBX-S26 (HolQeD-05-3-b); KGT p.197
ref: KLINW
com: B'Etor is one of the Duras sisters.
tag: 1996; Klingonism
id: Y1F
tlh: bIm
pos: noun
en: second tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: andra tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: ns9
tlh: bIQ bal
pos: noun
en: water jug
sv: vattenkrus, vattenkanna
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: zjf
tlh: bIQDep
pos: noun
en: fish
sv: fisk
def: KGT
see: ghotI’
tag: 1997; animal; food
id: Lnn
tlh: bIraqlul
pos: noun
en: brak'lul (redundancy in body parts)
sv: brak'lul (dubbel uppsättning av kroppsorgan)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: 1dt
tlh: bIreqtal
pos: noun
en: Brek'tal ritual
sv: Brek'tal ritual
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: MwK
tlh: bI’
pos: verb
en: sweep (away)
sv: svepa undan, avskaffa, röja undan
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Grz
tlh: bochmoHwI’
pos: noun
en: sycophant, flatterer [slang]
sv: smickrare, lismare [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: bnK
tlh: boD
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: 4SK
tlh: bol
pos: verb
en: drool
sv: dregla
def: TKD E-K; KGT
tag: 1985
id: zS8
tlh: bolwI’
pos: noun
en: traitor [slang]
sv: förrädare [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: qN7
tlh: bom [1]
pos: verb
en: sing, chant
sv: sjunga, mässa
def: TKW p.17; KGT
cite: ta’mey Dun, bommey Dun. Great deeds, great songs. [TKW p.15]
cite: bomDI’ ’IwwIj qaqaw. The memory of you sings in my blood. [TKW p.17]
cite: A song is a bom, and to sing a song is likewise bom. The set of lyrics to a song is termed bom mu’ (literally, song word or song words). [KGT p.71]
tag: 1996; music
id: EYR
tlh: bom [2]
pos: noun
en: song, chant
sv: sång
def: TKW p.15; KGT
tag: 1996; music
id: b9M
tlh: bom mu’
pos: noun
en: lyric, lyrics
sv: sångtext, låttext
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: uFB
tlh: bomwI’
pos: noun
en: singer
sv: sångare, sångerska
def: KGT p.71
tag: 1997; music
data: derived form
id: p5U
tlh: boq [2]
pos: noun
en: alliance, bloc, coalition, fusion
sv: allians, block, sammanslutning, koalition, fusion
def: TKD; HolQeD-04-4 p.11; KGT; BoP
ref: KLINW
cite: Hong boq chuyDaH: loS Impulse Fusion Thrusters -- 4 [BoP]
tag: 1985
id: aGW
meta: Entries from TKD, KGT and BoP have been combined here.
tlh: boqrat
pos: noun
en: type of animal, bokrat
sv: ett slags djur, bokrat
def: KGT
see: boqrat chej stewed bokrat liver
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
id: HdE
meta: Spelled "bok-rat" in DI, "bokrat" in KGT. KGT spelling used here.
tlh: boqrat chej
pos: noun
en: stewed bokrat liver
sv: stuvad bokratlever
def: KGT
cite: bok-rat liver, stewed (boqrat chej) Food made from the liver of a bok-rat, apparently cooked to some degree, making it unusual among Klingon foods. [First seen in "Soldiers of the Empire" (DS9).] [DI p.242]
see: boqrat bokrat
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
data: phrase
id: Ke6
meta: Spelled "bok-rat" in DI, "bokrat" in KGT. KGT spelling used here.
tlh: boq ru’
pos: noun
en: coalition
sv: koalition
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: F56
tlh: bortaS DIb
pos: noun
en: Right of Vengeance
sv: Vedergällningsrätt, Rätt till hämnd
desc: a legal right
def: TKW p.121; KGT
cite: In Klingon society revenge is not merely a desirable response to an affront; it is, at least under some circumstances, a legal right called the Right of Vengeance (bortaS DIb). [TKW p.121]
tag: 1996
data: phrase
id: ssa
tlh: botjan
pos: noun
en: shields (force field on ship)
sv: sköldar (kraftfält på skepp)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: nXB
tlh: bo’Dagh
pos: noun
en: scoop, scooping implement (to serve food)
sv: skopa, skyffel (för att servera mat)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: MdP
tlh: burgh quD
pos: noun
en: naturally produced qud
sv: naturligt framställd qud
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
data: phrase
id: gVV
tlh: buSHa’
pos: verb
en: ignore, not focus (on)
sv: ignorera, inte fokusera (på)
def: TKW p.139; KGT
cite: Qu’ buSHa’chugh SuvwI’, batlhHa’ vangchugh, qoj matlhHa’chugh, pagh ghaH SuvwI’’e’. If a warrior ignores duty, acts dishonorably, or is disloyal, he is nothing. [TKW p.139]
tag: 1996
data: derived form
id: utf
meta: Definition not focus [on] comes from KGT p.149.
tlh: buy’
pos: verb
en: be full, be filled up
sv: vara full, vara fylld
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Aoe
tlh: buy’ ngop
pos: exclamation
en: good news, it's good to hear that [slang]
sv: goda nyheter, det var gott att höra [slang]
def: KGT p.147 et al.
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: W73
tlh: [2] chab
pos: noun
en: invention, innovation [slang]
sv: uppfinning, innovation [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: riA
tlh: chaDvay’
pos: noun
en: radio frequency, Hertz (unit of frequency)
sv: radiofrekvens, hertz (frekvensenhet)
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT
ref: TDNW
cite: Hertz (frequency) chaDvay’ [HolQeD-01-3 p.9]
tag: 1990; measure
id: 1Ft
tlh: chaj
pos: noun
en: close female friend of a female
sv: väninna, nära kvinnlig vän till en kvinna
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: efk
tlh: cham
pos: noun
en: technology
sv: teknologi
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: gxP
tlh: chanDoq
pos: noun
en: marinade
sv: marinad
def: KGT
see: HaH marinade
tag: 1997; food
id: LAJ
tlh: chaQ
pos: verb
en: thrust upward with end of bat'leth
sv: stöta uppåt med spetsen på en bat'leth
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: zhT
tlh: char
pos: verb
en: be slimy
sv: vara slemmig, vara hal
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: S5K
tlh: charghwI’
pos: noun
en: victor, conqueror
sv: segrare, erövrare
def: TKW p.179; KGT
cite: reH lugh charghwI’. The victor is always right. [TKW p.179]
cite: qun qon charghwI’pu’’e’. History is written by the victors. [TKW p.179]
tag: 1996
data: derived form
id: Vyu
tlh: [1] chatlh
pos: noun
en: soup (thick)
sv: gryta, soppa (tjock)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: rHq
tlh: [2] chatlh
pos: noun
en: nonsense, balderdash [slang]
sv: nonsens, gallimatias [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: FEo
tlh: cha’nob
pos: noun
en: ritual gifts
sv: rituella gåvor
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: V2k
tlh: chechtlhutlh
pos: noun
en: type of liquor, chech'tluth
sv: en slags sprit, chech'tluth
def: KGT
cite: chech'tluth (chechtlhutlh) An alcoholic beverage best served heated and steaming. The word seems to derive from the verbs meaning to drink and to get drunk. [First seen in "Up the Long Ladder" (TNG).] [DI p.242]
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
id: rZV
meta: Entries differ in source. The spelling "baceh'tluth" found in KGT K-E is presumed an error and not included here.
tlh: chej
pos: noun
en: liver
sv: lever
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part; food
id: v6C
tlh: chelwI’
pos: noun
en: accountant, financier [slang]
sv: kamrer, revisor, finansman [slang]
def: KGT
cite: Mildly derogatory in its slang usage, this word literally means adder, one who adds. There is no known nonslang counterpart, though HuchQeD (literally, money science) is often used for economics. [KGT p.148]
tag: 1997; economics; math
id: dqX
tlh: chemvaH
pos: noun
en: type of animal, chemvah
sv: ett slags djur, chemvah
def: KGT
cite: [I]t is relatively easy to tell if a Klingon is interested in you as a potential mate. [...] [F]emale Klingons slink around like a Hellenian Mynx and make sounds like the chemvaH. [PK]
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: ezA
tlh: chenmoH
pos: verb
en: form, make, create
sv: forma, göra, skapa, bilda
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: mQH
tlh: chenmoHwI’
pos: noun
en: creator, maker
sv: skapare, tillverkare
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: BAP
tlh: cheng
pos: name
en: Chang
sv: Chang
def: ST6; KGT p.52
tag: 1991; Klingonism
id: 2SE
tlh: cheSvel [.1]
pos: noun
en: type of coat
sv: en slags rock
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Mop
tlh: cheSvel [.2]
pos: noun
en: coat, jacket (general term) [regional]
sv: rock, jacka (generell term) [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: bQj
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: chetvI’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: chetvi, spear-throwing device
sv: chetvi, spjutslunga
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism
id: 8bU
meta: The word "chetvi" found in definition of wob in KGT K-E.
tlh: che’
pos: verb
en: rule, reign, run, preside
sv: regera, styra, härska, leda, presidera, sitta ordförande
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985
id: Hdf
tlh: che’ron
pos: noun
en: battlefield
sv: slagfält
def: KGT
pun: The planet Cheron was the home of the half-white/half-black aliens in TOS "Let This Be Your Last Battlefield." (The Battle of Cheron was a pivotal battle that took place in 2160, the outcome of which effectively ended the Earth--Romulan War, with the "humiliating defeat" of the Romulans. [ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Pt. II"].)
tag: 1997
id: jdb
tlh: choghvat
pos: noun
en: stairway leading to door of a ship, gangplank
sv: trappuppgång vid skeppsdörr, landgång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; architecture
id: Fso
tlh: chon
pos: noun
en: hunt
sv: jakt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ji4
tlh: chon bom
pos: noun
en: hunting song
sv: jaktsång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: r6Y
tlh: chonnaQ
pos: noun
en: hunting spear
sv: jaktspjut
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: 6dX
tlh: chontay
pos: noun
en: ritual hunt
sv: rituell jakt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Y65
tlh: chong [1.2]
pos: verb
en: be profound, be thorough, be careful [slang]
sv: vara grundlig, vara ordentlig, vara omsorgsfull, vara noggrann [slang]
desc: chong yaS the officer is careful/profound; person is subj.
def: KGT
cite: Literally be vertical, this word is used to refer to one's intellect, as in chong tlhIngan SuvwI’ (The Klingon warrior is profound---literally, The Klingon warrior is vertical; tlhIngan, Klingon; SuvwI’, warrior). In its literal sense, this word is the opposite of SaS (be horizontal), and as a slang term, it is an opposite as well, as SaS is used to mean be shallow, superficial. It is most likely that chong took on its slang meaning because of the prior existence of SaS, which has been used as slang for a much longer time. An equivalent meaning may be expressed without slang by using a word such as Qubchu’ (think perfectly, think clearly; Qub, think; -chu’, perfectly, clearly), as in Qubchu’ tlhIngan SuvwI’ (The Klingon warrior thinks clearly). [KGT p.148]
see: Qub think
tag: 1997
id: eWK
tlh: chong [2]
pos: exclamation
en: good, excellent, admirable [slang]
sv: bra, utmärkt, beundransvärt [slang]
def: KGT pp.148--149
cite: Literally be vertical [...] The word chong may also be used as an exclamation expressing approval or satisfaction, somewhat like standard maj (good). Thus, one may describe one's feelings about a skillfully made knife or about an upcoming social event by saying simply chong (literally, vertical but meaning good, excellent, admirable). See also qu’ (literally, be fierce), another slang term used to express approval. [KGT pp.148--149]
see: maj good (excl); qu’ be great (v) (slang)
tag: 1997
id: oJP
tlh: choptaH
pos: verb
en: gnaw
sv: gnaga, tugga
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: derived form
id: cqJ
tlh: [2] chor
pos: noun
en: ceramic flat-bottomed pot [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål av keramik [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: YJ1
tlh: chor bargh
pos: noun
en: ceramic flat-bottomed pot [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål av keramik [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase
id: wpH
tlh: chorgh [2]
pos: noun
en: eight tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: åttonde tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: 45C
tlh: chotwI’
pos: noun
en: murderer
sv: mördare
def: KGT p.25
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: Bfn
tlh: chuH [.1]
pos: verb
en: throw (a spear) at, hurl (a spear) at
sv: kasta (ett spjut) mot, slunga (ett spjut) mot
desc: qachuH I throw (a spear) at you; target is obj.
def: KGT
cite: the direct object is the target [TDNW]
tag: 1997; fighting
id: Xv1
tlh: chuH [.2]
pos: verb
en: explain clearly to, clarify for, specify for [slang]
sv: förklara noga för, förtydliga för, närmare ange för [slang]
desc: qachuH I clarify (it) for you; one getting explanation is obj.
def: KGT
cite: In the slang sense, the object of the verb is the person who wants clarification, as in HIchuH! (Clarify for me! Spell it out for me!; literally, Throw [a spear] at me!) or yaS chuH (He/she clarifies [it] for the officer; literally, He/she throws [a spear] at the officer). [KGT p.149]
see: QIj explain
tag: 1997
id: 4Ev
tlh: chuHchu’
pos: verb
en: hit with a thrown spear
sv: träffa med ett kastat spjut
def: KGT p.64
tag: 1997; fighting
data: derived form
id: eB6
tlh: [2] chu’ [.2]
pos: verb
en: play (a musical instrument)
sv: spela (ett musikinstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: RZe
tlh: chu’wI’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: player (of an instrument)
sv: musiker (som spelar ett instrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: derived form
id: vj7
tlh: Dab
pos: verb
en: dwell in/at, reside in/at
sv: vistas hos/i, bo hos/i, vara hos
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Ugu
tlh: Dach [.2]
pos: verb
en: be not attentive, be distracted, lack focus, not pay attention [slang]
sv: vara ouppmärksam, vara distraherad, sakna koncentration [slang]
def: KGT
cite: Dach ("not pay attention, be distracted, lack focus") The verb Dach literally means "be absent," but when applied to a person who is obviously present or otherwise accounted for, it is usually interpreted to mean that the person's mind has wandered. It does not mean "absentminded," which involves forgetfulness. Rather, it means that the person is, for whatever reason, not focusing on the task at hand. Nonslang equivalents are qImHa’ ("not pay attention") and buSHa’, ("not focus [on], ignore.") [KGT p.149]
cite: Dach be not attentive, be distracted, lack focus (v) (slang) [KGT K-E/p.214]
cite: [be] distracted, lack focus (v) (slang) Dach [KGT E-K/p.240]
cite: lack focus, to not pay attention, be distracted (v) Dach (slang) [KGT E-K/p.248]
cite: [be] not attentive, be distracted (v) (slang) Dach [KGT E-K/p.251]
tag: 1997
id: HE8
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: Daghtuj
pos: noun
en: mixture of animal parts, animal parts mixed together
sv: blandning av djurdelar, ihopblandade djurdelar
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: CkZ
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] DaH
pos: noun
en: bank, array (of weapons)
sv: batteri, uppsättning (av vapen)
def: KGT p.56; BoP
tag: 1997; fighting
id: jV2
tlh: DaHjaj gheD
pos: noun
en: dish in a restaurant, "catch of the day"
sv: rätt på restaurang, "dagens fångst"
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase
id: ghf
tlh: Dap bom
pos: noun
en: nonsense song
sv: nonsenssång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: EgN
tlh: Daqtagh
pos: noun
en: warrior's knife, d'k tahg
sv: krigares kniv, d'k tahg
def: KGT
cite: d'k tahg (Daqtagh) Personal dagger. All Defense Force warriors carry their own d'k tahg, which is personalized with their name and House. [First seen in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.] [DI p.242]
see: DuQwI’Hommey small spikes on the d'k tahg pommel; moQ [.2] spiked pommel of a d'k tahg knife; tajHommey retractable small blades on a d'k tahg knife
tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism
id: dbQ
tlh: Dargh HIvje’
pos: noun
en: teacup
sv: témugg, tékopp
def: KGT
see: tu’lum teacup
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase; derived form
id: Ni6
tlh: DarSeq
pos: noun
en: darsek (unit of currency)
sv: darsek (valutaenhet)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; economics; Klingonism; measure
id: MWJ
meta: In KGT as "darsek, unit of currency (n)", here changed slightly to reseble the other units.
tlh: DayquS
pos: noun
en: type of plant, dikus plant
sv: en slags planta, dikusplanta
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ZbZ
tlh: [1] Degh [2]
pos: verb
en: act without a plan, improvise [slang]
sv: handla utan uppgjord plan, improvisera [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: poB
tlh: DeH
pos: verb
en: be ripe, be overripe (fruit, vegetable)
sv: vara mogen, vara övermogen (frukt, grönsak)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: Mh5
tlh: DeS [.2]
pos: noun
en: handle, ax handle
sv: skaft, yxskaft
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: MQW
meta: Entries differ in source. One of the KGT E-K entries is used here.
tlh: DeSqIv
pos: noun
en: elbow
sv: armbåge
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: CRp
tlh: DevwI’
pos: noun
en: leader
sv: ledare
def: PK; KGT
ref: TKW pp.63, 66
cite: the word for leader is DevwI’ [PK]
cite: nIteb SuvnIS DevwI’. A leader must stand alone. [TKW p.63]
cite: wa’ Qu’vaD wa’ DevwI’ tu’lu’. For one mission, there is one leader. [TKW p.66]
tag: 1993
data: derived form
id: 7MA
tlh: DIb
pos: noun
en: privilege, right
sv: rätt, privilegium, rättighet
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985
id: Kz5
tlh: DIghna’
pos: noun
en: type of plant
sv: en slags planta
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 8uE
tlh: DIj [.1]
pos: verb
en: slide sword blade along opponent's blade
sv: slå med svärd längsmed motståndares klinga
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: y52
tlh: DIj [.2]
pos: verb
en: use a pigment stick, paint with pigment stick
sv: använda en pigmentpinne, måla med pigmentpinne
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: mzZ
tlh: DIron
pos: noun
en: bagpipes
sv: säckpipa
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: q83
tlh: DIr ’In
pos: noun
en: drum (percussion instrument with a stretched animal skin)
sv: trumma (slaginstrument med ett sträckt djurskinn)
def: KGT p.75
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: Vzq
tlh: DoHmoH
pos: verb
en: drive back
sv: driva tillbaka
def: KGT p.48
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: QdN
tlh: Do Qe’
pos: noun
en: velocity restaurant, fast-food restaurant, Dok'e
sv: hastighetsrestaurang, snabbmatsservering, Dok'e
def: KGT pp.102, 103 et al.
