Klingon Pocket Dictionary

Use tlh:*chuq to finds all Klingon words ending in chuq.
4 matches.
tlh: chong [2]
pos: exclamation
en: good, excellent, admirable [slang]
sv: bra, utmärkt, beundransvärt [slang]
def: KGT pp.148--149
cite: Literally be vertical [...] The word chong may also be used as an exclamation expressing approval or satisfaction, somewhat like standard maj (good). Thus, one may describe one's feelings about a skillfully made knife or about an upcoming social event by saying simply chong (literally, vertical but meaning good, excellent, admirable). See also qu’ (literally, be fierce), another slang term used to express approval. [KGT pp.148--149]
see: maj good (excl); qu’ be great (v) (slang)
tag: 1997
id: oJP
tlh: [1] pov
pos: verb
en: be excellent
sv: vara utmärkt, vara förträfflig
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: doj
tlh: qu’ [1.2]
pos: verb
en: be great, be wonderful, be excellent, be superlative, be splendid, be good [slang]
sv: vara storslagen, vara underbar, vara utmärkt, vara fantastisk, vara bra [slang]
def: KGT
cite: The verb qu’ literally means be fierce. In its slang sense, it may be used adjectivally, as in taj qu’ (excellent knife; literally, fierce knife), or as the main verb in a sentence, as in qu’ taj (the knife is excellent; literally, the knife is fierce). Though, from the Klingon point of view, equating being fierce with being great, wonderful, and so on seems quite natural, the slang meaning of qu’ probably receives further support because it sounds just like the verb suffix -qu’, which is used for emphasis (compare Qatlh, difficult, and Qatlhqu’, very difficult). When applied to people or animals, it is not always clear whether the slang or nonslang meaning of qu’ is intended. That is, SuvwI’ qu’ (fierce warrior) could be interpreted literally, or it could mean excellent warrior. When applied to anything other than people or animals, the slang meaning is more likely. Thus, may’ qu’ (fierce battle) is really a way of saying excellent battle. In Klingon, only a participant in a battle, not the battle itself, can literally be described as fierce. The word qu’ may also be used as an exclamation (Great! Wonderful!). In this sense, it seems to be interchangeable with chong (literally, be vertical; see page 148). The slang usage of qu’ is currently extremely common among Klingons, and it has pretty much displaced another slang term with the same set of meanings (excellent, wonderful, etc.), Huv (literally, be clear, not obstructed), which was in vogue not all that long ago. The use of Huv for excellent is now considered old-fashioned. This is also the case with nong (passionate), an even older slang term for excellent. (As of this writing, the slang usage of nong seems to be making a comeback, but it is still too early to say whether this will really happen.) Nonslang verbs expressing similar ideas are Dun (be wonderful, great), pov (be excellent), and, as an exclamation, maj! (Good!). [KGT pp.159--161]
tag: 1997
id: Uuv
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. Translation "be superlative" occurs only on KGT p.159, other translations can be found in KGT word list and main text, "be good" is only found in words lists (not main text of book).
tlh: qu’ [2]
pos: exclamation
en: great, wonderful [slang]
sv: storslaget, underbart [slang]
def: KGT pp.160--161
cite: The word qu’ may also be used as an exclamation ("Great!" "Wonderful!"). In this sense, it seems to be interchangeable with chong (literally, "be vertical"; see page 148). The slang usage of qu’ is currently extremely common among Klingons, and it has pretty much displaced another slang term with the same set of meanings ("excellent, wonderful, etc."), Huv (literally, "be clear, not obstructed"), which was in vogue not all that long ago. [KGT pp.160--161]
tag: 1997
id: JqA