Klingon Pocket Dictionary

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622 matches. (Want the whole dictionary? Download it here.)
tlh: bach [1]
pos: verb
en: shoot
sv: skjuta
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.148
cite: The verb used for shoot when referring to disruptors is bach. Technically speaking, one shoots the energy beam from the disruptor. The general word for any energy beam (ray) is tIH, so a disruptor's beam is nISwI’ tIH. Thus, the correct formation is nISwI’ tIH bach (shoot the disruptor beam). As a practical matter, however, the tIH is often left out, and nISwI’ bach is the common way to say shoot a disruptor. Similarly, pu’ bach is shoot a phaser. [KGT p.56]
tag: 1985; fighting; KLCP1
id: Qmp
tlh: bach [2]
pos: noun
en: shot
sv: skott
def: TKD
tag: 1985; fighting; KLCP1
id: Z8d
tlh: [1] baQ
pos: verb
en: be fresh, be just picked (fruit, vegetable)
sv: vara färsk, vara nyplockad (om frukt, grönsak)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: HxN
tlh: [2] baQ
pos: verb
en: toss bat'leth from one hand to the other
sv: kasta en bat'leth från den ena handen till den andra
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: KSB
tlh: batlh [1]
pos: adverbial
en: honored, with honor, honorably, honorable
sv: ärofullt, med ära, med heder, hedervärt
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.47, 71, 129
tag: 1985
id: Pc8
tlh: batlh [2]
pos: noun
en: honor
sv: ära
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.53, 67; HolQeD-12-3 p.9; KLINW
cite: [...] batlh, on the other hand, is a grander, more general, more philosophical concept, associated with integrity, rectitude, scruples, and principles. [HolQeD-12-3 p.9]
see: quv
tag: 1985
id: D7p
tlh: bej [.1]
pos: verb
en: watch
sv: vaka över, hålla ett öga på, titta på
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.19
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: B1R
tlh: bej [.2]
pos: verb
en: be sure, be definite, be positive, be certain [slang]
sv: vara helt säker, vara viss [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: qUL
tlh: bel [1]
pos: verb
en: be pleased
sv: vara nöjd, vara belåten
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: i5L
tlh: bel [2]
pos: noun
en: pleasure
sv: välbehag, nöje
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.45
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: KzM
tlh: [1] bep
pos: verb
en: complain, object, gripe
sv: klaga, invända, gnälla
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.46
tag: 1985
id: gEu
tlh: [2] bep
pos: noun
en: agony
sv: vånda, kval, plågor
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 7EW
tlh: beq [.1]
pos: noun
en: crew, crewman
sv: manskap, besättningsman
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: AxK
meta: FIXME -- Should this be merged with beq [.2] bekk?
tlh: beq [.2]
pos: noun
en: bekk (rank)
sv: bekk (rang)
def: DI p.242 (2001-02-17-Email)
cite: bekk (beq) A rank given to enlisted personnel in the Defense Force. [First referenced in "Sons and Daughters" (DS9).] [DI p.242]
tag: 2001
id: AY9
meta: FIXME -- Should this be merged with beq [.2] crew, crewman?
tlh: bIj [1]
pos: verb
en: punish
sv: straffa
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: yGv
tlh: bIj [2]
pos: noun
en: punishment
sv: straff
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: azb
tlh: bom [1]
pos: verb
en: sing, chant
sv: sjunga, mässa
def: TKW p.17; KGT
cite: ta’mey Dun, bommey Dun. Great deeds, great songs. [TKW p.15]
cite: bomDI’ ’IwwIj qaqaw. The memory of you sings in my blood. [TKW p.17]
cite: A song is a bom, and to sing a song is likewise bom. The set of lyrics to a song is termed bom mu’ (literally, song word or song words). [KGT p.71]
tag: 1996; music
id: EYR
tlh: bom [2]
pos: noun
en: song, chant
sv: sång
def: TKW p.15; KGT
tag: 1996; music
id: b9M
tlh: boq [1]
pos: verb
en: ally with, form an alliance with
sv: alliera med, förena med, skapa en allians med
def: HolQeD-09-3 p.9
ref: KLINW
cite: used in math: boq for addition, boqHa’ for subtraction, X-logh boq’egh Y for multiplication, X-logh boqHa’’egh Y for division. [KLINW]
see: boqHa’; chen
tag: 2000; math
id: 8PK
tlh: boq [2]
pos: noun
en: alliance, bloc, coalition, fusion
sv: allians, block, sammanslutning, koalition, fusion
def: TKD; HolQeD-04-4 p.11; KGT; BoP
ref: KLINW
cite: Hong boq chuyDaH: loS Impulse Fusion Thrusters -- 4 [BoP]
tag: 1985
id: aGW
meta: Entries from TKD, KGT and BoP have been combined here.
tlh: boQ [1]
pos: verb
en: assist
sv: hjälpa till, assistera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: SwA
tlh: boQ [2.1]
pos: noun
en: aid, assistance
sv: hjälp, assistans
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: TQX
tlh: boQ [2.2]
pos: noun
en: aide
sv: medhjälpare
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 56y
tlh: buv [1]
pos: verb
en: classify
sv: klassificera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: QJz
tlh: buv [2]
pos: noun
en: classification
sv: klassifikation
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 3AY
tlh: [1] chab
pos: noun
en: pie, tart, dumpling
sv: paj, bakverk, kroppkaka
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: sHs
tlh: [2] chab
pos: noun
en: invention, innovation [slang]
sv: uppfinning, innovation [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: riA
tlh: chach [1]
pos: verb
en: be auxiliary, be for backup use
sv: vara i reserv, vara till för nödlägen
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9)
cite: chach auxiliary, backup (= emergency) [veS-QonoS]
cite: chach! [Emergency!] (untranslated) [ST6]
cite: tlham chach chu’qa’ Restoring auxiliary gravity. (clipped?) [ST6]
cite: If I heard this correctly, chach appears to be acting as a quality here: "backup/auxiliary gravity". If it's a noun, I would expect the noun+noun phrase ?chach tlham "emergency gravity". [2006-10-04-Email]
tag: 1990
id: 1aF
meta: Part-of-speech is not specified (and unclear) in veS QonoS.
tlh: chach [2]
pos: noun
en: emergency
sv: nödläge, nödsituation
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: E8t
tlh: [1] chatlh
pos: noun
en: soup (thick)
sv: gryta, soppa (tjock)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: rHq
tlh: [2] chatlh
pos: noun
en: nonsense, balderdash [slang]
sv: nonsens, gallimatias [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: FEo
tlh: chav [1]
pos: verb
en: achieve
sv: uppnå
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.55, 115, 125, 165, 211
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: cns
tlh: chav [2]
pos: noun
en: achievement
sv: prestation, bedrift
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: hZj
tlh: chaw’ [1]
pos: verb
en: allow, permit
sv: tillåta
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.37
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 26J
tlh: chaw’ [2]
pos: noun
en: permit, ticket
sv: tillåtelse, tillstånd, licens, biljett
def: TKD E-K
ref: TNK (2011-10-30-Email)
cite: cha’puj vIngevmeH chaw’ HInobneS! Give me a permit to sell dilithium, your honor. [PK]
cite: nuqDaq chaw’ vIje’? Where can I buy a ticket? [TNK]
tag: 1985
id: PZA
tlh: [1] cha’
pos: verb
en: show, display (picture), project
sv: visa (en bild), projicera
def: ST1; TKD 7.1/p.73 et al.
tag: 1979
id: 7TA
tlh: [2] cha’
pos: numeral
en: two
sv: två
def: TKD
tag: 1985; math
id: Xsd
tlh: cha’DIch [1]
pos: numeral
en: second
sv: andra
def: TKD
tag: 1985; math
id: ZU7
tlh: cha’DIch [2]
pos: noun
en: aide, second
sv: medhjälpare, sekond
def: TKW p.21
cite: cha’DIch Literally, second. During a legal proceeding, the accused is denied combat, and so must have a second, called a cha’DIch, to defend him or her. [First referenced in "Sins of the Father" (TNG).] [DI p.242]
tag: 1996
id: h6p
tlh: cheSvel [.1]
pos: noun
en: type of coat
sv: en slags rock
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Mop
tlh: cheSvel [.2]
pos: noun
en: coat, jacket (general term) [regional]
sv: rock, jacka (generell term) [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: bQj
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: chetvI’ [.1]
pos: noun
en: torpedo tube
sv: torpedtub
def: TKD
see: DuS
tag: 1985
id: 9fj
tlh: chetvI’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: chetvi, spear-throwing device
sv: chetvi, spjutslunga
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting; Klingonism
id: 8bU
meta: The word "chetvi" found in definition of wob in KGT K-E.
tlh: choH [1]
pos: verb
en: alter, change
sv: ändras, förändras
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 4W4
tlh: choH [2]
pos: noun
en: change
sv: förändring
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Afq
tlh: chong [1.1]
pos: verb
en: be vertical
sv: vara vertikal
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: ejd
tlh: chong [1.2]
pos: verb
en: be profound, be thorough, be careful [slang]
sv: vara grundlig, vara ordentlig, vara omsorgsfull, vara noggrann [slang]
desc: chong yaS the officer is careful/profound; person is subj.
def: KGT
cite: Literally be vertical, this word is used to refer to one's intellect, as in chong tlhIngan SuvwI’ (The Klingon warrior is profound---literally, The Klingon warrior is vertical; tlhIngan, Klingon; SuvwI’, warrior). In its literal sense, this word is the opposite of SaS (be horizontal), and as a slang term, it is an opposite as well, as SaS is used to mean be shallow, superficial. It is most likely that chong took on its slang meaning because of the prior existence of SaS, which has been used as slang for a much longer time. An equivalent meaning may be expressed without slang by using a word such as Qubchu’ (think perfectly, think clearly; Qub, think; -chu’, perfectly, clearly), as in Qubchu’ tlhIngan SuvwI’ (The Klingon warrior thinks clearly). [KGT p.148]
see: Qub think
tag: 1997
id: eWK
tlh: chong [2]
pos: exclamation
en: good, excellent, admirable [slang]
sv: bra, utmärkt, beundransvärt [slang]
def: KGT pp.148--149
cite: Literally be vertical [...] The word chong may also be used as an exclamation expressing approval or satisfaction, somewhat like standard maj (good). Thus, one may describe one's feelings about a skillfully made knife or about an upcoming social event by saying simply chong (literally, vertical but meaning good, excellent, admirable). See also qu’ (literally, be fierce), another slang term used to express approval. [KGT pp.148--149]
see: maj good (excl); qu’ be great (v) (slang)
tag: 1997
id: oJP
tlh: [1] chor
pos: noun
en: belly
sv: mage, buk
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part
id: XKS
tlh: [2] chor
pos: noun
en: ceramic flat-bottomed pot [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål av keramik [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: YJ1
tlh: chorgh [1]
pos: numeral
en: eight
sv: åtta
def: TKD
tag: 1985; math
id: 9GB
tlh: chorgh [2]
pos: noun
en: eight tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: åttonde tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: 45C
tlh: [1] choS
pos: verb
en: desert
sv: överge
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ey7
tlh: [2] choS
pos: noun
en: twilight
sv: skymning
def: TKD
tag: 1985; time
id: jbp
tlh: cho’ [1]
pos: verb
en: succeed (to authority)
sv: efterträda (en maktposition)
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: 1kM
tlh: cho’ [2]
pos: noun
en: succession
sv: tronföljd, arvföljd
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: LWw
tlh: chuH [.1]
pos: verb
en: throw (a spear) at, hurl (a spear) at
sv: kasta (ett spjut) mot, slunga (ett spjut) mot
desc: qachuH I throw (a spear) at you; target is obj.
def: KGT
cite: the direct object is the target [TDNW]
tag: 1997; fighting
id: Xv1
tlh: chuH [.2]
pos: verb
en: explain clearly to, clarify for, specify for [slang]
sv: förklara noga för, förtydliga för, närmare ange för [slang]
desc: qachuH I clarify (it) for you; one getting explanation is obj.
def: KGT
cite: In the slang sense, the object of the verb is the person who wants clarification, as in HIchuH! (Clarify for me! Spell it out for me!; literally, Throw [a spear] at me!) or yaS chuH (He/she clarifies [it] for the officer; literally, He/she throws [a spear] at the officer). [KGT p.149]
see: QIj explain
tag: 1997
id: 4Ev
tlh: [1] chu’
pos: verb
en: be new
sv: vara ny
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 22k
tlh: [2] chu’ [.1]
pos: verb
en: engage, activate (a device)
sv: slå på, aktivera, starta (en apparat)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: USh
tlh: [2] chu’ [.2]
pos: verb
en: play (a musical instrument)
sv: spela (ett musikinstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: RZe
tlh: chu’wI’ [.1]
pos: noun
en: trigger
sv: avtryckare
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); TKDa
tag: 1990
data: derived form
id: 2c1
tlh: chu’wI’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: player (of an instrument)
sv: musiker (som spelar ett instrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
data: derived form
id: vj7
tlh: Dach [.1]
pos: verb
en: be absent
sv: vara frånvarande
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: RQZ
tlh: Dach [.2]
pos: verb
en: be not attentive, be distracted, lack focus, not pay attention [slang]
sv: vara ouppmärksam, vara distraherad, sakna koncentration [slang]
def: KGT
cite: Dach ("not pay attention, be distracted, lack focus") The verb Dach literally means "be absent," but when applied to a person who is obviously present or otherwise accounted for, it is usually interpreted to mean that the person's mind has wandered. It does not mean "absentminded," which involves forgetfulness. Rather, it means that the person is, for whatever reason, not focusing on the task at hand. Nonslang equivalents are qImHa’ ("not pay attention") and buSHa’, ("not focus [on], ignore.") [KGT p.149]
cite: Dach be not attentive, be distracted, lack focus (v) (slang) [KGT K-E/p.214]
cite: [be] distracted, lack focus (v) (slang) Dach [KGT E-K/p.240]
cite: lack focus, to not pay attention, be distracted (v) Dach (slang) [KGT E-K/p.248]
cite: [be] not attentive, be distracted (v) (slang) Dach [KGT E-K/p.251]
tag: 1997
id: HE8
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [1] DaH
pos: adverbial
en: now
sv: nu
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: a9y
tlh: [2] DaH
pos: noun
en: bank, array (of weapons)
sv: batteri, uppsättning (av vapen)
def: KGT p.56; BoP
tag: 1997; fighting
id: jV2
tlh: [1] Daj
pos: verb
en: be interesting
sv: vara intressant
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: mkn
tlh: [2] Daj
pos: verb
en: test inconclusively
sv: pröva, testa (på ett icke-avgörande sätt)
def: TKDa
ref: TKW p.104
tag: 1992
id: 1vh
tlh: [1] Daq
pos: verb
en: eavesdrop
sv: tjuvlyssna
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 89g
tlh: [2] Daq
pos: noun
en: site, location, place
sv: plats, ställe
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: JxM
meta: The word "place" does not occur in any canon sources, but was added to ease lookup.