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
data: phrase
id: n5h
meta: This entry combines information from KGT p.102 and entry on tebwI’ in KGT word list.
tlh: Dov’agh
pos: noun
en: flute, fife
sv: pipa, vissla, flöjt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: T4H
tlh: Do’Ha’ [1]
pos: adverbial
en: unfortunately
sv: olyckligtvis
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: txR
tlh: DuDwI’
pos: noun
en: stirring stick, mixing stick
sv: blandningskäpp, omrörningspinne, käpp/pinne för omrörning
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: KNi
meta: Entries differ in source. KGT E-K entry is used here.
tlh: Duj ngaDHa’
pos: noun
en: irresponsible person, undisciplined person [slang]
sv: oansvarig person, odisciplinerad person [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: VfC
tlh: Duq
pos: noun
en: bowl (small)
sv: skål (liten)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: aSB
tlh: DuQ [.2]
pos: verb
en: touch, move (emotionally)
sv: göra (någon) rörd
def: KGT
cite: muDuQ bom (The song stabs me, or, in a more colloquial Federation Standard form, The song moves me) [KGT p.72]
tag: 1997
id: WWm
tlh: DuQwI’
pos: noun
en: spike
sv: tagg, pigg
def: KGT
see: DaSpu’ boot spike; wIl spike
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: nkr
tlh: DuQwI’Hommey
pos: noun
en: small spikes on the d'k tahg pommel
sv: pommelspikar, piggar på pommeln till en d'k tahg
def: KGT p.61
see: Daqtagh warrior's knife, d'k tahg; moQ [.2] spiked pommel of a d'k tahg knife; tajHommey retractable small blades on a d'k tahg knife
tag: 1997; fighting
data: derived form
id: 2k5
tlh: Du’ naH
pos: noun
en: produce
sv: jordbruksprodukter, jordbruksvaror
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase; derived form
id: XyY
tlh: ghab
pos: noun
en: meat from midsection of animal
sv: kött från mittdelen av djur
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: Q2Q
tlh: ghab tun
pos: noun
en: meat from midsection of animal, no bones [regional]
sv: kött från mittdelen av djur, utan ben [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase
id: 9Ay
tlh: gham
pos: noun
en: limb (of an animal)
sv: lem, kroppsdel (på djur)
def: KGT
cite: [At the qep’a’ in 2010] Marc [Okrand] was listening in while Eric [Andeen] was telling me [Chris Lipscombe] the words. When we got to ghIv, gham was brought up. Marc described ghIv as the "person" version of gham. [2010-07-26b-Email]
see: ghIv limb (of a person); HajDob leg (served as food)
tag: 1997; food
id: cYm
tlh: ghanjaq
pos: noun
en: mace (stick, club)
sv: spira
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: tTP
tlh: ghawran
pos: name
en: Gowron
sv: Gowron
def: SBX-S25 (HolQeD-05-3-b); SBX-S26 (HolQeD-05-3-b); KGT pp.25, 26, 197, 198
tag: 1996; Klingonism
id: Czk
tlh: [1] ghaw’
pos: noun
en: igvah liver soup
sv: igvah-leversoppa
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: FN6
tlh: [2] ghaw’
pos: noun
en: insecure one, one full of self-doubt, self-doubter [regional, slang]
sv: osäker person, någon uppfylld av självtvivel, självtvivlare [regionalt, slang]
def: KGT
com: Slang term from the Vospeg region.
tag: 1997
id: Sk4
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: gha’tlhIq
pos: noun
en: ode of respect
sv: vördnadskväde, aktningsode
def: KGT
ref: KCD
tag: 1996
id: 7BQ
tlh: gheD
pos: noun
en: prey
sv: byte, rov, villebråd
def: TKW p.161; KGT
cite: QotDI’ gheD tlhejbe’ wamwI’. The hunter does not lie down with the prey. [TKW p.161]
tag: 1996
id: rtC
tlh: ghel
pos: verb
en: ask (a question)
sv: fråga, ställa en fråga
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jkU
tlh: gheS
pos: verb
en: assume duties of, take on responsibilities of
sv: anta plikter ifrån, ta på sig ansvar ifrån
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: B8s
tlh: ghevchoq
pos: noun
en: Gevchok (region)
sv: Gevchok (region)
def: KGT p.17
cite: On rare occasion, a place's name can be traced to an individual or family, such as [...] ghevchoq Sep ("Gevchok region") [...] [KGT p.17]
tag: 1997
id: a2J
meta: In KGT this word only occur as part a noun--noun construction with Sep region, however, the use of Sep in region names varies enough that inclusion of the word here without Sep seems warranted. (Of six regions named in KGT, one [ghevchoq] is only used with Sep, two [meqro’vaq and noHva’Dut] are only used without it, and three [Qotmagh, Sa’Qej and voSpegh] are used both with and without it.)
tlh: ghevchoq Sep
pos: noun
en: Gevchok region
sv: Gevchok-regionen
def: KGT p.17
com: A Klingon region in which the city ruq’e’vet Ruk'evet resides.
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: mwi
tlh: ghevI’
pos: noun
en: sauce for gagh
sv: sås till gagh
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: Gbq
tlh: ghe’naQ
pos: noun
en: opera
sv: opera
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: wMh
tlh: ghe’tor
pos: noun
en: Gre'thor (where spirits of dishonored go)
sv: Gre'thor (där de vanärades själar hamnar)
def: KGT
cite: Gre'thor (ghe’tor) The afterlife for the dishonored dead---the closest Klingon equivalent to hell. [First mentioned in "Devil's Due" (TNG).] [DI p.243]
com: mythological place; similar to Hell
tag: 1997; Klingonism; religion
id: z5y
meta: FIXME -- Should be merged with ghe’’or, or should one of these words be deprecated?
tlh: ghIgh [.2]
pos: noun
en: assignment, task, duty [slang]
sv: uppdrag, uppgift, plikt [slang]
def: KGT
see: Qu’
tag: 1997
id: ST7
tlh: ghIlab ghew
pos: noun
en: glob fly
sv: globfluga
def: TKW pp.171, 173; KGT
cite: ghIlab ghewmey tIbuSQo’. Pay no heed to glob flies. A glob fly is a tiny Klingon insect that makes a loud buzzing sound but has no stinger. The proverb means "Don't pay attention to insignificant things." [TKW p.171]
cite: glob fly (ghIlab ghew) Small, irritating insect with no sting, which makes a slight buzzing sound. [First referenced in "The Outrageous Okona" (TNG).] [DI p.242]
tag: 1996; animal
data: phrase; ghIlab (n)
id: hqv
tlh: ghIntaq
pos: noun
en: battle spear, gin'tak
sv: stridsspjut, gin'tak
def: KGT
com: An advisor to a house so trusted that he becomes a part of the family is called *gin'tak* (TNG "Firstborn").
tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism
id: BMV
tlh: ghIqtal
pos: exclamation
en: to the death [archaic]
sv: till döds [arkaiskt]
def: KGT p.49 et al.
tag: 1997
id: gbw
tlh: ghIrIlqa’
pos: name
en: Grilka
sv: Grilka
def: KGT p.41
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: tYg
tlh: ghISDen
pos: noun
en: scales (animal covering)
sv: fjäll (på djur)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 4on
tlh: ghIt [.1]
pos: noun
en: open, flat hand
sv: öppen, plan hand
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: a9Q
tlh: ghIt [.2]
pos: noun
en: ax blade, blade of axe
sv: yxhuvud, huvud på yxa
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: dBc
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: ghItlh [1]
pos: verb
en: write, engrave, incise, mark (upon)
sv: skriva, gravera, rista in, skära in, märka
def: TKD; HolQeD-02-4 p.18; KGT
cite: To mark (upon) something is ghItlh. This isn't just writing; it's any kind of marking. (Note that ghItlh, to write, refers to the physical act of writing. It doesn't mean to create a composition.) [HolQeD-02-4 p.17]
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: rHU
meta: Entries from all sources have been combined here.
tlh: ghItlhwI’
pos: noun
en: stylus, writing implement, pen, person who writes
sv: stylus, skriftverktyg, penna, person som skriver
def: KGT p.79
ref: TNK (2011-11-02-Email)
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: LQc
tlh: ghI’boj Sech
pos: noun
en: Torch of G'boj
sv: G'bojs fackla
def: KGT p.130
cite: wov; ghI’boj Sech rur (bright as the Torch of G'boj) [KGT p.130]
cite: Finally, the Torch of G'boj is one of the most revered historical objects in the Empire, though exactly why is seldom revealed to outsiders. [KGT p.130]
com: The Torch of G'boj is a highly esteemed icon from Klingon history that is as nearly revered as such legendary items as the Sword of Kahless, Sabak's armor, and the Emperor's Crown. (DS9 "The Sword of Kahless") (From: Star Trek: Memory Alpha)
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: cT3
tlh: gho [.2]
pos: noun
en: hoop
sv: tunnband, rullband
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: N51
tlh: ghob [1]
pos: verb
en: fight, battle, do battle, wage war
sv: slåss, strida, föra krig
def: TKW pp.vii, 61, 179; KGT
cite: The Klingon word ghob may be translated as ethics or virtue, linguistic evidence that the concept is not unknown or never discussed among the Klingons themselves. It is probably significant that the Klingon word for do battle, or wage war is likewise ghob. [TKW p.vii]
cite: ’ang’eghQo’ quv Hutlhbogh jagh neH ghobtaHvIS ghaH. Only an enemy without honor refuses to show himself in battle. [TKW p.61]
cite: noH ghoblu’DI’ yay quv law’ Hoch quv puS. In war, there is nothing more honorable than victory. [TKW p.179]
tag: 1996; fighting
id: rFz
tlh: ghob [2]
pos: noun
en: ethics, virtue
sv: etik, moral, dygd
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.vii, 47, 48
cite: batlh ghob yIpab. Adhere to virtue honorably. [TKW p.47]
tag: 1985
id: AeD
tlh: ghom [2]
pos: noun
en: group, party, band (in nonmusical sense)
sv: grupp, samling, skara, gäng, liga
def: TKD; HolQeD-04-4 p.11; KGT
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: g8x
meta: Should ghom meet and ghom group really be grouped together?
tlh: ghonDoq
pos: noun
en: type of knife (slender blade)
sv: en slags kniv (långsmalt blad)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: gPy
tlh: ghoq
pos: verb
en: spy (on)
sv: spionera (på)
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985
id: oed
tlh: ghoQ
pos: verb
en: be fresh, be just killed (meat)
sv: vara färsk, vara nydödad (om kött)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: DN7
tlh: ghuS [.2]
pos: verb
en: lower (spear) to horizontal to attack
sv: sänka (spjut) till horisontellt läge inför attack
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: SHk
tlh: HaH [.1]
pos: verb
en: soak, drench
sv: blöta upp, dränka in
def: KGT
cite: The verb HaH, though once restricted to this form of food preparation [marinading], is now often used in the more general sense of soak, drench. It is frequently heard in the reflexive form (HaH’egh, soak oneself) in reference to such activities as drinking a great deal, which has positive connotations, and bathing, an occasional undertaking with negative connotations. [KGT p.91]
tag: 1997
id: SmB
tlh: HaH [.2]
pos: verb
en: marinade
sv: marinera
def: KGT
see: chanDoq marinade
tag: 1997; food
id: AcK
tlh: HajDob
pos: noun
en: leg (served as food) [older or upper-class word]
sv: ben, lår (serverat som mat) [äldre ord eller överklassord]
def: KGT
cite: The archaic words tend to come up in conversations about food. For example, the usual word for the leg of an animal, when prepared as food, is gham (limb), the same word used for the leg of the living animal. A leg served as food at a banquet in an upper-class household, however, is likely to be called a HajDob, an old word for limb. [KGT pp.41--42]
see: gham limb
tag: 1997; food
id: EsR
tlh: Haq [1.1]
pos: verb
en: perform surgery (on)
sv: utföra kirurgi (på), operera
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Xfn
tlh: Haq [1.2]
pos: verb
en: intervene in (a situation) [slang]
sv: ingripa i (en situation), träda emellan [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: nUb
tlh: Hargh
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (major confrontation)
sv: slåss, strida (stor konfrontation)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: QVb
tlh: Hay’chu’
pos: verb
en: duel to the death
sv: duellera på liv och död
def: KGT p.49
tag: 1997
id: nuT
tlh: Ha’DIbaH [.2]
pos: noun
en: dog, cur, inferior person [slang]
sv: fähund, usling, tölp, underlägsen person [slang]
def: ST3; KGT
cite: Ha’DIbaH! Animal! [ST3]
cite: Ha’DIbaH Animal. Often used as an insult. [First used in "Sins of the Father" (TNG).] [DI p.243]
tag: 1984; curse
id: zVF
tlh: Ha’quj
pos: noun
en: baldric, sash
sv: axelgehäng, gehäng
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: EHG
tlh: Heghbat
pos: noun
en: ritual suicide
sv: rituellt självmord
def: TKW p.147, 177; KGT
cite: After being paralyzed from the waist down as the result of an accident, Worf at first felt his life had ended and decided to commit ritual suicide (Heghbat). [KGT p.147]
tag: 1996
id: asU
tlh: Heghtay
pos: noun
en: death ritual
sv: dödsritual
def: KGT
tag: 1997; religion
id: 5GV
tlh: HejwI’
pos: noun
en: robber
sv: rånare
def: KGT p.191
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: Pkz
tlh: HenrI’
pos: name
en: Henry
sv: Henrik
def: KGT pp.125--126
cite: In Shakespeare's original Klingon version of HenrI’ vagh, known in Federation Standard as Henry V [...] [KGT p.125--126]
tag: 1997; Anglicism
id: auu
tlh: Heng
pos: verb
en: finger (holes, strings of instrument) to vary sound
sv: fingra på (hål, strängar på instrument) för att variera ljud
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: Gbe
tlh: Hew
pos: noun
en: statue
sv: staty
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: a5B
tlh: Hew chenmoHwI’
pos: noun
en: sculptor
sv: skulptör
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: Gty
tlh: HIjwI’
pos: noun
en: delivery person
sv: leverantör, bud
def: KGT p.191
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: iTy
tlh: HIq
pos: noun
en: liquor, ale, beer, wine
sv: sprit, öl, vin, alkohol
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.35, 181
tag: 1985; food
id: d8W
tlh: HIvDuj
pos: noun
en: attack fighter (vessel)
sv: attackskepp
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT
tag: 1990; fighting
id: p19
tlh: HIvje’ bom
pos: noun
en: drinking song
sv: dryckesvisa
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food; music
data: phrase
id: VtH
tlh: HIvneS
pos: verb
en: honor-attack (suicide mission)
sv: äro-attack (självmordsuppdrag)
def: KGT p.49
tag: 1997
id: 2dJ
tlh: Hoch
pos: noun
en: everyone, all, everything, each, every
sv: alla, allihop, allt, allting, varje, varenda
desc: Hoch paqpu’ all books (as a whole); Hoch paq each book (separately) [HolQeD-05-2-a p.11]; nIn Hoch all of the fuel [KGT p.155]
def: TKD; HolQeD-05-2-a p.11; KGT p.155
ref: TKW
com: First in a noun-noun pair in TKW. According to HQ "More on Hoch"; "If noun following Hoch is explicitly plural, it means 'all'. If it is singular, it means 'each'." Occurs in TKW p.33, 51, 74, 74, 74, 99, 136, 179, 184.
tag: 1985; KLCP1; quantity
id: sWU
meta: All sources combined here.
