Klingon Pocket Dictionary

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3 matches.
tlh: bom [1]
pos: verb
en: sing, chant
sv: sjunga, mässa
def: TKW p.17; KGT
cite: ta’mey Dun, bommey Dun. Great deeds, great songs. [TKW p.15]
cite: bomDI’ ’IwwIj qaqaw. The memory of you sings in my blood. [TKW p.17]
cite: A song is a bom, and to sing a song is likewise bom. The set of lyrics to a song is termed bom mu’ (literally, song word or song words). [KGT p.71]
tag: 1996; music
id: EYR
tlh: bom mu’
pos: noun
en: lyric, lyrics
sv: sångtext, låttext
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: phrase; derived form
id: uFB
tlh: mu’
pos: noun
en: word
sv: ord
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ZnU