tlh: Daw’ [1]
pos: verb
en: revolt
sv: revoltera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 5iv
tlh: Daw’ [2]
pos: noun
en: revolt, revolution
sv: revolt, revolution
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 7Ra
tlh: [1] Degh [1]
pos: noun
en: helm
sv: roder
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 7e8
tlh: [1] Degh [2]
pos: verb
en: act without a plan, improvise [slang]
sv: handla utan uppgjord plan, improvisera [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: poB
tlh: [2] Degh
pos: noun
en: medal, emblem, symbol, insignia
sv: medalj, emblem, symbol, märke
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: mVQ
tlh: DeS [.1]
pos: noun
en: arm (body part)
sv: arm
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part; KLCP1
id: GvK
tlh: DeS [.2]
pos: noun
en: handle, ax handle
sv: skaft, yxskaft
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: MQW
meta: Entries differ in source. One of the KGT E-K entries is used here.
tlh: DIj [.1]
pos: verb
en: slide sword blade along opponent's blade
sv: slå med svärd längsmed motståndares klinga
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: y52
tlh: DIj [.2]
pos: verb
en: use a pigment stick, paint with pigment stick
sv: använda en pigmentpinne, måla med pigmentpinne
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: mzZ
tlh: [1] DIS
pos: verb
en: confess
sv: bekänna
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: C1m
tlh: [2] DIS
pos: noun
en: cave
sv: grotta
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: L5N
tlh: [3] DIS
pos: noun
en: year (Klingon)
sv: år (klingonskt)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; measure; time
id: JWz
tlh: [1] Doch
pos: verb
en: be rude
sv: vara oförskämd
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: GmX
tlh: [2] Doch
pos: noun
en: thing
sv: sak
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: VdU
tlh: [1] Dor
pos: verb
en: escort
sv: eskortera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: AbW
tlh: [2] Dor
pos: verb
en: come to an end (about period of time, e.g. month, year)
sv: ta slut (om tidsperiod, t.ex. månad, år)
desc: Dor jar the month ends; time period is subj.
def: HolQeD-12-2 p.8
ref: TDNW
cite: Generally, one expresses the end of a stretch of time by using a verb rather than a noun. That is, one says "when the month ends" rather than "at the end of the month." The verb for this kind of "end" is Dor. example: DorDI’ jar mejpu’ "At the end of the month, he/she left." Literally, this sentence means "When the month ended, he/she left" (-DI’ when, jar month, mejpu’ he/she left). [HolQeD-12-2 p.8]
cite: He said there was no connection at all between Dor end and Dor escort. [HolQeD-12-2 p.8]
see: van (2), ghang
tag: 2003; time
id: Pxv
tlh: Do’ [1]
pos: adverbial
en: luckily, with luck
sv: lyckligtvis, med tur
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: RgG
tlh: Do’ [2]
pos: verb
en: be fortunate, be lucky
sv: vara tursam, vara lyckosam, ha tur, ha lycka
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: MGL
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: Do’Ha’ [1]
pos: adverbial
en: unfortunately
sv: olyckligtvis
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: txR
tlh: Do’Ha’ [2]
pos: verb
en: be unfortunate, be unlucky
sv: vara otursam, vara olycksdrabbad, ha otur
def: TKD 4.3/p.48, pp.1, 171
tag: 1985
id: VdJ
tlh: [1] Dub
pos: verb
en: improve
sv: förbättra
desc: patlhwIj vIDub I improve my status; thing improved is obj.
def: TKD; SBX-S14 (HolQeD-04-3-a); SBX-S26 (HolQeD-05-3-b)
ref: TDNW
tag: 1985
id: V5K
tlh: [2] Dub
pos: noun
en: back (of body)
sv: rygg
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part
id: 7tA
tlh: DuH [1]
pos: verb
en: be possible
sv: vara möjlig
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ZYW
tlh: DuH [2]
pos: noun
en: possibility, option
sv: möjlighet
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ioM
tlh: [1] Duj
pos: noun
en: instincts
sv: instinkter
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.27
tag: 1985
id: 7Tk
tlh: [2] Duj
pos: noun
en: ship, vessel
sv: skepp, farkost
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.27, 63, 74, 182
see: bIQ Duj ship; chach Duj ambulance; muD Duj airplane; puH Duj car; qam Do Duj bicycle
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ny8
tlh: DuQ [.1]
pos: verb
en: stab
sv: hugga, sticka ned, genomborra
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.131
tag: 1985
id: aGN
tlh: DuQ [.2]
pos: verb
en: touch, move (emotionally)
sv: göra (någon) rörd
def: KGT
cite: muDuQ bom (The song stabs me, or, in a more colloquial Federation Standard form, The song moves me) [KGT p.72]
tag: 1997
id: WWm
tlh: Duy’ [1]
pos: verb
en: be defective
sv: vara defekt, vara trasig
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Jh9
tlh: Duy’ [2]
pos: noun
en: defect
sv: defekt, fel
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Pcw
tlh: ghar [1]
pos: verb
en: conduct diplomacy
sv: utöva diplomati
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: n1f
tlh: ghar [2]
pos: noun
en: diplomacy
sv: diplomati
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 5T4
tlh: [1] ghaw’
pos: noun
en: igvah liver soup
sv: igvah-leversoppa
def: KGT
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: FN6
tlh: [2] ghaw’
pos: noun
en: insecure one, one full of self-doubt, self-doubter [regional, slang]
sv: osäker person, någon uppfylld av självtvivel, självtvivlare [regionalt, slang]
def: KGT
com: Slang term from the Vospeg region.
tag: 1997
id: Sk4
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [1] ghay
pos: noun
en: Klingon gh sound
sv: klingonskans gh-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: qCx
tlh: [2] ghay
pos: verb
en: spray, bombard, rain down
sv: spraya, spruta, bombardera, fälla, regna ner
def: TNK (2011-11-04-Email); MKE (2012-01-01-Email; 2012-03-02-Email)
cite: bIQ ghaywI’ pa’ shower room [TNK]
cite: jorwI’mey ghaymo’ qarDaSnganpu’, Hegh SuvwI’pu’lI’ law’ ’ej rIQ SuvwI’pu’lI’ law’. Suffer major losses after Cardassian bombing campaign. [MKE]
tag: 2011
id: P2n
tlh: ghIgh [.1]
pos: noun
en: necklace
sv: halsband
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: iQ3
tlh: ghIgh [.2]
pos: noun
en: assignment, task, duty [slang]
sv: uppdrag, uppgift, plikt [slang]
def: KGT
see: Qu’
tag: 1997
id: ST7
tlh: ghIt [.1]
pos: noun
en: open, flat hand
sv: öppen, plan hand
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: a9Q
tlh: ghIt [.2]
pos: noun
en: ax blade, blade of axe
sv: yxhuvud, huvud på yxa
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: dBc
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: ghItlh [1]
pos: verb
en: write, engrave, incise, mark (upon)
sv: skriva, gravera, rista in, skära in, märka
def: TKD; HolQeD-02-4 p.18; KGT
cite: To mark (upon) something is ghItlh. This isn't just writing; it's any kind of marking. (Note that ghItlh, to write, refers to the physical act of writing. It doesn't mean to create a composition.) [HolQeD-02-4 p.17]
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: rHU
meta: Entries from all sources have been combined here.
tlh: ghItlh [2]
pos: noun
en: manuscript
sv: manuskript
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 9Yk
tlh: gho [.1]
pos: noun
en: circle
sv: cirkel
def: TKD
cite: meyrI’Daq ’oHtaH gho’e’ The circle is in the square. [2005-07-24-Email]
tag: 1985; shape
id: Mtw
tlh: gho [.2]
pos: noun
en: hoop
sv: tunnband, rullband
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: N51
tlh: ghob [1]
pos: verb
en: fight, battle, do battle, wage war
sv: slåss, strida, föra krig
def: TKW pp.vii, 61, 179; KGT
cite: The Klingon word ghob may be translated as ethics or virtue, linguistic evidence that the concept is not unknown or never discussed among the Klingons themselves. It is probably significant that the Klingon word for do battle, or wage war is likewise ghob. [TKW p.vii]
cite: ’ang’eghQo’ quv Hutlhbogh jagh neH ghobtaHvIS ghaH. Only an enemy without honor refuses to show himself in battle. [TKW p.61]
cite: noH ghoblu’DI’ yay quv law’ Hoch quv puS. In war, there is nothing more honorable than victory. [TKW p.179]
tag: 1996; fighting
id: rFz
tlh: ghob [2]
pos: noun
en: ethics, virtue
sv: etik, moral, dygd
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.vii, 47, 48
cite: batlh ghob yIpab. Adhere to virtue honorably. [TKW p.47]
tag: 1985
id: AeD
tlh: ghoch [1]
pos: verb
en: track, track down
sv: spåra, spåra upp
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: Br9
meta: Should ghoch "track down" and "destination" really be grouped together?
tlh: ghoch [2]
pos: noun
en: destination
sv: destination
def: TKD
see: mung
tag: 1985
id: pbQ
meta: Should ghoch "track down" and "destination" really be grouped together?
tlh: ghom [1]
pos: verb
en: meet, encounter, assemble, rendezvous
sv: möta, träffa, samlas
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.184
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: URV
meta: Should ghom "meet" and "group" really be grouped together?
tlh: ghom [2]
pos: noun
en: group, party, band (in nonmusical sense)
sv: grupp, samling, skara, gäng, liga
def: TKD; HolQeD-04-4 p.11; KGT
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: g8x
meta: Should ghom meet and ghom group really be grouped together?
tlh: ghong [1]
pos: verb
en: abuse
sv: missbruka
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ZoJ
tlh: ghong [2]
pos: noun
en: abuse
sv: missbruk
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: NSz
tlh: [1] ghor
pos: verb
en: break
sv: bryta
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.185
cite: pIpyuS yIghor! Break a pipius! [TKW p.185]
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: zCm
tlh: [2] ghor
pos: noun
en: surface (of a planet)
sv: yta (på planet)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: nvf
tlh: ghoS [.1]
pos: verb
en: go onward, approach, go away from, proceed on a course, come, follow (a course)
sv: fortsätta framåt, nalkas, komma närmare, avlägsna sig ifrån, komma, följa (en kurs)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 3VX
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: ghoS [.2]
pos: verb
en: thrust
sv: köra, driva
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: SFg
tlh: ghuH [1]
pos: verb
en: prepare for, be alerted to
sv: förbereda för, vara förvarnad om
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.56
tag: 1985
id: PZC
tlh: ghuH [2]
pos: noun
en: alert
sv: förvarning
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 2Ck
tlh: ghum [1]
pos: verb
en: alarm, sound an alarm
sv: alarmera, sätta igång ett alarm
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: SEh
tlh: ghum [2]
pos: noun
en: alarm
sv: alarm
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 6XW
tlh: [1] ghun
pos: verb
en: program (a computer)
sv: programmera (en dator)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: KJr
tlh: [2] ghun
pos: verb
en: be warm
sv: vara varm
def: HolQeD-13-1 p.8
ref: TDNW
tag: 2004; weather
id: 9TX
tlh: ghuS [.1]
pos: verb
en: be prepared, be ready (to launch)
sv: vara beredd, vara redo (att avfyra)
def: ST1; TKD
cite: This verb never takes the suffix -rup. It is used primarily in reference to torpedoes---so much so that if the object is not specifically stated, and context does not dictate otherwise, it is always assumed to be torpedoes. [TKD pp.37--38]
tag: 1979
id: 1cG
meta: The word "be" was inserted before the adjectival "ready".
tlh: ghuS [.2]
pos: verb
en: lower (spear) to horizontal to attack
sv: sänka (spjut) till horisontellt läge inför attack
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: SHk
tlh: HaH [.1]
pos: verb
en: soak, drench
sv: blöta upp, dränka in
def: KGT
cite: The verb HaH, though once restricted to this form of food preparation [marinading], is now often used in the more general sense of soak, drench. It is frequently heard in the reflexive form (HaH’egh, soak oneself) in reference to such activities as drinking a great deal, which has positive connotations, and bathing, an occasional undertaking with negative connotations. [KGT p.91]
tag: 1997
id: SmB
tlh: HaH [.2]
pos: verb
en: marinade
sv: marinera
def: KGT
see: chanDoq marinade
tag: 1997; food
id: AcK
tlh: Haq [1.1]
pos: verb
en: perform surgery (on)
sv: utföra kirurgi (på), operera
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Xfn
tlh: Haq [1.2]
pos: verb
en: intervene in (a situation) [slang]
sv: ingripa i (en situation), träda emellan [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: nUb
tlh: Haq [2]
pos: noun
en: surgery
sv: kirurgi
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: J7P
tlh: [1] Hat
pos: verb
en: be illegal
sv: vara olaglig, vara illegal
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 1j9
tlh: [2] Hat
pos: noun
en: temperature
sv: temperatur
def: TKD
tag: 1985; weather
id: Cqu
tlh: Ha’DIbaH [.1]
pos: noun
en: animal, meat
sv: djur, kött
def: TKD; veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); TKDa
ref: TKW p.163
cite: Ha’DIbaH DaSop ’e’ DaHechbe’chugh yIHoHQo’. Do not kill an animal unless you intend to eat it. [TKW p.163]
tag: 1985; food; KLCP1
id: vsZ
meta: The meaning animal comes from TKD, meat comes from veS-QonoS and later TKDa.
tlh: Ha’DIbaH [.2]
pos: noun
en: dog, cur, inferior person [slang]
sv: fähund, usling, tölp, underlägsen person [slang]
def: ST3; KGT
cite: Ha’DIbaH! Animal! [ST3]
cite: Ha’DIbaH Animal. Often used as an insult. [First used in "Sins of the Father" (TNG).] [DI p.243]
tag: 1984; curse
id: zVF
tlh: Hegh [1]
pos: verb
en: die
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.5, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 88, 93, 99, 117, 123, 129, 145, 153, 213
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: dMR
tlh: Hegh [2]
pos: noun
en: death
sv: död
def: TKDa
ref: TKW pp.73, 95, 115
tag: 1992
id: vEz
tlh: HeS [1]
pos: verb
en: commit a crime
sv: begå ett brott
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: WR4
tlh: HeS [2]
pos: noun
en: crime
sv: brott
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Gu2
tlh: HoH [1]
pos: verb
en: kill
sv: döda
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.59, 163, 165
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: iXt
tlh: HoH [2]
pos: noun
en: killing
sv: dödande, mord
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: 29N
tlh: Hom [1.1]
pos: noun
en: bone
sv: ben (i skelett)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: QPE
tlh: Hom [1.2]
pos: noun
en: weakling, runt, scrawny one, skinny one [slang]
sv: vekling, liten en, mager en, utmärglad person [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 6Lp
tlh: Hom [2]
pos: verb
en: use the second toe [archaic]
sv: använda andratån [arkaiskt]
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.10
tag: 2001; body part
id: u4m
tlh: HoS [1]
pos: verb
en: be strong
sv: vara stark
def: TKD
pun: HoS = H.o.S. = "Head of State"
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: v3t
meta: Is this really an intentional pun?