tlh: HochDIch
pos: numeral
en: allth, final, last
sv: allte, slutgiltiga, sista
def: KGT p.177
ref: TDNW; HolQeD-12-2 p.9
tag: 1997
id: 7B1
tlh: HochHom
pos: noun
en: most, greater part
sv: mesta, större delen
desc: see Hoch
def: SBX-S15 (HolQeD-04-3-a); KGT
cite: tera’ vatlh DIS poH cha’maH wej HochHom lo’lu’taH. [It] remained in use for most of the 23rd century. [SBX-S15]
tag: 1995; quantity
id: WeJ
tlh: Hochlogh
pos: adverbial
en: all times, always (emphatic)
sv: alla gånger, alltid (emfatiskt)
def: KGT p.178
see: reH (adv)
tag: 1997
id: Nu4
tlh: Hol ghoQ
pos: noun
en: slang, "fresh language" (mostly used by younger Klingons)
sv: slang, "färskt språk" (mestadels använt av yngre klingoner)
def: KGT p.35
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: wmh
tlh: HolQeD
pos: noun
en: linguistics
sv: lingvistik
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 7K2
tlh: Hom [1.2]
pos: noun
en: weakling, runt, scrawny one, skinny one [slang]
sv: vekling, liten en, mager en, utmärglad person [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 6Lp
tlh: HovpoH
pos: noun
en: stardate
sv: stjärndatum
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: eU9
tlh: [1] Ho’ [2]
pos: noun
en: idol [slang]
sv: idol [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: q6K
tlh: Ho’ ’etlh
pos: noun
en: serrated blade (e.g., on kut'luch knife)
sv: sågtandat blad (t.ex. på kut'luch-kniv)
def: KGT p.61
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: oFg
tlh: HubneS
pos: verb
en: honor-defend (suicide mission)
sv: äro-försvar (självmordsuppdrag)
def: KGT p.49
tag: 1997
id: Z3W
tlh: HuchQeD
pos: noun
en: economics
sv: ekonomi
def: KGT p.148
tag: 1997; economics
id: Edj
tlh: HuD beQ yoS
pos: noun
en: Flat Mountain district (in Sakrej region)
sv: Flacka bergs-distriktet (i Sakrej-regionen)
def: KGT p.17
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: uSr
tlh: HuH
pos: noun
en: gall, bile, slime
sv: galla, slem
def: TKW p.142; KGT
ref: PK; KCD
cite: jagh lucharghlu’ta’bogh HuH ghopDu’lIj lungaSjaj. May the bile of the vanquished fill your hands. [PK]
cite: You lack gall is HuH DaHutlh. This is literally You lack bile, and a Klingon would probably only understand it biologically. [TKW p.142]
tag: 1993
id: HFs
tlh: HurDagh
pos: noun
en: stringed instrument (general term)
sv: stränginstrument (generell term)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: q49
tlh: Hur’Iq
pos: noun
en: outsider, foreigner [slang]
sv: outsider, främling [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: UMo
tlh: Hur’Iqngan
pos: noun
en: Hur'q (person)
sv: Hur'q (person)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: GGj
tlh: [2] HuS
pos: name
en: Huss
sv: Huss
def: KGT p.197
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: Fp5
tlh: Hutlh
pos: verb
en: lack, be without, to not have
sv: sakna, vara utan, inte ha
def: TKW pp.59, 61, 142; KGT
tag: 1996
id: 1n2
tlh: Huy’Dung
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: XyL
tlh: jabwI’
pos: noun
en: food server, waiter, waitress
sv: kypare, servitör, servitris
def: KGT
cite: The person who takes the order and brings the food is the jabwI’ (server) and the chef is the vutwI’ (cook; in a large restaurant, the head chef is referred to as the vutwI’ quv, the honored cook). In small establishments, the jabwI’ and vutwI’ are likely to be the same individual. If there is a separate bar (tach), the bartender (chom) will mix drinks; otherwise, these chores fall to the vutwI’. When taking a table's order, the jabwI’ neither writes anything down nor enters data into a computer. It is considered the duty of the jabwI’ to remember (qaw) the choices and to bring the correct food, and servers tend to be quite skilled at this. On the rare occasion when the jabwI’ has remembered incorrectly (qawHa’), the patron may reject (lajQo’) the dish. If the patron rejects a dish that the server believes has been properly remembered, however, the misunderstanding could develop into minor combat. For most of the other diners in the restaurant, this is regarded as an exhilarating diversion. [KGT pp.101--102]
see: tebwI’
tag: 1997; food
data: derived form
id: xPY
tlh: jaD
pos: verb
en: throw around, hurl about
sv: kasta runt, slunga omkring
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: VKN
tlh: jan [.2]
pos: noun
en: musical instrument
sv: musikinstrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: jCg
tlh: jaqmoH
pos: verb
en: embolden
sv: göra djärv, inge mod, uppmuntra
def: KGT p.71
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: NVg
tlh: jargh
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: P3x
tlh: jat [2]
pos: verb
en: speak incoherently, mumble [slang]
sv: tala otydligt, mumla [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: zWx
tlh: jatyIn
pos: noun
en: spiritual possession
sv: andlig hemsökelse, besatthet
def: KGT
cite: jatyIn According to legend, spirits of the dead that possess the living. [First mentioned in "Power Play" (TNG).] [DI p.243]
tag: 1997; religion
id: TK2
tlh: [1] jav [2]
pos: noun
en: sixth tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: sjätte tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: xWR
tlh: [2] jav
pos: noun
en: prisoner [slang]
sv: fånge [slang]
def: KGT
pun: jav also means "six" in Klingon---and "Number Six" is the designation of the main character in the well-known tv series "The Prisoner" from 1967 (played by Patrick McGoohan).
tag: 1997
id: YD9
tlh: jeD
pos: verb
en: be thick, be dense, be viscous
sv: vara tjock, vara seg, vara trögflytande
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: RwP
tlh: jejHa’
pos: verb
en: be dull, be blunt (of blades)
sv: vara slö, vara oskarp, vara trubbig (om egg)
def: TKW p.101; KGT
cite: ’etlh QorghHa’lu’chugh ragh ’etlh nIvqu’ ’ej jejHa’choH. Even the best blade will rust and grow dull unless it is cared for. [TKW p.101]
cite: [There are] two idioms [that] refer to the taste of food. To say jej pach (The claw is sharp) is to say that the food is pungent---that is, good. If the food is bland, one may say jejHa’ pach (The claw is dull). [KGT p.126]
tag: 1996
data: derived form
id: HF7
tlh: jengva’
pos: noun
en: plate (for eating), disk
sv: tallrik, platta, skiva
def: KGT
cite: De’ jengva’ compact disk [TNK]
com: This seems to mean any kind of plate or disk if one is to take its usage in the TNK as any kind of indication.
see: ngop is the plural form
tag: 1997; food
id: Nu5
tlh: jeq
pos: verb
en: protrude from
sv: sticka ut från, skjuta ut ur
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 9Xx
tlh: jeqqIj
pos: noun
en: club, bludgeon
sv: klubba, påk
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: FMn
tlh: jey’naS
pos: noun
en: double-headed ax, ax with double head
sv: dubbelhövdad yxa, yxa med dubbelt blad
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 1fR
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: jIj
pos: verb
en: be cooperative
sv: vara samarbetsvillig
def: KGT
see: yeq cooperate
tag: 1997
id: rfR
tlh: jInaq
pos: noun
en: amulet symbolizing a girl's coming of age
sv: amulett som symboliserar en flickas mognad
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jTv
tlh: jIr
pos: verb
en: rotate, twirl
sv: rotera, snurra
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: h4p
tlh: jIrmoH
pos: verb
en: twirl bat'leth, cause bat'leth to rotate
sv: snurra en bat'leth, få en bat'leth att rotera
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: djw
tlh: joH
pos: noun
en: Lady, Lord (head of house)
sv: Dam, Fru, Herre (familjeöverhuvud)
def: TKD; KGT
cite: The leader of a house is afforded the title joH, usually translated as Lord. This title is also used to refer to his wife, translated as Lady. If the title is used along with the name, one puts the name first, as is the case with all titles: Qugh joH (Lord Kruge), ghIrIlqa’ joH (Lady Grilka). When addressing the head of a house, a member of a lower class may use either the name plus joH or else joH plus -wI’, the first-person possessive suffix for beings capable of language: joHwI’ (my Lord, my Lady). This title also has an alternate form, jaw, which is used from time to time with no known difference in meaning or connotation, though joH is heard far more frequently. [KGT pp.40--41]
cite: [T]he head of a house is afforded the title joH (Lord, Lady), which, when one is addressing such a personage, may be used either after the name (as in qamor joH [Lord Kahmor]) or without the name if followed by the possessive suffix -wI’ (my), as in joHwI’ (my Lord, my Lady). [KGT p.198]
see: jaw [2]
tag: 1985
id: cEC
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: jom
pos: verb
en: install (a device)
sv: installera (en apparat)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ExP
tlh: jonpIn
pos: noun
en: engineering officer
sv: maskinofficer
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: HwE
tlh: jop
pos: verb
en: lunge, thrust
sv: stöta, sticka
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Kgq
tlh: joQ [.1]
pos: noun
en: rib
sv: revben
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jEz
tlh: joQ [.2]
pos: noun
en: strip of material in a susdek instrument
sv: tygremsa i ett susdek-instrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: Xjs
tlh: jorneb
pos: noun
en: warhead (of a torpedo)
sv: stridsspets (på en torped)
def: KGT E-K, p.57
see: *jornub
tag: 1997
id: Z46
tlh: *jornub
warn: canon misspelling, use jorneb instead
pos: noun
en: warhead (of a torpedo)
sv: stridsspets (på en torped)
def: KGT K-E
see: jorneb
tag: 1997
data: deprecated
id: qnX
meta: *jornub is here assumed to be a misspelling of jorneb. The word occurs in KGT, twice spelled jorneb (on page 57 and in the English--Klingon dictionary part). The fact that jorneb can be thought of as loosely consisting of the components jor explode and neb beak, bill, while nub be suspect, does not fit into the word also supports for its deprecation here.
tlh: lajQo’
pos: verb
en: reject
sv: förkasta, avslå
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: qyS
tlh: lat
pos: noun
en: shrine
sv: helgedom
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ZDd
tlh: lav
pos: noun
en: shrub
sv: buske
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 53V
tlh: lay’Ha’
pos: verb
en: break one's word
sv: bryta sitt ord
def: TKW p.80; KGT
cite: not lay’Ha’ tlhIngan. No Klingon ever breaks his word. [TKW p.80]
tag: 1996
id: C5p
tlh: lem
pos: noun
en: hoof
sv: hov
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 9Rw
tlh: leSpal
pos: noun
en: type of stringed instrument
sv: ett slags stränginstrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: Xcr
tlh: letlh [.1]
pos: noun
en: stairs, stairway
sv: trappa, trappuppgång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; architecture
id: JBH
tlh: letlh [.2]
pos: noun
en: stairway leading to door of a ship [regional]
sv: trappuppgång vid skeppsdörr [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; architecture
id: 4Uy
tlh: [1] lev
pos: verb
en: move bat'leth from vertical to horizontal orientation
sv: förflytta en bat'leth från vertikal till horisontell position
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: bA7
tlh: ley’
pos: noun
en: nose [regional]
sv: näsa [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: yAa
tlh: le’be’
pos: verb
en: be unexceptional, be nonspecific
sv: vara oexeptionell, vara icke-utmärkande
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: pWb
tlh: lIch
pos: verb
en: pour (into/onto something)
sv: hälla (i/på något)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: xgx
meta: Source [KGT] uses the word "anything", rather than "something" in the translation.
tlh: lIghon
pos: noun
en: Ligon
sv: Ligon
def: KGT
com: Name of a solar system, also called lIghonya’.
see: lIghonya’
tag: 1997
id: 5Ad
tlh: lIghon DuQwI’ pogh
pos: noun
en: glavin, Ligonian spike glove
sv: glavin, ligonsk spikhandske
def: KGT
tag: 1997; clothing
data: phrase
id: bE1
tlh: lIghonngan
pos: noun
en: Ligonian
sv: ligonier
def: KGT p.141
com: Race of beings form the Ligon (lIghon) star system.
see: lIghongan
tag: 1997
id: MRP
tlh: lIghonya’
pos: noun
en: Ligon
sv: Ligon
def: KGT p.142
com: Name of a solar system, also called lIghon.
see: lIghon
tag: 1997
id: GMG
tlh: lIghonya’ngan
pos: noun
en: Ligonian
sv: ligonier
def: KGT p.142
com: Race of beings form the solar system lIghon.
see: lIghonngan, lIghongan
tag: 1997
id: cGd
tlh: lIghongan
pos: noun
en: Ligonian
sv: ligonier
def: KGT p.141
com: Race of beings form the solar system lIghon (alternative spelling).
see: lIghonngan, lIghonya’ngan
tag: 1997
id: Nkv
tlh: lIngta’
pos: noun
en: type of animal, lingta
sv: ett slags djur, lingta
def: KGT
cite: lingta (lIngta’) Large game animal indigenous to Qo'noS. [First seen in "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" (DS9).] [DI p.243]
tag: 1997; animal; food; Klingonism
id: nme
tlh: lIt
pos: verb
en: get on (to)
sv: gå ombord (på), gå upp (på), kliva upp (på)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: AaD
tlh: lItHa’
pos: verb
en: get off (of)
sv: gå av (ifrån), gå ned (ifrån), kliva av (ifrån)
def: KGT
cite: jol SeHlaw lItHa’! Get off that transporter control panel! [PK]
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: Nxe
tlh: lIw
pos: noun
en: substitute, stand-in, temporary surrogate
sv: ersättning, ersättare, tillfälligt surrogat
def: KGT
see: qa’ replace; qa’meH; replacement; tam exchange, substitute, replace
tag: 1997
id: W1T
tlh: lop [1]
pos: verb
en: observe, celebrate (a ritual)
sv: följa, fira (en ritual)
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.153, 205
cite: Celebrate! Tomorrow we may die! yIlop! wa’leS chaq maHegh! [TKW p.153]
cite: If you don't use the painstik, the child will never celebrate his Age of Ascension. ’oy’naQ Dalo’be’chugh not nenghep lop puq. [TKW p.205]
tag: 1985
id: zke
meta: Translation here comes from KGT. -- TKD translates as "celebrate" (v), while KGT says "observe, celebrate (a ritual)" (v).
tlh: lop [2]
pos: noun
en: celebration
sv: firande, fest
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: hYW
tlh: lopno’
pos: noun
en: party, celebration
sv: fest, firande
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Txi
tlh: [2] loS [2]
pos: noun
en: fourth tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: fjärde tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: xey
tlh: lu
pos: verb
en: fall (suffer loss of status)
sv: falla (förlora status)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: oWr
tlh: [1] luH [.2]
pos: verb
en: cause (someone) to confess or reveal a secret, exact a confession [slang]
sv: få (någon) att erkänna eller avslöja en hemlighet, utkräva ett erkännande, få att erkänna [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: evn
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] luH
pos: noun
en: intestine
sv: tarmar, inälvor
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: nLw
tlh: luj
pos: verb
en: fail, lose (not win)
sv: misslyckas, förlora
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.56, 211
tag: 1985
id: 7s2
tlh: lul
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (relatively major fight)
sv: slåss, strida (relativt stort slagsmål)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: 3cE
tlh: lung
pos: noun
en: type of animal, dragon, loong (lizardlike)
sv: ett slags djur, drake, loong (ödleliknande)
def: KGT pp.48--49
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: qSy
tlh: lurSa’
pos: name
en: Lursa
sv: Lursa
def: SBX-S26 (HolQeD-05-3-b); KGT p.197
com: Lursa is one of the Duras sisters.
tag: 1996; Klingonism
id: 1NQ
tlh: luSpet
pos: noun
en: black hole (astronomical phenomenon)
sv: svart hål (astronomiskt fenomen)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: UZJ
tlh: maHpIn
pos: noun
en: bowl (large)
sv: skål (stor)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 45N
tlh: maqoch
pos: noun
en: buddy, pal, close male friend of a male
sv: polare, nära manlig vän till en man
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Jdj
tlh: martaq
pos: name
en: Martok
sv: Martok
def: KGT p.198
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: UbS
tlh: matlhHa’
pos: verb
en: be disloyal
sv: vara illojal
def: KGT
ref: TKW p.139
cite: Qu’ buSHa’chugh SuvwI’, batlhHa’ vangchugh, qoj matlhHa’chugh, pagh ghaH SuvwI’’e’. If a warrior ignores duty, acts dishonorably, or is disloyal, he is nothing. [TKW p.139]
tag: 1996
data: derived form
id: 5mN
tlh: mavje’
pos: noun
en: liver [regional]
sv: lever [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ZTT
tlh: may’
pos: noun
en: battle (an individual battle)
sv: strid (en enskild strid)
def: TKD; KGT p.47
ref: TKW pp.38, 91, 147, 211
see: vIq
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: i1N
tlh: may’ bom
pos: noun
en: battle song
sv: stridssång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: xoa
tlh: may’luch
pos: noun
en: battle gear, panoply, complete set of armor and weapons
sv: stridsdon, full rustning, full uppsättning av rustning och vapen
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: X5j
tlh: may’ron
pos: noun
en: accordion, concertina
sv: dragspel, bälg
def: KGT
pun: Myron Floren (November 5, 1919--July 23, 2005) was an American musician best known as the accordionist on The Lawrence Welk Show. "Myron" is also the brand name of line of accordions, no doubt licensed by Floren.
tag: 1997
id: Eh7
tlh: mebpa’mey
pos: noun
en: hotel
sv: hotell
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: nKX
tlh: melchoQ
pos: noun
en: marrow, bone marrow
sv: märg, benmärg
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: bYx
tlh: meq [2]
pos: noun
en: reason, motive, logical thinking
sv: orsak, motiv, anledning, skäl, tankesätt
def: TKD; KGT p.154
ref: TKW p.143
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: tB6
meta: Word list entries in says reason in TKD, and motive in KGT while and reason/logical thinking is used in KGT p.154. Entries are combined here.
tlh: meqleH
pos: noun
en: type of weapon, mek'leth
sv: ett slags vapen, mek'leth
def: KGT
cite: mek'leth (meqleH) A sword-like one- or two-handed weapon about half the size of a bat'leth. [First seen in "Sons of Mogh" (DS9).] [DI p.244]
com: The short sword thing that Worf uses on DS9 and in the movie "First Contact".
tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism
id: Amq
tlh: meqro’vaq
pos: noun
en: Mekro'vak (region)
sv: Mekro'vak (region)
def: KGT p.29
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: 2iS
tlh: meSchuS
pos: noun
en: large wind instrument
sv: stort blåsinstrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: ZDa
tlh: mevyap
pos: exclamation
en: stop, (it is) enough
sv: stopp, det är bra, det är nog
def: KGT p.113
tag: 1997
id: KuC
tlh: mIl’oD
pos: noun
en: type of animal, sabre bear
sv: ett slags djur, sabelbjörn
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; food
id: Pum
tlh: mIp [2]
pos: noun
en: wealth, richness
sv: förmögenhet
def: PK; KGT
tag: 1993
id: pBu
tlh: [1] mIQ
pos: verb
en: fry, deep-fry
sv: steka, fritera
def: KGT
ref: 1997-qep'a'
pun: "Marc nodded, smiling infuriatingly, to confirm mIQ (deep fry) as in mIQ-Donald's french fries." (Robyn Stewart, qep’a’ 1997)
tag: 1997; food
id: 5Rz
meta: Entries differ in source. One of the KGT E-K entries is used here.
