Klingon Pocket Dictionary

With multiple search words, all are needed for a match (e.g. en:battle pos:v).
27 matches.
tlh: bIng
pos: noun
en: area below, area under
sv: område nedanför, område under
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: vMs
tlh: bIS’ub
pos: noun
en: bottom (interior bottom)
sv: botten (invändig botten)
def: HolQeD-08-3 p.2
ref: KLINW
see: yor; pIrmuS
tag: 1999; placement
id: r5K
tlh: botlh
pos: noun
en: center, middle
sv: center, mitt
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: e2D
tlh: chan
pos: noun
en: area eastward, area towards the east
sv: område österut, område i öster
def: 1999-11-21-News (HolQeD-08-4-a pp.6--8)
cite: The areas associated with ’ev and tIng are something like 100 degrees apart from each other, and each is 130 degrees away from the area associated with chan. [1999-11-21-News]
cite: 90 degrees on Terran 360 degree compass with north as 0 and degrees counted clockwise [KLINW]
tag: 1999; placement
id: aRc
tlh: Dat
pos: noun
en: everywhere, all places
sv: överallt, alla platser
desc: never takes -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28]
def: TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28 et al.
com: Locative word, never followed by -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28].
tag: 1985; placement
id: JEZ
tlh: Dop
pos: noun
en: side
sv: sida
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: QAK
tlh: Dung
pos: noun
en: area above, area overhead
sv: område ovanför, område över
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: qBT
tlh: Hur
pos: noun
en: outside
sv: utanför
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: Pse
tlh: joj
pos: noun
en: area between
sv: område mellan, område emellan
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: boR
tlh: lurgh
pos: noun
en: direction (spatial)
sv: riktning (rumslig)
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); TKDa
tag: 1990; placement
id: VbJ
tlh: naDev
pos: noun
en: here, hereabouts
sv: här, häromkring
desc: never takes -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28]
def: TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28 et al.
com: Locative word, never followed by -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28].
tag: 1985; placement
id: xR6
tlh: [2] nIH
pos: noun
en: right (side)
sv: höger (sida)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: Z4a
tlh: [1] pa’
pos: noun
en: there, over there, thereabouts
sv: där, där borta, däromkring
desc: never takes -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28]
def: TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28 et al.
com: Locative word, never followed by -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28].
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: 2Ha
tlh: pIrmuS
pos: noun
en: bottom (underside of something, not interior bottom)
sv: undersida
def: HolQeD-08-3 p.2
see: yor; bIS’ub
tag: 1999; placement
id: 9a5
tlh: [2] poS
pos: noun
en: left (side)
sv: vänster (sida)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: Dex
tlh: qoD
pos: noun
en: inside, interior
sv: insida
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: jqN
tlh: Quv
pos: noun
en: coordinates
sv: koordinater
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: KFe
tlh: retlh
pos: noun
en: area beside, area next to
sv: område brevid, område intill
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: FSY
tlh: tIng
pos: noun
en: area southwestward, area towards the southwest
sv: område sydvästerut, område i sydväst
def: 1999-11-21-News (HolQeD-08-4-a pp.6--8)
cite: The areas associated with ’ev and tIng are something like 100 degrees apart from each other, and each is 130 degrees away from the area associated with chan. [1999-11-21-News]
cite: approx 220 degrees on Terran 360 degree compass counting clockwise with 0 at north [KLINW]
tag: 1999; placement
id: wDR
tlh: tlhop
pos: noun
en: front, area in front of
sv: framför, område framför
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: Ezq
tlh: vogh
pos: noun
en: somewhere
sv: någonstans, någon plats
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: Rzz
tlh: yor
pos: noun
en: top (side or face of an object)
sv: ovansida
def: HolQeD-08-3 p.2
see: yuvtlhe’; ’aqroS; pIrmuS
tag: 1999; placement
id: 3NV
tlh: ’aqroS [.1]
pos: noun
en: top (inside or downturned surface)
sv: överdel (under- eller insidan av överdelen)
def: HolQeD-08-3 p.2
see: yor
tag: 1999; placement
id: iu7
tlh: [2] ’em
pos: noun
en: behind, area behind
sv: bakom, område bakom
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: Hoc
tlh: ’ev
pos: noun
en: area northwestward, area towards the northwest
sv: område nordvästerut, område i nordväst
def: 1999-11-21-News (HolQeD-08-4-a pp.6--8)
cite: The areas associated with ’ev and tIng are something like 100 degrees apart from each other, and each is 130 degrees away from the area associated with chan. [1999-11-21-News]
cite: 320 degrees on Terran 360 degree compass counted clockwise with 0 at north [KLINW]
tag: 1999; placement
id: 1h6
tlh: -Daq
pos: noun suffix type 5
en: locative
sv: lokativ
def: TKD 3.3.5/p.27
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: Gs3
tlh: -vo’
pos: noun suffix type 5
en: from
sv: från
def: TKD 3.3.5/p.28
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: cCw