tlh: HoS [2]
pos: noun
en: strength, energy, power
sv: styrka, energi, kraft
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.21, 23, 119
tag: 1985
id: ygg
tlh: Hotlh [.1]
pos: verb
en: project, put on (screen)
sv: projicera, visa (på skärm)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: pim
meta: Should Hotlh "project" and "scan" really be grouped together?
tlh: Hotlh [.2]
pos: verb
en: scan
sv: avsöka, granska, undersöka
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: iih
meta: Should Hotlh "project" and "scan" really be grouped together?
tlh: [1] Ho’ [1]
pos: verb
en: admire
sv: beundra
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.142
tag: 1985
id: LS7
tlh: [1] Ho’ [2]
pos: noun
en: idol [slang]
sv: idol [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: q6K
tlh: [2] Ho’
pos: noun
en: tooth
sv: tand
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part
id: asv
tlh: Hub [1]
pos: verb
en: defend
sv: försvara
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.74
tag: 1985
id: JUz
tlh: Hub [2]
pos: noun
en: defense
sv: försvar
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 7cy
tlh: [1] Huj
pos: verb
en: be strange
sv: vara konstig, vara underlig
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 2ZL
tlh: [2] Huj
pos: verb
en: charge (up)
sv: fylla (på), ladda (upp)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ZUU
tlh: [1] Hurgh
pos: verb
en: be dark
sv: vara mörk
def: TKD
tag: 1985; color
id: WEC
tlh: [2] Hurgh
pos: noun
en: pickle (cucumber)
sv: pickels (gurka)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; food
id: 5sn
tlh: [1] HuS
pos: verb
en: hang
sv: hänga
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: gXT
tlh: [2] HuS
pos: name
en: Huss
sv: Huss
def: KGT p.197
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: Fp5
tlh: [1] Hu’
pos: verb
en: get up
sv: gå upp, kliva upp
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: PFD
tlh: [2] Hu’
pos: noun
en: days ago
sv: för ... dagar sedan
def: TKD
tag: 1985; time
id: Nze
tlh: jan [.1]
pos: noun
en: device
sv: apparat, anordning, manick, enhet
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: rHk
tlh: jan [.2]
pos: noun
en: musical instrument
sv: musikinstrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: jCg
tlh: jat [1]
pos: noun
en: tongue
sv: tunga
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part
id: R3M
tlh: jat [2]
pos: verb
en: speak incoherently, mumble [slang]
sv: tala otydligt, mumla [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: zWx
tlh: [1] jav [1]
pos: numeral
en: six
sv: sex
def: TKD
tag: 1985; math
id: QAp
tlh: [1] jav [2]
pos: noun
en: sixth tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: sjätte tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: xWR
tlh: [2] jav
pos: noun
en: prisoner [slang]
sv: fånge [slang]
def: KGT
pun: jav also means "six" in Klingon---and "Number Six" is the designation of the main character in the well-known tv series "The Prisoner" from 1967 (played by Patrick McGoohan).
tag: 1997
id: YD9
tlh: [1] jaw
pos: verb
en: chat
sv: småprata, samtala
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: HRH
tlh: [2] jaw
pos: noun
en: lord
sv: herre
def: TKD
ref: 2011-08-29-Email
cite: The leader of a house is afforded the title joH, usually translated as Lord. This title is also used to refer to his wife, translated as Lady. If the title is used along with the name, one puts the name first, as is the case with all titles: Qugh joH (Lord Kruge), ghIrIlqa’ joH (Lady Grilka). When addressing the head of a house, a member of a lower class may use either the name plus joH or else joH plus -wI’, the first-person possessive suffix for beings capable of language: joHwI’ (my Lord, my Lady). This title also has an alternate form, jaw, which is used from time to time with no known difference in meaning or connotation, though joH is heard far more frequently. [KGT pp.40--41]
cite: Only Cathie Shirriff (Valkris) [ST3] was filmed without benefit of on-set coaching. It's her peculiar take on pronunciation which gives us the variant words jaw for lord and HISlaH for yes. [2011-08-29-Email]
see: joH
tag: 1985
id: ZBE
tlh: ja’chuq [1]
pos: verb
en: discuss, confer
sv: diskutera, konferera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: AX8
tlh: ja’chuq [2]
pos: noun
en: succession ritual (ancient)
sv: successionsritual (ålderdomlig)
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: fjV
tlh: jech [1]
pos: verb
en: disguise
sv: förkläda, klä ut
def: TKD
tag: 1985; clothing
id: Wbd
tlh: jech [2]
pos: noun
en: disguise, costume
sv: förklädnad, dräkt
def: TKDa
tag: 1992; clothing
id: Jt3
tlh: jev [.1]
pos: verb
en: storm
sv: storma
def: TKD
tag: 1985; landscape; weather
id: M6u
meta: "Correction" in HQ4:1 p.7 disregarded here, since weather words peD and SIS also are verbs.
tlh: jev [.2]
pos: verb
en: wheeze, breathe nosily
sv: väsa, rossla, andas ljudligt
def: HolQeD-12-4 p.8
ref: TDNW
see: tlhov is a synonym
tag: 2003
id: 2Ad
meta: Most likely MO reinvented this word without realizing it already existed: tlhov "wheeze"---it occurs only in the Klingon--English side of TKD.
tlh: [1] jey
pos: verb
en: defeat
sv: besegra
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.ix, 24
tag: 1985
id: dgV
tlh: [2] jey
pos: noun
en: itinerary
sv: resväg, rutt, resplan
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: sLB
tlh: [1] je’
pos: verb
en: buy, purchase
sv: köpa, handla
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.7, 213
tag: 1985; economics; KLCP1
id: 8sF
tlh: [2] je’
pos: verb
en: feed (someone else)
sv: mata (någon annan)
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.7
cite: We fight to enrich the spirit. qa’ wIje’meH maSuv. [TKW p.7]
com: This word is translated enrich in TKW p.7 -- a more literal translation would have been We fight in order to feed the spirit.
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 35d
tlh: [1] jIH [1]
pos: verb
en: monitor
sv: övervaka
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: Ztw
tlh: [1] jIH [2]
pos: noun
en: viewing screen, monitor
sv: bildskärm, monitor
def: TKD
ref: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9)
tag: 1985
id: sja
meta: Definition monitor comes from veS QonoS.
tlh: [2] jIH
pos: pronoun
en: I, me
sv: jag, mig
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.203, 206
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: i73
tlh: jol [1]
pos: verb
en: beam (aboard)
sv: stråla (ombord), beama (ombord)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: A1n
tlh: jol [2]
pos: noun
en: transport beam
sv: transporterstråle
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 1NP
tlh: [1] joq
pos: verb
en: flap, flutter, wave
sv: fladdra, flaxa
desc: about banner or sail [HolQeD-10-4 p.5]
def: TKD
cite: When a banner or sail flaps, the correct word to use is joq flap, flutter, wave. [HolQeD-10-4 p.5]
see: laq flap (about bird's wings)
tag: 1985
id: ZZc
tlh: [2] joq
pos: conjunction
en: or, and/or
sv: eller, och/eller
desc: Ha’DIbaH naH joq meat or vegetables (or both); follows two or more nouns [TKD 5.3/p.55]
def: TKD 5.3/p.55
ref: TKW p.119
tag: 1985
id: 8as
tlh: joQ [.1]
pos: noun
en: rib
sv: revben
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jEz
tlh: joQ [.2]
pos: noun
en: strip of material in a susdek instrument
sv: tygremsa i ett susdek-instrument
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: Xjs
tlh: joS [1]
pos: verb
en: gossip
sv: skvallra, sprida rykten
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: rCW
tlh: joS [2]
pos: noun
en: rumor, gossip
sv: rykte, skvaller
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: tid
tlh: [1] lagh
pos: verb
en: take apart, disassemble
sv: ta sönder, plocka isär, montera isär
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: peu
tlh: [2] lagh
pos: noun
en: ensign
sv: fänrik (rang)
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: ftr
tlh: laj [1]
pos: verb
en: accept
sv: acceptera, godta
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: VVa
tlh: laj [2]
pos: noun
en: acceptance
sv: accepterande, godtagande
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: vqh
tlh: lam [1]
pos: verb
en: be dirty
sv: vara smutsig
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: mAk
tlh: lam [2]
pos: noun
en: dirt
sv: smuts
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Lym
tlh: leH [1]
pos: verb
en: maintain
sv: underhålla, sköta
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: pW7
tlh: leH [2]
pos: noun
en: maintenance
sv: underhåll, skötsel
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ezm
tlh: leng [1]
pos: verb
en: roam, travel, rove
sv: ströva, resa
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: urk
tlh: leng [2]
pos: noun
en: trip, voyage
sv: tur, resa
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: C2V
tlh: [1] leS
pos: verb
en: rest, relax
sv: vila, slappna av
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: x9a
tlh: [2] leS
pos: noun
en: days from now
sv: om ... dagar
def: TKD
tag: 1985; time
id: kfD
tlh: letlh [.1]
pos: noun
en: stairs, stairway
sv: trappa, trappuppgång
def: KGT
tag: 1997; architecture
id: JBH
tlh: letlh [.2]
pos: noun
en: stairway leading to door of a ship [regional]
sv: trappuppgång vid skeppsdörr [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; architecture
id: 4Uy
tlh: [1] lev
pos: verb
en: move bat'leth from vertical to horizontal orientation
sv: förflytta en bat'leth från vertikal till horisontell position
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: bA7
tlh: [2] lev
pos: noun
en: roof of mouth, hard palate
sv: gom
def: 2005-qep'a' (2005-07-27b-Email; 2005-08-01-Web)
ref: TDNW
tag: 2005; body part
id: PDe
tlh: [1] lI’
pos: verb
en: be useful
sv: vara användbar
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: BBH
tlh: [2] lI’
pos: verb
en: transmit data (to a place)
sv: sända data (till en plats)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Tw3
tlh: loH [1]
pos: verb
en: administer
sv: administrera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: gop
tlh: loH [2]
pos: noun
en: administration
sv: administration
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ND2
tlh: lol [1]
pos: verb
en: be in an attitude, be in a stance, be in a pose
sv: vara i en position, vara i ett läge, vara i en pose, vara i en ställning, vara i en hållning
def: HolQeD-11-2 p.8
cite: Be in an attitude is lol. Derived forms in fairly common usage are lolchu’ be in a correct attitude (-chu’ clearly, perfectly), loltaH maintain an attitude (-taH continuous), and even lolchu’taH maintain a correct attitude. To maneuver the aircraft to be in some attitude or other is to lolmoH the vehicle (-moH cause), as in: qughmeH Duj vIlolmoH I put the vessel in the attitude for cruise (or cruising) [HolQeD-11-2 p.8]
cite: The verb lol can also apply to people or animals. When it does, it is usually translated be in a stance or be in a pose. Thus, it is used in such sentences as: DuHIvmeH SuvwI’ lol ghaH the warrior is in a stance to attack you [HolQeD-11-2 p.8]
tag: 2002
id: pcL
tlh: lol [2]
pos: noun
en: a specific Mok'bara position
sv: en särskild Mok'bara-position
def: HolQeD-11-2 p.8
tag: 2002
id: r2h
tlh: lop [1]
pos: verb
en: observe, celebrate (a ritual)
sv: följa, fira (en ritual)
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.153, 205
cite: Celebrate! Tomorrow we may die! yIlop! wa’leS chaq maHegh! [TKW p.153]
cite: If you don't use the painstik, the child will never celebrate his Age of Ascension. ’oy’naQ Dalo’be’chugh not nenghep lop puq. [TKW p.205]
tag: 1985
id: zke
meta: Translation here comes from KGT. -- TKD translates as "celebrate" (v), while KGT says "observe, celebrate (a ritual)" (v).
tlh: lop [2]
pos: noun
en: celebration
sv: firande, fest
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: hYW
tlh: [1] loS
pos: verb
en: wait (for)
sv: vänta (på)
def: TKD
pun: "wait fo(u)r"? (Doneq); wej three means not yet (= "wait" as an adverb/exclamation) loS four means wait as a verb. /zrajm
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: EQ5
tlh: [2] loS [1]
pos: numeral
en: four
sv: fyra
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.127
tag: 1985; math
id: 8xy
tlh: [2] loS [2]
pos: noun
en: fourth tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: fjärde tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: xey
tlh: lo’ [1]
pos: verb
en: use
sv: använda, nyttja, bruka
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 2DU
tlh: lo’ [2]
pos: noun
en: use
sv: användning, bruk, funktion, nytta
def: TKDa
ref: TKW pp.103, 169, 205
tag: 1992
id: 2vq
tlh: [1] luH [.1]
pos: verb
en: yank
sv: rycka (i), dra (i)
def: TKD K-E
tag: 1985
id: Saa
tlh: [1] luH [.2]
pos: verb
en: cause (someone) to confess or reveal a secret, exact a confession [slang]
sv: få (någon) att erkänna eller avslöja en hemlighet, utkräva ett erkännande, få att erkänna [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: evn
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] luH
pos: noun
en: intestine
sv: tarmar, inälvor
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: nLw
tlh: [1] lup
pos: verb
en: transport
sv: transportera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: uW6
tlh: [2] lup
pos: noun
en: second (of time)
sv: sekund
def: TKD
tag: 1985; measure; time
id: iNP
tlh: [1] maH
pos: pronoun
en: we, us
sv: vi, oss
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.3
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: azH
tlh: [2] maH
pos: numeral
en: ten (number-forming element)
sv: tio (nummerbildande element)
def: TKD
com: Number-forming element, see also TKD 5.2.
tag: 1985; math
data: exclude from K-E
id: dTM
tlh: [1] maS
pos: verb
en: prefer
sv: föredra
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: XxV
tlh: [2] maS
pos: noun
en: moon
sv: måne
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 2gc
tlh: [1] matlh
pos: verb
en: be loyal
sv: vara lojal
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: 2zA
tlh: [2] matlh
pos: name
en: Maltz
sv: Maltz
def: TKD 5.6/p.58
tag: 1985; Klingonism
id: e6g
tlh: [1] may
pos: verb
en: be fair
sv: vara rättvis
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 8TP
tlh: [2] may
pos: noun
en: Klingon m sound
sv: klingonskans m-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: UsJ
tlh: meq [1]
pos: verb
en: reason
sv: resonera, tänka logiskt
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 2Bq
tlh: meq [2]
pos: noun
en: reason, motive, logical thinking
sv: orsak, motiv, anledning, skäl, tankesätt
def: TKD; KGT p.154
ref: TKW p.143
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: tB6
meta: Word list entries in says reason in TKD, and motive in KGT while and reason/logical thinking is used in KGT p.154. Entries are combined here.