tlh: [2] mIQ
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: iAE
tlh: mIv [.2]
pos: noun
en: metal flat-bottomed pot [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål av metall [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: FCw
tlh: mIv bargh
pos: noun
en: metal flat-bottomed pot [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål av metall [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase
id: xru
tlh: mIv’a’
pos: noun
en: crown
sv: krona
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: odv
tlh: mIw
pos: noun
en: step, stage (in a procedure or process)
sv: delsteg, moment (i ett förlopp)
desc: mIw wa’DIch Data’ you accomplish the first step
def: TKDa; KGT
ref: KGT p.177
cite: ’oy’naQ DaQeqDI’ mIw wa’DIch Data’, ’ach ’oy’naQ Dachu’DI’ mIw paghDIch Data’. ("When you aim the painstik, you accomplish the first step, but when you turn the painstik on, you accomplish the zeroth step"; ’oy’naQ, "painstik"; DaQeqDI’, "when you aim it"; mIw, "procedure"; wa’DIch, "first"; Data’, "You accomplish it"; ’ach, "but"; Dachu’DI’, "when you activate it") [KGT p.177]
cite: ’oy’naQ Dachu’Ha’DI’ mIw HochDIch Data’ ("When you turn the painstik off, you accomplish the last step"; Dachu’Ha’DI’, "when you deactivate it"). [KGT p.177]
see: nab plan
tag: 1992
id: WkF
meta: Translation here comes from KGT. -- TKD translates as "procedure, process", while KGT says "step, stage (in a process)". KGT translation used here since all examples (mIw wa’DIch "first step", mIw paghDIch "zeroth step" and mIw HochDIch "last step" [KGT p.177]) seem to favor the "step" translation.
tlh: [1] mI’
pos: verb
en: dance, run in place, do calisthenics, exercise
sv: dansa, springa på stället, göra gymnastik, träna
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jou
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] mogh
pos: name
en: Mogh
sv: Mogh
def: KGT pp.41, 197
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: 7c4
tlh: moH [.2]
pos: verb
en: influence, exert undue influence on [slang]
sv: influera, utöva otillbörligt inflytande på [slang]
desc: DamoH you exert undue influence on him/her; (lit. you ugly him/her)
def: KGT
see: SIgh influence
tag: 1997
id: gZ4
meta: Entries differ in source. One of the KGT E-K entries is used here.
tlh: [1] mon
pos: verb
en: smile, grin, sneer
sv: le, grina, hånle
def: TKW p.167; KGT
ref: 1996-qep'a'
cite: pIj monchugh vay’ yIvoqQo’. Don't trust those who frequently smile. [TKW p.167]
pun: "Mona Lisa" (mon’a’ Is she smiling?) Confirmed by MO at qep’a’ 1996.
tag: 1996
id: zbE
tlh: moq
pos: verb
en: beat (something with an implement)
sv: slå (något med ett redskap)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: LHa
tlh: moQ [.2]
pos: noun
en: spiked pommel of a d'k tahg knife
sv: spikförsedd pommel på en d'k tahg-kniv
def: KGT p.61
see: Daqtagh warrior's knife, d'k tahg; DuQwI’Hommey small spikes on the d'k tahg pommel; tajHommey retractable small blades on a d'k tahg knife
tag: 1997; fighting
id: K6W
tlh: moQbara’
pos: noun
en: martial arts form, Mok'bara
sv: stridskonstform, kampkonstform, Mok'bara
def: TKW p.199; KGT
tag: 1996; fighting; Klingonism
id: xhH
tlh: motlh [1]
pos: adverbial
en: usually, typically, as expected, expectedly
sv: vanligtvis, som vanligt, som väntat, normal sett
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: D1X
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: mov
pos: noun
en: top of foot
sv: ovansida av fot, fotrygg
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: hXV
tlh: mo’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: motive, motivation, grounds, reason, rationale [slang]
sv: motiv, motivation, orsak, anledning, skäl [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: qN8
tlh: much [1.2]
pos: verb
en: perform (music)
sv: framföra (musik)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: r9J
tlh: muchwI’
pos: noun
en: musician
sv: musiker
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: kh7
tlh: muD [.2]
pos: noun
en: weather (in general)
sv: väder (generellt)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; weather
id: 97N
tlh: muD Dotlh
pos: noun
en: weather (at any given moment)
sv: väder (vid ett givet tillfälle)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; weather
data: phrase
id: t3d
tlh: mum
pos: verb
en: taste, sense flavors
sv: smaka, känna smak
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: eX5
tlh: mupwI’
pos: noun
en: hammer
sv: hammare
def: TKW p.120; KGT
cite: mupwI’ yI’uchtaH! Keep holding the hammer! [TKW p.120]
cite: HoSghaj; mupwI’ rur powerful as a hammer [KGT p.129]
tag: 1996
id: P1Q
tlh: mupwI’Hom
pos: noun
en: mallet (for striking a musical instrument)
sv: klubba (mindre) (för att slå an musikinstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: UUZ
tlh: muq
pos: verb
en: have a volume of
sv: ha en volym av
def: KGT
tag: 1997; measure
id: j2f
tlh: mu’mey Doy’
pos: noun
en: tired words (used to refer to older Klingons language)
sv: trötta ord (används om äldre klingoners språk)
def: KGT p.35
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: qqW
tlh: mu’mey ghoQ
pos: noun
en: slang, "fresh words" (mostly used by younger Klingons)
sv: slang, "färska ord" (används mest av yngre klingoner)
def: KGT p.35 et al.
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: JaH
tlh: mu’mey ru’
pos: noun
en: temporary words (ungrammatical expression used for impact)
sv: tillfälliga ord (ogrammatiskt uttryck använt för effekt)
def: KGT p.176
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: ejs
tlh: mu’qaD
pos: noun
en: curse
sv: svordom, förbannelse
def: TKW p.148; KGT
cite: pe’vIl mu’qaDmey tIbach. Curse well! [TKW p.148]
tag: 1996
id: gbg
tlh: naD tetlh
pos: noun
en: Commendation List
sv: rekommendationslista, lovordslista
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: 4tL
tlh: nagh [.2]
pos: noun
en: ceramic material
sv: keramiskt material
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: vc4
tlh: nagh beQ
pos: noun
en: stone panel (artwork, similar to a painting)
sv: stenpanel (konstverk, liknande en målning)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
data: phrase
id: n6H
tlh: naghboch
pos: noun
en: gemstone
sv: ädelsten
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: z6u
tlh: nagh DIr
pos: noun
en: shell (of an animal)
sv: skal (på ett djur)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: p6e
tlh: naHjej
pos: noun
en: thistle
sv: tistel
def: KGT p.88
see: *neHjej
tag: 1997; food
id: tGj
tlh: naHlet
pos: noun
en: nut, nuts
sv: nöt, nötter
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: WYo
tlh: naHnagh
pos: noun
en: pit (of fruit)
sv: kärna (i frukt)
def: KGT p.89
tag: 1997; food
id: xbg
tlh: naH taj
pos: noun
en: vegetable knife, fruit knife (small knife)
sv: grönsakskniv, fruktkniv (liten kniv)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase; derived form
id: GNW
tlh: najmoHwI’
pos: noun
en: lullaby
sv: vaggvisa
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: NAk
tlh: nalqaD
pos: noun
en: mate challenge
sv: parningsutmaning
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: EbC
tlh: namwech
pos: noun
en: paw
sv: tass
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: CR6
tlh: nan [1.1]
pos: verb
en: gouge
sv: holka ur, gröpa ur, gräva ur
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: gLp
tlh: nanwI’ [.1]
pos: noun
en: chisel
sv: mejsel, huggjärn
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: Eup
tlh: [3] naQ
pos: noun
en: ponytail [slang]
sv: hästsvans [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: TeD
tlh: naQHom
pos: noun
en: stick (used to strike percussion instrument)
sv: pinne (används för att slå på slaginstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: JvD
tlh: naQjej
pos: noun
en: spear
sv: spjut
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: Qct
tlh: natlh [.1]
pos: verb
en: use up, consume, expend
sv: konsumera, förtära, förbruka
def: KGT
ref: SBX-S33 (HolQeD-06-2)
tag: 1997
id: 7Hh
tlh: natlh [.2]
pos: verb
en: be reprehensible, be disgusting, be contemptible [slang]
sv: vara förkastlig, vara äcklig, vara vidrig, vara usel, vara motbjudande [slang]
desc: natlh Dargh the tea is disgusting (lit. the tea consumes)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: gFd
tlh: na’ [.1]
pos: verb
en: be salty, be brackish
sv: vara saltsmakande, vara bräckt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: K5Q
tlh: na’ [.2]
pos: verb
en: be sure, be definite, be positive, be certain [slang]
sv: vara säker, vara helt säker, vara viss [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 4Hm
tlh: na’ran
pos: noun
en: type of fruit
sv: en slags frukt
def: KGT
pun: Spanish "naranja" orange.
tag: 1997; food
id: rEw
tlh: *neHjej
warn: canon misspelling, use naHjej instead
pos: noun
en: thistle
sv: tistel
def: KGT
see: naHjej
tag: 1997
data: deprecated
id: X2X
meta: *neHjej is here assumed to be a misspelling of naHjej, since the main text of KGT clearly states that it literally means sharp fruit (p.88), even though it is spelled *neHjej all (two) times it occurs in the dictionary part of KGT.
tlh: nen [1]
pos: verb
en: be mature, be grown-up, be adult
sv: vara mogen, vara vuxen
def: TKW p.177; KGT
cite: wa’ jaj ’etlh ’uchchoHlaH tlhIngan puqloD; jajvetlh loD nen moj. The son of a Klingon is a man the day he can first hold a blade. [TKW p.177]
tag: 1996
id: UYH
tlh: nen [2]
pos: noun
en: growth, maturation
sv: mognad, vuxenhet
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 1Vo
tlh: nenchoH
pos: verb
en: mature, grow up
sv: mogna, växa upp
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: CTm
meta: Entries differ in source. KGT K-E entry is used here.
tlh: nentay cha’DIch
pos: noun
en: Second Rite of Ascension
sv: Andra Uppstigningsriten
def: KGT p.65
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: M2T
tlh: nentay wa’DIch
pos: noun
en: First Rite of Ascension
sv: Första Uppstigningsriten
def: KGT p.177
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: gwu
tlh: nevDagh
pos: noun
en: type of pot with handles (used for food preparation)
sv: en slags skål med handtag (används vid matberedning)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: EXS
meta: Entries differ in source. KGT K-E entry is used here.
tlh: nIbpoH
pos: noun
en: déjà vu
sv: déjà vu
def: KGT
com: Worf says "I am experiencing nIb’poH, the feeling I've done this before." at the poker table when we see that scene for the third time. (TNG "Cause And Effect")
tag: 1997
id: LL9
tlh: nIm
pos: noun
en: milk
sv: mjölk
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: x7L
tlh: nISwI’
pos: noun
en: disruptor
sv: disruptor
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: CFE
tlh: nISwI’ beH
pos: noun
en: disruptor rifle
sv: disruptorgevär
def: KGT
see: *nISwI’ bej
tag: 1997; fighting
data: phrase
id: Scz
tlh: *nISwI’ bej
warn: canon misspelling, use nISwI’ beH instead
pos: noun
en: disruptor rifle
sv: disruptorgevär
def: KGT p.56
see: nISwI’ beH
tag: 1997; fighting
data: phrase; deprecated
id: 45B
meta: *bej is here assumed to be a misspelling of beH, since it is spelled beH in a majority of sources: TKD, S14, and dictionary part of KGT, and it is spelled *bej only the three times it occurs in the main text of KGT (twice on page 56, and once on page 80).
tlh: nISwI’ DaH
pos: noun
en: disruptor banks
sv: disruptorbatteri, disruptoruppsättning
def: KGT p.56
tag: 1997; fighting
data: phrase
id: CEw
tlh: nISwI’ HIch
pos: noun
en: disruptor pistol, hand-held disruptor
sv: disruptorpistol, handhållen disruptor
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
data: phrase
id: rPE
tlh: nISwI’ tIH
pos: noun
en: disruptor beam
sv: disruptorstråle
def: KGT p.56
tag: 1997; fighting
data: phrase
id: PYp
tlh: nIt
pos: verb
en: be plain, be pure, be uncorrupted, be unsullied
sv: vara enkel, vara ren, vara okorrumperad, vara ofläckad
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: LVK
tlh: nItlh naQ
pos: noun
en: pigment stick [slang]
sv: pigmentpinne [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
data: phrase
id: BBy
tlh: nItlhpach [.2]
pos: noun
en: flat end of pigment stick
sv: platt ände på pigmentpinne
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: Nia
tlh: nobHa’
pos: verb
en: give back, return
sv: ge tillbaka, lämna tillbaka
def: TKW p.189; KGT
cite: Huch nobHa’bogh verenganpu’’e’ yIvoqQo’. Don't trust Ferengi who give back money. [TKW p.189]
tag: 1996; economics
data: derived form
id: TE8
tlh: [2] noH
pos: noun
en: war (an individual war)
sv: krig (ett enskilt krig)
def: TKDa; KGT pp.46, 47 et al.
ref: TKW pp.179, 211
see: veS
tag: 1992
id: RF8
tlh: noHva’Dut
pos: noun
en: No'hvadut (region)
sv: No'hvadut (region)
def: KGT p.26
tag: 1997
id: fUn
tlh: norgh
pos: noun
en: type of animal, norg (sharklike sea creature)
sv: ett slags djur, norg (hajliknande havsvarelse)
def: KGT
cite: "A shark is an Earth animal, a huge fish... you know, fish?" He racked his brain for the Klingon word. "An animal that swims in the sea, a dangerous predator, you know?" "Oh!" she cried. "you mean norgh?" [Sarek p.218]
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: sA3
tlh: noS
pos: verb
en: eat in small mouthfuls, nibble
sv: äta i små munfullar, nafsa på
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: qqn
tlh: nov [2]
pos: noun
en: alien, foreigner, outsider
sv: främling, utlänning, outsider
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 5xn
tlh: no’ DIr
pos: noun
en: ancestor hanging (wall ornament)
sv: förfadersbonad
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: T3C
tlh: no’ Hol
pos: noun
en: ancient language
sv: ålderdomligt språk
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: 3wJ
tlh: no’’och
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: pcy
tlh: nugh
pos: noun
en: society (group of people with shared culture)
sv: samhälle (grupp människor med gemensam kultur)
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985
id: qMF
tlh: nughI’
pos: verb
en: twist knuckle into someone's head
sv: gnugga knogarna mot någons huvud
def: 1996-qep'a'; KGT
pun: SuSvaj happened to be sitting next to Okrand at qep’a’ wejDIch (1996) when everyone was socializing and horsing around. While someone was giving a noogie to a hapless victim, Krankor jokingly said "We really should have a word for 'noogie'." So SuSvaj asked Okrand, what the Klingon word for noogie was. He replied, "Well that would be nughI’." Asked if this was borrowed from English, he said that he was fairly certain that the English word had actually been borrowed from tlhIngan Hol! "He suggested that some word-borrowing was going on, and I think he said he wasn't sure which culture had borrowed from which." (SuStel)
tag: 1996
id: Acm
tlh: nuH [.2]
pos: noun
en: possibility, option
sv: möjlighet
desc: Hoch nuH yIqel consider every option (lit. consider every weapon)
def: KGT p.109
see: DuH possibility, option
tag: 1997
id: axf
tlh: nuHpIn
pos: noun
en: weapons officer
sv: vapenofficer
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: xhQ
tlh: ngaD
pos: verb
en: be stable, be balanced
sv: vara stabil, vara balanserad
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: oMV
tlh: ngaDmoH
pos: verb
en: stabilize
sv: stabilisera
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: eez
tlh: ngaDmoHwI’
pos: noun
en: stabilizer (component of a ship)
sv: stabilisator (del av ett skepp)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: sWa
tlh: ngagh
pos: verb
en: mate with
sv: para sig med
def: PK; KGT
tag: 1993
id: 1hT
tlh: ngaj
pos: verb
en: be short (in duration)
sv: vara kort (i tid)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; time
id: MKw
tlh: ngal
pos: verb
en: be chewy
sv: vara seg, vara läderaktig (i konsistensen), vara fast (ha tuggmotstånd)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: i6A
tlh: ngaQ
pos: verb
en: be locked, be sealed, be secured, be fastened
sv: vara låst, vara förseglad, vara säkrad, vara fäst
def: TKW p.186; KGT
cite: ngaQ lojmIt The door is locked [TKW p.186]
tag: 1996
id: cLa
tlh: ngat [.2]
pos: noun
en: herbed granulated cartilage (for food preparation)
sv: örtkryddat kornat brosk (för matberedning)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: VKb
tlh: ngawDeq
pos: noun
en: mixing stick with flattened, paddlelike end
sv: omrörningspinne med tillplattad, paddelliknande ände
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: eKx
tlh: ngep’oS
pos: noun
en: stairs, stairway (except at ship door) [regional]
sv: trappa, trappuppgång (utom vid skeppsdörr) [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; architecture
id: dKy
tlh: ngeQ
pos: verb
en: bump into, run into, collide with
sv: stöta på, springa in i, kollidera med
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: dgK
tlh: ngIb
pos: noun
en: ankle (also slang term of deprecation)
sv: vrist, fotled (även slanguttryck för ogillande)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: h7S
tlh: ngIj
pos: verb
en: be rowdy, be unruly
sv: vara bråkig, vara stökig, vara oregerlig, vara bångstyrig
def: KGT p.150
tag: 1997
id: Yib
tlh: ngI’
pos: verb
en: have a weight of, weigh
sv: ha en vikt av, väga
def: KGT
tag: 1997; measure
id: AvU
tlh: ngoH [.2]
pos: verb
en: paint using fingers
sv: måla med fingrarna
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: gnA
tlh: ngol
pos: verb
en: move bat'leth from horizontal to vertical orientation
sv: förflytta en bat'leth från horisontell till vertikal position
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: pBk
tlh: ngop
pos: noun
en: plates (for eating)
sv: tallrikar
def: KGT
see: jengva’ is the singular form
tag: 1997; food
id: KRa
tlh: ngoQ
pos: noun
en: goal, purpose
sv: mål, syfte
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.165
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 1aG
tlh: ngujlep
pos: noun
en: mouthpiece (of a wind instrument)
sv: munstycke (på blåsinstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: dBn
tlh: ngup [.2]
pos: noun
en: authority, power, one in authority or in charge [slang]
sv: auktoritet, befogenhet, makt, någon med auktoritet eller i ledarposition [slang]
desc: ngup qaD challenge those in charge (lit. challenge the cape)
def: KGT
see: woQ authority, political power; qum government
tag: 1997
id: Snf
tlh: nguv
pos: verb
en: be dyed, be stained, be tinted
sv: vara färgad, vara fläckad, vara tonad
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: 6Db
tlh: nguvmoH
pos: verb
en: dye, stain, tint
sv: färga, fläcka, tona
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
data: derived form
id: yUA
tlh: pabHa’
pos: verb
en: misfollow (rules), follow (rules) wrongly
sv: felanvända (regler), följa (regler) felaktigt
def: KGT p.176
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: uwh
tlh: [2] pagh [2]
pos: noun
en: nothing, none, no one
sv: ingenting, inget, ingen
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.139, 201
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: Jf2
tlh: paghDIch
pos: numeral
en: zeroth (about something that has not occurred)
sv: nollte (om något som inte har hänt)
def: KGT p.177
tag: 1997; math
id: aZg
tlh: paghlogh
pos: adverbial
en: zero times, never (emphatic)
sv: ingen gång, aldrig (emfatiskt)
def: KGT p.178
tag: 1997
id: XJy
tlh: pang
pos: verb
en: pluck (a stringed instrument)
sv: knäppa (på ett stränginstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: dqd
tlh: parmaq
pos: noun
en: par'Mach, love, romance
sv: par'Mach, kärlek, romans
def: KGT
cite: par'Mach (parmaq) Love, Klingon style---with much more intense connotations than the English word. [First used in "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" (DS9).] [DI p.244]
tag: 1997
id: t3P
tlh: parmaqqay
pos: noun
en: romantic companion, romantic partner
sv: romantisk partner, romantisk sällskap
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: qzh
tlh: paS
pos: verb
en: be late
sv: vara sen
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: afK
tlh: patlh [.2]
pos: noun
en: level, layer, standing
sv: nivå, ställning, status, anseende
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: fUv
tlh: paw’ [.2]
pos: verb
en: butt heads [slang]
sv: skallas, stångas (panna mot panna) [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: p92
tlh: [2] pa’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: enclosed area [slang]
sv: inhägnat område [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: K75
tlh: peb’ot
pos: noun
en: type of fruit
sv: ett slags frukt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Gv9
tlh: pel’aQ
pos: noun
en: eggshell
sv: äggskal
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: YCP
meta: The word eggshell is from KGT p.92, while the word list have the lengthier shell (of an egg). The shorter form is used here.
