Klingon Pocket Dictionary

Use tlh:*chuq to finds all Klingon words ending in chuq.
3 matches.
tlh: *be’nI’nal
warn: non-canon suggestion, use loDnI’ be’nal or be’nI’ be’nal instead
pos: noun
en: sister-in-law
sv: svägerska
def: 2010-12-22-Email (2010-12-25-Email)
cite: There was another question about whether loDnI’nal and be’nI’nal could be brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Maltz said he didn't think there were specific words for these concepts. He said to just describe the relationship: loDnI’ loDnal and be’nI’ loDnal for brother-in-law and loDnI’ be’nal and be’nI’ be’nal for sister-in-law. He said you could even say things like be’nal loDnI’ be’nal wife's brother's wife. But he preferred to call all these people ’e’nalpu’ people who married into the family. [2010-12-22-Email]
see: loDnI’ be’nal; be’nI’ be’nal
tag: 2010
data: non-canon; derived form
id: f8p
tlh: chut
pos: noun
en: law
sv: lag
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: pn1
tlh: *loDnI’nal
warn: non-canon suggestion, use loDnI’ loDnal or be’nI’ loDnal
pos: noun
en: brother-in-law
sv: svåger
def: 2010-12-22-Email (2010-12-25-Email)
cite: There was another question about whether loDnI’nal and be’nI’nal could be brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Maltz said he didn't think there were specific words for these concepts. He said to just describe the relationship: loDnI’ loDnal and be’nI’ loDnal for brother-in-law and loDnI’ be’nal and be’nI’ be’nal for sister-in-law. He said you could even say things like be’nal loDnI’ be’nal wife's brother's wife. But he preferred to call all these people ’e’nalpu’ people who married into the family. [2010-12-22-Email]
see: loDnI’ loDnal; be’nI’ loDnal
tag: 2010
data: non-canon; derived form
id: hzv