tlh: mIp [1]
pos: verb
en: be rich
sv: vara rik
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 7eZ
tlh: mIp [2]
pos: noun
en: wealth, richness
sv: förmögenhet
def: PK; KGT
tag: 1993
id: pBu
tlh: [1] mIQ
pos: verb
en: fry, deep-fry
sv: steka, fritera
def: KGT
ref: 1997-qep'a'
pun: "Marc nodded, smiling infuriatingly, to confirm mIQ (deep fry) as in mIQ-Donald's french fries." (Robyn Stewart, qep’a’ 1997)
tag: 1997; food
id: 5Rz
meta: Entries differ in source. One of the KGT E-K entries is used here.
tlh: [2] mIQ
pos: noun
en: forehead [regional]
sv: panna [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; body part
id: iAE
tlh: mIS [1]
pos: verb
en: be confused, be mixed up
sv: vara förvirrad, vara ihopblandad
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: Lf8
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: mIS [2]
pos: noun
en: confusion
sv: förvirring
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: VLa
tlh: mIv [.1]
pos: noun
en: helmet, hat
sv: hjälm, hatt
def: TKD
ref: TNK (2011-11-02-Email)
tag: 1985; clothing
id: ZDP
tlh: mIv [.2]
pos: noun
en: metal flat-bottomed pot [regional]
sv: flatbottnad skål av metall [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: FCw
tlh: [1] mI’
pos: verb
en: dance, run in place, do calisthenics, exercise
sv: dansa, springa på stället, göra gymnastik, träna
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jou
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] mI’
pos: noun
en: number
sv: nummer, siffra
def: TKD
cite: ghogh HablI’ mI’ telephone number [TNK]
tag: 1985
id: z5M
tlh: [1] mogh
pos: verb
en: be frustrated
sv: vara frustrerad
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: gYX
tlh: [2] mogh
pos: name
en: Mogh
sv: Mogh
def: KGT pp.41, 197
tag: 1997; Klingonism
id: 7c4
tlh: moH [.1]
pos: verb
en: be ugly
sv: vara ful
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Njz
tlh: moH [.2]
pos: verb
en: influence, exert undue influence on [slang]
sv: influera, utöva otillbörligt inflytande på [slang]
desc: DamoH you exert undue influence on him/her; (lit. you ugly him/her)
def: KGT
see: SIgh influence
tag: 1997
id: gZ4
meta: Entries differ in source. One of the KGT E-K entries is used here.
tlh: mol [1]
pos: verb
en: bury
sv: begrava, gräva ned
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: H5i
tlh: mol [2]
pos: noun
en: grave
sv: grav
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: pqK
tlh: [1] mon
pos: verb
en: smile, grin, sneer
sv: le, grina, hånle
def: TKW p.167; KGT
ref: 1996-qep'a'
cite: pIj monchugh vay’ yIvoqQo’. Don't trust those who frequently smile. [TKW p.167]
pun: "Mona Lisa" (mon’a’ Is she smiling?) Confirmed by MO at qep’a’ 1996.
tag: 1996
id: zbE
tlh: [2] mon
pos: noun
en: capital (of a place)
sv: huvudstad
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 6jr
tlh: moQ [.1]
pos: noun
en: sphere
sv: sfär
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: wbF
tlh: moQ [.2]
pos: noun
en: spiked pommel of a d'k tahg knife
sv: spikförsedd pommel på en d'k tahg-kniv
def: KGT p.61
see: Daqtagh warrior's knife, d'k tahg; DuQwI’Hommey small spikes on the d'k tahg pommel; tajHommey retractable small blades on a d'k tahg knife
tag: 1997; fighting
id: K6W
tlh: motlh [1]
pos: adverbial
en: usually, typically, as expected, expectedly
sv: vanligtvis, som vanligt, som väntat, normal sett
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: D1X
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: motlh [2]
pos: verb
en: be usual, be normal, be standard
sv: vara vanlig, vara normal, vara standard
def: TKD; SBX-S14 (HolQeD-04-3-a); BoP
tag: 1985
id: iW4
meta: Translation standard is from S14.
tlh: mo’ [.1]
pos: noun
en: cage
sv: bur
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Ngi
tlh: mo’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: motive, motivation, grounds, reason, rationale [slang]
sv: motiv, motivation, orsak, anledning, skäl [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: qN8
tlh: much [1.1]
pos: verb
en: present
sv: presentera
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: xqE
tlh: much [1.2]
pos: verb
en: perform (music)
sv: framföra (musik)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: r9J
tlh: much [2]
pos: noun
en: presentation
sv: presentation
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: vdW
tlh: muD [.1]
pos: noun
en: atmosphere
sv: atmosfär
def: TKD
tag: 1985; weather
id: VQJ
tlh: muD [.2]
pos: noun
en: weather (in general)
sv: väder (generellt)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; weather
id: 97N
tlh: [1] mut
pos: verb
en: be selfish
sv: vara självisk
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: bDz
tlh: [2] mut
pos: noun
en: species
sv: ras, art
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: gvz
tlh: nab [1]
pos: verb
en: plan
sv: planera
def: TKD
ref: ST5 (HolQeD-08-4-b p.12, 13)
cite: nImbuS wej maghoS, He yInab. Plot course for Nimbus III. [ST5]
cite: He pagh-pagh-vagh-jav-pagh-jav yInab Plot course [ST5]
cite: ren is not the same as ’ogh invent, which implies creating something that hasn't been created before. And it's not the same as nab plan which is used for planning an event (or a battle strategy or whatever), just as the noun nab plan cannot be used to refer to blueprints. [2011-11-15a-Email]
see: ren design, plan, map out; ’ogh invent, devise
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 7V1
tlh: nab [2]
pos: noun
en: plan, procedure
sv: plan, tillvägagångssätt, förfarande, procedur
def: TKDa
see: wIw step, stage (in a process)
tag: 1992
id: ReL
tlh: naD [1]
pos: verb
en: praise, commend, approve
sv: berömma, lovorda, rekommendera, bifalla
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: L2p
tlh: naD [2]
pos: noun
en: commendation
sv: rekommendation, lovord, eloge
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: KTq
tlh: nagh [.1]
pos: noun
en: rock, stone
sv: klippa, sten
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: cPP
tlh: nagh [.2]
pos: noun
en: ceramic material
sv: keramiskt material
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: vc4
tlh: nan [1.1]
pos: verb
en: gouge
sv: holka ur, gröpa ur, gräva ur
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: gLp
tlh: nan [1.2]
pos: verb
en: use the fourth toe [archaic]
sv: använda fjärdetån [arkaiskt]
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.10
tag: 2001; body part
id: 1DR
tlh: nan [2]
pos: noun
en: type of martial arts kick
sv: ett slags kampsportspark
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.11
ref: TDNW
tag: 2001; fighting
id: Fd7
tlh: nanwI’ [.1]
pos: noun
en: chisel
sv: mejsel, huggjärn
def: KGT
tag: 1997
data: derived form
id: Eup
tlh: nanwI’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: fourth toe
sv: fjärdetå
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.7
pun: marwI’ big (first) toe: this little piggy went to MARket / HomwI’ second toe: this little piggy stayed HOME / roSwI’ third toe: this little piggy had ROAST beef / nanwI’ fourth toe: this little piggy had NONE / Qay’wI’ little (fifth) toe: this little piggy CRIED
tag: 2001; body part
id: N4n
tlh: [1] naQ
pos: verb
en: be full, be whole, be entire, be complete
sv: vara fullständig, vara hel, vara total, vara komplett
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: KMY
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here, and the word "be" was also inserted before the adjectival "entire".
tlh: [2] naQ
pos: noun
en: cain, staff
sv: stav, käpp
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: 2nM
tlh: [3] naQ
pos: noun
en: ponytail [slang]
sv: hästsvans [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: TeD
tlh: nargh [.1]
pos: verb
en: appear
sv: dyka upp
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.145
tag: 1985
id: RBE
tlh: nargh [.2]
pos: verb
en: escape
sv: fly, rymma
def: TKDa
ref: TKW pp.145, 147, 200
tag: 1992
id: PM4
tlh: natlh [.1]
pos: verb
en: use up, consume, expend
sv: konsumera, förtära, förbruka
def: KGT
ref: SBX-S33 (HolQeD-06-2)
tag: 1997
id: 7Hh
tlh: natlh [.2]
pos: verb
en: be reprehensible, be disgusting, be contemptible [slang]
sv: vara förkastlig, vara äcklig, vara vidrig, vara usel, vara motbjudande [slang]
desc: natlh Dargh the tea is disgusting (lit. the tea consumes)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: gFd
tlh: naw’ [1]
pos: verb
en: access
sv: tillträda, komma åt, ha tillgång till
def: TKD K-E
tag: 1985
id: ByE
tlh: naw’ [2]
pos: noun
en: access
sv: tillträde, åtkomst
def: TKD E-K
tag: 1985
id: mqZ
tlh: [1] nay
pos: verb
en: marry (wife does this)
sv: gifta sig med (hustru gör detta)
def: TKD
ref: 1997-qep'a'
pun: Okrand confirmed at qep’a’ 1997 that nay came from "nay" (no). (Chet Braun)
tag: 1985; family
id: Dgv
tlh: [2] nay
pos: noun
en: Klingon n sound
sv: klingonskans n-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: aHU
tlh: na’ [.1]
pos: verb
en: be salty, be brackish
sv: vara saltsmakande, vara bräckt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: K5Q
tlh: na’ [.2]
pos: verb
en: be sure, be definite, be positive, be certain [slang]
sv: vara säker, vara helt säker, vara viss [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 4Hm
tlh: [1] neH
pos: adverbial
en: only, merely, just, alone
sv: bara, enbart, endast (kommer efter verb eller substantiv)
desc: chomuS neH you merely hate me; Dargh neH vItlhutlh I drink tea only; follows a verb or noun [TKD 5.4/p.56]
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.21, 61, 81, 105, 111, 113, 115, 191
com: Follows the verb or noun it modifies. When following a noun it means "only, alone".
tag: 1985
id: 3BR
tlh: [2] neH
pos: verb
en: want, desire
sv: önska, vilja, vilja ha
def: TKD; TKW p.149
ref: TKW p.185
cite: When the verb of the second sentence [in a sentence-as-object construction] is neH want, neither ’e’ nor net is used, but the construction is otherwise identical [...] [TKD pp.66--67]
cite: jIQong vIneH I want to sleep. [TKD p.67]
cite: qalegh vIneH I want to see you. [TKD p.67]
cite: Dalegh vIneH I want you to see him/her. [TKD p.67]
cite: qama’pu’ vIjonta’ vIneH I wanted to capture prisoners. [TKD p.67]
cite: Dargh DaneH’a’? Spot of tea? (Do you want tea?) [RT]
cite: nuq Datlhutlh DaneH? What do you want to drink? [TNK]
com: ’e’ that is not used with neH.
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: U3F
tlh: nen [1]
pos: verb
en: be mature, be grown-up, be adult
sv: vara mogen, vara vuxen
def: TKW p.177; KGT
cite: wa’ jaj ’etlh ’uchchoHlaH tlhIngan puqloD; jajvetlh loD nen moj. The son of a Klingon is a man the day he can first hold a blade. [TKW p.177]
tag: 1996
id: UYH
tlh: nen [2]
pos: noun
en: growth, maturation
sv: mognad, vuxenhet
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 1Vo
tlh: [1] nIH
pos: verb
en: steal
sv: stjäla
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: upi
tlh: [2] nIH
pos: noun
en: right (side)
sv: höger (sida)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: Z4a
tlh: nItlhpach [.1]
pos: noun
en: fingernail
sv: fingernagel
def: TKDa
tag: 1992; body part
id: Srv
tlh: nItlhpach [.2]
pos: noun
en: flat end of pigment stick
sv: platt ände på pigmentpinne
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: Nia
tlh: nob [1]
pos: verb
en: give
sv: ge
def: TKD
tag: 1985; economics; KLCP1
id: Pch
tlh: nob [2]
pos: noun
en: gift
sv: gåva
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.189
tag: 1985; economics; KLCP1
id: kZv
tlh: [1] noH
pos: verb
en: judge, estimate
sv: bedömma, uppskatta
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 6ck
tlh: [2] noH
pos: noun
en: war (an individual war)
sv: krig (ett enskilt krig)
def: TKDa; KGT pp.46, 47 et al.
ref: TKW pp.179, 211
see: veS
tag: 1992
id: RF8
tlh: nov [1]
pos: verb
en: be foreign, be alien
sv: vara främmande, vara okänd
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Bjg
tlh: nov [2]
pos: noun
en: alien, foreigner, outsider
sv: främling, utlänning, outsider
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 5xn
tlh: nuH [.1]
pos: noun
en: weapon
sv: vapen
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.151
tag: 1985; fighting; KLCP1
id: 8Ev
tlh: nuH [.2]
pos: noun
en: possibility, option
sv: möjlighet
desc: Hoch nuH yIqel consider every option (lit. consider every weapon)
def: KGT p.109
see: DuH possibility, option
tag: 1997
id: axf
tlh: ngat [.1]
pos: noun
en: gunpowder
sv: krut
def: TKD
tag: 1985; fighting
id: Ki7
tlh: ngat [.2]
pos: noun
en: herbed granulated cartilage (for food preparation)
sv: örtkryddat kornat brosk (för matberedning)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: VKb
tlh: ngech [.1]
pos: noun
en: valley
sv: dal
def: TKD
tag: 1985; landscape
id: qDF
tlh: ngech [.2]
pos: noun
en: woman's cleavage
sv: springa mellan kvinnas bröst
def: 1996-qep'a' (1996-08-08-Email)
tag: 1996; body part
id: EcD
tlh: ngoH [.1]
pos: verb
en: smear
sv: kleta, smeta, bestryka
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: t2j
tlh: ngoH [.2]
pos: verb
en: paint using fingers
sv: måla med fingrarna
def: KGT
tag: 1997; color
id: gnA
tlh: ngong [1]
pos: verb
en: experiment
sv: experimentera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: H46
tlh: ngong [2]
pos: noun
en: experiment
sv: experiment
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: knb
tlh: ngup [.1]
pos: noun
en: cape (clothing)
sv: cape, mantel (klädesplagg)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; clothing
id: Bce
tlh: ngup [.2]
pos: noun
en: authority, power, one in authority or in charge [slang]
sv: auktoritet, befogenhet, makt, någon med auktoritet eller i ledarposition [slang]
desc: ngup qaD challenge those in charge (lit. challenge the cape)
def: KGT
see: woQ authority, political power; qum government
tag: 1997
id: Snf
tlh: pab [1]
pos: verb
en: follow (rules)
sv: följa (regler)
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.47
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: n8P
tlh: pab [2]
pos: noun
en: grammar
sv: grammatik
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: aXn
tlh: [1] pagh
pos: conjunction
en: or, either/or
sv: eller, antingen eller
desc: comes between sentences [TKD 5.3/p.55]
def: TKD 5.3/p.55
tag: 1985
id: f6X
tlh: [2] pagh [1]
pos: numeral
en: zero
sv: noll
def: TKD
tag: 1985; math
id: phY
tlh: [2] pagh [2]
pos: noun
en: nothing, none, no one
sv: ingenting, inget, ingen
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.139, 201
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: Jf2
tlh: patlh [.1]
pos: noun
en: rank (military, governmental)
sv: rang, grad (i regering och militär)
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: ofb
tlh: patlh [.2]
pos: noun
en: level, layer, standing
sv: nivå, ställning, status, anseende
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: fUv
tlh: paw’ [.1]
pos: verb
en: collide
sv: kollidera, krocka
def: TKD
pun: Like "arrive" paw, only a bit more abrupt.