tlh: peng
pos: noun
en: torpedo, missile
sv: torped, missil
def: TKD; KGT p.56
see: cha is the plural form
tag: 1985
id: EHf
tlh: per yuD
pos: noun
en: code name
sv: kodnamn
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: tzz
tlh: pe’meH taj
pos: noun
en: cutting knife
sv: styckingskniv
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: qwf
tlh: pe’’egh
pos: verb
en: keep score
sv: räkna poäng
def: TKW p.135; KGT
cite: potlhbe’chugh yay qatlh pe’’eghlu’? If winning is not important, then why keep score? [TKW p.135]
cite: The Klingon way to say keep score is pe’’egh, literally, cut oneself. It comes form an old Klingon habit of keeping track of accomplishments by making small cuts on one's skin, usually on the face, as a tally. Perhaps coincidentally, Klingons' faces are often similarly scratched following romantic encounters. [TKW p.135]
tag: 1996
id: UrW
tlh: pID
pos: verb
en: coat (food) with herbed mixture
sv: bestryka, täcka (mat) med örtkryddad blandning
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: DMR
tlh: pIj
pos: adverbial
en: often, frequently
sv: ofta
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.167
tag: 1985
id: BL5
tlh: pIjHa’
pos: adverbial
en: seldom, infrequently
sv: sällan
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: CwY
tlh: pIl
pos: verb
en: be stimulated, be inspired, be motivated
sv: vara stimulerad, vara inspirerad, vara motiverad
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: baG
tlh: pIlmoH
pos: verb
en: stimulate, inspire, motivate
sv: stimulera, inspirera, motivera
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: 9sH
tlh: pIn [.2]
pos: noun
en: expert, authority [slang]
sv: expert, auktoritet [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: HrV
tlh: polHa’
pos: verb
en: discard
sv: slänga bort
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: 5PR
tlh: por
pos: noun
en: leaf (of a plant)
sv: löv, blad
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: eYq
tlh: puq Hol
pos: noun
en: baby talk (children's language)
sv: barnspråk
def: KGT p.34
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: U6e
tlh: puq poH
pos: noun
en: generation
sv: generation
def: TKW p.155; KGT
cite: qaStaHvIS wej puq poHmey vav puqloDpu’ puqloDpu’chaj je quvHa’moH vav quvHa’ghach. The dishonor of the father dishonors his sons and their sons for three generations. [TKW p.155]
tag: 1996; family
data: phrase
id: eSd
tlh: *pu’bej
warn: canon misspelling, use pu’beH instead
pos: noun
en: phaser rifle
sv: phasergevär
def: KGT p.56
see: pu’beH
tag: 1997; fighting
data: deprecated
id: VLJ
meta: *bej is here assumed to be a misspelling of beH, since it is spelled beH in a majority of sources: TKD, S14, and dictionary part of KGT, and it is spelled *bej only the three times it occurs in the main text of KGT (twice on page 56, and once on page 80).
tlh: qaD [1]
pos: verb
en: challenge, face, resist, oppose, confront
sv: motsätta sig, motarbeta, bekämpa, konfrontera, bemöta, utmana, möta
def: TKDa; TKW p.37; KGT
tag: 1992
id: AH2
meta: Word words challenge [TKD], face [TKW] and confront, face, oppose, resist [KGT] have been combined here.
tlh: qaD [2]
pos: noun
en: challenge, test of one's abilities, contest
sv: utmaning, test av ens förmågor, tävling
def: TKDa; KGT
ref: MKE (2012-01-01-Email)
tag: 1992
id: a3a
meta: Word list entries says challenge (n) in TKD, and test of one's abilities (n) in KGT K-E. They have been combined here. The meaning contest comes from MKE.
tlh: qajunpaQ
pos: noun
en: courage, audacity
sv: mod, tapperhet, djärvhet
def: KGT
com: kajanpak't. Klingon word for courage. (DS9 "Blood Oath") [STE]
tag: 1997
id: AR9
tlh: qamor
pos: name
en: Kahmor
sv: Kahmor
def: KGT p.198
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: JKz
tlh: qang [.1]
pos: verb
en: pour (from one container into another)
sv: hälla (från en behållare till en annan)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 2nW
tlh: qang [.2]
pos: verb
en: always (or routinely) cooperate or agree with [slang]
sv: alltid (eller rutinmässigt) hålla med eller samarbeta med [slang]
desc: jIHDaq Daqang you always agree with me (lit. you pour [s.th.] into me)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: zzk
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: qarDaS
pos: noun
en: Cardassia
sv: Cardassia
def: KGT
cite: Cardassia is both qarDaS and qarDaSya’. [KGT p.142]
see: qarDaSya’ Cardassia
tag: 1997
id: Gcd
tlh: qarDaSngan
pos: noun
en: Cardassian (person)
sv: cardassier (person)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: HLt
tlh: qarDaSya’
pos: noun
en: Cardassia
sv: Cardassia
def: KGT
cite: Cardassia is both qarDaS and qarDaSya’. [KGT p.142]
see: qarDaS Cardassia
tag: 1997
id: Q5G
tlh: qat [.1]
pos: verb
en: wrap, encase
sv: svepa in, omsvepa, innesluta
def: TKD K-E; KGT
tag: 1985
id: diW
tlh: qat [.2]
pos: verb
en: accompany (singing) with instrumental music
sv: ackompanjera (sång) med instrumental musik
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: dy2
tlh: [2] qa’
pos: noun
en: spirit
sv: ande
def: TKW pp.7, 145, 147; KGT
cite: We fight to enrich the spirit. qa’ wIje’meH maSuv. [TKW p.7]
tag: 1996; religion
id: tb7
tlh: qa’meH
pos: noun
en: replacement (permanent)
sv: ersättning (permanent)
def: HolQeD-05-1 p.10; KGT
cite: The Klingon term for a replacement proverb is qa’meH vIttlhegh. This is the only way to say replacement proverb currently, but in the past, the common term was the lengthier quvqa’meH vIttlhegh, literally, proverb for (the purpose of) being honored again. The word qa’meH, clearly a shortened form of quvqa’meH, was originally used only in the construction of qa’meH vIttlhegh, but, though historically two verb suffixes, it has become accepted as a noun in its own right, meaning replacement in the sense of something that takes over for or is used instead of something that is gone or that has been lost. It is not used for a temporary substitute or a stand-in; the word for that is lIw. [HolQeD-05-1 p.10]
see: lIw substitute, stand-in, temporary surrogate; qa’ replace; tam exchange, substitute, replace
tag: 1996
id: 6Sp
tlh: qa’vaQ
pos: noun
en: hoop-and-stick maneuver, qa'vak (traditional game)
sv: käpp-och-tunnbands-övning, qa'vak (traditionell lek)
def: TKW p.199; KGT
tag: 1996; Klingonism
id: Lus
tlh: qa’vIn
pos: noun
en: coffee, type of beverage
sv: kaffe, ett slags dryck
def: HolQeD-04-2-b p.7, KGT
cite: For example, one language may borrow (and, in the process, phonetically modify) a word for a concept it lacks [...] Klingon qa’vIn (coffee), which seems to be taken from Federation Standard caffeine. [KGT p.205]
com: Though likely coincidental, it is interesting to note that the Finnish word for coffee, kahvi (or kahvin in the genetive), is frightfully similar to qa’vIn.
see: ra’taj raktaj, coffee with liquor
tag: 1995; Anglicism; food
id: C2D
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: qeb
pos: verb
en: squeeze (windbag instrument)
sv: klämma (på ett säckpipeinstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: yux
tlh: qegh
pos: noun
en: vat, barrel (for storage of liquor)
sv: fat, tunna (för lagring av vätska)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: Lsb
tlh: qettlhup
pos: noun
en: type of sauce
sv: ett slags sås
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 3r9
tlh: qevpob
pos: noun
en: jowl, cheek
sv: käke, kind
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985; body part; KLCP1
id: ns1
tlh: qeylIS betleH
pos: noun
en: Sword of Kahless
sv: Kahless svärd
def: KGT
tag: 1997; religion
data: phrase
id: 8kh
tlh: qeyvaq
pos: name
en: Kayvak
sv: Kayvak
def: KGT pp.91--92
cite: Fermented meat is also known as qeyvaq Ha’DIbaH (Kayvak's food), named, for now forgotten reasons, after a famous ancient warrior. As with hunter's and emperor's food, the specific meat is used rather than the word Ha’DIbaH (meat), as in qeyvaq lIngta’ (Kayvak's lingta). The Kayvak naming style does not apply to fermented plants; its use is restricted to meat. [KGT pp.91--92]
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
id: kP5
tlh: qID [1]
pos: verb
en: joke, make a joke, tell a joke
sv: skämta, berätta ett skämt
def: KGT
pun: qID pronunced as English "kid".
tag: 1997
id: XeJ
tlh: qID [2]
pos: noun
en: joke
sv: skämt
def: KGT
pun: qID pronunced similar to English "kid" as in "Are you kidding?"
tag: 1997
id: RBA
tlh: qImlaq
pos: name
en: K'mlak
sv: K'mlak
def: KGT p.53
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: cCf
tlh: qItI’nga’
pos: noun
en: K'Tinga class (vessel)
sv: K'Tinga-klass (av farkost)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: goC
tlh: qIvon
pos: noun
en: body part (not further identified)
sv: kroppsdel (inte ytterligare identifierad)
def: TKW p.174; KGT
ref: 1997-06-29c-News; 2003-09-16-Email
cite: It is not clear what a qIvon is, aside from the fact that it is a Klingon body part. [TKW p.174]
tag: 1996; body part
id: PWw
tlh: qIvo’rIt
pos: noun
en: K'Vort class (vessel)
sv: K'Vort-klass (av farkost)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: 26A
tlh: qoD
pos: noun
en: inside, interior
sv: insida
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: jqN
tlh: [2] qogh
pos: noun
en: ear (external, cartilaginous flap)
sv: öra (utvärtes broskflik)
def: KGT
see: teS ear (internal, organ of hearing) (n); Serrum earwax (n)
tag: 1997; body part
id: chz
tlh: qompogh
pos: noun
en: type of food
sv: en slags mat
def: KGT
pun: "Compost" it probably looks like one too (with all mashed up pieces of food).
tag: 1997; food
id: vTH
tlh: qon [.2]
pos: verb
en: compose
sv: komponera
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: taK
tlh: qonwI’
pos: noun
en: songwriter, composer
sv: sångförfattare, låtskrivare
def: KGT p.71
tag: 1997; music
data: derived form
id: qWm
tlh: [2] qotlh
pos: verb
en: deserve, warrant
sv: förtjäna, vara förtjänt av, vara värd
def: KGT
cite: bIyIntaH ’e’ Daqotlhbe’. You do not deserve to live. [PK]
tag: 1997
id: TRL
tlh: qo’leq
pos: name
en: Ko'lek
sv: Ko'lek
def: KGT p.41
cite: [...] members of the lower classes are called only by their given names or by their fathers' names (mogh puqloD [Son of Mogh]; qo’leq puqbe’ [Daughter of Ko'lek]). [KGT p.41]
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: NNb
tlh: quD
pos: noun
en: type of sauce
sv: ett slags sås
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: dV1
tlh: quH
pos: noun
en: heritage
sv: arv, arvedel
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jFx
tlh: qul mI’wI’
pos: noun
en: fire dancer
sv: elddansare, elddansös
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: QuG
tlh: qurgh
pos: noun
en: bean, beans
sv: böna, bönor
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: SQ1
tlh: qutluch tay
pos: noun
en: Kut'luch ceremony
sv: Kut'luch-ceremoni
def: KGT p.62
tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism; religion
data: phrase; derived form
id: Gzc
tlh: qutlh
pos: verb
en: be cheap
sv: vara billig
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 6Ua
tlh: quvHa’
pos: verb
en: be dishonored
sv: vara vanärad, vara vanhedrad
def: TKW p.155; KGT
cite: qaStaHvIS wej puq poHmey vav puqloDpu’ puqloDpu’chaj je quvHa’moH vav quvHa’ghach. The dishonor of the father dishonors his sons and their sons for three generations. [TKW p.155]
cite: quvHa’; ghe’torngan rur dishonored as an inhabitant of Gre'thor [KGT p.130]
tag: 1996
data: derived form
id: 2PT
tlh: quvHa’ghach
pos: noun
en: dishonor
sv: vanära, skam
def: TKW p.155; KGT
ref: HolQeD-12-3 p.9
cite: qaStaHvIS wej puq poHmey vav puqloDpu’ puqloDpu’chaj je quvHa’moH vav quvHa’ghach. The dishonor of the father dishonors his sons and their sons for three generations. [TKW p.155]
tag: 1996
id: KM1
tlh: qu’ [1.2]
pos: verb
en: be great, be wonderful, be excellent, be superlative, be splendid, be good [slang]
sv: vara storslagen, vara underbar, vara utmärkt, vara fantastisk, vara bra [slang]
def: KGT
cite: The verb qu’ literally means be fierce. In its slang sense, it may be used adjectivally, as in taj qu’ (excellent knife; literally, fierce knife), or as the main verb in a sentence, as in qu’ taj (the knife is excellent; literally, the knife is fierce). Though, from the Klingon point of view, equating being fierce with being great, wonderful, and so on seems quite natural, the slang meaning of qu’ probably receives further support because it sounds just like the verb suffix -qu’, which is used for emphasis (compare Qatlh, difficult, and Qatlhqu’, very difficult). When applied to people or animals, it is not always clear whether the slang or nonslang meaning of qu’ is intended. That is, SuvwI’ qu’ (fierce warrior) could be interpreted literally, or it could mean excellent warrior. When applied to anything other than people or animals, the slang meaning is more likely. Thus, may’ qu’ (fierce battle) is really a way of saying excellent battle. In Klingon, only a participant in a battle, not the battle itself, can literally be described as fierce. The word qu’ may also be used as an exclamation (Great! Wonderful!). In this sense, it seems to be interchangeable with chong (literally, be vertical; see page 148). The slang usage of qu’ is currently extremely common among Klingons, and it has pretty much displaced another slang term with the same set of meanings (excellent, wonderful, etc.), Huv (literally, be clear, not obstructed), which was in vogue not all that long ago. The use of Huv for excellent is now considered old-fashioned. This is also the case with nong (passionate), an even older slang term for excellent. (As of this writing, the slang usage of nong seems to be making a comeback, but it is still too early to say whether this will really happen.) Nonslang verbs expressing similar ideas are Dun (be wonderful, great), pov (be excellent), and, as an exclamation, maj! (Good!). [KGT pp.159--161]
tag: 1997
id: Uuv
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. Translation "be superlative" occurs only on KGT p.159, other translations can be found in KGT word list and main text, "be good" is only found in words lists (not main text of book).
tlh: qu’ [2]
pos: exclamation
en: great, wonderful [slang]
sv: storslaget, underbart [slang]
def: KGT pp.160--161
cite: The word qu’ may also be used as an exclamation ("Great!" "Wonderful!"). In this sense, it seems to be interchangeable with chong (literally, "be vertical"; see page 148). The slang usage of qu’ is currently extremely common among Klingons, and it has pretty much displaced another slang term with the same set of meanings ("excellent, wonderful, etc."), Huv (literally, "be clear, not obstructed"), which was in vogue not all that long ago. [KGT pp.160--161]
tag: 1997
id: JqA
tlh: Qach
pos: verb
en: wield, swing (a weapon)
sv: svinga, använda (ett vapen)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: yRm
tlh: QaD [.1]
pos: verb
en: be dry, be dried out
sv: vara torr, vara uttorkad
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985; KLCP1; weather
id: VvE
tlh: QaD [.2]
pos: verb
en: be safe, be protected [slang]
sv: vara säker, vara skyddad [slang]
desc: QaD Sep the land is protected (lit. the land is dry); puq QaD safe child (lit. dry child)
def: KGT
see: Qan protect
tag: 1997
id: 5R1
tlh: Qaj
pos: noun
en: type of animal, kradge
sv: ett slags djur, kradge
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: 5AT
tlh: Qaj tlhuQ
pos: noun
en: type of food, kradge tail
sv: en slags mat, kradge-svans
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
data: phrase
id: cn8
tlh: Qap [.1]
pos: verb
en: work, function, succeed, operate, be in operation
sv: lyckas, fungera, vara i funktion
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.56, 73, 175, 183, 209, 211
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ion
tlh: Qap [.2]
pos: verb
en: win (a competition)
sv: vinna (en tävlan)
def: HolQeD-02-4 p.18; TKW p.211; KGT
cite: To win a competition is Qap. (If it's a decisive or particularly gratifying victory, they'd say Qapchu’, even though that's a bit redundant.) In TKD, Qap is translated as succeed, work, function. To a Klingon, to win is to function perfectly. [HolQeD-02-4 p.17]
tag: 1993
id: Vgk
tlh: Qatlh
pos: verb
en: be complex, be difficult
sv: vara svår, vara komplex, vara komplicerad
def: TKD; KGT
cite: [...] among Klingons, a task that is difficult (Qatlh) is more highly valued than one that is easy (ngeD). [KGT p.179]
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: tMk
meta: The words be difficult (v) [TKD], difficult [KGT pp.160, 179] and be complex (v) [KGT] have been combined here.
tlh: Qa’Hom
pos: noun
en: type of animal (similar to a Qa', but smaller)
sv: ett slags djur (snarlik en Qa', men mindre)
def: KGT
ref: HolQeD-10-4 p.5
cite: The Qa’Hom, an animal similar to a Qa’ but smaller, has been confused with a bird by some; Maltz does not know why, especially since it is the jajlo’ Qa’, not the Qa’Hom, that makes a fuss in the morning like the ’uSgheb does. [HolQeD-10-4 p.5]
tag: 1997; animal
id: bnZ
tlh: Qa’raj
pos: noun
en: type of animal, ka'raj
sv: ett slags djur, ka'raj
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: Wsz
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: Qeb [.2]
pos: noun
en: ponytail holder [slang]
sv: hästsvanshållare [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: JoL
tlh: Qenvob
pos: noun
en: ground-up, dried-up mixture for brewing tea, tea-brewing mixture
sv: mald, torkad blandning för tétillagning, téblandning
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 77q
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: Qeq
pos: verb
en: aim
sv: rikta, sikta (med sikte)
def: TKW p.191; KGT
cite: yIQeqQo’ neH. DoS yIqIp! Don't just aim; hit the target! [TKW p.191]
tag: 1996
id: tnT
tlh: Qev
pos: verb
en: stew
sv: stuva
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: qKY
tlh: QIH [1.2]
pos: verb
en: wrong, treat unjustly
sv: göra orätt (mot), behandla oschyst
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: WWQ
tlh: QIm
pos: noun
en: egg
sv: ägg
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 12j
tlh: QIn [.1]
pos: noun
en: message
sv: meddelande
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ofy
tlh: QIn [.2]
pos: noun
en: sharp end (e.g. on pen), spearhead
sv: vass spets (t.ex. på penna), spjutspets
def: KGT; HolQeD-12-2 p.7
ref: TDNW
cite: When shown a pencil, Maltz said that the sharp end could be called a QIn, but if the pencil were new and did not yet have a point, the ready-to-be-sharpened end would be a megh’an or ’er’In. [HolQeD-12-2 p.7]
tag: 1997; fighting
id: CuQ
tlh: QIn pup
pos: noun
en: plain spearhead (with single sharp point)
sv: slät spjutspets (med en enda vass spets)
def: KGT p.64
tag: 1997; fighting
data: phrase
id: 8sP
tlh: QIn vagh
pos: noun
en: spearhead (with multiple points)
sv: spjutspets (med flera spetsar)
def: KGT p.64
tag: 1997; fighting
data: phrase
id: hgh
tlh: QIS
pos: noun
en: wavy-bladed knife
sv: vågbladig kniv
def: KGT
pun: There is a type of wavy-bladed knife called "kris", or "creese".
tag: 1997
id: vUs
tlh: QoghIj
pos: noun
en: brain (organ)
sv: hjärna (organ)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: cNA
tlh: Qoj
pos: verb
en: make war
sv: starta krig
def: TKD K-E; KGT
tag: 1985
id: YMf
tlh: Qom [.2]
pos: verb
en: be hazardous, be perilous, be treacherous [slang]
sv: vara riskfylld, vara riskabel, vara förrädisk, vara opålitlig [slang]
desc: about mission/voyage: Qom He the route is perilous (lit. the route experiences a tremor); with -pu’ about structure/vessel: Qompu’ Duj the ship is hazardous/has been left in a hazardous condition (lit. the ship has experienced a tremor) [KGT pp.161--162]
def: KGT
ref: TDNW
tag: 1997
id: Bj8
tlh: QongDaq
pos: noun
en: bed
sv: säng
def: TKW p.40; KGT
cite: QongDaqDaq Qotbe’ tlhInganpu’. Klingons do not lie in bed. [TKW p.40]
tag: 1996
id: 7wU
tlh: Qop [.1]
pos: verb
en: be worn out
sv: vara utsliten
def: TKD K-E; KGT
tag: 1985
id: 78M
tlh: Qop [.2]
pos: verb
en: be dead (referring to food) [slang]
sv: vara död (om mat) [slang]
def: KGT
cite: The word Qop means be worn out and is usually applied to old weapons, tools, mechanical devices, and the like. It is also used to mean be dead, but only in reference to an animal that one was expecting to eat live. If a bowl of dead qagh (gagh, serpent worms) is placed before a Klingon, the disappointed diner will probably criticize the cook for preparing qagh Qop (dead gagh). The normal way to say be dead, referring to a person or animal, is by using the form Heghpu’ (has died): Heghpu’ SuvwI’ (The warrior has died). It is not appropriate to say SuvwI’ Qop (dead warrior, worn-out warrior.) [KGT p.162]
see: Hegh
tag: 1997; food
id: iGu
tlh: QoQ
pos: noun
en: music
sv: musik
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: odS
tlh: QoQ jan
pos: noun
en: musical instrument
sv: musikinstrument
def: KGT p.74
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase
id: mdZ
tlh: Qor
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (very minor fight)
sv: slåss, strida (väldigt litet slagsmål)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: tmK
meta: Entries differ somewhat in source. KGT K-E entry is used here.
tlh: Qorwagh
pos: noun
en: window
sv: fönster
def: KGT
tag: 1997; architecture
id: NJD
tlh: Qotmagh
pos: name
en: Krotmag (region)
sv: Krotmag (region)
def: KGT p.17
cite: Qotmagh Sep ("Krotmag region"), derived from Qotmagh, the leader of a powerful house who, centuries ago, conquered neighboring areas[...] [KGT p.17]
see: Qotmagh Sep Krotmag region (n)
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: 2FJ
tlh: Qotmagh Sep
pos: noun
en: Krotmag region
sv: Krotmag-regionen
def: KGT p.17
see: Qotmagh Krotmag (n)
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: dHo
tlh: ragh
pos: verb
en: decay, rust, corrode
sv: ruttna, rosta, korrodera
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.101
tag: 1985
id: nRp
tlh: raHta’
pos: noun
en: type of food, racht
sv: en slags mat, racht
def: KGT
cite: racht (raHta’) Food made from live serpent worms (not to be confused with gagh). [First seen in "Melora" (DS9).] [DI p.245]
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
id: 2TJ
tlh: [1] ram
pos: verb
en: be trivial, be trifling, be unimportant, be insignificant
sv: vara trivial, vara obetydlig, vara oviktig, vara insignifikant
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.143
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: UpG
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [1] raQ
pos: verb
en: manipulate by hand, handle
sv: hantera för hand, handha
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: B8U
tlh: raS
pos: noun
en: table
sv: bord
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Xfq
tlh: ra’taj
pos: noun
en: raktaj, coffee with liquor, type of beverage
sv: raktaj, kaffe med sprit i, ett slags dryck
def: KGT
cite: As a rule, coffee is consumed plain---that is, black---but some Klingons prefer to mix other ingredients in with the coffee. If some kind of HIq (liquor) is added to the coffee, the drink is called ra’taj. It is said that the drink was originally nicknamed ra’wI’ taj (commander's knife, suggestive of its potency), and that the name was shortened over time. This often repeated story cannot be confirmed. In any event, ra’taj became one of the few Klingon foods to become popular outside of the Empire, though in an altered form. Instead of containing liquor, as does the genuine Klingon ra’taj, the "export" version (which came to be pronounced raktaj in Federation Standard) consists of strong Klingon coffee plus a nutlike flavoring. Eventually, a new fashion developed---adding cream to the raktaj---and with this innovation came yet another name, raktajino, modeled after the name of another popular coffee drink, cappuccino. Raktajino is now served hot or iced, with or without extra cream, and with or without the rind of some fruit to add even more flavor. Though it is sometimes called Klingon coffee, it is quite different from both plain qa’vIn and the alcoholic ra’taj. [KGT p.96]
cite: raktajino (ra’taj) Coffee, Klingon style. [First seen in "The Passenger" (DS9).] [DI p.245]
see: qa’vIn coffee
tag: 1997; food
id: WuP
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. The translation of ra’taj as raktajino (in DI) is here ignore (in light of the longer explanation from KGT).
tlh: regh
pos: verb
en: bleed
sv: blöda
def: TKW p.131; KGT
cite: cheqotlhchugh maHaghbe’’a’? cheDuQchugh mareghbe’’a’? cheQIHchugh manoDbe’’a’? Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, shall we not seek revenge? [TKW p.131]
tag: 1996
id: LuC
tlh: ret’aq
pos: noun
en: handle, hilt (of knife, bat'leth)
sv: skaft, handtag (på kniv, bat'leth)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Mu6
tlh: rey
pos: verb
en: squeeze and stretch out (windbag instrument)
sv: trycka ihop och sträcka ut (säckpipeinstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: c2H
tlh: rItlh
pos: noun
en: pigment, paint, dye
sv: pigment, färg
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: SRz
tlh: rItlh naQ
pos: noun
en: pigment stick
sv: pigmentpinne
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
data: phrase
id: bSW
tlh: roD
pos: adverbial
en: customarily, habitually, regularly
sv: vanligtvis, brukar, vanemässigt, regelbundet
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: cHu
tlh: rogh
pos: verb
en: ferment
sv: jäsa
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: UAA
tlh: roghmoH
pos: verb
en: cause to ferment
sv: få att jäsa, bringa i jäsning
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: derived form
id: K6A
tlh: [1] roS
pos: verb
en: lick
sv: slicka
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: i7h
meta: Should roS "lick" and "use third toe" be grouped together?
tlh: roSHa’moH
pos: verb
en: paralyze (cause to be paralyzed)
sv: paralysera (få någon att bli paralyserad)
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT
tag: 1990
id: hFu
tlh: run
pos: verb
en: be short (in stature)
sv: vara kort (kroppslängd)
def: KGT
see: pI’
tag: 1997; measure; shape
id: eFy
tlh: runpI’
pos: noun
en: teapot
sv: tékanna
def: KGT
pun: From run be short plus pI’ be fat, as inspired by the nursery rhyme "I'm a little teapot, short and stout."
see: pI’ be fat, run be short
tag: 1997
id: KJY
tlh: ruq’e’vet
pos: noun
en: Ruk'evet (city in Gevchok region)
sv: Ruk'evet (stad i Gevchok-regionen)
def: KGT pp.17, 30
cite: On rare occasion, a place's name can be traced to an individual or family, such as [...] ruq’e’vet ("Ruk'evet"), a city in the ghevchoq Sep ("Gevchok region"), named for a warrior (whether actual or mythological is a matter of dispute) who singlehandedly defeated an invading force. [KGT p.17]
tag: 1997
id: TcA
tlh: rut
pos: adverbial
en: sometimes, occasionally
sv: ibland, då och då, emellanåt
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.184
tag: 1985; time
id: fPa
tlh: ru’Ha’
pos: verb
en: be permanent
sv: vara permanent
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: ygk
tlh: Sargh
pos: noun
en: type of animal, sark
sv: ett slags djur, sark
def: KGT
com: "A Klingon Sark"---a riding animal similar to a horse. (TNG "Pen Pals")
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: 1Lb
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: SaS [.2]
pos: verb
en: be shallow, be superficial, be uncritical [slang]
sv: vara ytlig, vara okritisk [slang]
desc: referring to s.b.'s intellect
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jc8
tlh: SaS [.3]
pos: verb
en: be unfortunate, be not good [slang]
sv: vara oturlig, vara icke-bra [slang]
def: KGT
see: Do’Ha’
tag: 1997
id: KAH
tlh: Saw’
pos: verb
en: have a depth of
sv: ha ett djup av
def: KGT
tag: 1997; measure
id: svJ
tlh: Sa’Qej
pos: noun
en: Sakrej (region)
sv: Sakrej (region)
def: KGT pp.17, 24
cite: Other regions have names that are distinct from the names of any districts or cities within them, such as the large Sa’Qej Sep ("Sakrej region"), several thousand kilometers east of the First City. [KGT p.17]
see: Sa’Qej Sep Sakrej region (n)
tag: 1997
id: Uwd
tlh: Sa’Qej Sep
pos: noun
en: Sakrej region
sv: Sakrej-regionen
def: KGT pp.17, 24
com: Sakrej Region Sa’Qej Sep is the source of many odd pronunciations and grammar, some of which have been more widely adopted as slang (cf. KGT pp. 24-26 for details). As someone on the list once pointed out, Sa’Qej is *jeQ’aS - "jackass" - backwards, which may well have been a frustrated Okrand's comment on some actor or Paramount's writing staff!
see: Sa’Qej Sakrej (n)
tag: 1997
data: phrase; Sa’Qej (n)
id: ELb
tlh: Sech
pos: noun
en: torch
sv: fackla, handhållen lampa
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ims
tlh: SeDveq
pos: noun
en: barbed spearhead
sv: spjutspets med hullingar
def: KGT
cite: A spearhead that is barbed is a SeDveq, a word with unknown etymological origins and otherwise unused. [KGT p.64]
pun: It seems likely that this would be a pun, though noone seem to have been able to come up with what it would be.
tag: 1997; fighting
id: Kjp
tlh: [2] Sep
pos: noun
en: region, country
sv: region, område, land
def: TKD; KGT p.16
tag: 1985
id: Kbs
tlh: Separ
pos: noun
en: type of gemstone, separ
sv: ett slags ädelsten, separ
def: KGT p.127 et al.
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: C9U
tlh: SeQ
pos: verb
en: be formal, be ritualistic, be ceremonial
sv: vara formell, vara rituell, vara ceremoniell
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: kzM
tlh: SIj [.1]
pos: verb
en: slit, slash
sv: skära upp, skära av, sprätta upp
def: TKD; KGT p.164
ref: TKW p.127
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 85V
meta: Translation "slash" is from KGT p.164.
tlh: SIj [.2]
pos: verb
en: be insightful, be clever, have a keen mind [slang]
sv: vara insiktsfull, vara smart, vara klipsk, vara skarpsinnig [slang]
desc: bISIj you are insightful; (lit. you slash)
def: KGT
see: val be clever, smart; ’ong be cunning, sly
tag: 1997
id: htM
tlh: SIjwI’
pos: noun
en: type of knife (used for food preparation)
sv: ett slags kniv (används vid matberedning)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: rf7
tlh: SIQwI’
pos: noun
en: celebrant, recipient
sv: celebrant, mottagare
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Bi9
tlh: SIrgh
pos: noun
en: string, thread, filament
sv: snöre, tråd, sträng, snodd, fiber
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Lcg
tlh: Soch [2]
pos: noun
en: seventh tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: sjunde tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: fbF
tlh: Soj qub
pos: noun
en: haute cuisine
sv: haute cuisine, fin mat, restaurangmat
def: KGT p.84
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase
id: pnE
tlh: SopwI’pa’
pos: noun
en: mess hall
sv: mäss, matsal
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: vas
tlh: Sor Hap
pos: noun
en: wood
sv: skog
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: BAv
tlh: Sor Hap ’In
pos: noun
en: percussion instrument made of wood
sv: slaginstrument gjort i trä
def: KGT p.75
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: CYq
tlh: Sorya’
pos: noun
en: Sauria
sv: Sauria
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Ezu
tlh: [2] Sub [1]
pos: noun
en: hero
sv: hjälte
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: U7s
tlh: [2] Sub [2]
pos: verb
en: be brave, be heroic, be bold, be valiant, be intrepid [slang]
sv: vara modig, vara heroisk, vara djärv, vara dristig, vara tapper, vara oförskräckt [slang]
desc: Sub yaS the officer is brave; person is subj.
def: KGT
cite: Literally meaning be solid, as opposed to gaseous or liquid, Sub, in its slang usage, may be applied to a person. Thus, SuvwI’ Sub is brave warrior (literally, solid warrior; SuvwI’, warrior) and Sub SuvwI’ means The warrior is brave (literally, The warrior is solid). It is inappropriate to use the word to describe anything other than a person; a phrase such as may’ Sub (may’, battle) would mean only solid battle and would probably be considered a meaningless utterance. The slang meaning of Sub is probably influenced by the phonetically identical noun Sub, meaning hero. Nonslang equivalents for Sub are yoH (be brave) and jaq (be bold), which can be used pretty much interchangeably. [KGT pp.165--166]
tag: 1997
id: nNE
meta: Entries differ in source. KGT K-E entry is used here.