tag: 1985
id: i8B
tlh: paw’ [.2]
pos: verb
en: butt heads [slang]
sv: skallas, stångas (panna mot panna) [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: p92
tlh: [1] pay
pos: verb
en: regret
sv: ångra
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 1bF
tlh: [2] pay
pos: noun
en: Klingon p sound
sv: klingonskans p-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: Zgw
tlh: [1] pa’
pos: noun
en: there, over there, thereabouts
sv: där, där borta, däromkring
desc: never takes -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28]
def: TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28 et al.
com: Locative word, never followed by -Daq [TKD 3.3.5/pp.27--28].
tag: 1985; KLCP1; placement
id: 2Ha
tlh: [2] pa’ [.1]
pos: noun
en: room, chamber
sv: rum, kammare
def: TKD; BoP
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: WG3
tlh: [2] pa’ [.2]
pos: noun
en: enclosed area [slang]
sv: inhägnat område [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: K75
tlh: pegh [1.1]
pos: verb
en: be secret
sv: vara hemlig
def: CK; PK
ref: KGT
cite: pegh De’vetlh. That is classified information. [CK]
cite: De’ pegh vIghaj. I have secret information. [PK]
tag: 1992
id: qfd
tlh: pegh [1.2]
pos: verb
en: keep something secret
sv: hålla något hemligt
def: TKD
cite: ghoSmeH yIpegh. cha’maHvagh vatlhvI’ Hong; QIt yIghoS. Stealth approach, slow to one-quarter impulse power. [ST5]
cite: pegh vIttlhegh. A proverb keeps things secret. [HolQeD-05-1]
cite: peghHa’moH cause to not keep a secret [KGT p.153]
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 9nv
tlh: pegh [2]
pos: noun
en: secret
sv: hemlighet
def: TKD
cite: nuH pegh secret of the weapon [TKD 3.4]
cite: Hov ghajbe’bogh ram rur pegh ghajbe’bogh jaj. A day without secrets is like a night without stars. [PK]
cite: not mev peghmey. Secrets never cease. [PK]
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: BLT
tlh: per [1]
pos: verb
en: label, ascertain, specify
sv: beteckna, fastställa, specificera, namnge, ge namn åt/till
def: TKD; 1999-02-02-Email
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: Lu1
meta: FIXME -- What does this word really mean? (Check swedish translation.)
tlh: per [2]
pos: noun
en: label
sv: etikett, namn
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: bnp
tlh: pIch [1]
pos: verb
en: blame
sv: skylla på
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: s9g
tlh: pIch [2]
pos: noun
en: fault, blame
sv: fel, skuld
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: M9E
tlh: [1] pIH
pos: verb
en: expect
sv: förvänta sig
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: oom
tlh: [2] pIH
pos: verb
en: be suspicious
sv: vara misstänksam
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: aJq
tlh: pIn [.1]
pos: noun
en: boss
sv: chef
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: HqW
tlh: pIn [.2]
pos: noun
en: expert, authority [slang]
sv: expert, auktoritet [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: HrV
tlh: poH [1]
pos: verb
en: time
sv: klocka, ta tid på, bestämma tid för
def: TKD
tag: 1985; time
id: QdT
tlh: poH [2]
pos: noun
en: period of time
sv: tid, tidsperiod
desc: cha’ vatlh DIS poH two centuries
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; time
id: 2fc
tlh: poj [1]
pos: verb
en: analyze
sv: analysera
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 2d1
tlh: poj [2]
pos: noun
en: analysis
sv: analys
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 69X
tlh: pong [1]
pos: verb
en: name, call
sv: kalla (för), heta
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Pjk
tlh: pong [2]
pos: noun
en: name
sv: namn
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: gv5
tlh: [1] poS
pos: verb
en: be open, be opened
sv: vara öppen, vara öppnad
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 3Ah
meta: The word "be" was inserted before the adjectival "opened".
tlh: [2] poS
pos: noun
en: left (side)
sv: vänster (sida)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: Dex
tlh: potlh [1]
pos: verb
en: be important
sv: vara viktig
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: QdH
tlh: potlh [2]
pos: noun
en: consequential thing, something important, important thing
sv: betydelsefullt ting, något viktigt, viktig sak
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.53, 135
tag: 1985
id: AW4
tlh: [1] pov
pos: verb
en: be excellent
sv: vara utmärkt, vara förträfflig
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: doj
tlh: [2] pov
pos: noun
en: afternoon
sv: eftermiddag
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; time
id: 7uf
tlh: [1] pum [1]
pos: verb
en: accuse
sv: anklaga
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: NQK
tlh: [1] pum [2]
pos: noun
en: accusation
sv: anklagelse
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: RA2
tlh: [2] pum
pos: verb
en: fall
sv: falla
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: NN3
tlh: [1] pup
pos: verb
en: be perfect, be exact
sv: vara perfekt, vara exakt
def: TKD
ref: BoP
cite: jabbI’ID pup: Qapchu’meH ’aqroS chuq: cha’ vI’ chorgh loghqammey High Resolution -- Maximum Effective Range -- 3.5 Light Years [BoP]
cite: jabbI’ID pupHa’: Qapchu’meH chuq: chorgh vI’ chorgh loghqammey Medium to Low Resolution -- Effective Range -- 11 Light Years [BoP]
tag: 1985
id: g86
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] pup
pos: verb
en: kick
sv: sparka
def: TKD
tag: 1985; fighting
id: TLT
tlh: [1] puS
pos: verb
en: be few, be several, be a handful
sv: vara få, vara några, vara en handfull
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.35, 53, 95, 179, 185
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 5a8
tlh: [2] puS
pos: verb
en: sight (with gunsight)
sv: sikta (med vapensikte)
def: TKD
ref: ST5 (HolQeD-08-4-b p.11)
cite: tlha’a HoD, DoS wIpuSta’. Captain Klaa, we have a target in [our weapon's] sight. [ST5]
tag: 1985; fighting
id: tiS
tlh: [1] qab
pos: verb
en: be bad
sv: vara dålig
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ndN
tlh: [2] qab
pos: noun
en: face
sv: ansikte
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.59
com: Symbol of identity.
tag: 1985; body part; KLCP1
id: M5B
tlh: qaD [1]
pos: verb
en: challenge, face, resist, oppose, confront
sv: motsätta sig, motarbeta, bekämpa, konfrontera, bemöta, utmana, möta
def: TKDa; TKW p.37; KGT
tag: 1992
id: AH2
meta: Word words challenge [TKD], face [TKW] and confront, face, oppose, resist [KGT] have been combined here.
tlh: qaD [2]
pos: noun
en: challenge, test of one's abilities, contest
sv: utmaning, test av ens förmågor, tävling
def: TKDa; KGT
ref: MKE (2012-01-01-Email)
tag: 1992
id: a3a
meta: Word list entries says challenge (n) in TKD, and test of one's abilities (n) in KGT K-E. They have been combined here. The meaning contest comes from MKE.
tlh: [1] qagh
pos: verb
en: interrupt
sv: avbryta, hålla upp
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: mWQ
tlh: [2] qagh
pos: noun
en: serpent worm (as food), gagh
sv: orm-mask (som mat), gagh
def: TKDa
ref: TKW pp.137, 141
cite: gagh (qagh) Food made from live serpent worms. [First seen in "A Matter of Honor" (TNG).] [DI p.242]
tag: 1992; food; Klingonism
id: 17D
meta: Translation "gagh" taken from dictionary entry ghevI’ sauce for gagh (n) [KGT K-E, E-K]
tlh: [1] qan
pos: verb
en: be old (not young)
sv: vara gammal (inte ung)
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.29, 117
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 5zp
tlh: [2] qan
pos: verb
en: use the pinky (little finger)
sv: använda lillfingret
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.7
com: An idiomatic gesture: to point your pinky at someone is to comment that you believe they are old.
tag: 2001; body part
id: Tjf
meta: FIXME -- Swedish lookup word lillfingret should be indefinite. How could this be accomplished?
tlh: qang [.1]
pos: verb
en: pour (from one container into another)
sv: hälla (från en behållare till en annan)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 2nW
tlh: qang [.2]
pos: verb
en: always (or routinely) cooperate or agree with [slang]
sv: alltid (eller rutinmässigt) hålla med eller samarbeta med [slang]
desc: jIHDaq Daqang you always agree with me (lit. you pour [s.th.] into me)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: zzk
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: qat [.1]
pos: verb
en: wrap, encase
sv: svepa in, omsvepa, innesluta
def: TKD K-E; KGT
tag: 1985
id: diW
tlh: qat [.2]
pos: verb
en: accompany (singing) with instrumental music
sv: ackompanjera (sång) med instrumental musik
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: dy2
tlh: [1] qay
pos: verb
en: use the middle finger (second finger)
sv: använda långfingret
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.7
tag: 2001; body part
id: JUG
tlh: [2] qay
pos: noun
en: Klingon q sound
sv: klingonskans q-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: Ee6
tlh: [1] qa’
pos: verb
en: replace
sv: ersätta, byta (ut)
def: MKE (2011-11-18-Email; 2012-03-02-Email)
cite: Quj wa’DIch Monopoly Huch nav qa’ tlhIngan QaS Klingon forces replace original Monopoly bills [MKE]
see: lIw substitute, stand-in, temporary surrogate; qa’meH; replacement; tam exchange, substitute, replace
tag: 2011
id: fVD
tlh: [2] qa’
pos: noun
en: spirit
sv: ande
def: TKW pp.7, 145, 147; KGT
cite: We fight to enrich the spirit. qa’ wIje’meH maSuv. [TKW p.7]
tag: 1996; religion
id: tb7
tlh: [1] qeng
pos: verb
en: carry, convey
sv: bära, medföra, forsla
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 4wD
tlh: [2] qeng
pos: name
en: Kang
sv: Kang
def: TKD 5.6/p.58
ref: TKW p.11; KGT p.52
com: Kang first appeared in TOS "Day of the Dove".
tag: 1985; Klingonism
id: AbT
tlh: qeq [1]
pos: verb
en: practice, train, prepare
sv: öva, träna, förbereda
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: rtq
tlh: qeq [2]
pos: noun
en: drill (military)
sv: övning
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: xhg
tlh: qeS [1]
pos: verb
en: advise
sv: råda, ge råd
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: yh8
tlh: qeS [2]
pos: noun
en: advice
sv: råd
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: wdp
tlh: qev [1]
pos: verb
en: crowd
sv: trängas, fylla (med personer)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: pQq
tlh: qev [2]
pos: noun
en: crowd
sv: folksamling, folkmassa
def: HolQeD-04-4 p.11
see: ghom’a’
tag: 1995
id: 8cN
tlh: qID [1]
pos: verb
en: joke, make a joke, tell a joke
sv: skämta, berätta ett skämt
def: KGT
pun: qID pronunced as English "kid".
tag: 1997
id: XeJ
tlh: qID [2]
pos: noun
en: joke
sv: skämt
def: KGT
pun: qID pronunced similar to English "kid" as in "Are you kidding?"
tag: 1997
id: RBA
tlh: [1] qogh
pos: noun
en: belt
sv: bälte
def: TKD
tag: 1985; clothing
id: KKp
tlh: [2] qogh
pos: noun
en: ear (external, cartilaginous flap)
sv: öra (utvärtes broskflik)
def: KGT
see: teS ear (internal, organ of hearing) (n); Serrum earwax (n)
tag: 1997; body part
id: chz
tlh: [1] qoj
pos: conjunction
en: or, and/or
sv: eller, och/eller
desc: comes between sentences [TKD 5.3/p.55]
def: TKD 5.3/p.55
ref: TKW p.139
tag: 1985
id: C9p
tlh: [2] qoj
pos: noun
en: cliff
sv: stup, brant klippa
def: TKD
tag: 1985; landscape
id: Cqo
tlh: qon [.1]
pos: verb
en: record (any kind of recording or writing)
sv: nedteckna, spela in (all slags inspelning och skrift)
def: TKD; TKW p.179
tag: 1985
id: ymv
tlh: qon [.2]
pos: verb
en: compose
sv: komponera
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: taK
tlh: [1] qor
pos: verb
en: scavenge
sv: rota efter, rensa, rengöra
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: VA2
tlh: [2] qor
pos: name
en: Kor
sv: Kor
def: TKD 5.6/p.58
ref: KGT p.198
tag: 1985; Klingonism
id: whF
tlh: [1] qotlh
pos: verb
en: tickle
sv: kittla
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.131
cite: cheqotlhchugh maHaghbe’’a’? cheDuQchugh mareghbe’’a’? cheQIHchugh manoDbe’’a’? Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, shall we not seek revenge? [TKW p.131]
tag: 1985
id: i2b
tlh: [2] qotlh
pos: verb
en: deserve, warrant
sv: förtjäna, vara förtjänt av, vara värd
def: KGT
cite: bIyIntaH ’e’ Daqotlhbe’. You do not deserve to live. [PK]
tag: 1997
id: TRL
tlh: qum [1]
pos: verb
en: govern
sv: regera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: qTy
tlh: qum [2]
pos: noun
en: government
sv: regering
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: o7k
tlh: [1] qun
pos: verb
en: scold
sv: skälla ut, gräla på
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: k9W
tlh: [2] qun
pos: noun
en: history
sv: historia
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.179
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: add
tlh: quv [1]
pos: verb
en: be honored, be honorable
sv: vara ärad, vara hedrad
def: TKDa
ref: TKW pp.24, 57, 59, 179; HolQeD-12-3 p.9
cite: [quv is] a sort of personal honor, the kind over which, by one's behavior, one has some control. This sort of honor is earned, can be bestowed on one, and is associated with reputation, dignity, and respect. [HolQeD-12-3 p.9]
cite: noH ghoblu’DI’ yay quv law’ Hoch quv puS. In war, there is nothing more honorable than victory. [TKW p.179]
com: Used in comparative in TKW p.179.