tlh: Subpu’ vaS
pos: noun
en: Hall of Heroes
sv: Hjältarnas sal
def: KGT p.79
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: eio
tlh: Sum
pos: verb
en: be near, be nearby
sv: vara nära, vara i närheten
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: nKT
tlh: Supghew
pos: noun
en: type of stringed instrument
sv: ett slags stränginstrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: iQY
tlh: Suqqa’
pos: verb
en: prepare qud in a specific way
sv: bereda qud på ett särskilt sätt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: MY1
tlh: SuS [2]
pos: verb
en: blow (into wind instrument) to produce sound
sv: blåsa (i blåsinstrument) för att producera ljud
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: 2NG
tlh: SuSDeq
pos: noun
en: windbag, bellows, susdek instrument
sv: vindsäck, bälg, blåsbälg, susdek-instrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: fCL
meta: Translation "susdek instrument" taken from dictionary entry joQ strip of material in a susdek instrument (n) [KGT K-E, E-K]
tlh: Suvchu’
pos: verb
en: fight to the death
sv: slåss på liv och död
def: KGT p.49
tag: 1997; fighting
id: gUK
tlh: Suy’
pos: noun
en: type of animal, shooy
sv: ett slags djur, shooy
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: ZxR
tlh: Su’lop
pos: noun
en: type of food
sv: en slags mat
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: rCf
tlh: [1] taH
pos: verb
en: continue, go on, endure, survive
sv: fortsätta, uthärda, överleva
def: TKDa; KGT
ref: TKW pp.11, 147
tag: 1992
id: uBE
tlh: tajHommey
pos: noun
en: retractable small blades on a d'k tahg knife
sv: små infällbara blad på en d'k tahg kniv
def: KGT p.61
see: Daqtagh warrior's knife, d'k tahg; DuQwI’Hommey small spikes on the d'k tahg pommel; moQ [.2] spiked pommel of a d'k tahg knife;
tag: 1997; fighting
id: TjB
tlh: tajtIq
pos: noun
en: type of knife
sv: ett slags kniv
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: nWW
tlh: talarngan
pos: noun
en: Talarian (person)
sv: talarit (person)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: vs6
tlh: tap
pos: verb
en: mash, squash
sv: mosa, krossa
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: j4x
tlh: taq’ev
pos: noun
en: Tak'ev (city or region)
sv: Tak'ev (stad eller region)
def: KGT p.22
tag: 1997
id: pGL
tlh: [1] ta’ [2]
pos: noun
en: accomplishment, deed
sv: resultat, utförande, dåd
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.15
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: HDp
tlh: ta’ Hol
pos: noun
en: standard dialect
sv: standarddialekt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: Qfn
tlh: ta’ tlhIngan Hol
pos: noun
en: standard dialect
sv: standarddialekt
def: KGT p.15
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: sZg
tlh: tebwI’
pos: noun
en: food server in a Dok'e (fast-food restaurant)
sv: servitris/servitör i en Dok'e (snabbmatsservering)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: NfR
tlh: teghbat
pos: noun
en: type of animal, teg'bat
sv: ett slags djur, teg'bat
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: Acv
tlh: teS
pos: noun
en: ear (internal, organ of hearing)
sv: öra (invärtes hörselorgan)
def: KGT
see: qogh ear (external, cartilaginous flap) (n); Serrum earwax (n)
tag: 1997; body part
id: e6B
tlh: tetlh
pos: noun
en: roll, scroll, list
sv: förteckning, lista, rulla, register, skrivelse
def: KGT
see: natlIS
tag: 1997
id: KR8
tlh: tey
pos: verb
en: scrape
sv: skrapa bort, hyvla
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Khs
tlh: teywI’
pos: noun
en: file
sv: fil, rasp
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: D5U
tlh: *tIb
warn: canon misspelling, use bIt instead
pos: verb
en: be nervous, be uneasy
sv: vara nervös, vara rastlös
def: KGT p.132
see: bIt; jotHa’
tag: 1997
data: deprecated
id: LPS
meta: *tIb is here assumed to be a misspelling of bIt, since it is spelled bIt in a majority of sources: TKD (three occurrences in the dictionary part), and it is spelled *tIb only once [KGT p.132]. (*tIb was confirmed as unintentional by Marc Okrand when asked by zrajm at qep’a’ 2000).
tlh: tIghla’
pos: noun
en: type of animal, t'gla
sv: ett slags djur, t'gla
def: KGT
ref: KGT p.132
cite: Dogh; tIghla’ rur foolish as a t'gla [KGT p.132]
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: pWq
tlh: tIH [.2]
pos: noun
en: shaft (of spear)
sv: skaft (på spjut)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: FZQ
tlh: tIngDagh
pos: noun
en: type of stringed instrument
sv: ett slags stränginstrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: 5HG
tlh: tIqnagh
pos: noun
en: type of animal, tknag
sv: ett slags djur, tknag
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: SgP
tlh: tI’qa’ vIghro’
pos: noun
en: type of animal, tika cat
sv: ett slags djur, tika-katt
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
data: phrase; tI’qa’ (n)
id: tDU
tlh: tI’vIS
pos: name
en: T'vis
sv: T'vis
def: KGT p.182
cite: tI’vIS barot puqloD T'vis, son of Barot [KGT p.182]
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: aij
tlh: toj
pos: verb
en: deceive, trick, bluff
sv: bedra, vilseleda, lura, bluffa
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.46
tag: 1985
id: MNH
tlh: tonSaw’
pos: noun
en: fighting technique
sv: stridsteknik
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT
tag: 1990; fighting
id: 6WQ
meta: Translated as klingon fighting in veS-QonoS.
tlh: toppa’
pos: noun
en: type of animal, topah
sv: ett slags djur, topah
def: KGT
ref: KGT p.132
cite: tlhIb; toppa’ rur incompetent as a topah [KGT p.132]
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: iEF
tlh: toqvIr lung
pos: noun
en: type of animal, Tokvirian skink
sv: ett slags djur, Tokvirisk ödla
def: KGT p.88
ref: KGT K-E/p.228, E-K/p.261
tag: 1997; animal; food
data: phrase; toqvIr (n)
id: YjW
meta: Word is given as "Tokvarian" (with "a") in KGT word lists [KGT pp.228, 261], but "Tokvirian" (with "i") in the main body of the book [KGT p.88]. "Tokvirian" is used here since it is more similar to the Klingon word toqvIr.
tlh: tova’Daq
pos: noun
en: mind sharing
sv: tankedelning, sinnesdelning, medvetandefusion (att dela medvetande)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ari
tlh: to’baj
pos: noun
en: type of animal, tobbaj
sv: ett slags djur, tobbaj
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: jWZ
tlh: to’waQ
pos: noun
en: ligament, tendon
sv: ligament, sena
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: kyt
tlh: tuq
pos: noun
en: tribe, house, ancestral unit
sv: stam, släkte, ätt
def: TKW p.34; KGT
cite: reH tay’ ghot tuqDaj je. One is always of his tribe. [TKW p.34]
tag: 1996; family
id: CUd
tlh: tuq Degh
pos: noun
en: family crest
sv: familjevapen (heraldiskt)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; family
data: phrase
id: f84
tlh: tuqvol
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: MXb
tlh: tu’HomI’raH
pos: noun
en: something useless, useless thing
sv: något odugligt, oanvändbar sak
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: vGx
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: tu’lum
pos: noun
en: teacup [older or upper-class word]
sv: témugg, tékopp [äldre ord eller överklassord]
def: KGT
cite: [...] the common word for teacup is Dargh HIvje’ (literally, tea drinking vessel). Among the upper classes, the word tu’lum is used with some frequency, though, strictly speaking, this archaic word used to mean only a cup made of metal. [KGT p.42]
see: Dargh HIvje’ teacup
tag: 1997; food
id: Z7n
tlh: tlhach
pos: noun
en: faction, sect
sv: fraktion, sekt
def: HolQeD-04-4 p.11; KGT
tag: 1995
id: XPa
tlh: tlhach mu’mey
pos: noun
en: argot, jargon
sv: jargong, fikonspråk
def: KGT p.45
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: 4Av
tlh: tlhagh
pos: noun
en: fat, animal fat
sv: fett, djurfett
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 8hP
tlh: tlham [.2]
pos: noun
en: order, structure (societal) [slang]
sv: ordning, struktur (på samhälle) [slang]
def: KGT
cite: The word tlham, literally meaning gravity, is used to mean order or structure in the sense of an ordered or well-structured society. In the same way that gravity holds one to a planet (or, in the case of artificial gravity, to the floor of a space vessel), the structure of a society holds its members in, preventing them from going off in all directions. In other words, it ensures that a society function properly by keeping it from coming apart. The word is used in phrases such as tlham ghaj (have gravity---that is, have structure, order) or tlham Hutlh (lack gravity or lack structure, order). A very well ordered society may be said to have tlham’a’ (big gravity) or tlham HoS (strong gravity), while a society that is judged to be falling apart may have tlhamHom (little gravity) or tlham puj (weak gravity). [KGT p.166]
tag: 1997
id: xvY
tlh: tlhaS
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (relatively minor fight)
sv: slåss, strida (relativt litet slagsmål)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: J87
tlh: tlhatlh
pos: noun
en: type of food, gladst
sv: en slags mat, gladst
def: KGT
cite: gladst (tlhatlh) Food made from brown leaves, best served without sauce. [First seen in "Melora" (DS9).] [DI p.242]
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
id: bAV
tlh: tlhaw’
pos: verb
en: hit (percussion instrument) with fist
sv: slå (på slaginstrument) med knytnäve
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: kVv
tlh: [1] tlhay
pos: noun
en: sleeve
sv: ärm
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 3RK
tlh: tlha’a
pos: name
en: Klaa
sv: Klaa
def: KGT pp.52, 198
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: d5m
tlh: tlher
pos: verb
en: be lumpy
sv: vara klimpig, vara full av klumpar, vara ojämn
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: yuV
tlh: tlhevjaQ
pos: noun
en: spear thrown with aid of a special tool
sv: spjut kastat dem hjälp av ett särskilt verktyg
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: ouS
meta: Entries differ in source. KGT E-K entry is used here.
tlh: tlhImqaH
pos: noun
en: type of food, zilm'kach
sv: en slags mat, zilm'kach
def: KGT
cite: zilm'kach (tlhImqaH) Food made from something orange. [First seen in "Melora" (DS9).] [DI p.246]
tag: 1997; food; Klingonism
id: 4z8
tlh: tlhIngan yejquv
pos: noun
en: Klingon High Council
sv: Klingonska Högsta Rådet
def: KGT p.36
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: CtP
tlh: tlhIq
pos: noun
en: stew
sv: stuvning
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 9vm
tlh: tlhIS
pos: verb
en: spit out (solid thing)
sv: spotta ut (föremål)
def: KGT; HolQeD-12-4 pp.8--9
ref: TDNW
cite: If what one spits out is basically liquid, such as a mixture of saliva and mucus, tuy’ would be used; for spitting out a mixture of saliva and something that is basically solid, tlhIS would be more appropriate. [HolQeD-12-4 p.9]
see: tuy’ spit out (liquids) (v)
tag: 1997; food
id: 4nL
tlh: tlhI’yopatra’
pos: name
en: Cleopatra
sv: Cleopatra
def: KGT p.110
cite: [...] first heard in a speech in the original Klingon version of Shakespeare's ’antonI’ tlhI’yopatra’ je [...] [KGT p.110]
tag: 1997; Anglicism
id: Syb
tlh: tlhombuS
pos: noun
en: type of food
sv: en slags mat
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: fwd
tlh: tlhop
pos: noun
en: front, area in front of
sv: framför, område framför
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: Ezq
tlh: tlhorgh
pos: verb
en: be pungent (referring to food)
sv: vara besk, vara skarp (om smak på mat)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: c8o
tlh: tlhorghHa’
pos: verb
en: be bland (referring to food)
sv: vara menlös, vara mild (om mat)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: derived form
id: 175
tlh: tlhoS
pos: adverbial
en: almost, nearly, virtually, not quite
sv: nästan, så gott som, inte helt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 7Wv
meta: Incorrectly given as verb in KGT E-K (under lookup "not quite") given as adverb everywhere else.
tlh: tlhuD
pos: verb
en: emit (energy, radiation, etc.)
sv: avge, stråla ut (energi, strålning, etc.)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: tGE
tlh: tlhuH [1.2]
pos: verb
en: be exhilarated, be stimulated, be invigorated [slang]
sv: vara upprymd, vara stimulerad, vara upplivad [slang]
def: KGT
cite: Literally meaning "breathe," this word is used in such expressions as jItlhuH ("I am exhilarated, it's exhilarating to me"; literally, "I breathe"). Perhaps a near equivalent in standard Klingon is Sey ("be excited"). [KGT p.166]
see: Sey
tag: 1997
id: ksZ
tlh: tlhuQ
pos: noun
en: tail
sv: svans
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: HSe
tlh: vagh [2]
pos: noun
en: fifth tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: femte tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: aAL
tlh: vaH
pos: noun
en: holster, sheath, knife case
sv: hölster, slida, knivfodral
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985
id: gNo
tlh: vaHbo’
pos: noun
en: lava
sv: lava
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jsK
tlh: van bom
pos: noun
en: anthem, hymn
sv: hymn, lovsång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase
id: wYD
tlh: vaQ
pos: verb
en: be aggressive, be effective, be vigorous
sv: vara aggressiv, vara effektiv, vara energisk, vara kraftfull
desc: about person or trad. weapon (rarely for modern weapon)
def: TKD; KGT
cite: A weapon that is particularly good, that is well designed and well constructed, is normally described as vaQ. Thus, a taj vaQ is a meticulously made knife and a ghanjaq vaQ is an especially nice mace. In speaking about a fine weapon, one could compliment it even further by adding the emphatic -qu’ to vaQ. A really spectacular bat'leth would be a betleH vaQqu’. The word vaQ is not often used in describing the newer weapons (disruptors and the like), though such locutions are heard from time to time. The original meaning of vaQ has been extended to mean effective, vigorous, aggressive and is now heard applied not only to weapons but also to people: SuvwI’ vaQ (aggressive warrior). [KGT p.68]
tag: 1985
id: 5kG
tlh: vatlh DIS poH
pos: noun
en: century
sv: sekel
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase; vatlh (n)
id: Wde
tlh: [1] vay
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (midlevel ferocity)
sv: slåss, strida (mellanstor vildsinthet)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: 6Dq
tlh: veb
pos: verb
en: be next (in a series, sequence)
sv: vara nästa, vara efterföljande (i ordning, serie)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 1qW
tlh: veD
pos: noun
en: fur
sv: pälshår, lurv
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: xRB
tlh: veDDIr
pos: noun
en: pelt (skin with fur still attached)
sv: päls (skinn där håret lämnats kvar)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: FL4
tlh: veng wa’DIch
pos: noun
en: First City (capital of Kronos)
sv: Första Staden (Kronos huvudstad)
def: KGT pp.10, 17
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: YxQ
tlh: veng wa’DIch Sep
pos: noun
en: First City region
sv: Första Stads-regionen
def: KGT p.16
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: j33
tlh: veragh
pos: noun
en: rivet
sv: nit
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: c4U
tlh: veS
pos: noun
en: war, warfare (as a concept)
sv: krig, krigföring (som koncept)
def: TKD; KGT pp.46, 47, 50 et al.
see: noH
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 3gm
tlh: vIghro’
pos: noun
en: type of animal, v'gro (like a cat)
sv: ett slags djur, v'gro (kattlik)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: kco
tlh: vIq
pos: noun
en: battle, combat (as a concept)
sv: slag, strid (som koncept)
def: KGT pp.47, 50
see: may’
tag: 1997
id: SSJ
tlh: vIqSIS
pos: name
en: Vixis
sv: Vixis
def: KGT p.197
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: KMo
tlh: vIttlhegh
pos: noun
en: proverb
sv: talesätt, ordspråk
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: baW
tlh: vIychorgh
pos: noun
en: juice, sap of a plant
sv: juice, saft ifrån en växt
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: JhE
tlh: [3] vI’
pos: noun
en: decimal point
sv: decimalpunkt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Zs4
tlh: von
pos: verb
en: trap, entrap
sv: snara, snärja, fånga (i fälla), förleda, lura
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: JjT
tlh: vonlu’
pos: verb
en: fail utterly [slang]
sv: misslyckas totalt [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Vu5
tlh: voQSIp
pos: noun
en: nitrogen
sv: kväve
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ddU
tlh: voSpegh
pos: noun
en: Vospeg (region)
sv: Vospeg (region)
def: KGT p.16
see: voSpegh Sep Vospeg region (n)
tag: 1997
id: QFN
tlh: voSpegh Sep
pos: noun
en: Vospeg region
sv: Vospeg-regionen
def: KGT p.16
see: voSpegh Vospeg (n)
tag: 1997
data: phrase; voSpegh (n)
id: dvw
tlh: vutmeH ’un
pos: noun
en: flat-bottomed pot for food preparation [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål för matberedning [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
data: phrase
id: MGz
tlh: vutwI’
pos: noun
en: cook, chef
sv: kock, köksa
def: KGT
cite: A Klingon food and/or beverage preparer is a vutwI’ (for convenience, this will continue to be translated as cook). [KGT p.83]
cite: The person who takes the order and brings the food is the jabwI’ (server) and the chef is the vutwI’ (cook; in a large restaurant, the head chef is referred to as the vutwI’ quv, the honored cook). In small establishments, the jabwI’ and vutwI’ are likely to be the same individual. If there is a separate bar (tach), the bartender (chom) will mix drinks; otherwise, these chores fall to the vutwI’. [KGT p.101]
tag: 1997; food
data: derived form
id: D59
tlh: vut’un
pos: noun
en: flat-bottomed pot for food preparation [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål för matberedning [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: mD4
tlh: wagh
pos: verb
en: be expensive
sv: vara dyr
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 3M9
tlh: waH [.1]
pos: verb
en: try out, test, use experimentally
sv: pröva, testa, använda på försök
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: SUS
tlh: waH [.2]
pos: verb
en: taste, try out (food)
sv: smaka, prova (mat)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: ugi
tlh: wamwI’
pos: noun
en: hunter
sv: jägare
def: TKW p.161; KGT
cite: QotDI’ gheD tlhejbe’ wamwI’. The hunter does not lie down with the prey. [TKW p.161]
tag: 1996
data: derived form
id: Q5x
tlh: warjun
pos: noun
en: type of knife (used for food preparation)
sv: ett slags kniv (används vid matberedning)
def: KGT
pun: Ward and June are parents of the main character in the sitcom "Leave It to Beaver". Their last name is Cleaver.