see: batlh; HoQ be honored falsely, be falsely honorable (v)
tag: 1992; KLCP1
id: rqP
tlh: quv [2]
pos: noun
en: honor
sv: ära
def: TKDa
ref: TKW pp.55, 56, 59, 61, 179
tag: 1992; KLCP1
id: 6aP
tlh: qu’ [1.1]
pos: verb
en: be fierce
sv: vara vildsint, vara häftig, vara våldsam
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 1ua
tlh: qu’ [1.2]
pos: verb
en: be great, be wonderful, be excellent, be superlative, be splendid, be good [slang]
sv: vara storslagen, vara underbar, vara utmärkt, vara fantastisk, vara bra [slang]
def: KGT
cite: The verb qu’ literally means be fierce. In its slang sense, it may be used adjectivally, as in taj qu’ (excellent knife; literally, fierce knife), or as the main verb in a sentence, as in qu’ taj (the knife is excellent; literally, the knife is fierce). Though, from the Klingon point of view, equating being fierce with being great, wonderful, and so on seems quite natural, the slang meaning of qu’ probably receives further support because it sounds just like the verb suffix -qu’, which is used for emphasis (compare Qatlh, difficult, and Qatlhqu’, very difficult). When applied to people or animals, it is not always clear whether the slang or nonslang meaning of qu’ is intended. That is, SuvwI’ qu’ (fierce warrior) could be interpreted literally, or it could mean excellent warrior. When applied to anything other than people or animals, the slang meaning is more likely. Thus, may’ qu’ (fierce battle) is really a way of saying excellent battle. In Klingon, only a participant in a battle, not the battle itself, can literally be described as fierce. The word qu’ may also be used as an exclamation (Great! Wonderful!). In this sense, it seems to be interchangeable with chong (literally, be vertical; see page 148). The slang usage of qu’ is currently extremely common among Klingons, and it has pretty much displaced another slang term with the same set of meanings (excellent, wonderful, etc.), Huv (literally, be clear, not obstructed), which was in vogue not all that long ago. The use of Huv for excellent is now considered old-fashioned. This is also the case with nong (passionate), an even older slang term for excellent. (As of this writing, the slang usage of nong seems to be making a comeback, but it is still too early to say whether this will really happen.) Nonslang verbs expressing similar ideas are Dun (be wonderful, great), pov (be excellent), and, as an exclamation, maj! (Good!). [KGT pp.159--161]
tag: 1997
id: Uuv
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here. Translation "be superlative" occurs only on KGT p.159, other translations can be found in KGT word list and main text, "be good" is only found in words lists (not main text of book).
tlh: qu’ [2]
pos: exclamation
en: great, wonderful [slang]
sv: storslaget, underbart [slang]
def: KGT pp.160--161
cite: The word qu’ may also be used as an exclamation ("Great!" "Wonderful!"). In this sense, it seems to be interchangeable with chong (literally, "be vertical"; see page 148). The slang usage of qu’ is currently extremely common among Klingons, and it has pretty much displaced another slang term with the same set of meanings ("excellent, wonderful, etc."), Huv (literally, "be clear, not obstructed"), which was in vogue not all that long ago. [KGT pp.160--161]
tag: 1997
id: JqA
tlh: QaD [.1]
pos: verb
en: be dry, be dried out
sv: vara torr, vara uttorkad
def: TKD; KGT
tag: 1985; KLCP1; weather
id: VvE
tlh: QaD [.2]
pos: verb
en: be safe, be protected [slang]
sv: vara säker, vara skyddad [slang]
desc: QaD Sep the land is protected (lit. the land is dry); puq QaD safe child (lit. dry child)
def: KGT
see: Qan protect
tag: 1997
id: 5R1
tlh: Qagh [1]
pos: verb
en: err, be mistaken, make a mistake
sv: ha fel, ta fel, missta sig, göra ett misstag
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: fmx
tlh: Qagh [2]
pos: noun
en: error, mistake
sv: fel, misstag
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.212
tag: 1985
id: njp
tlh: QaH [1]
pos: verb
en: help, aid
sv: hjälpa, bistå
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: DM7
tlh: QaH [2]
pos: noun
en: help
sv: hjälp
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: AUd
tlh: Qang [.1]
pos: noun
en: chancellor
sv: kansler
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: ynu
tlh: Qang [.2]
pos: noun
en: Qang class (vessel)
sv: Qang-klass (av farkost)
def: DI p.244 (2001-02-17-Email)
cite: Qang Chancellor. A new class of Defense Force ships, of which the I.K.S. Gorkon is one, is the Qang-class, and all are named after past chancellors of the empire (three of the others in the line are the I.K.S. Gowron, the I.K.S. Azetbur, and the I.K.S. K'mpec). [DI p.244]
tag: 2001
id: KbN
tlh: Qap [.1]
pos: verb
en: work, function, succeed, operate, be in operation
sv: lyckas, fungera, vara i funktion
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW pp.56, 73, 175, 183, 209, 211
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ion
tlh: Qap [.2]
pos: verb
en: win (a competition)
sv: vinna (en tävlan)
def: HolQeD-02-4 p.18; TKW p.211; KGT
cite: To win a competition is Qap. (If it's a decisive or particularly gratifying victory, they'd say Qapchu’, even though that's a bit redundant.) In TKD, Qap is translated as succeed, work, function. To a Klingon, to win is to function perfectly. [HolQeD-02-4 p.17]
tag: 1993
id: Vgk
tlh: [1] QaS
pos: noun
en: troops
sv: trupper
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Wzo
tlh: [2] QaS
pos: name
en: Kras
sv: Kras
def: TKD 5.6/p.58
tag: 1985; Klingonism
id: fZV
tlh: Qay [1]
pos: verb
en: transfer
sv: överföra
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: pDN
tlh: Qay [2]
pos: noun
en: Klingon Q sound
sv: klingonskans Q-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: qsE
tlh: Qay’ [.1]
pos: verb
en: blow one's top, lose one's temper
sv: förlora besinningen, tappa behärskningen, tappa humöret, bli ursinning, bli rasande
def: TKD; HolQeD-10-2 p.11
tag: 1985
id: thS
tlh: Qay’ [.2]
pos: verb
en: use the little toe (fifth toe) [archaic]
sv: använda lilltån (femtetån) [arkaiskt]
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.10
tag: 2001; body part
id: idB
tlh: Qeb [.1]
pos: noun
en: ring (for finger)
sv: ring (för finger)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: M8Z
tlh: Qeb [.2]
pos: noun
en: ponytail holder [slang]
sv: hästsvanshållare [slang]
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: JoL
tlh: QeH [1]
pos: verb
en: be angry, be mad
sv: vara vred, vara arg
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 3ge
tlh: QeH [2]
pos: noun
en: anger
sv: vrede, ilska
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.196
tag: 1985
id: HrJ
tlh: [1] Qel
pos: noun
en: doctor, physician
sv: doktor, läkare
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: eni
tlh: [2] Qel
pos: name
en: Krell
sv: Krell
def: TKD 5.6/p.58
tag: 1985; Klingonism
id: UWe
tlh: QIH [1.1]
pos: verb
en: damage, cause damage
sv: skada, orsaka skada
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.131
tag: 1985
id: q6q
tlh: QIH [1.2]
pos: verb
en: wrong, treat unjustly
sv: göra orätt (mot), behandla oschyst
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: WWQ
tlh: QIH [2]
pos: noun
en: damage, destruction, wound
sv: skada, förstörelse, wound
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: QKE
meta: Meaning wound is added in parallel to rIQ, which has been established to mean both be injured and be damaged (in MKE).
tlh: QIn [.1]
pos: noun
en: message
sv: meddelande
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: ofy
tlh: QIn [.2]
pos: noun
en: sharp end (e.g. on pen), spearhead
sv: vass spets (t.ex. på penna), spjutspets
def: KGT; HolQeD-12-2 p.7
ref: TDNW
cite: When shown a pencil, Maltz said that the sharp end could be called a QIn, but if the pencil were new and did not yet have a point, the ready-to-be-sharpened end would be a megh’an or ’er’In. [HolQeD-12-2 p.7]
tag: 1997; fighting
id: CuQ
tlh: Qob [1]
pos: verb
en: be dangerous
sv: vara farlig
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: bhg
tlh: Qob [2]
pos: noun
en: danger
sv: fara
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.37
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: zps
tlh: Qom [.1]
pos: verb
en: experience an earthquake or tremor
sv: uppleva ett jordskred eller skalv
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 2SH
meta: Entries differ in source. TKD K-E entry is used here.
tlh: Qom [.2]
pos: verb
en: be hazardous, be perilous, be treacherous [slang]
sv: vara riskfylld, vara riskabel, vara förrädisk, vara opålitlig [slang]
desc: about mission/voyage: Qom He the route is perilous (lit. the route experiences a tremor); with -pu’ about structure/vessel: Qompu’ Duj the ship is hazardous/has been left in a hazardous condition (lit. the ship has experienced a tremor) [KGT pp.161--162]
def: KGT
ref: TDNW
tag: 1997
id: Bj8
tlh: Qop [.1]
pos: verb
en: be worn out
sv: vara utsliten
def: TKD K-E; KGT
tag: 1985
id: 78M
tlh: Qop [.2]
pos: verb
en: be dead (referring to food) [slang]
sv: vara död (om mat) [slang]
def: KGT
cite: The word Qop means be worn out and is usually applied to old weapons, tools, mechanical devices, and the like. It is also used to mean be dead, but only in reference to an animal that one was expecting to eat live. If a bowl of dead qagh (gagh, serpent worms) is placed before a Klingon, the disappointed diner will probably criticize the cook for preparing qagh Qop (dead gagh). The normal way to say be dead, referring to a person or animal, is by using the form Heghpu’ (has died): Heghpu’ SuvwI’ (The warrior has died). It is not appropriate to say SuvwI’ Qop (dead warrior, worn-out warrior.) [KGT p.162]
see: Hegh
tag: 1997; food
id: iGu
tlh: [1] Quch
pos: verb
en: be happy, be merry
sv: vara lycklig, vara glad
def: TKD; TKW p.206
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: hGe
tlh: [2] Quch
pos: noun
en: forehead
sv: panna
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part; KLCP1
id: kCK
tlh: [1] Qugh
pos: noun
en: disaster
sv: katastrof
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Yx9
tlh: [2] Qugh
pos: name
en: Kruge
sv: Kruge
def: TKD 5.6/p.58
ref: KGT p.41
tag: 1985; Klingonism
id: bHL
tlh: Quj [1]
pos: verb
en: play a game
sv: spela
def: TKD
cite: reH applies to unstructured play, whereas Quj refers to structured play (with rules). [2011-11-14a-Email]
see: reH play
tag: 1985
id: 2Ln
tlh: Quj [2]
pos: noun
en: game
sv: spel
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ca8
tlh: Qum [1]
pos: verb
en: communicate
sv: kommunicera
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: aTf
tlh: Qum [2]
pos: noun
en: communication
sv: kommunikation
def: BoP
tag: 1998
id: tgu
meta: Evidence *for* this word (as a noun): "Qum De’wI’ 'Communications Computer'", "Qum SeHlaw 'Communications Console'" and "Qum patmey 'Communications Systems'" [BoP]; Evidence *against* this word as a noun: "[The word 'Qum'] is found elsewhere only as a verb (Qum, 'communicate'), suggesting that there may have been a noun Qum ('communication') at some point in the past." [KGT p.159]
tlh: QuS [1]
pos: verb
en: conspire
sv: konspirera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: yfW
tlh: QuS [2]
pos: noun
en: conspiracy
sv: konspiration
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: yDD
tlh: [1] ram
pos: verb
en: be trivial, be trifling, be unimportant, be insignificant
sv: vara trivial, vara obetydlig, vara oviktig, vara insignifikant
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.143
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: UpG
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] ram
pos: noun
en: night
sv: natt
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.127
tag: 1985; KLCP1; time
id: Tmp
tlh: ramjep [.1]
pos: noun
en: midnight
sv: midnatt
def: TKD
tag: 1985; time
id: zYH
tlh: ramjep [.2]
pos: noun
en: ramjep, a type of bird
sv: ramjep, ett slags fågel
def: DI p.245 (2001-02-17-Email)
cite: ramjep bird Avian life-form indigenous to Qo’noS that only comes out in the dark. Name literally means "midnight." [DI p.245]
tag: 2001; animal
id: mBo
tlh: [1] raQ
pos: verb
en: manipulate by hand, handle
sv: hantera för hand, handha
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: B8U
tlh: [2] raQ
pos: noun
en: camp (military term)
sv: läger (militär term)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: KQb
tlh: rav [.1]
pos: noun
en: floor
sv: golv
def: TKD
tag: 1985; architecture; KLCP1
id: f9T
tlh: rav [.2]
pos: noun
en: minimum
sv: minimum
def: BoP
cite: Hung buv rav: patlh Hut Classified Level 9 and Above [BoP]
see: ’aqroS [.2]
tag: 1998; math
id: wYx
tlh: [1] reH
pos: adverbial
en: always
sv: alltid, ständigt
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.34, 49, 77, 79, 103, 123, 133, 141, 159, 170, 179, 200
see: Hochlogh
tag: 1985; time
id: Gut
tlh: [2] reH
pos: verb
en: play
sv: leka
def: TKD
cite: reH applies to unstructured play, whereas Quj refers to structured play (with rules). [2011-11-14a-Email]
see: Quj play a game
tag: 1985
id: YJ8
tlh: rIl [.1]
pos: verb
en: use the thumb (usually used to/about children)
sv: använda tummen (vanligtvis använt om/till barn)
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.7
com: Most commonly used in reference to a child using a thumb.
see: Sen
tag: 2001; body part
id: dLS
meta: Should rIl "use thumb" and "play" really be grouped together?
tlh: rIl [.2]
pos: verb
en: play (a horn instrument)
sv: spela (ett horn- eller lurinstrument)
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.9
com: This is a brass technique, not a flute technique. Most typically it is used with gheb as the object.
tag: 2001; music
id: BYh
meta: Should rIl "use thumb" and "play" really be grouped together?
tlh: roj [1]
pos: verb
en: make peace
sv: skapa fred
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 48N
tlh: roj [2]
pos: noun
en: peace
sv: fred
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: kqc
tlh: rop [1]
pos: verb
en: be sick, be ill
sv: vara sjuk, vara illamående
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: d9D
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: rop [2]
pos: noun
en: disease
sv: sjukdom
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 6xQ
tlh: [1] roS
pos: verb
en: lick
sv: slicka
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: i7h
meta: Should roS "lick" and "use third toe" be grouped together?
tlh: [2] roS
pos: verb
en: use the third toe [archaic]
sv: använda tredjetån [arkaiskt]
def: HolQeD-10-2 p.10
tag: 2001; body part
id: rj8
meta: Should roS "lick" and "use third toe" be grouped together?
tlh: [1] SaH
pos: verb
en: be present (not absent)
sv: vara närvarande
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ZVK
tlh: [2] SaH
pos: verb
en: care (about), be concerned (about)
sv: bry sig (om), vara bekymrad (över/om)
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.199
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 6yE
tlh: Sar [1]
pos: verb
en: be varied, be various
sv: vara omväxlande, vara varierande, vara skiftande
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: YLw
tlh: Sar [2]
pos: noun
en: variety
sv: variation
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: AAv
tlh: SaS [.1]
pos: verb
en: be horizontal
sv: vara horisontell
def: TKD
tag: 1985; placement
id: 9v1
tlh: SaS [.2]
pos: verb
en: be shallow, be superficial, be uncritical [slang]
sv: vara ytlig, vara okritisk [slang]
desc: referring to s.b.'s intellect
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: jc8
tlh: SaS [.3]
pos: verb
en: be unfortunate, be not good [slang]
sv: vara oturlig, vara icke-bra [slang]
def: KGT
see: Do’Ha’
tag: 1997
id: KAH
tlh: Seng [1]
pos: verb
en: cause trouble
sv: orsaka problem, vålla trubbel
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: EYj
tlh: Seng [2]
pos: noun
en: trouble
sv: bekymmer, trubbel
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.56
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: xub
tlh: [1] Sep
pos: verb
en: breed
sv: föda upp, odla
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 2kz
tlh: [2] Sep
pos: noun
en: region, country
sv: region, område, land
def: TKD; KGT p.16
tag: 1985
id: Kbs
tlh: [1] Sev
pos: verb
en: contain (an enemy)
sv: behärska, hålla, hindra (en fiende)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: uG7
tlh: [2] Sev
pos: noun
en: bandage
sv: bandage
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: T4F
tlh: SIj [.1]
pos: verb
en: slit, slash
sv: skära upp, skära av, sprätta upp
def: TKD; KGT p.164
ref: TKW p.127
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 85V
meta: Translation "slash" is from KGT p.164.
tlh: SIj [.2]
pos: verb
en: be insightful, be clever, have a keen mind [slang]
sv: vara insiktsfull, vara smart, vara klipsk, vara skarpsinnig [slang]
desc: bISIj you are insightful; (lit. you slash)
def: KGT
see: val be clever, smart; ’ong be cunning, sly
tag: 1997
id: htM
tlh: Soch [1]
pos: numeral
en: seven
sv: sju
def: TKD
tag: 1985; math
id: UmE
tlh: Soch [2]
pos: noun
en: seventh tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: sjunde tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: fbF
tlh: SoD [1]
pos: verb
en: flood
sv: översvämma, flöda över
def: TKD
tag: 1985; weather
id: yV7
tlh: SoD [2]
pos: noun
en: flood
sv: översvämmning, flod
def: TKD
tag: 1985; weather
id: smH
tlh: Soj [.1]
pos: noun
en: food, drink
sv: mat, dryck
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); TKDa
ref: HolQeD-12-3 p.9; KGT
cite: The term for food of any kind (including beverages) is Soj. [KGT p.83]
tag: 1990; food; KLCP1
id: phN
tlh: Soj [.2]
pos: noun
en: matter, concern, affair (idiomatic use)
sv: sak, fråga, angelägenhet (idiomatisk användning)
desc: tlhIngan Soj ’oH it's a Klingon affair (lit. it's Klingon food) [HolQeD-12-3 p.9]
def: HolQeD-12-3 p.9
ref: TDNW
cite: Maltz said, "tlhIngan Soj ’oH---not bIyaj," literally, It is Klingon food---you will not understand, using Soj food in its idiomatic sense of matter, concern, affair. [HolQeD-12-3 p.9]
tag: 2003
id: 16M
tlh: [1] SoQ
pos: verb
en: be closed, be shut
sv: vara stängd
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: x7Q
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] SoQ
pos: noun
en: speech, lecture, address
sv: tal, föreläsning
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: mbo
tlh: Sov [1]
pos: verb
en: know
sv: veta, kunna, känna till
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.25
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: phd
tlh: Sov [2]
pos: noun
en: knowledge
sv: vetskap, kunskap
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: 8NT
tlh: [1] Sub
pos: verb
en: be solid
sv: vara solid, vara massiv
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: kQu
tlh: [2] Sub [1]
pos: noun
en: hero
sv: hjälte
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: U7s
tlh: [2] Sub [2]
pos: verb
en: be brave, be heroic, be bold, be valiant, be intrepid [slang]
sv: vara modig, vara heroisk, vara djärv, vara dristig, vara tapper, vara oförskräckt [slang]
desc: Sub yaS the officer is brave; person is subj.
def: KGT
cite: Literally meaning be solid, as opposed to gaseous or liquid, Sub, in its slang usage, may be applied to a person. Thus, SuvwI’ Sub is brave warrior (literally, solid warrior; SuvwI’, warrior) and Sub SuvwI’ means The warrior is brave (literally, The warrior is solid). It is inappropriate to use the word to describe anything other than a person; a phrase such as may’ Sub (may’, battle) would mean only solid battle and would probably be considered a meaningless utterance. The slang meaning of Sub is probably influenced by the phonetically identical noun Sub, meaning hero. Nonslang equivalents for Sub are yoH (be brave) and jaq (be bold), which can be used pretty much interchangeably. [KGT pp.165--166]
tag: 1997
id: nNE
meta: Entries differ in source. KGT K-E entry is used here.
tlh: [1] SuD
pos: verb
en: be green, be blue, be yellow
sv: vara grön, vara blå, vara gul
def: TKD
ref: KGT p.82; 1998-02-21-News (HolQeD-08-1 p.8); TNK (2011-11-01-Email)
cite: SuDqu’ (very SuD) would probably be described as green in Federation Standard. [KGT p.82]
cite: SuD ’ej wov means (it) is SuD and light, a way to refer to a yellowish tinge; SuD ’ach wov (SuD but light) is also heard. [KGT p.82]
cite: SuD ’ej wov light blue [TNK]
cite: Doq ’ej SuD purple [TNK]
cite: SuD ’ej Hurgh dark blue [TNK]
com: SuD can indicate quite a range of colors, and this (apparently) also goes for some of the more complex expressions to refer to specific colors, e.g. SuD ’ej wov (or SuD ’ach wov) could refer to either a light blue or a yellowish tinge (different sources give different translations -- see below examples -- all which plausibly falls within the meaning of the Klingon word).
tag: 1985; color; KLCP1
id: 1tv
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] SuD
pos: verb
en: gamble, take a chance, take a risk
sv: sätta på spel, chansa, riskera
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: SKH
tlh: [1] Sup
pos: verb
en: jump
sv: hoppa
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: gnc
tlh: [2] Sup
pos: noun
en: resource
sv: resurs
def: TKD
see: jo is the plural form
tag: 1985
id: Yms
tlh: SuS [1]
pos: noun
en: wind, breeze
sv: vind, bris
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.107
tag: 1985; KLCP1; landscape; weather
id: KN9
tlh: SuS [2]
pos: verb
en: blow (into wind instrument) to produce sound
sv: blåsa (i blåsinstrument) för att producera ljud
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: 2NG
tlh: taD [1]
pos: verb
en: be frozen
sv: vara frusen
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1; weather
id: 8Um
tlh: taD [2]
pos: noun
en: taD (planet)
sv: taD (planet)
def: DI p.245 (2001-02-17-Email)
cite: taD An ice-covered colony planet. The word literally means "frozen." [DI p.245]
tag: 2001
id: Ey3
tlh: [1] tagh
pos: verb
en: begin a process, initiate proceedings
sv: inleda en process, börja, sätta igång, starta
def: TKDa
ref: TKW p.187
tag: 1992
id: aX7
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] tagh
pos: noun
en: lung
sv: lunga
def: TKDa
tag: 1992; body part
id: adK
tlh: [1] taH
pos: verb
en: continue, go on, endure, survive
sv: fortsätta, uthärda, överleva
def: TKDa; KGT
ref: TKW pp.11, 147
tag: 1992
id: uBE
tlh: [2] taH
pos: verb
en: be at a negative angle
sv: vara i negativ vinkel
def: TKD
com: According to Cheesbro (and MO) this is one of MO's little private jokes, unfortunately he refuses to explain the actual meaning or origin of this word, and only gives us his cryptic smile.
see: tajvaj
tag: 1985
id: XEP
tlh: [1] tam
pos: verb
en: be quiet
sv: vara tyst
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: CMR
tlh: [2] tam
pos: verb
en: exchange, substitute, replace
sv: ersätta, byta (ut)
def: TKD
ref: MKE (2012-03-02-Email)
see: lIw substitute, stand-in, temporary surrogate; qa’ replace; qa’meH; replacement
tag: 1985
id: fKW
tlh: [1] tay [1]
pos: verb
en: be civilized
sv: vara civiliserad
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: TdT
tlh: [1] tay [2]
pos: noun
en: ceremony, rite, ritual
sv: ceremoni, rit, ritual
def: TKDa
tag: 1992; religion
id: WxW
tlh: [2] tay
pos: noun
en: Klingon t sound
sv: klingonskans t-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: yoW
tlh: [1] ta’ [1]
pos: verb
en: accomplish
sv: uträtta, åstadkomma, genomföra
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.74
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: DCF
tlh: [1] ta’ [2]
pos: noun
en: accomplishment, deed
sv: resultat, utförande, dåd
def: TKD; KGT
ref: TKW p.15
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: HDp
tlh: [2] ta’
pos: noun
en: emperor
sv: kejsare
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 9rU
tlh: [1] tey’
pos: verb
en: confide
sv: anförtro
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: fVM
tlh: [2] tey’
pos: noun
en: cousin (father's brother's child or mother's sister's child), niece, nephew (a man's brother's child, or a woman's sister's child)
sv: kusin (fars brors barn eller mors systers barn), brorsbarn (en mans brors barn), systerbarn (en kvinnas systers barn)
def: HolQeD-09-3 p.8
tag: 2000; family
id: y3w
tlh: tIH [.1]
pos: noun
en: ray, beam
sv: stråle
def: TKD
ref: KGT pp.56, 65
cite: nISwI’ tIH disruptor beam [KGT p.56]
cite: luHwI’ tIH tractor beam [2010-12-13-Email]
tag: 1985
id: VzH
meta: Translation beam comes from KGT.
tlh: tIH [.2]
pos: noun
en: shaft (of spear)
sv: skaft (på spjut)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: FZQ
tlh: [1] tIq
pos: verb
en: be long, be lengthy (of an object)
sv: vara lång, vara långsträckt (om ett föremål)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; measure; shape
id: Bar
meta: The word "be" was inserted before the adjectival "lengthy".
tlh: [2] tIq
pos: noun
en: heart
sv: hjärta
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.23, 203
com: TKW: "[...] the heart stands for one's spirit or principles."
tag: 1985; body part
id: 2Gq
tlh: toD [1]
pos: verb
en: save, rescue
sv: rädda, undsätta
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: apG
tlh: toD [2]
pos: noun
en: rescue
sv: räddning, undsättning
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: u9K
tlh: tor [.1]
pos: verb
en: kneel
sv: knäböja, stå på knä
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.95
tag: 1985
id: vY9
tlh: tor [.2]
pos: verb
en: be pitching, be tilting (aircraft tilts nose up or down)
sv: vara tippande, vara vippande (flygmaskin rör nosen upp eller ner)
def: HolQeD-11-2 p.9
cite: And when the nose of the plane moves up or down, the plane is said to tor pitch. (the word tor also means kneel, which Maltz thought was apt, since if a four-legged animal is able to kneel with either its hind legs or its front legs, it is able to pitch or tilt up or down.) [HolQeD-11-2 p.9]
see: Der be yawing, ron be rolling, jIm be heaving, Dav be swaying, jer be surging
tag: 2002
id: oV2
meta: Translation given in HolQeD-11-2 is tor pitch, however that article seems to suggest that the word works similarly to ron be banking, be rolling, and is therefore translated as be pitching here. One would probably say tor Duj the vessel is pitching, and Duj tormoH ’orwI’ the pilot causes the vessel to pitch.
tlh: [1] tuH
pos: verb
en: be ashamed
sv: vara skamsen
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.ix, 24, 57, 136
tag: 1985
id: 5z8
tlh: [2] tuH
pos: noun
en: maneuver (military term)
sv: manöver (militär term)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Pp9
tlh: tuj [1]
pos: verb
en: be hot
sv: vara het
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.32, 174
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: sjk
tlh: tuj [2]
pos: noun
en: heat
sv: värme
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: ihp
tlh: tlhab [1]
pos: verb
en: be free, be independent
sv: vara fri, vara oberoende
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 3hB
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: tlhab [2]
pos: noun
en: freedom, independence
sv: frihet, oberoende
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: xv8
tlh: tlham [.1]
pos: noun
en: gravity
sv: gravitation
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: MtD
tlh: tlham [.2]
pos: noun
en: order, structure (societal) [slang]
sv: ordning, struktur (på samhälle) [slang]
def: KGT
cite: The word tlham, literally meaning gravity, is used to mean order or structure in the sense of an ordered or well-structured society. In the same way that gravity holds one to a planet (or, in the case of artificial gravity, to the floor of a space vessel), the structure of a society holds its members in, preventing them from going off in all directions. In other words, it ensures that a society function properly by keeping it from coming apart. The word is used in phrases such as tlham ghaj (have gravity---that is, have structure, order) or tlham Hutlh (lack gravity or lack structure, order). A very well ordered society may be said to have tlham’a’ (big gravity) or tlham HoS (strong gravity), while a society that is judged to be falling apart may have tlhamHom (little gravity) or tlham puj (weak gravity). [KGT p.166]
tag: 1997
id: xvY
tlh: [1] tlhay
pos: noun
en: sleeve
sv: ärm
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: 3RK
tlh: [2] tlhay
pos: noun
en: Klingon tlh sound
sv: klingonskans tlh-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: De5
tlh: tlhIl [1]
pos: verb
en: mine
sv: bryta, utvinna, gräva
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Leq
tlh: tlhIl [2]
pos: noun
en: mineral
sv: mineral
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 1yr
tlh: tlho’ [1]
pos: verb
en: thank
sv: tacka
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: qRi
tlh: tlho’ [2]
pos: noun
en: appreciation, gratitude
sv: uppskattning, tacksamhet
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: hCn
tlh: tlhuH [1.1]
pos: verb
en: breathe
sv: andas
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.193
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: jjW
tlh: tlhuH [1.2]
pos: verb
en: be exhilarated, be stimulated, be invigorated [slang]
sv: vara upprymd, vara stimulerad, vara upplivad [slang]
def: KGT
cite: Literally meaning "breathe," this word is used in such expressions as jItlhuH ("I am exhilarated, it's exhilarating to me"; literally, "I breathe"). Perhaps a near equivalent in standard Klingon is Sey ("be excited"). [KGT p.166]
see: Sey
tag: 1997
id: ksZ
tlh: tlhuH [2]
pos: noun
en: breath
sv: andedräkt, andhämtning, andetag
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: RAm
tlh: vagh [1]
pos: numeral
en: five
sv: fem
def: TKD
tag: 1985; math
id: PiR
tlh: vagh [2]
pos: noun
en: fifth tone of nonatonic musical scale
sv: femte tonen på den nonatoniska skalan
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: aAL
tlh: [1] vaj
pos: adverbial
en: so, then, thus, in that case
sv: så, därför, således, i så fall
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.151, 213
tag: 1985
id: 13S
tlh: [2] vaj
pos: noun
en: warrior (as a concept)
sv: krigare (som koncept)
def: TKDa
ref: TKW p.104
see: mang; SuvwI’
tag: 1992; fighting
id: zvU
tlh: van [1.1]
pos: verb
en: salute
sv: hälsa, salutera
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.83
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: EAA
tlh: van [1.2]
pos: verb
en: end (an event, e.g. a voyage, battle, song)
sv: avsluta (en händelse, t.ex. resa, strid, sång)
desc: may’ van SuvwI’ the warrior ends the battle; participants are subj.