tag: 1997; food
id: 7TT
tlh: way’
pos: verb
en: parry, deflect a lunge
sv: parera, avleda en stöt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: La2
tlh: wech
pos: verb
en: serve fermented food at its peak
sv: servera jäst mat när den är som bäst
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: HtF
tlh: wep [.2]
pos: noun
en: shirt with sleeves [regional]
sv: skjorta med ärmar [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; clothing
id: 5UZ
tlh: weq
pos: verb
en: hit (percussion instrument) with palm
sv: slå (på slaginstrument) med handflata
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: N5f
tlh: wey
pos: noun
en: company (military unit)
sv: kompani
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 7E1
tlh: wIb
pos: verb
en: be sour, be bitter, be tart
sv: vara sur, vara bitter, vara besk, vara syrlig
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ftR
tlh: wItlh
pos: verb
en: break (something) off
sv: bryta av (något)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: cnZ
tlh: wob
pos: verb
en: hurl a spear by means of a chetvi
sv: kasta spjut med en chetvi
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism
id: hAc
tlh: woD
pos: verb
en: throw away, discard
sv: kasta bort, kassera
def: TKD; KGT p.91
ref: TDNW
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: qTT
tlh: [1] woj
pos: verb
en: sterilize
sv: sterilisera
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT
com: MO seem to have canonified an error occuring on KLI's list of new words, originally caused by a slip of the eye while reading/ transcribing the veS QonoS list in HolQeD-01-3 p.9. Zrajm: When I was at the qep’a’ 2000, Will Martin told me that this error was *his* fault, since he was the one who read the veS QonoS list wrong when writing his dictionary. He gave a copy of this dictionary to MO, who as a kind of a joke incorporated the error into the language.
see: Say’qu’moH is a synonym
tag: 1990
id: 2Az
tlh: wornagh
pos: noun
en: warnog, Klingon ale
sv: warnog, klingonskt öl
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: 7CS
tlh: wup
pos: verb
en: burst into song
sv: brista ut i sång
def: KGT
cite: It is never inappropriate to burst into song (there is a special verb for this: wup) and sing a may’ bom. [KGT p.77]
pun: "whoop"
tag: 1997; music
id: noG
tlh: yach [.2]
pos: verb
en: strum (a stringed instrument)
sv: knäppa på, slå på (ett stränginstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: SYt
tlh: [2] yaD
pos: noun
en: sword [slang]
sv: svärd [slang]
def: KGT
com: Slang based on Krotmag dialect pronunciation.
tag: 1997
id: zm8
tlh: yan [1]
pos: verb
en: wield, use, manipulate (a sword)
sv: svinga, använda, hantera (ett svärd)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Ptb
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: yan [2]
pos: noun
en: sword
sv: svärd
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Zmp
tlh: yanwI’
pos: noun
en: swordfighter
sv: svärdsfäktare, svärdskämpe
def: KGT p.61
tag: 1997; fighting
data: derived form
id: CAD
tlh: yaS cha’DIch
pos: noun
en: second officer (on a ship)
sv: andreofficer
def: KGT p.53
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: cZ4
tlh: yaS wa’DIch
pos: noun
en: first officer (on a ship)
sv: försteofficer
def: KGT p.53
tag: 1997
data: phrase; derived form
id: tdT
tlh: yatlh
pos: verb
en: be pregnant
sv: vara gravid
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT
tag: 1990
id: W2F
tlh: yeb
pos: noun
en: wrist (also slang term of deprecation)
sv: handled (även slanguttryck för ogillande)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: WMk
tlh: yejHaD
pos: noun
en: institute, institution
sv: institut, institution
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: RCG
tlh: yej’an
pos: noun
en: society (e.g., scholarly society)
sv: sällskap (t.ex. akademiskt sällskap)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Ntd
tlh: yInSIp
pos: noun
en: oxygen
sv: syre
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: hjj
tlh: yIrIDngan
pos: noun
en: Yiridian (person)
sv: yridian (person)
def: TKW p.189; KGT
tag: 1996
id: rPu
tlh: yIv [.2]
pos: verb
en: annoy, bother, irk, irritate [slang]
sv: förarga, besvära, reta, irritera [slang]
desc: muyIv yaS the officer irks me; person/creature is subj.
def: KGT
cite: This verb literally means "chew." In its slang sense, it is found in such constructions as choyIv ("You bother me"---literally, "You chew me"; cho-, "You [do something to] me") or muyIv romuluS Ha’DIbaH ("The Romulan dog irks me"; literally, "The Romulan animal chews me," where "Romulan animal" is a derogatory way to refer to a Romulan; mu-, "He/she [does something to] me"; romuluS, "Romulus"; Ha’DIbaH, "animal"). The subject of yIv can be only a person or creature, not an inanimate object or a situation. Thus, it is inappropriate to say something like muyIv ’Iw HIq bIr ("cold bloodwine chews me"; ’Iw HIq, "bloodwine"; bIr, "be cold"). Standard ways to express the same idea are nuQ ("annoy, bother") and berghmoH ("irritate"). [KGT p.164]
tag: 1997
id: 5JM
tlh: yIvbeH [.2]
pos: noun
en: sleeveless shirt [regional]
sv: ärmlös skjorta [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; clothing
id: QFi
tlh: yoD’egh
pos: verb
en: shield oneself
sv: skydda sig själv (med sköld)
def: KGT p.67
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: hhH
tlh: yoHwI’
pos: noun
en: brave one
sv: den modige, den modiga
def: TKW p.123; KGT
cite: reH Hegh yoHwI’pu’’e’. Always it is the brave ones who die. [TKW p.123]
tag: 1996
data: derived form
id: kL7
tlh: yoS
pos: noun
en: district, area (within a country)
sv: distrikt, område (inom ett land)
def: TKD; KGT p.16
tag: 1985
id: 9eF
tlh: yu
pos: noun
en: first (and last) tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: första (och sista) tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: bVk
tlh: yub
pos: noun
en: husk, rind, peel, shell (of fruit, nut)
sv: skal (på frukt, nöt)
def: KGT
cite: The outer covering of a fruit or vegetable (yub, husk, rind, peel) is always consumed, except in the case of the naHlet yub (nut shell). [KGT p.89]
tag: 1997; food
id: beV
tlh: [1] ’aD
pos: verb
en: have a length of, measure
sv: ha en längd av, mäta
desc: opposite of juch
def: 1997-10-22-News; KGT
cite: There are two words used for length: ’aD and ’ab. Both of these can be translated "have a length of," but they are used somewhat differently. ’aD is used in contrast with juch "have a width of" in measuring, say, a tabletop. ’ab, on the other hand, is used for (potentially) longish, skinnyish things (for example, spears) and also for heights. [1997-10-22-News]
tag: 1997; measure
id: EpA
tlh: ’agh
pos: verb
en: show, demonstrate, display
sv: visa, demonstrera, förevisa, visa upp
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: KnF
tlh: ’alngegh
pos: noun
en: ax with spike at end
sv: yxa med med spets i änden
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: G1e
tlh: ’ampaS
pos: noun
en: academy
sv: akademi, skola
def: KGT
pun: Could this have anything to do with "Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences", perhaps?
tag: 1997
id: 6yC
tlh: ’antonI’
pos: name
en: Anthony
sv: Antonius
def: KGT p.110
cite: [...] first heard in a speech in the original Klingon version of Shakespeare's ’antonI’ tlhI’yopatra’ je [...] [KGT p.110]
tag: 1997; Anglicism
id: BUm
tlh: ’aqleH
pos: noun
en: type of weapon (half ax, half bat'leth)
sv: ett slags vapen (hälften yxa, hälften bat'leth)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: qNB
tlh: ’aqnaw
pos: noun
en: type of knife (general purpose)
sv: ett slags kniv (allmän användning)
def: KGT
pun: Marc Okrand really gets going in the KGT section about (kitchen) knives, so this is probably a travesty of all those soap-opera commercials: ...And finally, *act now*, and get this small all purpose knife for free...!
tag: 1997
id: DH2
tlh: ’aqtu’
pos: name
en: Aktuh
sv: Aktuh
def: TKW p.187; KGT p.49
com: Name from a famous Klingon opera.
tag: 1996; Klingonism
id: u9c
tlh: ’aQlo’
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: wmA
tlh: ’atrom
pos: name
en: A'trom
sv: A'trom
def: KGT p.197
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: ueG
tlh: ’atlhqam
pos: noun
en: type of fungus
sv: ett slags svamp
def: KGT
pun: "athlete's foot"
tag: 1997; food
id: 6Qp
tlh: ’awje’
pos: noun
en: type of beverage (root beer)
sv: ett slags dryck (root beer)
def: KGT
cite: A popular effervescent drink, black in color, is called ’awje’. This is frequently, though not accurately, translated as "root beer," probably because of its superficial resemblance to the Federation soft drink, but it is made from, among other things, the marrow (melchoQ) taken from the bones of a teghbat ("teg'bat"). It is considered relatively mild, even for a Klingon nonalcoholic drink. [KGT p.95]
tag: 1997; food
id: zxL
tlh: ’ay’
pos: noun
en: section, part, component, piece
sv: sektion, del, komponent, bit, stycke
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985
id: ZZf
tlh: ’eb
pos: noun
en: opportunity, chance, opening
sv: möjlighet, chans, öppning
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.49, 51
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: HMw
tlh: ’egh
pos: noun
en: third tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: tredje tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: sNE
tlh: ’elpI’
pos: noun
en: serving platter
sv: serveringsfat, uppläggsfat
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 8A1
tlh: [2] ’em
pos: noun
en: behind, area behind
sv: bakom, område bakom
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: Hoc
tlh: ’ep
pos: verb
en: consume soup, eat soup
sv: konsumera soppa, äta gryta
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: 3N5
meta: The word "eat" does not occur in any canon sources, but was added to ease lookup.
tlh: ’eq
pos: verb
en: be early
sv: vara tidig
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: eM4
tlh: ’eS
pos: verb
en: be low
sv: vara låg
def: KGT
cite: tlhIngan yoH jen verengan yoH ’eS or tlhIngan yoH ’eS verengan yoH jen (jen, be high; ’eS, be low) [KGT p.179]
tag: 1997; placement
id: GWb
tlh: ’etlh
pos: noun
en: sword, blade
sv: svärd, klinga
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.101, 177
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: Pu8
tlh: ’ey
pos: verb
en: be good, be delicious, be tasty, be harmonious
sv: vara god, vara delikat, vara välsmakande, vara harmonisk
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food; music
id: 4aJ
tlh: ’Ib
pos: noun
en: tub
sv: kar
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: UEE
tlh: ’Igh
pos: verb
en: be cursed, be jinxed [slang]
sv: vara förbannad, vara olycksbringande [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: c8U
tlh: ’IghvaH
pos: noun
en: type of animal, igvah
sv: ett slags djur, igvah
def: KGT
cite: For example, throughout the Empire, a soup whose main component is igvah liver has a special name, ghaw’. This word is avoided in the Vospeg region, however, because there, the word ghaw’ is a slang term meaning something like "one who is full of self-doubt or who is insecure" and is a word used only as an insult. To refer to the soup, one simply says ’IghvaH chej chatlh (literally, "igvah liver soup"). [KGT p.30]
tag: 1997; animal; Klingonism
id: YVP
tlh: ’Im
pos: verb
en: render, boil fat
sv: smälta, koka fett
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: XK4
tlh: ’In
pos: noun
en: percussion instrument (drum, bell)
sv: slaginstrument (trumma, klocka)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: Yno
tlh: ’Iwghargh
pos: noun
en: type of animal, bloodworm
sv: ett slags djur, blodmask
def: PK; KGT
cite: reH HIvje’lIjDaq ’Iwghargh Datu’jaj. May you always find a bloodworm in your glass. [PK]
cite: tun; reghuluS ’Iwghargh rur soft as a Regulan bloodworm [TKD p.135]
tag: 1993; animal; food
id: YUU
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: ’obe’
pos: noun
en: order, group officially recognized by government
sv: orden, grupp officiellt erkänd av regering
def: KGT
pun: "Order of the British Empire"
tag: 1997
id: MbC
tlh: ’obmaQ
pos: noun
en: ax
sv: yxa
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: seQ
tlh: ’oDwI’
pos: noun
en: arbitrator
sv: medlare
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: Pcg
tlh: ’om
pos: verb
en: resist, fend off
sv: motsätta sig, avvärja
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 152
tlh: ’op
pos: noun
en: some, an unknown or unspecified quantity
sv: någon, något, några, en del, en okänd eller ospecificerad mängd
desc: ’op SuvwI’ some warriors [SBX-S07]
def: KGT
cite: DujvamDaq ’op SuvwI’ tu’lu’bogh po’ law’ tlhIngan yo’ SuvwI’ law’ po’ puS. Some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet. [SBX-S07]
tag: 1997; quantity
id: DyB
tlh: ’oQqar
pos: noun
en: root, tuber
sv: rot, rotknöl, rotfrukt
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: Y3F
tlh: ’o’lav
pos: noun
en: type of drum
sv: ett slags trumma
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: uup
tlh: ’uch
pos: verb
en: hold, grasp
sv: hålla (i), gripa (om)
def: TKW pp.120, 177; KGT
cite: mupwI’ yI’uchtaH! Keep holding the hammer! [TKW p.120]
tag: 1996
id: x9d
tlh: ’uD
pos: noun
en: laser
sv: laser
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: mCH
tlh: ’uj
pos: noun
en: uj (unit of length)
sv: uj (längdenhet)
desc: about 13¾″ or 35 cm
def: 1997-10-22-News; KGT
cite: wejvatlh loSmaH loS vI’ vagh wej ’uj ’aD Duj Length: 120M [BoP]
cite: loSmaH jav vI’ Soch loS ’uj ’ab meH Bridge Height: 16.28M [BoP]
cite: HIvtaHvIS toQDuj cha’vatlh wejmaH Soch vI’ vagh chorgh ’uj ’ab ’oH Attack Formation Height: 82.75M [BoP]
cite: qughtaHvIS toQDuj HutmaH vI’ jav wa’ ’uj ’ab ’oH Cruise Formation Height: 31.56M [BoP]
cite: SaqtaHvIS toQDuj wa’vatlh loS vI’ jav chorgh ’uj ’ab ’oH Landing Formation Height: 36.46M [BoP]
com: More exactly one uj is 34.83 cm (as caculated from usage on BoP).
tag: 1997; Klingonism; measure
id: onN
meta: In KGT the words "linear measure" are used, but they have been changed to "length" here (for brevity and clarity).
tlh: ’ul
pos: noun
en: electricity
sv: elektricitet
def: KGT
ref: 1997-qep'a'
pun: At qep’a’ 1997 Okrand confirmed the suspicion of a list member about its origin: electronic goods sold in the United States have a sticker on them saying UL ("Underwriter's Laboratory") showing they meet industry safety standards. (Robyn Stewart)
tag: 1997
id: guV
tlh: ’un
pos: noun
en: pot (for food preparation, general term)
sv: skål (för matberedning, generell term)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: baL
tlh: ’un naQ
pos: noun
en: stirring stick, mixing stick
sv: blandningskäpp, omrörningspinne, käpp/pinne för omrörning
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: phrase
id: UoQ
tlh: ’un quD
pos: noun
en: artificially produced qud
sv: artificiellt framställd qud
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
data: phrase
id: rSy
tlh: ’up
pos: verb
en: be unsavory, be disgusting, be repugnant, be loathsome, be icky
sv: vara smaklös, vara äcklig, vara frånstötande, vara avskyvärd, vara motbjudande, vara osmaklig
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 55a
tlh: ’uQ’a’
pos: noun
en: banquet, feast
sv: bankett, fest
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: yxt
tlh: ’uSu’
pos: noun
en: sauce for gladst
sv: sås till gladst
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: yXB
tlh: ’utlh
pos: noun
en: officer emeritus, retired officer
sv: officer emeritus, pensionerad officer
def: TKD; KGT p.51
cite: [T]here are not many officers who end their service to the Empire by simply stepping down or retiring. There are some, however, and the word ’utlh is used to refer to an officer of this type. Perhaps officer emeritus is an appropriate translation. [KGT p.51]
tag: 1985
id: MDr
tlh: *-la’
warn: canon example of ungrammatical use
pos: verb suffix type 5
en: can, able + indefinite subject
sv: kan + indefinit subjekt
def: KGT p.181
cite: Rather than violating the rules by using the two [type 5] suffixes sequentially (that is, -lu’laH or -laHlu’), however, these speakers will say either -luH or -la’, employing totally artificial, made-up suffixes formed by fusing -lu’ and -laH, as in jagh jonluH or jagh jonla’ (The enemy can be captured). No one accepts such constructions as grammatical; their inappropriateness, the way they grate on the Klingon ear, is exactly what gives them elocutionary clout. A visitor may hear one of these odd suffixes occasionally, but, as with other intentionally ungrammatical forms, it is best to avoid using them until one is extremely comfortable with the nuances of Klingon style. [KGT p.181]
see: *-luH
tag: 1997
data: deprecated
id: 2gG
tlh: *-luH
warn: canon example of ungrammatical use
pos: verb suffix type 5
en: can, able + indefinite subject
sv: kan + indefinit subjekt
def: KGT p.181
cite: Rather than violating the rules by using the two [type 5] suffixes sequentially (that is, -lu’laH or -laHlu’), however, these speakers will say either -luH or -la’, employing totally artificial, made-up suffixes formed by fusing -lu’ and -laH, as in jagh jonluH or jagh jonla’ (The enemy can be captured). No one accepts such constructions as grammatical; their inappropriateness, the way they grate on the Klingon ear, is exactly what gives them elocutionary clout. A visitor may hear one of these odd suffixes occasionally, but, as with other intentionally ungrammatical forms, it is best to avoid using them until one is extremely comfortable with the nuances of Klingon style. [KGT p.181]
see: *-la’
tag: 1997
data: deprecated
id: SPR