def: HolQeD-12-2 p.8
ref: TDNW
cite: When an event over which one has some control ends (one can't cause a month to end), a different verb is used: van. This would apply to such things as voyages, battles, plays, operas, stories, and songs. Here, the event (the voyage, the song) doesn't end; the participant in the event or the perpetrator of the event ends it. For example: leng vanDI’ SuvwI’pu’ ’IQ chaH At the end of the voyage, the warriors are sad. bom vanDI’ SuvwI’pu’ tlhutlh chaH At the end of the song, the warriors drink.---Literally, these sentences mean When the warriors end the voyage, they are sad (leng voyage, -DI’ when, SuvwI’pu’ warriors, ’IQ be sad, chaH they) and When the warriors end the song, they drink (bom song, tlhutlh drink). [HolQeD-12-2 p.8]
cite: Maltz said he wasn't sure whether van end and van salute were really the same word, but he found it interesting that Klingons end things by saluting them. [HolQeD-12-2 p.8]
see: Dor (2), ghang
tag: 2003; time
id: 6cB
tlh: van [2]
pos: noun
en: salute, tribute
sv: hyllning, honnör, hälsning
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: 15x
tlh: [1] vay
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (midlevel ferocity)
sv: slåss, strida (mellanstor vildsinthet)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: 6Dq
tlh: [2] vay
pos: noun
en: Klingon v sound
sv: klingonskans v-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: Sc8
tlh: vergh [1]
pos: verb
en: dock, park
sv: docka, parkera
desc: driver is subj., vessel is obj. [2011-10-30-Email]
def: TKD
ref: TNK (2011-10-30-Email); MKE (2011-09-01-Email)
cite: nuqDaq puH Duj vIvergh? Where can I park the car? [TNK]
cite: vergh ’ach DIlnISbe’ free parking [MKE]
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: Q76
tlh: vergh [2]
pos: noun
en: dock
sv: docka (för skepp)
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: VcA
tlh: vIl [1]
pos: verb
en: be ridgy
sv: vara fårad, vara guppig
def: HolQeD-13-1 p.10
ref: TDNW
tag: 2004
id: gzz
tlh: vIl [2]
pos: noun
en: ridge, bump
sv: gupp, bula
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
cite: The noun vIl is hard to define. Maltz had given a description of something which was immediately recognized as a speed bump by everyone present, but it was apparently intended not as an actual definition but as an example of something which is "just there". There is obviously an etymological relationship with and vIlle’, which is currently the best clue we have to its true meaning. (Groupie and entourage were suggested by those present at the time, but Marc didn't think they fit.) [2009-07-27-Email]
tag: 2009
id: 4SF
tlh: vIt [1]
pos: verb
en: tell the truth
sv: säga sanningen
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: fdx
tlh: vIt [2]
pos: noun
en: truth
sv: sanning
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: tWK
tlh: [1] vI’
pos: verb
en: accumulate
sv: ackumulera, samlas, lagra upp
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: Zyb
tlh: [2] vI’
pos: noun
en: sharpshooting, marksmanship
sv: skjutfärdighet, träffsäkerhet
def: TKDa
ref: TKW p.104
tag: 1992; fighting
id: SHy
tlh: [3] vI’
pos: noun
en: decimal point
sv: decimalpunkt
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Zs4
tlh: waH [.1]
pos: verb
en: try out, test, use experimentally
sv: pröva, testa, använda på försök
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: SUS
tlh: waH [.2]
pos: verb
en: taste, try out (food)
sv: smaka, prova (mat)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; food
id: ugi
tlh: [1] waQ
pos: verb
en: obstruct
sv: hindra, vara i vägen för
def: TKD
see: bot
tag: 1985
id: UKD
meta: FIXME -- Concrete/passive meaning? (Such as a stone or other unmovable object blocking the road, or line of sight etc.) See also bot which perhaps is the same thing in a more abstract/active way?
tlh: [2] waQ
pos: noun
en: months from now
sv: om ... månader
desc: see ben
def: HolQeD-08-3 p.3
tag: 1999; time
id: 7fh
tlh: [1] wej
pos: adverbial
en: not yet
sv: inte än
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.88
cite: When used alone, as an exclamation, may be translated as Don't do it yet!. [TKD 5.4/p.57]
tag: 1985
id: uKv
tlh: [2] wej
pos: numeral
en: three
sv: tre
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.155
tag: 1985; math
id: fj1
tlh: wem [1]
pos: verb
en: violate
sv: kränka, bryta emot, överträda, störa, skända
def: TKD K-E
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ivk
tlh: wem [2]
pos: noun
en: violation
sv: kränkning, brott, överträdelse, skändning
def: TKD K-E
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: rvf
tlh: wep [.1]
pos: noun
en: jacket, coat
sv: jacka, rock
def: TKD
tag: 1985; clothing; KLCP1
id: 1jd
tlh: wep [.2]
pos: noun
en: shirt with sleeves [regional]
sv: skjorta med ärmar [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; clothing
id: 5UZ
tlh: wIv [1]
pos: verb
en: choose, select
sv: välja
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.19, 151
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ex1
tlh: wIv [2]
pos: noun
en: choice
sv: val, alternativ
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: dKX
tlh: [1] woj
pos: verb
en: sterilize
sv: sterilisera
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); KGT
com: MO seem to have canonified an error occuring on KLI's list of new words, originally caused by a slip of the eye while reading/ transcribing the veS QonoS list in HolQeD-01-3 p.9. Zrajm: When I was at the qep’a’ 2000, Will Martin told me that this error was *his* fault, since he was the one who read the veS QonoS list wrong when writing his dictionary. He gave a copy of this dictionary to MO, who as a kind of a joke incorporated the error into the language.
see: Say’qu’moH is a synonym
tag: 1990
id: 2Az
tlh: [2] woj
pos: noun
en: radiation
sv: strålning
def: veS-QonoS (HolQeD-01-3 p.9); TKDa
tag: 1990
id: XhS
tlh: yach [.1]
pos: verb
en: pet, stroke
sv: klappa
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: rYX
tlh: yach [.2]
pos: verb
en: strum (a stringed instrument)
sv: knäppa på, slå på (ett stränginstrument)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; music
id: SYt
tlh: [1] yaD
pos: noun
en: toe
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part
id: XcX
tlh: [2] yaD
pos: noun
en: sword [slang]
sv: svärd [slang]
def: KGT
com: Slang based on Krotmag dialect pronunciation.
tag: 1997
id: zm8
tlh: [1] yaH
pos: verb
en: be taken away
sv: vara borttagen
def: TKDa
tag: 1992
id: a6G
tlh: [2] yaH
pos: noun
en: duty station, station
sv: tjänsteplats, post, postering
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: yLo
tlh: yan [1]
pos: verb
en: wield, use, manipulate (a sword)
sv: svinga, använda, hantera (ett svärd)
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Ptb
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: yan [2]
pos: noun
en: sword
sv: svärd
def: KGT
tag: 1997
id: Zmp
tlh: [1] yay
pos: noun
en: victory, triumph
sv: seger, triumf
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.125, 135, 179, 211
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: ev6
tlh: [2] yay
pos: noun
en: Klingon y sound
sv: klingonskans y-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: Qr3
tlh: yIn [1]
pos: verb
en: live
sv: leva
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.125, 141
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: feQ
tlh: yIn [2]
pos: noun
en: life
sv: liv
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.43, 53, 95
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 7qv
tlh: [1] yIntagh
pos: noun
en: life-support system
sv: livsuppehållande system
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: h8e
tlh: [2] yIntagh
pos: exclamation
en: (epithet)
sv: (epitet)
def: TKDa 5.5/p.178
tag: 1992; curse
id: aCP
tlh: yIv [.1]
pos: verb
en: chew
sv: tugga
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: QUa
tlh: yIv [.2]
pos: verb
en: annoy, bother, irk, irritate [slang]
sv: förarga, besvära, reta, irritera [slang]
desc: muyIv yaS the officer irks me; person/creature is subj.
def: KGT
cite: This verb literally means "chew." In its slang sense, it is found in such constructions as choyIv ("You bother me"---literally, "You chew me"; cho-, "You [do something to] me") or muyIv romuluS Ha’DIbaH ("The Romulan dog irks me"; literally, "The Romulan animal chews me," where "Romulan animal" is a derogatory way to refer to a Romulan; mu-, "He/she [does something to] me"; romuluS, "Romulus"; Ha’DIbaH, "animal"). The subject of yIv can be only a person or creature, not an inanimate object or a situation. Thus, it is inappropriate to say something like muyIv ’Iw HIq bIr ("cold bloodwine chews me"; ’Iw HIq, "bloodwine"; bIr, "be cold"). Standard ways to express the same idea are nuQ ("annoy, bother") and berghmoH ("irritate"). [KGT p.164]
tag: 1997
id: 5JM
tlh: yIvbeH [.1]
pos: noun
en: tunic, shirt
sv: tunika, tröja
def: TKD
ref: TNK (2011-11-02-Email)
tag: 1985; clothing
id: zqn
tlh: yIvbeH [.2]
pos: noun
en: sleeveless shirt [regional]
sv: ärmlös skjorta [regionalt]
def: KGT
tag: 1997; clothing
id: QFi
tlh: yoD [1]
pos: verb
en: shield
sv: skydda (med sköld)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: EKW
tlh: yoD [2]
pos: noun
en: shield
sv: sköld
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: XJ6
tlh: yot [1]
pos: verb
en: invade
sv: invadera
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: PBA
tlh: yot [2]
pos: noun
en: invasion
sv: invasion
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: j3w
tlh: [1] ’aD
pos: verb
en: have a length of, measure
sv: ha en längd av, mäta
desc: opposite of juch
def: 1997-10-22-News; KGT
cite: There are two words used for length: ’aD and ’ab. Both of these can be translated "have a length of," but they are used somewhat differently. ’aD is used in contrast with juch "have a width of" in measuring, say, a tabletop. ’ab, on the other hand, is used for (potentially) longish, skinnyish things (for example, spears) and also for heights. [1997-10-22-News]
tag: 1997; measure
id: EpA
tlh: [2] ’aD
pos: noun
en: vein
sv: ven, blodåder
def: TKD
tag: 1985; body part
id: JS1
tlh: ’aqroS [.1]
pos: noun
en: top (inside or downturned surface)
sv: överdel (under- eller insidan av överdelen)
def: HolQeD-08-3 p.2
see: yor
tag: 1999; placement
id: iu7
tlh: ’aqroS [.2]
pos: noun
en: maximum
sv: maximum
def: BoP
cite: jabbI’ID pup: Qapchu’meH ’aqroS chuq: cha’ vI’ chorgh loghqammey High Resolution -- Maximum Effective Range -- 3.5 Light Years [BoP]
cite: ’aqroS qughDo: pIvlob Hut vI’ vagh Maximum Cruising Speed -- Warp 9.5 [BoP]
see: rav [.2]
tag: 1998; math
id: Tbm
tlh: [1] ’em
pos: verb
en: vomit
sv: kräkas, spy
def: HolQeD-12-4 p.8
ref: TDNW
see: quy’Ip (name for the matter vomited)
tag: 2003
id: JgM
tlh: [2] ’em
pos: noun
en: behind, area behind
sv: bakom, område bakom
def: KGT
tag: 1997; placement
id: Hoc
tlh: [1] ’et
pos: noun
en: fore
sv: för (ej akter)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 4oP
tlh: [2] ’et
pos: noun
en: Klingon e sound
sv: klingonskans e-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: kFi
tlh: ’Ip [1]
pos: verb
en: vow, swear
sv: svära, gå ed på
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: XdM
tlh: ’Ip [2]
pos: noun
en: oath
sv: ed, löfte
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: maF
tlh: [1] ’It
pos: verb
en: be depressed
sv: vara deprimerad
def: TKD
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: 9pV
tlh: [2] ’It
pos: noun
en: Klingon I sound
sv: klingonskans I-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: 5DL
tlh: [1] ’Iv
pos: question word
en: who?
sv: vem?
desc: ’Iv SoH or SoH ’Iv who are you? [CK]; acts as pronoun
def: TKD
cite: yaS legh ’Iv Who sees the officer? [TKD 6.4/p.69]
cite: ’Iv legh yaS Whom does the officer see? [TKD 6.4/p.69]
cite: Both ’Iv and nuq are treated as nouns as far as the pronominal prefixes are concerned. That is, they are considered third person. [TKD 6.4/p.69]
cite: SoH ’Iv? Who are you? [CK]
see: nuq
tag: 1985
id: JbX
meta: ’Iv works as a pronoun (i.e. it can act as either a noun or a verb meaning who is …?) -- this means it probably can't be used in noun-noun constructions. A phrase like Human ’Iv DaSov? would ungrammatical, as ’Iv would be interpreted as a verb, making the first part of the phrase mean who is the human? (not which human?). The whole phrase is better rephrased as Human DaSovbogh yIngu’!
tlh: [2] ’Iv
pos: noun
en: altitude
sv: altitud, höjd (avstånd ned)
def: TKD
tag: 1985
id: 7ae
tlh: ’oy’ [1]
pos: verb
en: ache, hurt, be sore
sv: smärta, värka, vara öm
def: TKD
ref: TKW pp.46, 175
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: Qih
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: ’oy’ [2]
pos: noun
en: ache, pain, sore, hurt
sv: smärta, värk, plåga
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.43
tag: 1985
id: SKb
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [1] ’ut
pos: verb
en: be essential, be necessary
sv: vara väsentlig, vara nödvändig
def: TKD
ref: TKW p.45
tag: 1985; KLCP1
id: SqE
meta: Entries differ and have been combined here.
tlh: [2] ’ut
pos: noun
en: Klingon u sound
sv: klingonskans u-ljud
def: 2009-qep'a' (2009-07-27-Email)
tag: 2009
id: dLt